Failure of the OBC integrated module responsible for charging the battery in an EV. There are no used ones available, and even new ones are unavailable. If a used one were available, it used to cost around €3500-5000 (according to Google), and a new one likely costs even more. This situation puts the responsibility of deciding whether the vehicle becomes subject for spare parts or goes back on the road, and decision is in our hands, so the decision’s outcome is crucial. There’s no repair manual available, and we’ve reached a point where we have no one to ask for help, especially when dealing with an exotic car like the 500E. It’s even more exotic than a Ferrari. The OBC is burned out for some reason, and what we mostly encounter is that in EVs, the OBC module is frequently more in defect. This contradicts the misinformation spread by the media that batteries are mostly the problem; that’s an inaccurate lie. Our main issue is with the OBC module, which often gets damaged due to external influences that accelerate component fatigue within the module, as well as other unforeseen events like lightning strikes, power grid shorts, strong oscillations from other inductive consumers, etc. After two weeks of testing almost all individual components and replacing the damaged ones, the OBC still doesn’t work. Today’s final attempt was to intuitively replace one more component; if that didn’t work, we’d have to inform the owner that the “patient didn’t make it”. We were five minutes away from the fateful call to inform customer bad news when we connected the charger and it started working, it was great moment. The owner was saved from ‘euthanizing’ the Fiat. So, all you diesel turbo fans with engine oil leaks, don’t worry about the “challenging battery recycling” when EV dies because this Fiat keeps on going killing the stereotypes.
Kvar OBC integriranog modula koji sluzi za punjenje baterije u EV. Rabljen ne postoji a ne postoji ni novi. Rabljen ako je i postojao je kostao oko 3500-5000€ (google) a novi vjerovatno i više. Znači situacija gdje jedan dio odlučuje jel vozilo ide u dijelove ili ide natrag na cestu, tako da odgovornost gdje mi odlučujemi o ishodu je velika. Upustvo za reparaciju ne postoji a mi smo dosli do tog nivoa i broja problema da mi nemam koga pitati za pomoci, niti nam tko može i pomoći pogotovo kad je egzotika u pitanju kao 500E. Egzoticniji uzorak i od ferarija. OBC je iz nekog razloga spaljen, a ono što se mi susrećemo najcesce je to da na EV najcesce strada OBC modul, znaci to sto vas infodemijski mediji dezinformiraju da su baterije problem, to je naprotiv netocna laž. Najvise problema imamo sa OBC modulom koji strada najcesce zbog vanjskih utjecaja koji ubrzavaju zamor komponenti u modulu a i ostali neplanirani dogadjaji kao grom, kratak spoj u mreži objekta, jake oscilacije drugih induktivnih potrošača itd. Nakon 2 tjedna ispitivanja skoro svih pojedinacnih komponenti i mjenjanja ostecenih, OBC i dalje ne radi. Zadnji pokusaj je bio danas da na predosjecaj zamjenimo jos jednu komponentu ako ne proradi, zvati vlasnika da je pacijenat podlegao. 5 minuta nas dijeli od sudbonosnog poziva, spajamo punjač i punjač proradio. Vlasnik spašen eutanazije fiata. Tako da svi dizel turbo fanovi kojima curi ulje sa motora pjesacima u ćevape, nemate brige za bateriju jer fićo vozi dalje, ne treba se “reciklirati”.
Nevjerovatno ali moguće, da Fiat bolje napravi EV od prdilice, nadmaši premium svabske rivale i da još ni fleke ulja nema ispod nje. Kad Bosch zasuče rukave i u najranijoj fazi razvoja električnih vozila davne 2012 implementiraju najbolja moguća riješenja u baterijski pogonski sustav. Impresionirani smo. Riješenja kojih se i Nissan može posramiti, active thermal control, Vodeno hladjenje i grijanje Li-Ion prismatic ćelija za njihovi dugovječnost i manju degradaciju. Već duže vrijeme tražimo jednog da istražimo tog Fiat bisera i da ga uvrstimo na EVC listu. Jedno je sigurno, ovo je bolje složen EV i od Nissan Leaf i od Renault Zoe/Fluence i bilo čega iz te ere. Mala 24kWh baterija sa prizmatičnim Li-Ion 65Ah celijama formira 97S na 360V. Elektromotor je Bosch i isti kao u elek Smart 451. Nedostatak je sto nema DC punjenje, samo Type1. Ćelije se hlade sa liquid cooled coolant plates u dnu bloka, ne hlade se terminali (bolja opcija). Ovaj je na žalost u dužem transportu doživio deep discharge, sve ćelije su na 0.4-0.6V, za sada vrlo izgledno za preživljavanje. Pokrenuli smo revival postupak celija koji traje 7 dana, analiza ispravnih i moguce neispravnih i nakon toga prvi test. Takodjer razmisljamo o proširenju projekta da napravimo substituciju ovim celijama sa Teslinim 2170 sto bi smanjilo masu i povecalo ukupni kapacitet. Za primjer, 20 komada 18650 celija je 749 grama i jednaka je zamjena 60Ah celijama od 1.3kg. Tesline sa duplo manje mase imaju isti kapacitet. Procedura oko demontaze baterije je nesto zahtjevnija, ispod baterije je zadnji most, za demontazu baterije potrebno potpuno ukloniti most. Ovih vozila ce biti dostupno za kupiti od EVC partnera, nekiv 20 komada na stanju.
Završili smo reparaciju baterije nakon utrošenih 0€ materijala, 10kn struje i neintezivnih 6 radnih dana mjerenja punjenja i balansiranja ćelija (usput smo zavrsili 6 drugih vozila). Zanimljivo je oduševljenje svih prisutnih kolega i gostiju na dojam fićeka kako izgleda i kako vozi nakon uspješnog zahvata, ali zanimljivo je i to da je moralo proći 8 godina medijskog trovanja kako EV nevalja i moralo je proći 8 godina da se uvjerimo da to nije točno a slično truju i dan danas, 8 godina da nije EV taj koji je sporan već ono što je uistinu prevara a to je Hybrid i Euro 5/6/7 ICE motori sa svojim “EKO” komponentama. Fiat je ovdje napravio uistinu presedan sa ovim modelom, u doba kada je svaki pokusaj dizajniranja EV pogona bio trčanje u mraku oni su uspjeli napraviti ultrakvalitetan sustav koji je ravan Teslinom, kojeg neki proizvodjači ni danas nemaju. Ovo vozilo je za svaku prepuruku, domet nije bajan ali za gradske potrebe savrsen. Odlicna je substitucija za škart Čmarta 453, Twinga, Zoe, eUp itd.. Jedini nedostatak je sto nema DC punjenje, ali ako mi uzmemo jednog onda budemo poradili na CCS retrofit. Fićek ubrzava fenomenalno i na gewindama se odlično drzi na cesti. Malo problema smo imali oko reaktivacije BMS sustava jer je zapamtio OTP grešku. Ovaj defekt baterije je nastao više nemarom, jer je ostavljen duze od godinu dana prazan bez nadzora. Nakon pada napona ispod minimalne sigurne razine sustav ne dopusta punjenje. U 8 godina prvi servis na Fiatu i nije loša statistika.
Unbelievable, but possible, that Fiat makes a better EV than a fart ICE device, surpasses the premium German rivals and that there is not even a spot of oil under car. When Bosch rolled up its sleeves and in the earliest phase of electric vehicle development back in 2012, they implemented the best possible solutions in the battery drive system. We are impressed. Solutions that even Nissan can be ashamed of, active thermal control, water cooling and heating of Li-Ion prismatic cells for their longevity and less degradation. We have been looking for one for a long time to explore this Fiat pearl and to include it in the EVC list. One thing is for sure, this is a better assembled EV than both the Nissan Leaf and the Renault Zoe/Fluence and anything else from that era. A small 24kWh battery with prismatic Li-Ion 65Ah cells forms a 97S at 360V. The electric motor is Bosch and it is same as in the ED Smart 451. The disadvantage is that it does not have DC charging, only Type1. The cells are cooled with liquid cooled coolant plates in the bottom of the block, the terminals are not cooled (a better option). Unfortunately, this one experienced a deep discharge during long transport, all cells are at 0.4-0.6V, for now it is very likely to survive. We started the revival process of cells that lasts 7 days, analysis of correct and possibly defective cells and then the first test. We are also thinking about expanding the project to make a substitution of these cells with Tesla’s 2170, which would reduce the mass and increase the total capacity. For example, 20 pieces of 18650 cells are 749 grams and equal to replacing 60Ah cells of 1.3 kg. Teslas with twice the mass have the same capacity. The procedure for disassembling the battery is somewhat more demanding, under the battery is the last bridge, to dismantle the battery it is necessary to completely remove the bridge. These vehicles will be available for purchase from EVC partners, some 20 units in stock.
We completed the battery repair after spending 0€ of materials, 1,5euro of electricity and a non-intensive 6 working days of measuring charging and balancing cells (we completed 6 other vehicles along the way). It is interesting to see the enthusiasm of all the present colleagues and guests at the impression of Fiat500, how he looks and how he drives after the successful refurbish operation, but it is also interesting that 8 years of media poisoning that EV is bad and 8 years had to pass to make sure that this is not true and public opinion is similarly poisoned even today, 8 years passed to find out that it is not the EV that is problematic, but what is truly a fraud is the Hybrid and Euro 5/6/7 ICE engines with their “ECO” components. Fiat set a real precedent here with this model, in an age when every attempt to design an EV drive was like running in the dark, they managed to make an ultra-quality system that is equal to Tesla, which some manufacturers do not even have today. This vehicle is highly recommended, the range is not great, but it is perfect for city needs. It’s an excellent replacement for scrap Smart EQ 453, Twing, Zoe, eUp, etc.. The only drawback is that it doesn’t have DC charging, but if we take one, we’ll work on a CCS retrofit. Fiat500 accelerates phenomenally and holds the road very well on gewinde suspenssion. We had a little problem reactivating the BMS system because it remembered the OTP error. This battery defect was caused more by negligence, because it was left empty for more than a year without supervision. After the voltage drops below the minimum safe level, the system does not allow charging. The first Fiat service in 8 years is not a bad statistic.