For the last 10 years in the EU auto industry, when we hear “optimization” we turn a deaf ear because for us (ie you) it means “a new more expensive problem”. Just as they “optimized” the euro3 engine to the euro7 engine at your expense (dpf egr scr addblue nox), we have come to the point that nothing can be repaired (only replaced) and that each part costs at least €2000. Or as they would understand us here: with the new “optimization” new “savers” arrive. The 12V battery that is used in the wider VAG and Mercedes group (PSA also?) is based on LiFePo4 cells of the manufacturer A123 with MM9Z1J battery controller, closed with the “anti-Balkan” method, with all safety systems: contactor, current sensor via shunt, cell balancing, LIN and Canbus communication, etc., etc. However, this is again a saving of 1 kilo, which costs €1400, because it goes away very often, it does not even last a year. Recalls work totally useless because the revisions they did didn’t solve the problem. The battery is discharged due to a vehicle system error and goes into a complete BMS lock without any backdoor access system for replenishing the cells and reactivating the BMS of the battery (as well as Robbery Motives). You must take your “optimized savings” to an authorized service center so that they can re-install the same programmed fault until the next “savings”. BMW uses the same type of battery from the Japanese manufacturer and there is no “irreparable” error of this type. And if you have this A123 battery, see you
We managed to barely read the software (Pflash 128kb and ee 4kb), now we are in the final phase to locate the error flag and prepare the battery until the next visit.
Zadnjih 10 godina u EU auto industriji kad čujemo “optimizacija” pretvorimo se u uho jer to za nas (tj vas) znači “novi skuplji problem”. Kao što su euro3 motor “optimizirali” do euro7 motora na vaš trošak (dpf egr scr addblue nox), došli smo do toga da se ništa nemože popraviti (samo mjenjati) i da svaki dio košta min 2000€. Ili kako bi nas ovdje razumjeli: kod nove “optimizacije” stižu nove “štediše”. 12V Akumulator koji se koristi u široj VAG i Mercedes grupaciji (PSA takodjer ?) je baziran na LiFePo4 ćelijama proizvodjača A123 sa MM9Z1J battery controller, zatvoren “antibalkan” metodom, sa svim safety sustavima: kontaktor, current sensor preko šenta, cell balansing, LIN i Canbus komunikacija itd itd. Medjutim ni manje ni više ovo je ponovno ušteda od 1 kile koja košta 1400€ jer odlazi vrlo često, ne izdrži ni godinu. Opozive rade totalno beskorisno jer revizije koje su radili nisu riješile problem. Baterija se isprazni greškom sustava vozila i ode u potpuni BMS lock bez ikakvog backdoor access sustava za dopunu ćelija i reaktivaciju BMSa akumulatora (kao i Pljačkamotive). Morate svoju “optimiziranu uštedu” odnijeti u ovlašteni servis da vam ponovno stave isti programirani kvar do sledeće “uštede”. BMW koristi isti tip akumulatora Japanskog proizvodjaca i ovakvog tipa “nepopravljive” greške nema. A ako imate ovaj A123 akumulator, vidimo se
Software smo uspjeli jedva pročitati (Pflash 128kb i ee 4kb) sad smo u finalnoj fazi da lociramo error flag i osposobimo akumulator do sledeće posjete.
Vehicles: Seat VW Audi Škoda Porsche (Panamera, Cayenne, Taycan) , Rimac Nevera itd.
Errors: P1B0200
Processor: MM9Z1
Price of new: cca 1300€ – 3500€
EVC Repair : 450€ -1500€
If you want to learn hot to repair those 12V Starter bateries you can buy Operation Manual:

Hello , i have same problem with two 12 volt battery from taycan , did you managed to solve sw bug and restart battery again?
Hi, yes we did. We need Aku in our workshop in Croatia
I’m having a problem with the Taikan, but I was able to read the mm9z1 processor. I have eeprom and flash. Can you repair for a fee!
Can anyone repair mine for me please and at what cost, I had a small accident and car was parked for long time now the 12v reads 0.05v (totally dead) I am in U.K. I am willing to list the board to Europe if needed
My taycan battery is dead after crash (12v now reads only 0.04v) can you repair please? I’m in U.K. so anyone in Europe will be good for me