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Smart 453EQ fire hazard – Recall needed

🇭🇷🇺🇸Smart 453EQ sa zapaljenim inverterom. Zasto EU ne štiti EU vozače od tvorničkih grešaka? Ne samo na strujićima već i na fosilcima/hybridima. Ona vozila koja su sa razlogom u opozivu jer je tvornička greška, ista je opasnost u Americi, Norveškoj, Kini i u opozivu je, besplatno mjenjaju dio o svom trošku. Kao nissan leaf sa škart opasnom baterijom zbog napuhavanja ćelija i kratkog spoja, kao što je Kia Soul u opozivu za bateriju i opasnost od napuhavanja ćelija pa mjenjaju besplatno, kao Stellantis OBC i baterije… i 50 drugih primjera, vozila su opozivu i mjenja se tvornicka greska svagdje osim u EU. Unutar EU vlasnici placaju tudje greške. Smart 453EQ ima osim programiranih kvarova i ne evidentiranu tvornicku gresku DCDC invertera koji je se u 5 evidentiranih slučajeva zapalio samo u Zagrebu, za dva vozila iz njemačke znamo da su i vozila nagorila kompletno. DCDC se nalazi u modulu motora (powertrain jedinica), osim glupog i nefunkcionalnog dizajna gdje za svaki kvar skidas kompletan zadnji kraj takodjer je i preskup, totalno neodrživ. DCDC je ovom vozilu “alternator” za punjenje malog akumulatora, sto se tocno desi niie jasno ali osim programirane greske kad se izbriše, poremeti, nije moguce ni fleshanjem online SCN osposobiti. Samo reparacija na stolu pomaže. Ustanovili smo da i loš akumulator ga ošteti. Takodjer ga ošteti ako antifriz nije pravilno ozračen, jer on se nalazi u samom vrhu sustava a hladi se sa antifrizom. A najzanimljivije je to što vecina vlasnika u garanciji ni nezna da im se zapalio DCDC, a sam razvoj horora ide ovako: ujutro se probudite smart ne vozi, odvezes u servis, javljaju da je velika baterija neispravna… ok garancija, čekaš, oni montiraju i zovu da je JOS NEŠTO NEISPRAVNO(to je znak). U nekim slučajevima ako je nagoreni dcdc zalijepio kontaktore i skurio bateriju/osigurac moguce da je DCDC i dalje u kratkom spoju od 0 ohm. Decki ugrade novu bateriju pa spale i nju. Nekad znaju dva puta mjenjati bateriju, dok ne skuže da je šlus i na autu. Onda zamjene powertrain jedinicu i bateriju pa Smart proradi. Ovlasteni servisi vracaju stare dijelove tvornici i niti ne znaju da je požar bio u modulu, koji srećom nije eskalirao dalje. Proizvodjač zna za problem ali od 2017 godine nitko nije napravio opoziv. Isti se problem desava na Twingu, Zoe i elektricnom Smartu 453EQ. Vrlo opasan problem za koji bi netko od proizvodjača trebao u zatvor. Problem je jako kompleksan jer dovodi u problem sve, i radi ogromnu stetu svima. Prvo mi ugradjujemo nove original komponente u DCDC kad je neispravan, medjutim on je i dalje tvornicka greška dizajnom, jer je i nov tvornička greška. Odgovornost prenose na nas da se čak razmišljamo kompletno obustaviti radove na ovom tipu vozila kao i za Nissan Leaf bateriie. Ovo je wakeup call vlasnicima da ipak kontaktiraju zastitu potrosaca i prijave problem jer na ovim temama i istazivanjima ne radi niko. Možda čak i NHTSA prijaviti. I vrlo bitno za napomenuti je da tehnicari ovlastenog servisa imaju vezane ruke, ne smiju otvarati powertrain za provjeru, odgovornost je najmanje na njima, samo na proizvodjuču. Ovo vozilo je za totalni opoziv DCDC invertera.

Part number: 292A05698R, A4533404500

Supplier: Delta

Engineering: Renault

🇺🇸 Smart 453EQ with a burning inverter. Why doesn’t the EU protect EU drivers from factory defects? Not only in electric vehicles but also in fossil fuel/hybrids. Vehicles that are rightfully recalled due to factory defects pose the same danger in America, Norway, China, and they are recalled and parts are replaced for free. Like the Nissan Leaf with a dangerous defective battery due to cell swelling and short circuit, or the Kia Soul recalled for battery danger and cell swelling, they are replaced for free, as well as Stellantis OBC and batteries… and 50 other examples, vehicles are recalled and factory defects are fixed everywhere except in the EU. Within the EU, owners pay for others’ mistakes. Besides programmed faults, the Smart 453EQ also has an undocumented factory defect of the DCDC inverter, which has caught fire in 5 documented cases only in Zagreb, with two vehicles from Germany completely burned. The DCDC is located in the engine module (powertrain unit), besides being stupidly and non-functionally designed where you have to remove the entire rear end for each fault, it is also excessively expensive, totally unsustainable. The DCDC is the “alternator” for charging the small battery in this vehicle, exactly what happens is not clear, but besides the programmed fault when it is cleared, it malfunctions, it is also not possible to enable it by flashing online SCN. Only repair on the table helps. We found that a bad battery also damages it. It also damages it if the antifreeze is not properly ventilated because it is located at the very top of the system and is cooled with antifreeze. And the most interesting thing is that most owners don’t even know that their DCDC caught fire during the warranty period, and the horror unfolds like this: you wake up in the morning, the Smart doesn’t drive, you take it to the service, they say the big battery is faulty… okay, warranty, you wait, they install it and call to say that SOMETHING ELSE IS STILL FAULTY (that’s a sign). In some cases, if the burnt DCDC has soldered the contacts and burned the battery/fuse, it is possible that the DCDC is still short-circuited at 0 ohms. The guys install a new battery and then burn it too. Sometimes they change the battery twice before realizing that there is a problem with the car. Then they replace the powertrain unit and the battery, and the Smart starts working. Authorized services return old parts to the factory and don’t even know that there was a fire in the module, which fortunately did not escalate further. The manufacturer is aware of the problem, but since 2017, no recall has been made. The same problem occurs in the Twingo, Zoe, and electric Smart 453EQ. A very dangerous problem for which someone from the manufacturers should go to jail. The problem is very complex because it affects everyone and causes huge damage to everyone. First, we install new original components in the DCDC when it is faulty, however, it is still a factory defect by design because even the new one is a factory defect. Responsibility is shifted to us to the point where we are considering completely suspending work on this type of vehicle as well as for Nissan Leaf batteries. This is a wakeup call for owners to contact consumer protection and report the problem because no one is working on these issues and investigations. Maybe even report to the NHTSA. This R240 is for total recall of DCDC inverter.

Part number: 292A05698R

Supplier: Delta

Engineering: Renault

Example when DCDC inverter destroys electric Smart 453EQ but battery survives:

Example when DCDC catch fire and destroys Renault Zoe in Croatia Varazdin:


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Smart 453EQ – 8000€ fuse defect – No charging

Die Smart 453 EQ hatte einen schweren Ausfall, und der Hersteller in Deutschland verlangte 8000 € für Reparaturen, obwohl die tatsächlichen Kosten für Teile nur 2 € betrugen. Der Ausfall hing mit der Unfähigkeit zusammen, an Typ 2 zu laden. OEMs ersetzen in der Regel den gesamten Antriebsstrang, ohne zu versuchen, das fehlerhafte Teil zu ersetzen oder weitere Untersuchungen durchzuführen, aber hier setzt EV Clinic an – um tiefer einzutauchen und Lösungen auf Komponentenebene zu finden. Die europäische Automobilindustrie neigt dazu, auffällige Außen- und Innenräume über gut gestaltete Autos und qualitativ hochwertige Antriebsstränge zu stellen und belastet letztendlich Besitzer und Käufer mit schlecht gestalteten Produkten. Im Fall des 453EQ deutete der Fehler auf ein mögliches Problem mit dem OBC hin. Nachdem der gesamte Antriebsstrang untersucht und keine Probleme festgestellt wurden, entdeckten wir eine versteckte Sicherung im Ladekabelanschluss. Wenn diese Sicherung durchbrennt, gibt es kein redundantes Sicherheitssystem, um dies zu melden. OEMs berechnen 8000 €, um später festzustellen, dass es eine 2 €-Sicherung im Kabel ist, und verlangen zusätzlich 850 € für die Enthüllung. Damit die europäische Automobilindustrie nachhaltig ist, besteht ein dringender Bedarf an mehr Investitionen in Fehlersuche und besseres Produktdesign.

Besorgniserregend ist, dass beim Austausch des gesamten Antriebsstrangs für 8000 € 4-5 weitere verschiedene Defekte auftreten. Das bedeutet, dass ein DCDC-Ausfall 8000 € kostet, ein OBC 8000 € kostet, ein Wechselrichter 8000 € kostet. Deshalb neigen wir eher zum älteren 451ED, der eine deutlich höhere Qualität aufweist und nachhaltigere Servicemöglichkeiten bietet.


The Smart 453 EQ experienced a severe breakdown, and the manufacturer in Germany demanded €8000 for repairs when the actual cost for parts was only €2. The failure was related to the inability to charge on type2. OEMs typically replace the entire powertrain without attempting to replace the faulty part or conduct further investigation, but that’s where EV Clinic steps in – to delve deeper and find solutions at the component level. The European automotive industry tends to prioritize flashy exteriors and interiors over well-designed cars and quality powertrains, ultimately burdening owners and buyers with poorly designed products. In the case of the 453EQ, the error indicated a probable issue with the OBC. Upon investigating the entire powertrain and finding no problems, we discovered a hidden fuse within the charge port cable. If this fuse burns out, there’s no redundant failsafe system to report it. OEMs charge €8000 only to later realize it’s a €2 fuse in the cable, adding an extra €850 for the revelation. For the EU automotive industry to be sustainable, there’s a crucial need for increased investment in troubleshooting and better product design.

Concerning is that they have 4-5 more different defect when they change complete powertrain for 8000€. That means DCDC failure is 8000€, obc is 8000€, inverter is 8000€. That’s why we lean towards the older 451ED, which boasts significantly higher quality and offers more sustainable servicing options.

Part number: 4539019900, 4539029007

OEM Reparatur: 8000€

EVC Reparatur: Teile 2€ und Arbeit 798€.

Fehler: P07A023

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451ED Battery Reincarnation and Tuning – DIE HARD A7893407201


This was a mission of 3 months, a mission of a personal nature, a mission with the goal of saving the most beloved and highest quality small city EV from global cannibalization for parts. The Smart 451ED, first made by Tesla with its drive system in early 2008/09 for Daimler, was later produced by Daimler itself with the BOSCH drive system SMG180 electric motor, BOSCH AccuMotive, and “made in Germany” LiTec pouch 50Ah cells which were a fairly high technological achievement at the time. However, 10 years have passed and there are no adequate replacement cells available for these vehicles anywhere. This is also a story of the unsustainability of the automotive industry that doesn’t offer a long-term solution for replacement, and even “component level” parts, as this Smart 451ED chronically suffers from a lack of parts, especially for the battery system. The battery system, in addition to having integrated programmed BMS errors meant to bankrupt the owner, also has the long-term problem of degradation of the edge cells, which, despite active cooling and heating of the battery with antifreeze, leads to the crystallization of the electrolyte and damage to the cell layers themselves. As shown in the image below, where the edge of the cell has crystallized, risen, and started to cut into the layers of the adjacent cell.

A degraded battery pack typically has around 12 cells that need replacement to restore about 90% of the battery’s health. This is only possible if you have the materials on hand, and here lies the problem: there are no materials available. The only material that can be obtained is by cannibalizing one electric 451ED to repair 4-8 vehicles, of course, if only about 10 cells need replacement. However, in practice, the situation is even more dire because we’ve encountered cases where up to 80 out of 93 cells were damaged, which is essentially a total loss.

But for months we’ve been devising a plan and have found a solution. The solution came about quite accidentally in the form of recycled cells from a Ford Hybrid. The Ford Hybrid ended up as junk, where every hybrid arguably belongs, and we used its cells to design an entirely new battery assembly with a “block to pack” homologated and certified system that already had an integrated voltage sense PCB connector, steel housing, insulation, stress and drop test, and most importantly, state-of-the-art Samsung SDI Prismatic cells with a 6C discharge rate and 50Ah capacity. These cells perfectly match the old design in capacity, but with a significant improvement in cell body cooling, and crucially, a reduction in the overall battery weight by 50 kilograms while retaining the original battery capacity.

Thus, through mathematics, dimension measurements, and even before the start of the project, we concluded that this is the only adequate and safe solution for the reincarnation of the Smart 451ED. At the same time, it’s a solution that turns the Hybrid, the biggest misstep of the automotive industry, into something with a more noble and useful purpose than wasting resources on placebo “savings” and “cost-effective movement.” The project began as follows:

And in the end, it concluded like this and successfully operated from the first attempt:

In the entire process, we recycled absolutely everything. We utilized the original protective aluminum cage which served as the edge shield and holder for the original cells. The original “coolant plates” radiators were used, as were the original wiring for the 451 battery and the original wiring of the Ford block with “Voltage Sense wiring.” We incorporated the original busbar, BMS system, contactors, HV connector, fuses, and the entire protective structure with added reinforcement for the bottom and top parts of the battery system.

Before assembly, we conducted an OBD test on the table to ensure that we correctly connected all “voltage sense wiring” from Ford cells to the CSE slave balance board controllers.

Now, the most crucial part: the battery that served as a donor for this project had around 50 damaged cells and was deemed a total loss since the number of cells for replacement exceeded the vehicle’s value. The remaining functional cells were tested and recycled for the restoration of 3 vehicles from Croatia, each having about 10 damaged cells. Thus, we maintained a sustainability loop without the unsustainable cannibalization of another vehicle.

Now, some statistics, estimated prices, and our future plan. First: This battery reduced the vehicle’s weight by 50 kilograms, which will inherently reduce consumption and extend range. Second: It reduced the internal cell resistance from the old 1.1 mOhm to a new 0.98 mOhm, while the DCir was lowered from 3 mOhm to 1.2mOhm. This result is the holy grail of the entire project, as this reduces battery heating, thermal losses under load, and charging losses, all of which add a performance and range bonus. Third: Cell cooling is more efficient because it cools with a larger contact surface than before, where previously only copper bridges were cooled after battery terminals and small welds on connections. Fourth: We didn’t design the battery just to make it and then be unable to repair it ourselves or by a third party. The sustainability of any automotive product is based not on how expensive it is to fix, but on how simple it is to repair and replace a part. We configured blocks in the original casing with CSE wiring such that a few screws and some connector unhooking will easily replace the block. You don’t need an astronaut to fix the system as you would with a Hybrid or Hydrogen nonsense.

The system’s price will be between 6000 and 8000€ including VAT, where you leave your old unopened battery for exchange and receive a tested EVC battery. We’ll streamline the process to 3 work hours for battery service. Your old battery goes for EVC reincarnation, and the old cells are used to rescue other vehicles on the road, permanently halting cannibalization. Considering that the MB service asks for 14000e for another used battery and allegedly 28000e for a new one, this is more than an acceptable price for a far better, longer-lasting, and higher quality solution.

And now, the most important question is, “how many ‘million kilometers on a single tank with a catheter connected to the pee pipe’ does it go?” The range that, in practice, with a 10-year-old battery and somewhat healthy cells was around 90km in summer, and 60 in winter, we have raised it to a realistic 140 km range in summer at moderate temperature. We will test the winter range as it had the most significant losses due to the increased internal resistance of the cells at lower temperatures. This is a project I did for myself and my vehicle, so the effort invested in details is primarily focused on meeting my high demands for quality and sustainability. Driven by the goal to make it better than the original and to have a sustainable solution in the entire circular economy. I have closed that circle; it’s up to you to continue it with me.

And in conclusion, a point we’ve emphasized several times is that the European automotive industry is highly deceptive and unsustainable. They manufacture vehicles without providing a sustainable solution for sourcing/producing replacement parts, integrate programmed faults, and limit access to service information. Promoting eMobility as sustainable while selling unsustainable products is akin to the Dieselgate scandal, just dressed in silk.

Rest assured, EVC won’t let that slip under the radar.



Ovo je bila misija od 3 mjeseca, misija personalne prirode, misija u kojoj je bio cilj da najdraži i najkvalitetniji mali gradski EV spasimo od globalne kanibalizacije za dijelove. Smart 451ED kojeg je prvo Tesla napravila sa svojim pogonskim sustavom rane 2008/09 za Daimler, kasnije ih je radio sam Daimler sa BOSCH pogonskim sustavom SMG180 elektromotorom , BOSCH AccuMotive i “made in germany” LiTec pouch 50Ah celijama koje su u to vrijeme bile poprilično visoko tehnološko postignuće. Medjutim prošlo je 10 godina i za ta vozila nigdje nije moguće kupiti adekvatne zamjenske ćelije. Ovo je i priča o primjeru neodrživosti automobilske industirije koja ne nudi dugoročno riješenje za zamjenske pa čak i “component level” dijelove, jer ovaj Smart 451ED kronično boluje od nedostatka dijelova, najviše za baterijski sustav. Baterijski sustav osim što ima intergrirane programirane greške BMS-a kako bi vlasnika bankrotiralo, također je i dugorocni problem degradacije rubnih ćelija, koje i pored aktivnog hladjenja i grijanja baterije antifrizom dolazi do kristalizacija elektrolita i oštećenja samih slojeva ćelije. Kao što je prikazano na donjoj slici gdje je rub ćelije kristalizirao, uzdigao se i počeo rezati slojeve susjedne ćelije.

Jedan degradirani battery pack ima od prilike oko 12 ćelija za izmjenu kako bi se vratilo u obim 90% zdravlja baterije. To je moguće samo ako imaš materijal na stanju i tu nastaje problem, jer materijala nema. Jedini materijal koji se moze dobiti je kanibaliziranjem jednog elektricnog 451ED kako bi popravio 4-8 vozila, naravno ako je samo 10ak celija za izmjenu. Medjutim u praksi je priča još žalosnija jer imali smo primjere gdje je bilo oštećeno i 80 od 93 ćelije, što je ujedno i totalna šteta.

Ali zato smo mi mjesecima kovali plan i došli do riješenja. Riješenje koji je naišlo sasvim slučajno u obliku reciklirani ćelija iz Ford Hybrida, ford hybrid je zavrsio na smeću gdje je svakom hyridu i mjesto a mi smo ćelije iskoristili u dizjaniranje kompletno novog baterijskog sklopa sa “block to pack” homologiranim i atestiranim sustavom koji je imao već intergriran voltage sense PCB konektor, čelično kućište, izolaciju, stress i drop test i ono najbitnije, state of the art Samsung SDI Prismatic ćelijema sa 6C discharge rate i 50Ah kapaciteta koje u potpunosti kapacitetom odgovaraju starom dizajnom, ali sa jedni velikim poboljšanjem hlađenja tijela ćelije i ono najvažnije smanjenjm ukupne mase baterije za 50 kilograma zadržavajuci isti originalni kapacitet baterije.

Tako smo matematikom , mjerenjem dimenzija i prije samog početka projekta došli do zaključka da je ovo jedino adekvatno i sigurno riješenje za reinkarnaciju Smart 451ED. Ujedno i riješenje da Hybrid kao najveći promašaj autoindustrije ipak ima neku plemenitiju i korisniju svrhu od trošenja resursa na placebo “uštedu” i “jeftinije kretanje”.
Projekat je ovako počeo:

A na kraju je ovako završio i uspješno proradio od prvi put:

U kompletnom procesu reciklirali smo apsolutno sve. Koristili smo original zaštitni kavez od aluminija koji je bio rubni štit i nosač za original ćelije, korišteni su original “coolante plate” hladnjaci, originalno ožičenje i 451 baterije i original ožičenje Ford bloka sa “Voltage Sense wiring”. Original busbar, BMS sustav, kontakotri, HV konektor, osigurači i kompletna zaštitna konstrukcija sa dodanim ojačanjem donjeg i gornjed dijela baterijskog sustava.

Prije samo sastavljanja napravili smo OBD test na stolu da potvrdimo da smo spojili pravilno sve “voltage sense wiring” sa Ford ćelija na CSE slave balance board kontrolere.

A sada ono najbitnije, baterija koja je bila donor ovom projektu imala je oko 50 oštećenih ćelija i baterija je progašena totalnom štetom jer broj ćelija za izmjenu prelazi vrijednost vozila. Ostatak ispravnih ćelija smo ispitali i reciklirali za resturacija 3 vozila iz Hrvatske koji su imali po 10 oštećenih ćelija. Tako da smo krug održivosti zadržali bez neodržive kanibalizacije drugog vozila.

A sad malo statistike, okvirne cijene i koji nam je plan za dalje.
Prvo:Ova baterija spustila je masu vozila za 50 kilograma što će samo po sebu smanjiti potrošnju i povecati domet, Drugo: Smanjila je unutarnji otpor ćelije sa starih 1.1 mOhm na nove od 0.98 mOhm, dok je DCir smanjen sa 3 mOhm na 1.2mOhm. Taj rezulat je sveti gral cijelog projekta jer ovim smanjujemo grijanje baterije i termalne gubitke pod opterećenjima i gubitke na punjenju što paralelno dodaje plus na performanse i domet.
Treće: Hladjenje celija je efektivnije jer se hladi vecom dodirnom površinom nego prije, gdje je prije hladilo samo bakarne mostove poslje baterijskih terminala i malih varova na spojevima.
Četvrto: Bateriju nismo osmislili da je napravimo a da je ne možemo mi ili neko treći popraviti. Održivost bilo kojeg automotiv proizvoda temelji se na činjenici ne koliko je skup za popraviti, već koliko je jednostavan za popraviti i zamjeniti dio. Blokove smo konfigurali i originalnom kućištu zajedno sa CSE wiringom tako da je odvijanjem par vijaka i odpajanjem konekotra blok vani i jednostavno ga zamjenite. Ne treba vam astronaut da vam popravi sustav kao na Hybridu ili Hydrogen budalaštini.

Cijena sustava ce biti izmedju 6000 i 8000€ sa PDV, gdje vi ostavljate svoju staru neotvaranu bateriju na razmjenu a dobijate EVC bateriju testiranu. Proces ćemo svesti na 3 radna sata za servis baterije. Vaša stara baterija ide na EVC reinkarnaciju a stare ćelije idu za spašavanje drugih vozila na cesti tako da ćemo kanibalizaciju trajno zaustaviti.
S obzirom da MB servis trazi 14000e za drugu rabljenu bateriju i navodno 28000e za novu, ovo je i vise nego prihvatljiva cijena za daleko bolje, dugotrajnije i kvalitetnije rijesenje.

A sada ono najbitnije pitanje je, koliko to ide “milijuna kilometara sa jednom rezervarom i spojenim kateterom na pipi”. Domet koje je u praksi sa 10g starom baterijom i koliko toliko zdravim celijama bio oko 90km ljeti, i 60 zimi, mi smo ga digli na realnih 140 km dometa ljeti na umjerenoj temperaturi. Domet zimi tek budemo testirali jer tu je imao najvece gubitke zbog porasta unutarnjeg otpora celija na nizim temperaturama. Ovo je projekat koji sam radio sebi za svoje vozilo, tako da ulozeni trud u detalje je primarno fokusiran da zadovolji moje visoke zathjeve kvalitete i održivosti. Vodjen ciljem da se napravi bolje nego je original i da je riješenje održivo u kompletnoj kružnoj ekonomiji. Ja sa taj krug zatvorio, na vama je da ga skupa nastavimo.

I na kraju kompletan zakljucak koji vec nekoliko puta naglasavamo je da je europska autoindustrija izrazito obmanjujuca i neodrziva, proizvode vozila za koje nemaju odrzivo rijesenje nabave/proizvodnje zamjenskih dijelova, integriraju programirane kvarove i limitiraju pristup servisnim infomarmacijama. Put kojim promoviraju eMobility kao odrziv a prodaju neodrzive prozivode je isto što i dizelgate afera, samo u svilenom ruhu.

Used OEM battery: 14000 Euro
NEW OEM battery: 28000 Euro
EVC NEW battery: 8000 Euro

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Smart 451 ED P18051C Programmed robbery defect

You ask and we deliver. Smart 451ED BMS repair and reset operation manual is available in EVC Academy and in 15 steps you can stop robbing policy where OEM request complete battery change because there is programmed defect which lock out battery pack. Sometimes even healty one must be changed because there is programmed defect in BMS. So if you are in trouble with programmed defect inside BMS unit we can successfully program it so your battery can live again.

Errors: P18051C, P0DE71C, P0DE763, P0DE697, P0DE663, P0DE61C, P0B3B62, P0DE616, P1D2771, P1D2777, P1D2785, P1D2877, P1D2885, P056216, P0B4487, P0AA100, P0AA400

Part numbers: 0442001001, A7899010100-003, A7893407201 and other,


EVC Repair: 800€

EVC Academy 2000€

If you want to buy know-how online operation manual training, you can visit our link:

If you want to send us your BMS and we repair it you can order it at the link below:

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BRUSA NLG664 Onboard Charger repair

Electric SMART 451ED with BRUSA NLG664 Onboard Charger repair operation manual by EVC Academy pursue 99% success rate of repairs on those units. We know there are forums and some free DIY instructions and everybody knows that capacitators are problem but they are not complete and without tips&tricks how to prevent total damage during repair process. We had 20 inquires for repair of those devices but owners tried to repair it themselves and they destroyed PCB and other components which are not produced anymore. In most cases after DIY attempt, repair is not possible. Problem is that this OBC is 8000€ in Mercedes workshop and 20 owners with DIY repair attempts from FREE Forum instructions ended up with total 160,000€ of damage and 20 immobilised vehicles. Which is is unsustainable path to maintain EV. I can freely say that total EV Killer is free forum repair. We made full repair instruction with full part list and webshop link, because thise parts are not produced anymore and hard to find and only same dimension fits inside.

Error: P0DAA00, P0D5700 and other

Partnumber: A4519822821, NLG664

OEM Price: 8000€

EVC Academy 1400€

EVC Repair 1000€

DIY : Total damage

If you want to get training on BRUSA Reman process you can buy it on link:

If you want to send us your BRUSA and we repair it, you can buy service of it on the link:

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Electric Assmart 453 (2017-2022) – DCDC Inverter defect

Wrote several times and repeated… there is no worse, more expensive and poorer quality vehicle than this in 100 years of the auto industry. In case of any malfunction, you must remove the complete electric drive. When you unscrew the 350 bolts, cables, connectors, covers, then you get to the DCDC buck converter that charges the 12V battery from the large 400 volt drive battery which is in defect. Sounds simple? However, it is even worse. In case of any failure, the authorized service changes the complete drive, and according to the latest information, it is 5500 euros. The agony of the owner’s first phone call and the concussion of the Mercedes repair offer is unbelievable. If it says DCDC is in defect, then you change: RLC Filter + DCDC + OBC + VFD Inverter… EVERY TIME anything fails. If your OBC fails, you change everything again because everything is implemented in one aluminium box on the electric motor. The sale of each individual components is not available, so each failure on that part costs 5,500 euros. In addition, a couple of defective electric motors (buzzing, scraping, rattling etc.) have already been recorded at 100,000 km, but we have not worked to analyse any of them yet. The warranty on the mentioned components is 2 years or 20,000 km and most owners experience the “organized” DE-electrification of the German industry with a low-quality drive system in the very early phase of using the vehicle. But that’s not all, as in TOP SHOP, if you don’t get any of that, there are still several programmed failures on the 14,000 euro battery, serial error of the BMS system (HW), serial error of the firmware system in the BMS, crash lock, counter. how many times have you contacted us, etc… For 2 years we have researched all possible faults, all possible solutions and repairs, there is no fault that can surprise us and it is a great shame that a reputable manufacturer has completely ruined the Smart 453, which is an irreplaceable city EV . But this is nothing new, they have ruined all the powertrains since 2010.


Pisali nekoliko puta i ponavljali… ne postoji gore, skuplje i nekvalitetnije vozilo od ovog u 100 godina auto industrije. Kod bilo kojeg kvara, morate vaditi kompletan elektropogon. Kad odšarafite 350 šarafa, kablova, konektora, poklopaca, tada dodjete do DCDC buck konvertera koji puni 12V akumulator iz velike pogonske 400 volt baterije. Zvuči jednostavno? Međutim još i gore je. Kod bilo kojeg kvara ovlašteni servis mjenja kompletan pogon i po zadnjim informacijama je 5500eura. Agonija prvog telefonskog poziva vlasnika i potres mozga od Mercedes ponude za popravak je nevjerovatna. Ako crkne DCDC, onda mjenjaš : RLC Filter + DCDC + OBC + VFD Inverter… SVAKI PUT. Ako ti crkne OBC, opet mjenjaš sve jer sve je implementirano u jednu aluminijsku kutiju na elektromotoru. Prodaja posebnih komponenti nije dostupna i tako svaki kvar na tom čmartu košta 5500 eura. Osim toga evidentirano je par defektnih elektromotora (zujanje, struganje itd) vec na 100000km ali nismo još niti jedan radili da aniliziramo. Garancija na pomenute komponente je 2 godine ili 20000km i većina vlasnika iskusi “organiziranu” DEelektrifikaciju njemacke industrije nekvalitetnim pogonskim sustavom u vrlo ranoj fazi korištenja vozila. Ali to nije sve, kao u TOP SHOPu, ako vam ne crkne ništa od toga, tu vas još čeka nekoliko programiranih kvarova na bateriji od 14000 eura, serijska greska BMS sustava (HW), serijska greska firmware sustava u BMS, crash lock, brojač koliko puta ste dali kontakt itd… Mi smo 2 godine istraživali sve moguće kvarove, sve moguće solucije i reparacije, ne postoji kvar koji nas može iznenaditi i velika je štata da je jedan remonirani proizvodjač upropastio u potpunosti Smart 453 koji je nezamjenjiv gradski EV. Ali to nije ništa novo, upropastili su sve pogone od 2010 godine.

Part number: A4533404500, 292A05698R

Error: P0852F1, P085296

OEM Workshop: 5500 euro

EV Clinic: 1500 euro

What we offer:

-Full powertrain disassembly training

-Full DCDC Repair training

-Full OBC Repair training

-Full Drive inverter cloning, programming and repair training

-Full Battery repair training

-Full BMS software reading, writing and programmed defect reset training

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Battery Repair Smart 453 EQ

Troy fell because of horses and EV trust will fall because of this Smart 453 (not 451 which is 10x better). There is nothing worse to work on, repair and pay for defects. Each breakdown is €5,000 starting price up to €15,000. This one came from Belgrade with only 2000 km on the clock. The battery went into programmed BMS failure for unknown reasons. After that, the BMS is permanently locked, it cannot even drive or charge. This failure was unsolvable until we were the first in the world, after 6 months of work, (4 years ago) to crack the OTP programmed failure for the first time, to manually fix it in the eeprom of the SPC564 processor. Programming the BMS controller alone is not enough, as the newly created deep discharge failure was not resolved, recovery charging and balancing needed. The removal of this defect to an authorized service center costs €15,000 and there was no alternative before. This battery normally has 4 serial errors: internal instrument ISO ohmmeter defect, processor defect, programmed failure with amplifier how many times you activate the contact (180000), hardware error boot sector on 12V powerglitch bug, voltage drop due to low SOC discharge…etc etc. Most of the crying happens already at 20,000-30,000 km. It is advisable to recommend the vehicle to the mother-in-law, stepmother, ex-wife and other enemies.

Troja je pala zbog konja a EV povjerenje će zbog ovog Smarta 453 (ne 451 koji je 10x bolji). Nema goreg za raditi, popravljati i plaćati defekte. Svaki kvar je 5000€ start cijena pa sve do 15000€. Ovaj je došao iz Beograda sa samo 2000 km na satu. Baterija je otišla iz nepoznatih razloga u programirani BMS kvar. Nakon toga se BMS trajno zaključa, ne može ni voziti ni puniti. Ovaj kvar je bio ne riješiv dok nismo prvi u svijetu nakon 6mj posla (prije 4 godine) uspjeli provaliti po prvi put OTP programirani kvari, ručno ga otkloniti u eeprome SPC564 procesora. Samo programiranje BMS kontrolera nije dovoljno ukoliko se ne rijesi i novo nastali kvar dubokog praznjenja, zatim punjenja i balansiranja. Otklon ovog defekta u ovlastenom servisu košta 15000€ i nije bilo alternative. Ova baterija inače ima vise od 4 serijeske greške: defekt ISO ohmmeter unutarnjeg instrumenta, defekt procesora, programirani kvar sa projačom koliko puta aktivirate kontakt (180000), hardwerska greška boot sector na 12V powerglitch bug, voltage drop zbog low SOC discharge… itd itd. Većina plakanja se dešava već na 20000-30000km. Vozilo je poželjno preporučiti punici, maćehi, bivšoj i ostalim dušmanima.

Errors: P18051C, P18051B, P0420F1, P030586, P03081, P044196

Partnumbers: a7899014200, 295101339R, A7893404504, A7893407201, A7899028300 , A7893403400 , A7895840238,

OEM Repair: 15000€

EVC Repair: 1200-5000€

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Smart 451 ED – Veteran

We offer: Battery repair, BMS Repair, Cells, Repair training. CONTACT US

Electric Smart 451 ED 2014 from Koper, after 2 days of measurement and we repair it in one day, the malfunction of reduced range and shutdown at only 20%.

Range increased from 40km to almost 100km range. Out of 93 pouch cells, on the first measurement 3 showed reduced capacity where the entire battery pack suffered, because the battery is as strong as the weakest cell in the series. The total capacity was only 9.5-10.2kWh out of a maximum of 18.7kWh. 4 precisely located cells were replaced, where the electrolyte crystallized around the edge and reduced the total capacity. However, this still does not mean, according to the interpretation of “fossilizers”, that the old ones are defective and that we have to throw them away, given that they still have 50% of their nominal capacity, we will give them a new role, we will use them to restore “12V Boosters” for starting diesel and gasoline engines when their 12V battery runs out. Very often Boosters with lead batteries do not even last a few months. So if you find all those Lithium batteries that are poisoning nature from media headlines or you see someone throwing them away, please bring them to us… we pay.

The repair of this 8-year-old Smart with 32,000 km cost €1,300 including VAT. The cost is lower because it arrived on time in driving condition, the BMS was not locked. Savings of €9,000.


Električni Smart 451 ED 2014 iz Kopra, nakon 2 dana mjerenja i popravke u jednom danu, otklonjen kvar smanjenog dometa i gašenja na samo 20%.

Domet dignut sa 40km na skoro 100km dometa. Od 93 pouch ćelije, na prvom mjerenju 3 su pokazale smanjeni kapacitet gdje je cijeli battery pack trpio, jer baterija je jaka kolko je jaka najslabija ćelija u seriji. Ukupan kapacitet je bio samo 9.5-10.2kWh od max 18.7kWh. Zamjenjene su točno locirane 4 ćelije kojima je po rubu kristalizirao elektrolit i smanjio ukupni kapacitet. Medjutim to i dalje ne znači po tumačenju “fosiledžija” da su stare neispravne i da ih moramo baciti, s obzirom da i dalje imaju 50% nazivnog kapaciteta budemo im dali novu ulogu, od njih radimo restauraciju “12V Boostera” za paljenje dizelaša i benzinaca kad im se 12V akumulator isprazni. Vrlo često Boosteri sa olovnim baterijama ne izdrže ni par mjeseci. Tako da ako nadjete sve te Litij baterije koje truju prirodu iz medijskih natpisa ili vidite da ih neko baca, molimo da nam ih donesete.. plaćamo. 😁😎

Reparacija ovog Smarta starog 8 godina i sa 32000km koštala je 1300€ sa PDV. Trošak je manji jer je na vrijeme došao u voznom stanju, BMS nije bio zaključan. Ušteda 9000€.

  • P18051C  – The cell voltaes of the hybrid/high-voltage battery module are too high. The voltage value is outside the permissible range.
  • P0DE71C
  • P0DE763
  • P0DE697
  • P0DE663
  • P0DE61C
  • P0B3B62
  • P0DE616
  • P1D2771
  • P1D2777
  • P1D2785
  • P1D2877
  • P1D2885
  • P056216
  • P0B4487
  • P0AA100 
  • P0AA400
  • P18051C 

Part number: 0442001001 A7899010100

A7893407201 A7899028300 A7893403400 A7895840238

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Electric EQ Smart 453 – Čmart – Worst EV ever produced

This is the worst EV ever made.

If you’ve never been a guarantor for a loan to a former friend, if you’ve never dropped the soap in a prison shower, if you’ve never borrowed money from a loan shark, if you’ve never owned a faulty Citroen/VW/BMW hybrid but want to experience all of that, buy this wonderful junker and try everything out all at once, suddenly. German quality, as we said, didn’t just drop a few percent—it completely died, and here it has even reached nirvana. To inflate the tires on this car, you literally have to take out the entire engine, because the valve is inside the motor’s stator, and before that, you need to split the car in half, LITERALLY! Every fault on this piece of junk doesn’t cost €1000, no, not even €2000, or €3000, but an astronomical €5500. For every issue, they replace the entire powertrain module at €5500, meaning if your wipers break, you go to Končar to weld an entirely new front end of the car, because apparently, that’s easier. The story doesn’t end there, hahaha, there are four different faults that make you replace one part of the car. Out of those four faults, two are programmed. But wait, we’re not done yet. There’s also a battery defect, not just one, but six different serial faults, and three are programmed (contactor counter, impact detect, cell imbalance OTP error), after which you have to replace a perfectly healthy battery and pay €15,000.

All this highway robbery was possible until the car came into the hands of EV Clinic. After 12 months of multitasking research across three different fleets and several different vehicles, we managed to solve more faults than there are parts on this car, so it’s time to write something. They even integrated the fuses into the high-voltage cable, cylindrical 40A, so you have to replace the entire cable. There’s a serial defect in the internal instrument in the BMS for measuring insulation breakdowns, and you have to replace the entire battery—you can’t just replace the BMS. The only advantage of this vehicle is the price of body parts, which is really cheap.

Let’s go through the serial defects:

DCDC hardware defect: €5500
DCDC programmed fault: €5500
Inverter: €5500
Charger: €5500
Motor bearing: €5500
Fuse in the type 2 cable port: €800
Battery after a crash – programmed fault: €15,000
Battery “unable to charge” internal bug never resolved by the manufacturer: €25 million
BMS ISO error: €15,000
BMS programmed fault P18051C: €15,000
Front headlight Daylight LED DCDC: €350

All these slippery problems arise by 30,000 km.

Now, so it’s not all doom and gloom, this car is a dream for the city. Parking, driving, and everything else is so irreplaceable that we’re even preparing for the loan shark to throw a soap at our feet. This car is only worth owning and maintaining for us, or for someone like a godfather, brother, lover, or colleague—everyone else is in for a rough time. This is EVC’s future replacement vehicle for clients, and we do not recommend that you buy it. If you do, it must be cheap enough to amortize the potential EVC guillotine. If there’s one thing we hate in this world, it’s a junk car, and we will never support that, no matter the powertrain type. On the other hand, the first generation of the electric Smart 451 ED is SpaceX quality with far better solutions and minimal faults (recommended).

EVC pricing “electricity is great, but Daimler sucks”:

453EQ , Twingo and Zoe with R240 is designed to be unsuitable and fails every 50k km (sometimes even 10k), we cant change design but we can your money from being spent on unsustainable solutions. More problematic is that they dont use repairable OBC but non-commercial FS200T12A1T4 Infineon HybridPACK1 IGBT to handle 22kw of power, IGBT designed to drive electric motor is used for different purpose. You cant but IGBT, you cant buy BCB OBC Module but you need to change whole powertrain box. Sometimes just to test if repair is successfull you need to take out everything and assemble it back just to test if repair is successful. And that costs 8 labor hours. Our mission is to make it sustainable even if OEM didnt make it that way, not easy and sometimes time-consuming.

Ovo je najgori EV ikad prizveden.

Ako nikad u životu niste bili jamac za kredit bivšem prijatelju, ako vam nikad nije ispao sapun u zatvorskom tušu, ako nikad niste posudili lovu od kamatara, ako nikad niste imali škart citroen/vag/bmw Hybrida a želite sve to iskusiti, kupite si ovu prekrasnu kanturinu i sve to isprobate odjednom iznenada. Svabska kvaliteta kao sto rekosmo, nije pala neki % već kompletno umrla a ovdje je dostiglo čak i nirvanu. Znači ovdje da doslovno napušete zrak u kotače morate kompletan motor izvaditi, jer je ventil u statoru motora i prije toga prepoloviti auto popola, DOSLOVNO!. Svaki kvar na ovom škartu košta ne 1000€, pazi, ne ni 2000€, čak ni 3000€ nego astronomskih 5500€. Svaki kvar i oni mjenjaju kompletan powertrain modul od 5500€, znaci kao da vam se pokvare brisači, odeš u Končar da ti zavare kompletan novi prednji kraj auta, jer eto to je izgleda lakše. Priča ne staje tu, hehhehe, imaš 4 različita kvara zbog kojeg mjenjaš jedan komad auta. Od 4 kvara 2 su programirana. Ali ček nismo još gotovi, postoji još i defekt baterije, ne jedan već 6 razlicitih serijskih kvarova i 3 su programirana kvara (brojac kontaktora, impact detect, cell imbalance OTP error) nakon kojih moras potpuno zdravu bateriju mjenjati i platiti 15000€. Svo to drumsko razbojništvo je bilo moguće dok auto nije doslo u šake EV Clinic i u 12 mjeseci multitasking istrazivanja 3 razlicite flote i nekoliko razlicitih vozila uspjeli smo riješiti kvarova više nego sto ima dijelova na ovom autu i zato je vrijeme da napisemo nesto. Čak osigurače fazi su integrirali u kabel visokog napona, cilindricne 40A da moras cijeli kabel mjenjati. Serijska greska internog instrumenta u BMS za mjerenja proboja izolacije, moras cijelu bateriju mjenjati ne mozes samo BMS mjenjati. Jedina prednost ovog vozila je cijena limarijskih dijelova, zaista je jeftina.

Idemo redom nabrojati serijske greske:

DCDC defekt hw: 5500€

DCDC programirani kvar 5500€

Inverter : 5500€

Charger: 5500€

Lezaj motora : 5500€

Osigurac u type2 kabelu porta : 800€

Baterija nakon udesa – programirani kvar 15000€

Baterija “unable to charge” internal bug nikad rijesen od proizvodjača – 25 mil €

BMS ISO error -15000€

BMS programirani kvar P18051C – 15000€

Prednji far Daylight LED dcdc – 350€

Svi sapunjavi problemi su vec od 30000km.

E sad da ne bude sve crno, auto je za grada san svih snova, parkirati voziti i sve ostalo je toliko nezamjenjivo da smo se i mi pripremili da nam kamatar baci sapun pod noge. Ovo auto se isplati samo nama posjedovati i odžavati i nekome tko mi je kum brat ljubavnica kolega, dok svi ostali ste nadrljali. Ovo je EVC buduće zamjensko vozilo za klijente i mi vam ga ne preporučujemo da ga kupite, ako i kupujete mora biti jeftiniji da amortizirate mogucu EVC giljotinu. Ako išta na svijetu mrzimo a to je škart vozilo, to nikad necemo podrzati nebitno koji je tip pogona. Dok prva generacija elektrickog smart 451 ED je SpaceX kvaliteta i daleko bolja rijesenja i sa minimalnim brojem kvarova (preporuka)

EVC cijene “struja je super ali daimler nevalja”:

DCDC: 1500€

Inverter: 2000€

Motor: 2500€

Baterija bms: 800€

Baterije cell repair: 400-1800€

EVC cijene “struja nevalja”:

Sve to gore 3x







P062721 “The signal amplitude is less than minimum”








Repair DCDC 453 EQ



Onboard-dc-dc-module Repair

Finalna presuda je TOP1 Avoid list i mi ga odmilja zovemo ČMART