There is no end to the nonsense of the self-destructive “greenwash” of the auto industry, nonsense like “clean diesel”, addblue, dpf, scr, euro 5/6/7, self-charging hybrid fraud, etc… now the word “hybrid” has taken over the peak and we are waiting for some “current filter” like Regular service. The word “hybrid”, which is more expensive than the entire battery on pure EV, is a word for placebo savings and higher service costs than the LaFerrari V12, because they believed that the road to electrification was paved with a hybrid solutions through the imposed fear of EVs. However, it is a media charlatan’s fraud, because there is only a path from Gasoline to pure Electricity, there is nothing in between. Every day we have at least 10 calls for hybrids (and a couple of diesel scraps), and every month there are 30 on hold. Even now, while I’m writing, owner from Switzerland is calling that the ā¬32,000 hybrid battery is dead, and one taxi driver from the Croatia is waiting for a tow truck with a Mercedes. Hybrid is an expensive deception to remain slave to even higher maintenance costs, in the belief that you are saving while carrying the obligation of eco norms on your shoulders and you pay for it, not the manufacturer. We received a Suzuki Swift or Ignis 12V Li-ion Start Stop Hybrid (abundant eco word) 9Ah battery for repair, which costs ā¬2,700 (KN 20,000). It is used to reduce CO2 at traffic lights, to turn off the fart engine and to start it with generator on green light. Otherwise, it always starts on the starter. The battery is measured by characteristics and it is LTO, 2.7V max voltage level and 5 prismatic cells in a series that is monitored and controlled by the Denso Renesas system, which apparently, in addition to the top cells, they didn’t know how to make it to last over 15,000km on this car and a couple of other vehicles. The system has a random Hw defect that seems to randomly trigger cell discharge and battery deactivation. This means that this Kamasutra fuel saving costs 0.13ā¬ per kilometer in the “dirty dancing” pose, i.e. in order for this hybrid to save fuel for battery defect cost, the vehicle must produce at least 8 liters every 100 km, in addition to the consumption of 12 liters, so that the owner is at least zero with 12l regular consumption in case without battery. While for ā¬2,700 you can buy 1/4 of an 85,000 Wh (not 120) battery for an EV, or with ā¬2,700 you can drive with electricity in Croatia for about 80,000 km of the domestic tariff, or 20,000 km on a fast charger and 0 liters of distilled dinosaurs consumed. Do not live in delusion, āsavingsā is neither diesel nor hybrid, and the path to electrification is not Hybrid. Either clean gasoline or clean electricity is solution. Everything else is armageddon for owners, service centers and mechanics.
Part number: 96510-73S00, 210500-0250, 73S0 JA, 628 0604A 2987, 210515-0010, 73S00464
Processor: RH850 R7F7010293, SF901 03D2430
Errors: P1B90-00, P1BA3-00, P1BBO-00, P1BB3-00
Suzuki service: 2700ā¬
EVC price*
*hybrid is good: 5000ā¬
*hybrid is scrap: 100-1000ā¬
Suzuki āStart stop hybridā – Kako je narod POSISAO VESLO
Glupostima samouniÅ”tavajuÄe āgreenwashā autoindustrije nema kraja, glupostima poput ācistog dizelaā, addblue, dpf, scr, euro 5/6/7, samopunjivi hybrid prevara itdā¦ sad je vrhunac preuzela rijec āhybridāi iÅ”Äekujemo neki āfilter strujeā kao redovni servis. RijeÄ āhybridā koja je skuplja od cijele baterije na Äistom strujiÄu, rijeÄ za placebo uÅ”tedu i veÄe troÅ”kove od LaFerrari V12 jer su nametnutim strahom od EV povjerali da je put elektrifikacije poploÄan hybridnim rijeÅ”enjem. Medjutim to je medijska Å”arlatanska prevara, jer postoji samo put od Benzina do ciste Struje, nema nista izmedju. Svaki dan imamo bar 10 poziva za hybride (i par dizel Å”kartova), i svaki mjesec je 30 na Äekanju. Äak sad dok piÅ”em zove zemo iz Å vicarske da je crkla baterija hybrida od 32000ā¬ a taksista iz rijeke Äeka Å”lepu sa Mercedesom. Hybrid je skupa obmana da ostanete robovi joÅ” veÄih troskova odrzavanja, u uvjerenju da Å”tedite dok obvezu eko norme nosite na svojim ramenima i vi je placate a ne proizvodjac. Nama na reparaciju je stigao Suzuki Swift ili Ignis 12V Li-ion Start Stop Hybrid (obilje eko rijeÄ) akumulator od 9Ah koji koÅ”ta majko mila āsiso vesloā 2700ā¬ (20000kn). Služi da na semaforu smanji CO2 tj ugasi prdilicu i kad krene da zavergla ne na starter vec alternator. A inace pali uvjek na starter. Baterija je po mjerenju LTO, 2.7V max naponski nivo i 5 prizmatiÄnih Äelija je u seriji koje pazi i kontrolira Denso Renesas sustav koji naizgled pored top Äelija nisu znali napraviti da izdrži preko 15000km na ovom i jos par drugih vozila. Sustav ima random Hw defekt koji izgleda slucajno aktivira praznjenje Äelija i deaktivaciju baterije. To znaÄi da ova kamasutra uÅ”teda na gorivu koÅ”ta 1kn po kilometru u ādirty dancingā pozi, tj da bi ovaj hybrid uÅ”tedio za bateriju vozilo mora svakih 100 km pored potrosnje od 12litara proizvesti na neku aladinovu pipu bar 8 litara tako da je vlasnik bar na nuli sa 12l redovnih bez baterije. Dok za 2700ā¬ sa EV kupite 1/4 85000 Wh (ne 120) baterije za EV, ili sa 2700ā¬ možete preÄi na struju u HR oko 80000km kucne tarife, ili 20000km na brzom punjacu i 0 litara destiliranih dinosaura.
Ne živite u zabludi, usteda nije ni dizel ni hybrid, a put do elektrifikacije nije Hybrid. Ili cisti benzin ili cista struja. Sve ostalo je armagedon i za vlasnike, servise i mehaniÄare.