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How to prevent Tesla LDU failure and what owners should do when it fails! Sorry Tesla, but RMN is garbage!

The significant drop in the price of the used Tesla Model S has attracted the attention of many EV enthusiasts. However, some models with the Large Drive Unit (LDU) hide higher costs for owners who expected a 12-year-old vehicle to require no maintenance for a modest purchase price. The Tesla LDU, found in all Tesla Model S and X vehicles with PxxD or RWD configurations (P85, P90, S85, S90, S75, S70, S60), is one of the most demanding and expensive components to repair.

Nearly two years ago, we already discussed the flaws and reasons for the low reliability of these motors. Read the full article below:

We followed up with a guide on which Tesla models are the most reliable and recommended for new EV enthusiasts. However, if an LDU failure occurs, the current repair cost at EV Clinic is €2,400 for motor rewinding and €2,800 for a complete motor remanufacturing, bringing the total cost to €5,200 + VAT. In comparison, the price at a Tesla service center is currently around €6,500 + VAT.

Unfortunately, our pricing at EV Clinic reflects our commitment to delivering the best possible quality and maintaining the highest level of trust. This includes a 2-year warranty with no mileage limit. The results of our work speak for themselves, with real-world testing proving the durability of our repairs.

One notable example is Hansjörg von Gemmingen-Hornberg’s Tesla P90, which had accumulated 1,800,000 km. After we repaired his motor using all of our advanced technological expertise, the motor has now covered 450,000 km without a single issue, breaking the streak of 13 previously replaced motors. This achievement underscores the unparalleled reliability of our repairs and he is the man who gave us reason to assemble and name eDrive kit a “Holy Grail”. LINK HERE

After three years and several hundred repaired LDUs, we can confidently say that we have the most durable long-term solution for these electric motors. It’s important to highlight from our findings that RMN stators in LDU motors are of very poor quality, often causing significant damage to the entire motor. Eventually, they lead to insulation failure, resulting in the vehicle coming to a halt and bearing arcing due high rotor discharge.

To address this issue permanently, we have developed an improved solution by rewinding the stator with enhanced industrial-grade materials, ensuring reliability and longevity. LINK HERE . And to openly offer our kit and know-how we assembled “holy grail” kit for all independent workshops LINK HERE

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Dont ignore signs of failure on Tesla Large Drive Unit !

EVC is vertically integrated startup, from research & development for repair solutions, electronic and mechanic defects, giving customers unique experience “All in one” service solution. We have exponential growth demand across all of europe, we have customers coming even from Greece for preventive repairs and we give advantage to non-driving EV’s. Soon we will expand more, we are trying to find best model to open first fully owned EVC in Austria or even sustainable franchise model. We are overbooked 1 month in advance, so we nicely ask for patience. This customer waited 1 month with defect Large Drive Unit commonly known for premature failure on coolant seal. But surprisingly this LDU is not RMN (Reman), it was originally built P-TECH MECH and car made 250t km with original motor. It didnt leak coolant, but rotor jackshaft ballbearing metal jacket failed and damaged 2 gears inside. Oil was very dirty and contaminated. This confirms our theory from first LDU repair video from our youtube channel, that you should change Oil in gearbox at 200t km (Dexron VI). With oil change this ballbearing probably wouldnt fail. Second observation is that ballbearing had lot of arc dents from rotor discharge, that means this motor probably had buzzing noise comming from it during acceleration or normal driving. Rotor discharge is big automotive problem, it kills non-ceramic ballbearing, and this one suffer first. So listen your LDU, if it needs care, dont wait.

(model 3, Y not affected. Model S dual drive with letter D not affected)

And second important topic we will write about is Coolant delete for LDU which was released by Tesla and one USA company. I am afraid that might be downgrade, because Model S uses LDU for ehat scavenging in winter to heat up battery, that means you might lose some range, second most concerning issue is rotor ballbearing cooling, because squirrel cage rotor is producing heat similar tor stator, and it is overheating rotor ceramic ballbearing. Without cooling it might fail prematurely because we have seen on cars without cooling issue on rotor. Rotor spins over 10000rpm (tesla 18000) and in those cases rotor kills ballbearings below 100k km. Our rotor coating , coolant drain and teflon seal is roadtested and we can cofirm it is bulletproof solution for 200000km and still driving. No need for coolant delete downgrade.

In case when you destroy gears, that will cost more.

Part number: 1056681-00-P

Flatrate Reman price 2800€+tax

+Gears 800€


Example of other prices:

Phase board burnt: 800€

Stator tuning 3000€

PCB Inverter controler: 600€


EVC je vertikalno integrirani start-up, od istraživanja i razvoja za rješenja popravka, elektroničke i mehaničke greške, pružajući kupcima jedinstveno iskustvo “Sve u jednom” servisnom rješenju. Imamo eksponencijalni rast potražnje širom Europe, imamo kupce koji dolaze čak iz Grčke radi preventivnih popravaka i dajemo prednost nevoženim električnim vozilima. Uskoro ćemo se proširiti više, pokušavamo pronaći najbolji model za otvaranje prvog potpuno vlasničkog EVC-a u Austriji ili čak održivog franšiznog modela. Imamo predbukiranost od 1 mjeseca unaprijed, pa ljubazno molimo za strpljenje. Ovaj kupac je čekao 1 mjesec s defektom Velikog pogonskog modula koji je općenito poznat po prijevremenom otkazu brtve rashladnog sredstva. Ali iznenađujuće, ovaj LDU nije RMN (obnovljen), već je izvorno izgrađen od strane P-TECH MECH-a i automobil je napravio 250 tisuća km s originalnim motorom. Nije curio rashladno sredstvo, ali metalna ovojnica kugličnog ležaja glavnog vratila rotora propala je i oštetila 2 zupčanika unutra. Ulje je bilo jako prljavo i kontaminirano. Ovo potvrđuje našu teoriju iz prvog videa popravka LDU-a s našeg YouTube kanala, da biste trebali promijeniti ulje u mjenjaču na 200 tisuća km (Dexron VI). S promjenom ulja ovaj kuglični ležaj vjerojatno ne bi propao. Druga zapažanja su da je kuglični ležaj imao puno lukova od pražnjenja rotora, što znači da je ovaj motor vjerojatno imao zujanje tijekom ubrzanja ili normalne vožnje. Pražnjenje rotora je veliki problem u automobilskoj industriji, uništava kuglične ležajeve bez keramike, a ovaj je prvi pretrpio. Stoga slušajte svoj LDU, ako mu je potrebna njega, ne čekajte.

(model 3, Y nije pogođen. Model S dual drive s oznakom D nije pogođen)

I druga važna tema o kojoj ćemo pisati je brisanje rashladnog sredstva za LDU koje je Tesla i jedna američka tvrtka objavila. Bojim se da bi to mogao biti korak unatrag, jer Model S koristi LDU za skupljanje topline zimi kako bi zagrijao bateriju, što znači da biste mogli izgubiti neki doseg, drugo najvažnije pitanje je hlađenje kugličnog ležaja rotora, jer rotorski kavez proizvodi toplinu sličnu statoru, i pregrijavanje rotorskog keramičkog kugličnog ležaja. Bez hlađenja može prijevremeno propasti jer smo na automobilima bez problema s hlađenjem na rotoru vidjeli problem s rotacijskim kugličnim ležajem. Naše premazivanje rotora, odvod rashladnog sredstva i teflonski brtveni prsten testirani su na cesti i možemo potvrditi da je to neprobojno rješenje za 200.000 km i još uvijek vozi. Nema potrebe za smanjenjem brisanja rashladnog sredstva.

U slučaju uništenja zupčanika, to će koštati više.

Fiksna cijena za obnovu 2800 € + porez

+Zupčanici 800 €


Primjer drugih cijena:

Oštećena faza ploče: 800 €

Podešavanje statora 3000 €

PCB inverter kontroler: 600 €

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Real Tesla Multimilionaire is P85 with 1.800.000 km under the belt

We were visited by “Multi Millionaire” Hansjörg von Gemmingen-Hornberg, a millionaire in kilometers driven with his first Tesla S P85 from 2013. One of the most important figures in the eMobility sphere, as with every kilometer he drove, he shattered prejudices and stereotypes, leaving a legacy of trust in EVs for future generations. He achieved something that some wouldn’t dare with a fossil-fuel car in 9 years. He drove the vehicle when charging stations were scarce. Back in 2008, he was one of the first Tesla Roadster owners and possibly the only one who drove a Roadster for 700,000 km. After that, with the Model S, he broke records not only his own but also worldwide.

Recently, we’ve been writing about how RMN motors (repaired in Tesla Tilburg) have become completely unreliable, as confirmed by other clients and by Hansjorg, who replaced 13 RMN motors in 1800000 km, while the first original PTrain Mech lasted 800,000 km. Following the recommendation we published in a letter to Tesla that preventive repairs were necessary, our colleague realized that it might be time for an overhaul or towing. He had a good feeling, because if he hadn’t contacted us, the last motor would have failed at 1,000 km, at 150,000 km (beyond our recommendation), as the coolant seal had already failed and leaked antifreeze into the bearing area where the only barrier was the bearing grease to prevent it from entering the stator and causing a “short circuit.” He came just in time, and we saved the motor, restored it, installed some of our “patch” improvements, and permanently resolved the antifreeze leakage. This EVC Reman motor is ready for the next half a million kilometers at least.

We are grateful for the invaluable trust placed in us, but from our side, we felt the need to send a message. A message that Tesla and Elon forgot, that his achievement deserves official recognition, reward, and acknowledgment because what he accomplished is something no one else will even attempt for generations. As a small EVC, we will do what Tesla didn’t; we will reward him with free service for the electric motor that outlasts their RMN motors.

If you need EVC Academy full training at our facility to learn complete know-how you can order training here:


Stigao nam je “Multi Milijunaš” Hansjörg von Gemmingen-Hornberg, milijunaš u predjenim kilometrima sa prvom Teslom S P85 iz 2013 godine. Jedan od najbitnijih osoba iz eMobility sfere jer je svakim svojim kilometrom rušio predrasude i stereotipe, njegov footprint će ostaviti nasledje povjerenja u EV svim budućim generacijama. Postogao je nesto sto se neki nebi usudili ni sa fosilcem u 9godina. Kretao je se vozilom kad nigdje nije bilo ni punionica. Davne 2008 godine jedan je od prvih Tesla Roadster vlasnika i moguće jedini koji je sa roadsterom napravio 700000km. Nakon toga sa Model S ruši rekorde ne samo svoje već i svjetske. Kako smo počeli pisati zadnje vrijeme da su RMN motori (reparirani u Tesla Tilburgu) postali totalno nepouzdani, sto smo potvrdili i sa drugim klijenti a i sa Hansjorg koji je promjenuo 13 RMN motora u 1.800.000 km, dok je prvi PTrain Mech originalni napravio 800.000km. Po preporuci koju smo objavili u pismu Tesli da je preporuka da se preventivno repariaju tako je i nas kolega skuzio da je mozda vrijeme ili za remont ili za šlepu. Imao je dobar feeling, jer da se nije javio ovaj zadnji motor bi otkazao za 1000km na 150000km (sto je preko nase preporuke) jer je coolant seal vec probio i pustio antifriz u zonu ležaja gdje je jedina prepreka mast u lezaju da udje u stator i napravi “kurzschluss”. Na vrijeme je dosao, motor smo spasili, restaurirali, ugradili par naših “patch” unaprijedjenja i trajno rijesili prodor antifriza. Ovaj EVC Reman motor je spreman za sledećih pola milijuna minimalno. Nama je neprocjenjivo ukazano povjerenje, ali ipak sa nase strane nedostajalo je poslati i jednu poruku. Poruku koju su Tesla i Elon zaboravili da njegovo postignuce ipak zasluzuje i sluzbenu potvdu, nagradu, odgovor, jer ovo što je on uspio još niko generacijama neće ni pokušati. Mi kao mali EVC napravit ćemo ono što Tesla nije, nagradit ćemo ga besplatnim servisom elektromotora koji izdrzi vise od njihovog RMN.

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Tesla Model S 85 – 320000KM DIE HARD

We do not only repair electronic on component level, we do not only research and develop solutions for them. We got very capable team of mechanic engineers to repair even hardest mechanical defects on powertrains. Model S 85 arrived with defect and still original Large Drive unit (BASE). Loud low and high pitch rattling noise was coming from it. We completely dissembled rotor site and gearbox side. First coolant penetrated external rotor shaft ball bearing on rubber shaft seal, it was overheated and damaged. Coolant then enter ball bearing and flushed oil lubricant. Second spot of failure was internal ball bearing on first gear from rotor, probably because of damaged rotor bearing. And third spot was High voltage cable water ingress. Lets say 9 years and 320000km without any servicing made some marks on it, but not unsolvable. This drive unit cant hold more than 250000-300000 without gearbox lubricant change, gearbox cleaning and ball bearing change. Big output power of 280kw should be maintained. First signs for servicing are covered by 3 universal rules: 1-noise 2-vibration 3-oil/coolant/body overheating. If you hear any of that, it is better to prevent it.

Ne repariramo samo software i hardware na “componente level”, ne istražujemo i ne razvijamo samo rješenja za njih vec imamo i vrlo sposoban tim mašinskih inženjera za popravak čak i najtežih mehaničkih kvarova na pogonskim sklopovima elektricnih vozila. Model S 85 stigao je s djelomicnim kvarom i još uvijek originalnim Large DRIVE UNIT. Iz njega je dolazio glasan zvuk zveckanja niskog i visokog tona. U potpunosti smo rastavili stranu rotora i stranu diferencijala. Prvo je rashladno sredstvo prodrlo u vanjski kuglični ležaj (koji se hladi antifrizom) osovine rotora na samom semeringu osovine, pregrijalo se i oštetilo dual lip brtvu. Rashladna tekućina zatim ušla u kuglični ležaj i ispralo mast u ležaju. Drugo mjesto kvara bio je unutarnji kuglični ležaj na prvom zubčaniku prijenosa od rotora, vjerojatno zbog oštećenog vanjskog ležaja rotora. I treće mjesto bio je ulazak vode u visokonaponski kabel (to jos nije bio kvar, ali mogao je biti nekad kroz 50000km). Voznja od 9 godina i 320 000 km bez ikakvog servisiranja ostavilo je neke tragove na njemu ali ne nerijesive. Po ovim procjenama nase analize dva motora, ova pogonska jedinica ne može izdržati više od 250000-300000 bez promjene maziva mjenjača, ispiranja diferencijala i promjene kugličnih ležajeva. Treba održavati veliku izlaznu snagu od 280kw. Prvi znakovi za servisiranje pokriveni su 3 univerzalna pravila: 1-buka 2-vibracije 3-pregrijavanje ulja/antifriza/kućišta.

Fault: Vibration at hard acceleration, squeaking noise on low speed, ratling noise.

Part number: 1007972-00-B, 1056680-00-Q, 1002633-00-T, 1002633-01-P, 1002633-01-T, 1025276-00-Q, 1025598-00-P, 1025598-00-T, 1025276-00-Q, P1002887-01-E, P1062387-00-B, P1057981-00-B, 1058273-03-F,

Possible alerts: DI_W108, DI_W072, DI_F072,

Price Tesla Service center : 4900 € + VAT
EV Clinic : 1000-2800€ + VAT

If you need repair TRAINING, PART LIST or REPAIR KIT, you can order it from us. Feel free to contact us.