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LiFePo4 12V Akku

For the last 10 years in the EU auto industry, when we hear “optimization” we turn a deaf ear because for us (ie you) it means “a new more expensive problem”. Just as they “optimized” the euro3 engine to the euro7 engine at your expense (dpf egr scr addblue nox), we have come to the point that nothing can be repaired (only replaced) and that each part costs at least €2000. Or as they would understand us here: with the new “optimization” new “savers” arrive. The 12V battery that is used in the wider VAG and Mercedes group (PSA also?) is based on LiFePo4 cells of the manufacturer A123 with MM9Z1J battery controller, closed with the “anti-Balkan” method, with all safety systems: contactor, current sensor via shunt, cell balancing, LIN and Canbus communication, etc., etc. However, this is again a saving of 1 kilo, which costs €1400, because it goes away very often, it does not even last a year. Recalls work totally useless because the revisions they did didn’t solve the problem. The battery is discharged due to a vehicle system error and goes into a complete BMS lock without any backdoor access system for replenishing the cells and reactivating the BMS of the battery (as well as Robbery Motives). You must take your “optimized savings” to an authorized service center so that they can re-install the same programmed fault until the next “savings”. BMW uses the same type of battery from the Japanese manufacturer and there is no “irreparable” error of this type. And if you have this A123 battery, see you

We managed to barely read the software (Pflash 128kb and ee 4kb), now we are in the final phase to locate the error flag and prepare the battery until the next visit.


Zadnjih 10 godina u EU auto industriji kad čujemo “optimizacija” pretvorimo se u uho jer to za nas (tj vas) znači “novi skuplji problem”. Kao što su euro3 motor “optimizirali” do euro7 motora na vaš trošak (dpf egr scr addblue nox), došli smo do toga da se ništa nemože popraviti (samo mjenjati) i da svaki dio košta min 2000€. Ili kako bi nas ovdje razumjeli: kod nove “optimizacije” stižu nove “štediše”. 12V Akumulator koji se koristi u široj VAG i Mercedes grupaciji (PSA takodjer ?) je baziran na LiFePo4 ćelijama proizvodjača A123 sa MM9Z1J battery controller, zatvoren “antibalkan” metodom, sa svim safety sustavima: kontaktor, current sensor preko šenta, cell balansing, LIN i Canbus komunikacija itd itd. Medjutim ni manje ni više ovo je ponovno ušteda od 1 kile koja košta 1400€ jer odlazi vrlo često, ne izdrži ni godinu. Opozive rade totalno beskorisno jer revizije koje su radili nisu riješile problem. Baterija se isprazni greškom sustava vozila i ode u potpuni BMS lock bez ikakvog backdoor access sustava za dopunu ćelija i reaktivaciju BMSa akumulatora (kao i Pljačkamotive). Morate svoju “optimiziranu uštedu” odnijeti u ovlašteni servis da vam ponovno stave isti programirani kvar do sledeće “uštede”. BMW koristi isti tip akumulatora Japanskog proizvodjaca i ovakvog tipa “nepopravljive” greške nema. A ako imate ovaj A123 akumulator, vidimo se

Software smo uspjeli jedva pročitati (Pflash 128kb i ee 4kb) sad smo u finalnoj fazi da lociramo error flag i osposobimo akumulator do sledeće posjete.

Vehicles: Seat VW Audi Škoda Porsche (Panamera, Cayenne, Taycan) , Rimac Nevera itd.

Errors: P1B0200

Processor: MM9Z1

















Price of new: cca 1300€ – 3500€

EVC Repair : 450€ -1500€

If you want to learn hot to repair those 12V Starter bateries you can buy Operation Manual:

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Suzuki “Start stop hybrid” – How the people became propaganda suckers

There is no end to the nonsense of the self-destructive “greenwash” of the auto industry, nonsense like “clean diesel”, addblue, dpf, scr, euro 5/6/7, self-charging hybrid fraud, etc… now the word “hybrid” has taken over the peak and we are waiting for some “current filter” like Regular service. The word “hybrid”, which is more expensive than the entire battery on pure EV, is a word for placebo savings and higher service costs than the LaFerrari V12, because they believed that the road to electrification was paved with a hybrid solutions through the imposed fear of EVs. However, it is a media charlatan’s fraud, because there is only a path from Gasoline to pure Electricity, there is nothing in between. Every day we have at least 10 calls for hybrids (and a couple of diesel scraps), and every month there are 30 on hold. Even now, while I’m writing, owner from Switzerland is calling that the €32,000 hybrid battery is dead, and one taxi driver from the Croatia is waiting for a tow truck with a Mercedes. Hybrid is an expensive deception to remain slave to even higher maintenance costs, in the belief that you are saving while carrying the obligation of eco norms on your shoulders and you pay for it, not the manufacturer. We received a Suzuki Swift or Ignis 12V Li-ion Start Stop Hybrid (abundant eco word) 9Ah battery for repair, which costs €2,700 (KN 20,000). It is used to reduce CO2 at traffic lights, to turn off the fart engine and to start it with generator on green light. Otherwise, it always starts on the starter. The battery is measured by characteristics and it is LTO, 2.7V max voltage level and 5 prismatic cells in a series that is monitored and controlled by the Denso Renesas system, which apparently, in addition to the top cells, they didn’t know how to make it to last over 15,000km on this car and a couple of other vehicles. The system has a random Hw defect that seems to randomly trigger cell discharge and battery deactivation. This means that this Kamasutra fuel saving costs 0.13€ per kilometer in the “dirty dancing” pose, i.e. in order for this hybrid to save fuel for battery defect cost, the vehicle must produce at least 8 liters every 100 km, in addition to the consumption of 12 liters, so that the owner is at least zero with 12l regular consumption in case without battery. While for €2,700 you can buy 1/4 of an 85,000 Wh (not 120) battery for an EV, or with €2,700 you can drive with electricity in Croatia for about 80,000 km of the domestic tariff, or 20,000 km on a fast charger and 0 liters of distilled dinosaurs consumed. Do not live in delusion, “savings” is neither diesel nor hybrid, and the path to electrification is not Hybrid. Either clean gasoline or clean electricity is solution. Everything else is armageddon for owners, service centers and mechanics.

Part number: 96510-73S00, 210500-0250, 73S0 JA, 628 0604A 2987, 210515-0010, 73S00464

Processor: RH850 R7F7010293, SF901 03D2430

Errors: P1B90-00, P1BA3-00, P1BBO-00, P1BB3-00

Suzuki service: 2700€

EVC price*

*hybrid is good: 5000€

*hybrid is scrap: 100-1000€

Suzuki “Start stop hybrid” – Kako je narod POSISAO VESLO

Glupostima samouništavajuće “greenwash” autoindustrije nema kraja, glupostima poput “cistog dizela”, addblue, dpf, scr, euro 5/6/7, samopunjivi hybrid prevara itd… sad je vrhunac preuzela rijec “hybrid”i iščekujemo neki “filter struje” kao redovni servis. Riječ “hybrid” koja je skuplja od cijele baterije na čistom strujiću, riječ za placebo uštedu i veće troškove od LaFerrari V12 jer su nametnutim strahom od EV povjerali da je put elektrifikacije popločan hybridnim riješenjem. Medjutim to je medijska šarlatanska prevara, jer postoji samo put od Benzina do ciste Struje, nema nista izmedju. Svaki dan imamo bar 10 poziva za hybride (i par dizel škartova), i svaki mjesec je 30 na čekanju. Čak sad dok pišem zove zemo iz Švicarske da je crkla baterija hybrida od 32000€ a taksista iz rijeke čeka šlepu sa Mercedesom. Hybrid je skupa obmana da ostanete robovi još većih troskova odrzavanja, u uvjerenju da štedite dok obvezu eko norme nosite na svojim ramenima i vi je placate a ne proizvodjac. Nama na reparaciju je stigao Suzuki Swift ili Ignis 12V Li-ion Start Stop Hybrid (obilje eko riječ) akumulator od 9Ah koji košta majko mila “siso veslo” 2700€ (20000kn). Služi da na semaforu smanji CO2 tj ugasi prdilicu i kad krene da zavergla ne na starter vec alternator. A inace pali uvjek na starter. Baterija je po mjerenju LTO, 2.7V max naponski nivo i 5 prizmatičnih ćelija je u seriji koje pazi i kontrolira Denso Renesas sustav koji naizgled pored top ćelija nisu znali napraviti da izdrži preko 15000km na ovom i jos par drugih vozila. Sustav ima random Hw defekt koji izgleda slucajno aktivira praznjenje ćelija i deaktivaciju baterije. To znači da ova kamasutra ušteda na gorivu košta 1kn po kilometru u “dirty dancing” pozi, tj da bi ovaj hybrid uštedio za bateriju vozilo mora svakih 100 km pored potrosnje od 12litara proizvesti na neku aladinovu pipu bar 8 litara tako da je vlasnik bar na nuli sa 12l redovnih bez baterije. Dok za 2700€ sa EV kupite 1/4 85000 Wh (ne 120) baterije za EV, ili sa 2700€ možete preći na struju u HR oko 80000km kucne tarife, ili 20000km na brzom punjacu i 0 litara destiliranih dinosaura.

Ne živite u zabludi, usteda nije ni dizel ni hybrid, a put do elektrifikacije nije Hybrid. Ili cisti benzin ili cista struja. Sve ostalo je armagedon i za vlasnike, servise i mehaničare.

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незнайомець у біді – Chevrolet Bolt

We see this “thing” for the first time, and we are repairing it for the first time. USA import without any support in Europe because GM/Chevrolet has completely withdrawn so there is no one to help but us. The call comes through an agency to see if we can help and arrange delivery through the HAK tow service. The battery, in addition to having a recall for defective cells, also has a phantom problem of “cell undervoltage” on all cells, and the voltage is correct but the vehicle does not start or drive. After a three-day analysis of data, errors and service bulletins, something is definitely not right with the HPCM2 or BMS module. According to recalls, HPCM2 has 2-3 serial errors hw and sw. In addition to the recalled cells, the battery also has a serial defect on the BMS hardware. One of the most difficult tasks to solve so far, the search starts from locating the HPCM2 (no moisture) then preparing and disassembling the battery system. The cover is made of plastic material with screws. At first there is no penetration of moisture or water. The contactors have not been arched or welded, the fuse is correct. The antifreeze did not penetrate anywhere. Dead end. Returning to the “school desk” and scrolling through the documentation, we find that there is a “shadow” error that permanently deactivates the battery in case of excessive deviation of critical parameters. We manage to find the command to delete the OTP error and the vehicle works again. The cause of the deactivation is unknown, but there are indications that the HPCM errors are false positives because the firmware is scrap and activates the battery safety mechanism by mistake. Some people in the USA have had their batteries changed 4-5 times unnecessarily and they were not the cause of the failure. GM engineers are like these Mercedes engineers when they screw up therapy. For 4 years, they changed the batteries for the owners because they did not know that if you press both the brake and the accelerator pedal at the same time, the battery is deactivated. The battery is 57kWh, manufactured by LG. New BMS ordered and we are looking for HPCM, it is nowhere to be bought. We repaired the vehicle for FREE because the costs are financed by the Hybrids with their placebo savings.

Po prvi put vidimo i ovo čudo, po prvi put ga i radimo. USA import bez ikakvog supporta u Europi jer je se GM/Chevrolet u potpunosti povukao tako da nema tko pomoći osim nas. Poziv stiže preko neke agencije da li možemo pomoći i dogovorimo dostavu preko HAK šlep službe. Baterija osim što ima opoziv na defektne ćelije takodjer ima i fantomski problem “cell undervoltage” na svim ćelijama a napon je ispravan, vozilo ne pali ni ne vozi. Nakon trodnevne analize podataka, grešaka i service bulletin-a nesto definitivno ne štima sa HPCM2 ili BMS modulom. HPCM2 po opozivima ima 2-3 serijeske greske hw i sw. Baterija osim opozvanih ćelija ima i serijsku gresku na hardware BMS-a. Jedan od najtežih zadataka do sada za riješiti, potraga kreće od lociranja HPCM2 (nema vlage) zatim pripreme i demontaže baterijskog sustava. Poklopac je od plastičnih materijala na vijke. Na prvu nema prodora vlage ili vode. Kontaktori nisu navarili ni zavarili, osigurac ispravan. Antifriz nije nigdje probio. Slijepa ulica. Ponovno u “školsku klupu” i listanjem dokumentacije nadjemo da postoji “shadow” greška koja trajno deaktivira bateriju u slučaju prevelikog odstupnja kritičnih parametara. Uspijemo naći komandu za brisanje OTP greške i vozilo ponovno proradi. Uzrok deaktivacije je nepoznat ali postoje indikacije da su HPCM greške false positive jer je firmware škart i aktivira sigurnosni mehanizam baterije greskom. Nekima su u USA uzastopno mjenjali baterije 4-5 puta nepotrebno a nisu bile uzrok kvara. GM inženjeri su kao ovi Mercedes inzenjeri kad fulaju terapiju. Oni su 4 godine mjenjali baterije vlasnicima jer nisu znali da ako pritisnes i kocnicu i pedalu akceleracije u isto vrijeme, umjesto screenshota, baterija se deaktivira. Baterija ima 57kWh, proizveo LG. Novi BMS naručen i HPCM trazimo, nema ga nigdje za kupiti. Vozilo smo osposobili besplatno jer troskove financiraju Hybridaši sa svojim placebo uštedama.

Errors: Hybrid/EV Battery Circuit Low Voltage, P0B6A, P0B6F, P0B74, P0B79, P0B7E, P0B83, P0B88, P0B8D, P0B92, P0B97, P0B3D, P0B9C, P0BA1, P0AFA, P0BBD, P1E00-00, U156D-00, P07B5, U18AC, U2603, U2604, U2605, U2606, U2617, U2618, U156D,

Part numbers: 24283992, 24286015, 24289828, 24285164, 23229363, 24284192, 24285321,

24284379, 24284728.

Chevrolet price: infinity

EVC price: for comrade 0€ (Hybrid sponsored)

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Renault Twizy – Buzzer with style

A small city EV conqueror came with a charge error and 5% SOC. The owner tried to replace the Onboard charger (new), but it still does not charge. After a little deeper analysis and advice from colleagues from France, the suspicion shifted to a possible defect in the battery. We open this 52V battery pack for the first time and immediately after lifting the lid it was clear that something was “cooked”. One would suspect that a clogged DPF or plastic EGR of the B47 engine was the main culprit, but miraculously it was not, for the first time. Unfortunately for diesel fans, the battery cell did not catch fire nor was it the cause of the defect, but some factory worker apparently forgot to tighten the nut on the fuse to the prescribed 9Nm, so it overheated and melted like when the DPF clogged on a Mercedes. A new cable with pressed copper lugs was made, a new fuse and everything tightened. Twizy has driven with this defect before because the battery has a separate input for charge and another for discharge (motor). After installation, everything worked immediately and the “Undervoltage” errors disappeared. Battery system is LG Chem with 14S 3S Pouch configuration. Cells LGX 6.1kWh. Very very similar and maybe the same as in one type of hybrid. One of our future projects that seems extremely simple is to expand the battery and increase the range using Tesla’s 18650 and 2170 cells. We missed one in the ad this summer, but we are getting one soon.

Twizy is definitely recommended (it can be driven by 16 years old) and is easily repairable.


Mali gradski osvajač došao sa greškom punjenja i 5% SOC-a. Vlasnik probao zamjenuti Onboard charger (nov) ali opet ne puni. Nakon malo dublje analize i savjeta kolega iz Francuske sumnja je se preselila na mogući defekt u bateriji. Prvi put otvaramo ovaj 52V battery pack i odmah nakon dizanja poklopca jasno je bilo da se nešto “kuhalo”. Čovjek bi posumnjao da je bio začepljen DPF ili plastični EGR B47 motora glavni krivac ali za čudo nije, po prvi put. Baterijska ćelija se na žalost dizel fanova nije zapalila niti je bila uzrok defekta vec je neki gastarbajter izgleda zaboravio stegnuti maticu na osiguraču na propisanih 9Nm, pa se pregrijao i istopio kao kad se DPF začepio na Mercedesu. Napravljen je novi kabel sa naprešanim bakarnim šlapama, novi osigurač i sve stegnuto. Twizy je i prije vozio sa ovim defektom jer baterija ima odvojeni ulaz za charge i drugi za discharge (motor). Nakon montaže sve je odmah proradilo i greške “Undervoltage” su nestale. Baterijski sustav je LG Chem sa 14S 3S konfiguracijom Pouch. Cells LGX 6.1kWh. Vrlo vrlo slične a mozda i iste kao u jednoj vrsti hybrida. Jedan od naših budućih projekata koji se cine izuzetno jednostavni da se baterija proširi i domet poveća sa korištenjem teslinih 18650 i 2170 celija. Jedan nam je promakao u oglasimo ljetos, ali uskoro nabavljamo jednog.

Error : DF137 , DF174 , DF176

Part number: 296050463R, 296055206R, 634A44115, GER-40RN, 296156226R, 295B93949R, 293A01412R

Processor: MPC5516E

Price Renault: 4900€

EVC: 800€

Twizy je definitivno preporuka (moze ga se voziti sa 16god) i lako je popravljiv. 👌👍

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Continental Air compressor refurbish

Aircompressor repair – Sustainability and circular economy are our primary obsession, while for legacy manufacturers are just a dead letters on paper. One conclusion of our four years of “soldering and repairing” EVs and 14 years of repairing and soldering “fossil cars” is that there is a noticeable difference in the level of maintenance and financial ease of EV owners. First, there are far fewer parts and far fewer consumable parts on the EV, and in addition, owners have more freedom and time to take care of their “metal pets” in detail. A repairable battery and a repairable electric motor are not enough for us, we take the time to deal with other details to further reduce ownership costs. Here, we disassembled the Mercedes airmatic continental system compressor (yes, Tesla uses Mercedes system) after 9 years of use and we dealt with the procurement of parts to restore it. The plastic pressure piston in the compressor broke, which cannot be ordered separately from Tesla or Continental, of course it is available in the China. The compressor was cleaned, defective parts were replaced and part was made ready for further use on the vehicle.

Aircompressor repair – Održivost i kružna ekonomija, nama je primarna opsesija a legacy proizvodjačima samo slovo na papiru. Jedan zaključak četverogodišnjeg “lemljenja i šarafanja” EV i 14 godina šarafanja i lemljenja “fosilaša” je taj da se primjeti osjetna razlika u nivou održavanja i financijskoj ležernosti EV vlasnika. Prvo daleko manji broj dijelova i daleko manji broj potrošnih dijelova je na EV i uz to dotano vlasnici imaju više slobode i vremena detaljnije paziti na svoje limene ljubimce do krajnih detalja. Nama nije dovoljna popravljiva baterija i popravljiv elektromotor, damo si vremena pozabaviti se drugim detaljima da još smanjimo troškove vlasništva. Ovdje smo kompresor Mercedes airmatic continental sistem (da, Tesla koristi od Merđe) rasklopili nakon 9 godina korištenja i pozabavili se nabavom dijelova da ga restauriramo. Došlo je do pucanja plastičnog tlačnog klipa u kompresoru kojeg nema posebno naručiti ni u Tesli ni u Continentalu, naravno ima u kini. Kompresor očistili, neispravne dijelove zamjenuli i dio osposobili za daljnje koristenje na vozilu. 

Partnumber: Continental 6006403
Vehicle: Tesla Model S 2013 – 2016
Tesla OEM: 910 EURO
Aftermarket: 500 EURO
EVC: 150 EURO Refurbish

You can order your KIT for DIY repair:

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Tesla P85+ 2014 – Drive unit repair

Napokon i prvi elektromotor sa nekim kvarom. Legenda kaze da na 100000 defektnih N47 lanaca i milijon probušenih DPF-ova crkne jedan elektromotor. Ovdje je Sport Large Drive Unit od 310kW snage za vrijeme jakih kiša prethodnih dana na HV kabelu kraj brtve propustio vlagu u kućište invertera i došlo je do proboja izolacije i permanentne deaktivacije BMS sustava (repeated Isolation fault). Zadnji pogon se skida kompletno sa zadnjim Subframe. Odpuste se amortizeri i čeljusti, zatim 4 vijka i 2 crijeva od antifriza i sve je dolje u roku sat vremena. Motor je tezak nekih 150 kila i potreban je kran za vadjenje. Nakon otvaranja kućišta invertera bili su vidljivi tragovi vlage i proboja izolacije. Na motoru je bilo 1mOhm ISO a minimalno smije biti 5MOhm. Iako nije velika razlika bilo je vidljivo zaštitnom sustavu u BMS. Proboj izolacije znaci da 400V dira šasiju. Takodjer za napomenuti da je ovo vrlo često “ispiran” demant protiv ovog motora kako se “cesto u garanciji mijenjaju”. Tesla ima userfriendly praksu da bez obzira na bilo koji lako otklonjiv kvar, vlasniku montira reparirani refurbish motor a stari vraca u Itlburg na refurbish (da smanji cekanje). Neke preventivne operacije su se mogle implementirati da ovoj motor bez problema prelazi i 1mil kilometara.

Greške: BMS_w158 , BMS_w035 , BMS_w142 , BMS_f071

Kilometraza: 150000km

Kataloški: 1056681-00-P

Tesla nov: 3900€ + PDV (cijeli motor bez n47 lanca)

EVC: 600-2000€

EVC: (dizel je super) 6000€


Finally, the first electric motor with some malfunction. Legend has it that for every 100,000 defective N47 chains and a million punctured DPFs, one electric motor fails. Here, the Sport Large Drive Unit of 310 kW power, during the heavy rains of the previous days, on the HV cable near the seal, leaked moisture into the inverter housing and there was a breakdown of the insulation and permanent deactivation of the BMS system (repeated Isolation fault). The rear drive is removed completely with the rear Subframe. The shock absorbers and calipers are released, then 4 bolts and 2 antifreeze hoses and everything is down within an hour. The engine weighs about 150 kilos and requires a crane to remove it. After opening the inverter housing, traces of moisture and insulation breakdown were visible. There was 1mOhm ISO on the motor, and the minimum must be 5MOhm. Although not a big difference, it was visible to the protection system in the BMS. Insulation breakdown means that 400V touches the chassis. It should also be noted that this is a very often “washed out” claim against this engine that “they are often changed under warranty”. Tesla has a user-friendly practice that, regardless of any easily rectifiable malfunction, it installs a repaired refurbished engine for the owner and returns the old one to Itlburg for refurbish (to reduce the wait). Some preventive operations could have been implemented so that this engine could easily exceed 1,000 kilometers.

Errors Alerts : BMS_w158 , BMS_w035 , BMS_w142 , BMS_f071

KM: 150000km

Part number: 1056681-00-P

Tesla NEW OEM: 3900€ + PDV

EVC: 600-2000€

EVC: (“dizel is great ” price) 6000€

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Fiat 500e – Automotive EV precedent

Fiat 500e 2014 USA Import

Nevjerovatno ali moguće, da Fiat bolje napravi EV od prdilice, nadmaši premium svabske rivale i da još ni fleke ulja nema ispod nje. Kad Bosch zasuče rukave i u najranijoj fazi razvoja električnih vozila davne 2012 implementiraju najbolja moguća riješenja u baterijski pogonski sustav. Impresionirani smo. Riješenja kojih se i Nissan može posramiti, active thermal control, Vodeno hladjenje i grijanje Li-Ion prismatic ćelija za njihovi dugovječnost i manju degradaciju. Već duže vrijeme tražimo jednog da istražimo tog Fiat bisera i da ga uvrstimo na EVC listu. Jedno je sigurno, ovo je bolje složen EV i od Nissan Leaf i od Renault Zoe/Fluence i bilo čega iz te ere. Mala 24kWh baterija sa prizmatičnim Li-Ion 65Ah celijama formira 97S na 360V. Elektromotor je Bosch i isti kao u elek Smart 451. Nedostatak je sto nema DC punjenje, samo Type1. Ćelije se hlade sa liquid cooled coolant plates u dnu bloka, ne hlade se terminali (bolja opcija). Ovaj je na žalost u dužem transportu doživio deep discharge, sve ćelije su na 0.4-0.6V, za sada vrlo izgledno za preživljavanje. Pokrenuli smo revival postupak celija koji traje 7 dana, analiza ispravnih i moguce neispravnih i nakon toga prvi test. Takodjer razmisljamo o proširenju projekta da napravimo substituciju ovim celijama sa Teslinim 2170 sto bi smanjilo masu i povecalo ukupni kapacitet. Za primjer, 20 komada 18650 celija je 749 grama i jednaka je zamjena 60Ah celijama od 1.3kg. Tesline sa duplo manje mase imaju isti kapacitet. Procedura oko demontaze baterije je nesto zahtjevnija, ispod baterije je zadnji most, za demontazu baterije potrebno potpuno ukloniti most. Ovih vozila ce biti dostupno za kupiti od EVC partnera, nekiv 20 komada na stanju.

Završili smo reparaciju baterije nakon utrošenih 0€ materijala, 10kn struje i neintezivnih 6 radnih dana mjerenja punjenja i balansiranja ćelija (usput smo zavrsili 6 drugih vozila). Zanimljivo je oduševljenje svih prisutnih kolega i gostiju na dojam fićeka kako izgleda i kako vozi nakon uspješnog zahvata, ali zanimljivo je i to da je moralo proći 8 godina medijskog trovanja kako EV nevalja i moralo je proći 8 godina da se uvjerimo da to nije točno a slično truju i dan danas, 8 godina da nije EV taj koji je sporan već ono što je uistinu prevara a to je Hybrid i Euro 5/6/7 ICE motori sa svojim “EKO” komponentama. Fiat je ovdje napravio uistinu presedan sa ovim modelom, u doba kada je svaki pokusaj dizajniranja EV pogona bio trčanje u mraku oni su uspjeli napraviti ultrakvalitetan sustav koji je ravan Teslinom, kojeg neki proizvodjači ni danas nemaju. Ovo vozilo je za svaku prepuruku, domet nije bajan ali za gradske potrebe savrsen. Odlicna je substitucija za škart Čmarta 453, Twinga, Zoe, eUp itd.. Jedini nedostatak je sto nema DC punjenje, ali ako mi uzmemo jednog onda budemo poradili na CCS retrofit. Fićek ubrzava fenomenalno i na gewindama se odlično drzi na cesti. Malo problema smo imali oko reaktivacije BMS sustava jer je zapamtio OTP grešku. Ovaj defekt baterije je nastao više nemarom, jer je ostavljen duze od godinu dana prazan bez nadzora. Nakon pada napona ispod minimalne sigurne razine sustav ne dopusta punjenje. U 8 godina prvi servis na Fiatu i nije loša statistika.

Fiat 500e je preporuka

Kataloški: P68086287AE, 05185004AH, 0437507504, 05186015AI, 0442010001, 1010718, 0442011001,

Cijena nove baterije: nepoznato

Reparacija EVC: nepoznato

Greska u bateriji : Pxxxx


Unbelievable, but possible, that Fiat makes a better EV than a fart ICE device, surpasses the premium German rivals and that there is not even a spot of oil under car. When Bosch rolled up its sleeves and in the earliest phase of electric vehicle development back in 2012, they implemented the best possible solutions in the battery drive system. We are impressed. Solutions that even Nissan can be ashamed of, active thermal control, water cooling and heating of Li-Ion prismatic cells for their longevity and less degradation. We have been looking for one for a long time to explore this Fiat pearl and to include it in the EVC list. One thing is for sure, this is a better assembled EV than both the Nissan Leaf and the Renault Zoe/Fluence and anything else from that era. A small 24kWh battery with prismatic Li-Ion 65Ah cells forms a 97S at 360V. The electric motor is Bosch and it is same as in the ED Smart 451. The disadvantage is that it does not have DC charging, only Type1. The cells are cooled with liquid cooled coolant plates in the bottom of the block, the terminals are not cooled (a better option). Unfortunately, this one experienced a deep discharge during long transport, all cells are at 0.4-0.6V, for now it is very likely to survive. We started the revival process of cells that lasts 7 days, analysis of correct and possibly defective cells and then the first test. We are also thinking about expanding the project to make a substitution of these cells with Tesla’s 2170, which would reduce the mass and increase the total capacity. For example, 20 pieces of 18650 cells are 749 grams and equal to replacing 60Ah cells of 1.3 kg. Teslas with twice the mass have the same capacity. The procedure for disassembling the battery is somewhat more demanding, under the battery is the last bridge, to dismantle the battery it is necessary to completely remove the bridge. These vehicles will be available for purchase from EVC partners, some 20 units in stock.

We completed the battery repair after spending 0€ of materials, 1,5euro of electricity and a non-intensive 6 working days of measuring charging and balancing cells (we completed 6 other vehicles along the way). It is interesting to see the enthusiasm of all the present colleagues and guests at the impression of Fiat500, how he looks and how he drives after the successful refurbish operation, but it is also interesting that 8 years of media poisoning that EV is bad and 8 years had to pass to make sure that this is not true and public opinion is similarly poisoned even today, 8 years passed to find out that it is not the EV that is problematic, but what is truly a fraud is the Hybrid and Euro 5/6/7 ICE engines with their “ECO” components. Fiat set a real precedent here with this model, in an age when every attempt to design an EV drive was like running in the dark, they managed to make an ultra-quality system that is equal to Tesla, which some manufacturers do not even have today. This vehicle is highly recommended, the range is not great, but it is perfect for city needs. It’s an excellent replacement for scrap Smart EQ 453, Twing, Zoe, eUp, etc.. The only drawback is that it doesn’t have DC charging, but if we take one, we’ll work on a CCS retrofit. Fiat500 accelerates phenomenally and holds the road very well on gewinde suspenssion. We had a little problem reactivating the BMS system because it remembered the OTP error. This battery defect was caused more by negligence, because it was left empty for more than a year without supervision. After the voltage drops below the minimum safe level, the system does not allow charging. The first Fiat service in 8 years is not a bad statistic.

We recommend this car: Fiat 500e USA 2014

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Broken Money Waster 330e iPerformance

Gdje drugo nego na svom prirodnom staništu, DIZALICI. Dok vozi troši 10€ na 100km a dok je na dizalici trosi 200€ na sat. Hybrid naravno, onaj sto “štedi” za nas i naše godišnje, “nikad ništa” “samo toči i vozi”. Hybrid bilo kakav dizel benzin je najgori promašaj od početka industrijske revolucije, pored neispravnog fosilnog pogona zadnjih 10 godina kojeg nemozes odrzavati bez da babu iz penzije pošalješ na zapošljavanje sad si natovario jos jedan elektropogon koji je osmisljen ne da stedis sebi vec drugima (nama). Ovaj je dosao sa kvarom KLE modula, plugin AC DC ispravljača da se foliras kako imas za BMW sa 10€ u džepu. Punjenje je bilo moguce samo dok trošiš destiliranog dinosaura i 400 co2 za vrijeme voznje. Ako se kojim slucajem isprazni baterija tad ideš biciklom na posao, samo sa ispravnim shimano lancem.
Greška: 222842 i 222834
Kataloski: 8685982-01
Hybrid je super: 1200€
Hybrid je smeće: 320€ (bez demontaze montaze)
S obzirom da imamo oko 200 B2B vanjskih partnera ovaj posao smo preuzeli remote u Rumuniji (franšizno) i tamo će biti olakšan za svu “uštedu”.
Credits: Tesla Doctor Romania

Najgore od oba svijeta u obliku digitalnog robstva je izmišljeno HIBRID vozilo. Dvije skupe odgovornosti za održavanje koje su dizajnirane da “crknu” svakih 50t-100tkm. BMW 330e iPerformance sa kvarom punjenja na type2 odbija dopuniti bateriju, greške u sistemu su 222842 i 222834 , kataloški 7935160. Analiza kvara i uspješna reparacija KLE modula. Spašeno 1500€ za novi modul.
Successful repair for 650€ total cost.


Where else but in its natural habitat, GARAGE LIFTS. While driving, he consumes €10 per 100 km, and while on the lift he consumes €200 per hour. Hybrid of course, the one that “saves” for us and our annuals, “never issues” “just pour and drive”. Hybrid and any kind of diesel gasoline, is the worst engineering failure since the beginning of the industrial revolution, in addition to the defective fossil fuel drive for the last 10 years, which you cannot maintain without sending your grandmother out of retirement for employment, now you have loaded another electric drive that was designed not to make fuel savings yourself but for others (us). This one came with a broken KLE module, an AC DC inverter plugin to fool around like you have for a BMW with €10 in your pocket. Charging was only possible while consuming distilled dinosaur and 400 co2 while driving.
Error : 222842 and 222834
Part number: 8685982-01

*Hybrid is great: €1200
*Hybrid is garbage: €600 (without disassembly and assembly)
Given that we have around 200 B2B external partners, we took over this job remotely in Romania (franchise) and it will be facilitated there for all the “savings”.
Credits: Tesla Doctor Romania

The worst of both worlds in the form of digital slavery is the fictional HYBRID vehicle. Two expensive maintenance responsibilities that are designed to “crack” every 50t-100tkm. BMW 330e iPerformance with charging failure on type2 refuses to recharge the battery, errors in the system are 222842 and 222834, catalog number 7935160. Analysis of the failure and successful repair of the KLE module. €1,500 saved for a new module.

222842 #222834 #7935160

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DPF ili BATERIJA – što je zapaljivije

Uzrok skoro svih paljevina na cesti su loše dizajnirani fosilci euro 5/6/7, većinom dizeli, zbog lančane reakcije visokog tlaka i visoke temperature na DPF-u gdje overpressure ispuha gura ulje iz kartera u glavu motora. Sa druge strane EV je uistinu po tom pitanju sigurniji i statistički i u realnom svijetu, jer su i sustavi tog pogona dizajnirani da rade u što sigurnijim uvjetima i režimima rada. Požar je na EV nekad ustinu teže ugasiti, ali ovaj slučaj dokazuje i suprotno. U jednom razgovoru sa vatrogasnim društvom Ivanić Grad imali smo eksluzivno povratne informacije o redovnim požarima fosilaca na naplatnim kućicama u Rugvici. Vožnja pod opterecenjem sa aktivnom regeneracijom dpf i naglo zaustavljanje, ako je sustav imalo neispravan tada dovodi do topljenja okolnog zapaljivog materijala u motornom prostoru. Ovdje na slici imamo jednu totalno nevjerovatnu priču, gdje je zbog greške električnog romobila došlo do požara u kućnoj garaži gdje su izgorila 3 vozila, 2 fosilca i jedan EV. Taj EV je bio Tesla Model S iz 2015, koji je u potpunosti izgorio do pragova i podnice ali je baterija preživjela nevjerovatne temperature preko 800 stupnjeva. Zbog topljenja unutarnje PVC konstrukcije 18650 ćelija (saće), sama konstrukcija je pod vlastitom težinom smotala i odvojila ćelije iz sigurne zone i spojila jednu paralelu sa drugom sto je uzrokovalo izgaranje kratkim spojem ali samo na jednom od 16 blokova. Znaci vanjska temperatura požara izvan vozila je istopila unutarnju konstrukciju i kratkim spojem izazvala pozar, koji je nevjerovatno ostao lokaliziran unutar njegove komore u samom battery pack. Sekundarni problem na baterijskom pogonu je nastao gasenjem pozara, gdje je voda kojom su gasili skoro zapalila jos jedan blok. Šteta od vode je nastala na još nekoliko blokova i kao cijelina nisu ispravni. Jedan blok ima 444 ćelije, i one su ispravne za daljnju upotrebu, skoro su sve izmjerene i ispitane. Mi smo vlastitim primjerom 4 reciklirali za neispravnu bateriju HP laptopa, ostale idu u novu kantu štroma, romobil, car starter itd itd. Ćelija ima 2850mAh na 1A discharge, internal resistance 400mOhm. Ako tko želi, ima još dostupnih. Svakako nevjerovatna priča koja govori dosta o sigurnosti baterija, izgorila je cijela garaža i sve u garaži, a preživjela je baterija, koja je sama lokalizirala pozar u jednom komori i spašen je kompletan zadnji elektromotor od 315kW za novi upotrebu u nekom swapu. Ostala 2 fosilca iz požara nisu imali ništa upotrebljivo. Primjeri Tesle koja se nije zapalila ni nakon drobljenja baterije u udesu:

Cijena ćelija:

*EV je super: 2.2€

*EV je najsigurniji kad ne parkiras kraj bmw :2€

*EV je smeće : 50€ komad

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Peugeot 508 HYbrid4 – expensive placebo savings

Peugeot 508 HYbrid4 – How the deception with CO2 norms became a trap for the poor to import spent diesel garbage from Europe with fictitious 95 grams of co2. The answer lies in import incentives. First of all, who wants to buy a Hybrid with placebo savings where non-hybrid same car with 2.0HDI consumes less , somewhere around 7-8 liters. Battery system is 42 cells, i.e. 168 NiMH cells in series at 222 volts with a total capacity of approx. 1.2kWh and it costs a record €5,600. There was an imbalance of several cells on the battery and one was completely burned, which is why it didn’t even start. And that’s not all, in addition to the service and breakdowns of the fossil engine, you now also have a hybrid Frankenstein battery, a drive inverter for a couple of €€€€, an electric motor with a gearbox €€€€ and you come to the conclusion that you own a vehicle with an active subscription to the 666666 hotline which cant even run for 2 km on batteries. When we calculate only the price of the battery and the number of kilometers driven, the vehicle “saved” an additional 1.5 L of diesel per 100 km, or a total of 20,000 L of diesel, or about €35,000. The eco norms imposed by the EU on scrap diesels and petrols, which are unenforceable in practice, and by adding a hybrid component, they try to delay the inevitable transition to EVs, misleading users and owners that this hybrid is “savings”. It’s not that I protest when you bring your savings for repairs, but I’m not an engineer who is afraid of criticism from your “sponsors” and we have no fear of losing income, we always have Mercedes programmed failures. The problem of all those ECO norms will be especially reflected in the Balkans, where peopele hardly living to regalury mantain #maintenance basic ICE tasks where even on Euro 5/6/7 fossil cars you don’t have a breakdown under €1000, where maintenance/repair has become more complex than on EVs, and on hybrids, breakdowns even exceed €10,000 because most of the vehicles are imports and used scrap goods. The import of used hybrids should be completely banned because there is no saving, hybrid is a combined system of 2 bad solutions. Either clean gasoline or clean electricity, there is no in between.
Catalog: 0437508122, 695587113, 9802300880-A
Errors: P1B0B, P0A7E, P1B0C, P1B13, P1A03

Authorized price: €5700
EVC Price*:
*hybrid is great: €4000
*hybrid is garbage: €1000

Peugeot 508 HYbrid4 – Kako je obmana sa CO2 normama postala navlakuša sirotinji za uvoz potrosenog dizel smeća iz europe sa fiktivnih 95grama co2. Odgovor leži u uvoznim olakšicama. Prvo tko uopce želi kupiti Hybrid sa kojim ne da ima placebo uštedu već i troši više od običnog NEhybrida 2.0HDI, negdje oko 7-8 litara, gdje je baterijski sustav od 42 ćelije, tj 168 NiMH na 222volta ukupnog kapaciteta od cca 1.2kWh i košta rekordnih 5600€. Na bateriji je bio imbalance nekoliko celija i jedna totalno spaljena, zbog cega nije ni palio. A to nije sve, pored servisa i kvarova fosilca, sad imate jos i hybrid frankenstajn bateriju, drive inverter od par €€€€, elektromotor na mjenjacu €€€€ i dodjete do sume da posjedujete vozilo sa aktivnom pretplatom na 666666 hotline koji ne može na baterije ni 2 km. Kad izracunamo samo cijenu baterije i broj predjenih kilometara, vozilo je u prosjeku na postojecih recimo 7 litara, baterija “uštedila” tj potrosila dodatnih 1.5L dizela na 100km ili ukupno 20000L dizela ili oko 35000€. Eko norme koje nameće EU škart dizelima i benzincima koje se u praksi neprovedive i dodavajući hybrid komponentu pokusavaju odgoditi neodgodivi prijelaz na EV, dovode u zabludu korisnike i vlasnike da je to “ušteda”. Nije da se bunim kad vi donesete tu vašu uštedu nego nisam inzenjer koji se boji kritike vas sponzora i nemamo strah od gubitka prihoda, uvek imamo mercedes programirane kvarove. Problem svih tih EKO normi posebno ce se odraziti na balkanu gdje se krpa kraj sa krajem, gdje i na euro 5/6/7 fosilcima nemate kvar ispod 1000€, gdje je odrzavanje/popravak postao kompleksniji nego na EV a na hybridima kvarovi i preko 10000€ jer većina vozila je uvoz i potrošena škart roba. Uvoz rabljenih hybrida treba u potpunosti zabraniti jer ušteda nema, hybrid je sustav kombinacije 2 loša rijesenja. Ili čisti benzin ili čista struja, izmedju ne postoji.

Kataloski: 0437508122, 695587113, 9802300880-A

Greske: P1B0B, P0A7E, P1B0C, P1B13, P1A03

Cijena ovlasteni: 5700€

EVC cijena*:

*hybrid je super : 4000€

*hybrid je smeće : 1000€