Gdje drugo nego na svom prirodnom staništu, DIZALICI. Dok vozi troši 10€ na 100km a dok je na dizalici trosi 200€ na sat. Hybrid naravno, onaj sto “štedi” za nas i naše godišnje, “nikad ništa” “samo toči i vozi”. Hybrid bilo kakav dizel benzin je najgori promašaj od početka industrijske revolucije, pored neispravnog fosilnog pogona zadnjih 10 godina kojeg nemozes odrzavati bez da babu iz penzije pošalješ na zapošljavanje sad si natovario jos jedan elektropogon koji je osmisljen ne da stedis sebi vec drugima (nama). Ovaj je dosao sa kvarom KLE modula, plugin AC DC ispravljača da se foliras kako imas za BMW sa 10€ u džepu. Punjenje je bilo moguce samo dok trošiš destiliranog dinosaura i 400 co2 za vrijeme voznje. Ako se kojim slucajem isprazni baterija tad ideš biciklom na posao, samo sa ispravnim shimano lancem.
Greška: 222842 i 222834
Kataloski: 8685982-01
Hybrid je super: 1200€
Hybrid je smeće: 320€ (bez demontaze montaze)
S obzirom da imamo oko 200 B2B vanjskih partnera ovaj posao smo preuzeli remote u Rumuniji (franšizno) i tamo će biti olakšan za svu “uštedu”.
Credits: Tesla Doctor Romania
Najgore od oba svijeta u obliku digitalnog robstva je izmišljeno HIBRID vozilo. Dvije skupe odgovornosti za održavanje koje su dizajnirane da “crknu” svakih 50t-100tkm. BMW 330e iPerformance sa kvarom punjenja na type2 odbija dopuniti bateriju, greške u sistemu su 222842 i 222834 , kataloški 7935160. Analiza kvara i uspješna reparacija KLE modula. Spašeno 1500€ za novi modul.
Successful repair for 650€ total cost.
Where else but in its natural habitat, GARAGE LIFTS. While driving, he consumes €10 per 100 km, and while on the lift he consumes €200 per hour. Hybrid of course, the one that “saves” for us and our annuals, “never issues” “just pour and drive”. Hybrid and any kind of diesel gasoline, is the worst engineering failure since the beginning of the industrial revolution, in addition to the defective fossil fuel drive for the last 10 years, which you cannot maintain without sending your grandmother out of retirement for employment, now you have loaded another electric drive that was designed not to make fuel savings yourself but for others (us). This one came with a broken KLE module, an AC DC inverter plugin to fool around like you have for a BMW with €10 in your pocket. Charging was only possible while consuming distilled dinosaur and 400 co2 while driving.
Error : 222842 and 222834
Part number: 8685982-01
*Hybrid is great: €1200
*Hybrid is garbage: €600 (without disassembly and assembly)
Given that we have around 200 B2B external partners, we took over this job remotely in Romania (franchise) and it will be facilitated there for all the “savings”.
Credits: Tesla Doctor Romania
The worst of both worlds in the form of digital slavery is the fictional HYBRID vehicle. Two expensive maintenance responsibilities that are designed to “crack” every 50t-100tkm. BMW 330e iPerformance with charging failure on type2 refuses to recharge the battery, errors in the system are 222842 and 222834, catalog number 7935160. Analysis of the failure and successful repair of the KLE module. €1,500 saved for a new module.
222842 #222834 #7935160