Electric mopeds, there is no more logical and sustainable way of transportation. Small battery, low weight, minimal consumption, simple system, cheap to charge and cheap to move. The Renault Twizy, a veteran and one of the favorite “buzz boilers”. Suddenly stopped, the cause unknown, diagnosis for a couple of days and in the end, we conclude that the Battery shows no signs of life. The dealers would get excited if the cells had died, however, it’s not the case; it’s the BMS controller with the MPC5516 RTOS processor Dumro. Attempts to read it were unsuccessful. And now the unsustainable part of the story where manufacturers reinvent the wheel, so they put a processor in the BMS that is not commercially available, it’s made to order and you can order it, but a minimum of 500 pieces which is an investment of €30,000 for us. So, it’s not worth it. Therefore, we were forced to order a new BMS, which believe it or not is sold separately but it’s €1,000 + VAT. Whereas, for example, Tesla’s BMS is €200 + VAT. Unrealistically expensive for the Twizy. The buzz boiler saved and restored without changing the entire battery (horror story). Also, if possible, could you call the owner from Zagreb and have them pick up the vehicle because we don’t have their phone number or know who left the vehicle.
Errors: DF512, DF313, DF314, DF192, DF193, DF496 Part numbers: 293A06820R, 293A00066R, 293A08221R, 293A07396R OEM: €4000 + tax EVC: €1000 + tax

Moped na struju, ne postoji logicniji i održiviji način kretanja. Mala baterija, mala masa, mala potrosnja, jednostavan sustav, punis jeftino i krećeš se jeftino. Renault Twizy veteran i jedan od omiljenih “fen bojler” zujalica. Stao iznenada, uzrok nepoznat, dijagnostika par dana i na kraju zaključimo da Baterija ne šalje nikakve znakove života. Dezalaši bi se napalili da su celije crkle, medjutim nije do toga već je BMS kontroler sa MPC5516 RTOS procesorom Dumro. Pokušaji izčitacanja neuspješni. A sad neodrzivi dio price gdje proizvodjači izmisljaju toplu vodu pa u BMS stave procesor koji nije komercijalno dostupan, tj radi se po narudzbi i kogu ga naruciti ali minimalno 500 komada sto je ulog od 30000€ za nas. Znaci ne isplati se. Pa smo bili prisiljeni naruciti novi BMS koji se vjerovali ili ne prodaje posebno ali je 1000€+pdv. Dok recimo Teslin BMS je 200€+pdv. Nerealno skup za Twizy. Zujalica spašena i osposobljena bez izmjene cijele baterije (horor prica).
Takodjer ako moguce da na vlasnik iz Zagreba nazove i da pokupi vozilo, jer nemamo ni broj telefona niti znamo tko je ostavio vozilo.
Errors: DF512, DF313, DF314, DF192, DF193, DF496
Part numbers: 293A06820R, 293A00066R, 293A08221R, 293A07396R
OEM: 4000+tax
EVC: 1000+tax