Aircompressor repair – Sustainability and circular economy are our primary obsession, while for legacy manufacturers are just a dead letters on paper. One conclusion of our four years of “soldering and repairing” EVs and 14 years of repairing and soldering “fossil cars” is that there is a noticeable difference in the level of maintenance and financial ease of EV owners. First, there are far fewer parts and far fewer consumable parts on the EV, and in addition, owners have more freedom and time to take care of their “metal pets” in detail. A repairable battery and a repairable electric motor are not enough for us, we take the time to deal with other details to further reduce ownership costs. Here, we disassembled the Mercedes airmatic continental system compressor (yes, Tesla uses Mercedes system) after 9 years of use and we dealt with the procurement of parts to restore it. The plastic pressure piston in the compressor broke, which cannot be ordered separately from Tesla or Continental, of course it is available in the China. The compressor was cleaned, defective parts were replaced and part was made ready for further use on the vehicle.
Aircompressor repair – Održivost i kružna ekonomija, nama je primarna opsesija a legacy proizvodjačima samo slovo na papiru. Jedan zaključak četverogodišnjeg “lemljenja i šarafanja” EV i 14 godina šarafanja i lemljenja “fosilaša” je taj da se primjeti osjetna razlika u nivou održavanja i financijskoj ležernosti EV vlasnika. Prvo daleko manji broj dijelova i daleko manji broj potrošnih dijelova je na EV i uz to dotano vlasnici imaju više slobode i vremena detaljnije paziti na svoje limene ljubimce do krajnih detalja. Nama nije dovoljna popravljiva baterija i popravljiv elektromotor, damo si vremena pozabaviti se drugim detaljima da još smanjimo troškove vlasništva. Ovdje smo kompresor Mercedes airmatic continental sistem (da, Tesla koristi od Merđe) rasklopili nakon 9 godina korištenja i pozabavili se nabavom dijelova da ga restauriramo. Došlo je do pucanja plastičnog tlačnog klipa u kompresoru kojeg nema posebno naručiti ni u Tesli ni u Continentalu, naravno ima u kini. Kompresor očistili, neispravne dijelove zamjenuli i dio osposobili za daljnje koristenje na vozilu.
Partnumber: Continental 6006403
Vehicle: Tesla Model S 2013 – 2016
Tesla OEM: 910 EURO
Aftermarket: 500 EURO
EVC: 150 EURO Refurbish
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