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Audi Milf Hybrid – Accidental investor

Common defect on all Mild hybrids, badly designed system to convert your “fuel savings” into “astronomical extra cost”. Already written, but it looks like we have to again. This time it’s not the 2000 euro alternator that breaks down every summer due to overheating and poor cooling with glycol at 90 degrees (my dear), now the 48V battery has arrived again. Who got the error “it worked when I arrived, I don’t care solve it”. Colleagues, while waiting for parts, and probably repairing a malfunction on the “dinosaur” engine, the hybrid battery went into a defect, that’s how it was designed. As long as there is no 12V connected, it goes into “CAR SCRAP” selfdischarge mode. Very ingenious method and found on Mercedes too. You don’t need to deal narcotics to make a living, you just create a system where someone thinks they have bought something, but they are actually a subscriber to their own device, stick “Hybrid” or “Clean Diesel” on it and the future is secured. The battery went into deepdischarge at rest and locked itself permanently, where the cells were still at a safe 3.3V. Fully functional Lithium cells condemned to the shredder and recycler, wasting new electricity and resources. Such failures are more and more common from the European “stable” of manufacturers, and more and more often innocent repairmen and services suffer from the additional cost of buying a new battery because the blame is shifted to them and not to the manufacturer of scrap goods. This is a product that is regularly used by the Mainstream media, while what is valid the customer has to research for himself or find out when it is already “bandover”. Only electricity or only gasoline.

Audi MILF Hybrid – Već pisali, ali izgleda moramo opet. Ovaj put nije alternator od 2000eura koji se kvari svako ljeto zbog pregrijavanja i loseg hladenja glikolom na 90 stupnjeva (majko mila), sad je dosao opet 48V akumulator. Kojemu je se desila greška “to je radlo kad sam dotro, ne zanima me”. Kolegama je za vrijeme cekanja dijelova vjerovatno i sanacije kvara na dinosaur pogonu hirbidna baterija otisla u defekt, tako je dizajnirana. Dok nema 12V spojenih odlazi u AUTOOTPAD selfdischarge mode. Vrlo domišljato kamatarenje i na Mercedesu. Ne treba dilati narkotike da prezivnjaljvas, samo osmislis sistem gdje neko misli da je nesto kupio a u biti je pretplatnik na vlastiti uredjaj, nakeljis na njega “Hybrid” ili “Clean Diesel” i buducnost osigurana. Baterija je otisla u mirovanju u deepdischarge i zakljucala se trajno, gdje su celije jos bile na sigurnih 3.3V. Potpuno ispravne Litij ćelije osudjene na drobilicu i reciklazu, trosenje nove struje i resursa. Ovakvi kvarovi su sve češći iz europske “ergele” prozivodjača i sve češće nedužni serviseri i servisi stradaju od dodatnog troška kupnje nove baterije jer se krivica prebacuje na njih a ne na proizvodjača škart robe. Ovo je roba koju redovno Mainstream mediji valjaju dok ono što valja kupac mora sam istraživati ili sazna kad je već “bendover”. Samo struja ili samo benzin.

Error: P0A7D, P0B29
Part number: 4N0915105B
Processor: SPC5644BMLU
OEM Audi: 1800Euro
EVC: 400-1800euro
*hybrid is best: o1o690 Euro

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Golf GTE Hybrid – Greenwashing device

– The perfect tool to sell “black” under “green”, at the price of gold. Perfect propaganda that the “expensive” and “unprofitable” battery is rewritten for the entire EV market in the last 10 years, because it is indeed expensive, but on a hybrid. Unreasonably expensive per kWh and unreasonably poorly designed. A hybrid playing EV and stereotypically doing media damage to the EV industry. The third next to the GTE coming to us, and very likely not the last. We rejected inquiries about this vehicle about 5-6 times. This one arrived with a defect internal insulation, which could be any internal high-voltage component. After testing the system and the junction box part, everything pointed to the battery, which was already changed once under warranty in 2019, and the new one outside the warranty is 11,500 EUR. In order to dismantle the battery, the complete fart pipe must be removed and then the battery. The screws rot on the “fart girl” rot. After opening the battery, there were no traces of water and antifreeze, but we isolated a puncture on one of the cells. After a closer inspection, it appears that the protective sheath of one cell on the fourth block has broken. At first a harmless problem, at the second a very dangerous condition. If, by any chance, the sheath breaks in another place, i.e. on another cell, a short circuit and possible ignition will occur. We safely saved that block for repair, and we installed an already repaired and balanced block in the battery system, which we added balanced to the rest of the battery system. Everything cleaned assembled first tested then everything opened again, glued and finalized. All tests passed and ready for the owner’s new “savings”, and we are eagerly awaiting them. We are also working on when everyone switches to a hybrid with diesel, we open a corner for “sponsors” and a boss for “savings”. Clean gasoline or clean electricity if you want to avoid it. We recommend to fellow “hybrid victims” mechanics to avoid servicing these vehicles, there is a dangerous possibility that you will have a “it worked when I tuned” failure. Even when they come to us, it happened that they installed a used PTC heater, which is also invalid, when we returned the old EV system it no longer works. Because while we removed and returned the old defective one, water and moisture were different on it, so it connected 400V to the chassis and reported a breakdown of the insulation. We figured this out only after 3 hours of exorcism over our own nervous breakdown when we opened the PTC connector. Also, 2-3 car service centers were left without their grandfather after changing the oil or clutch in the DQ400 gearbox, because after that it didn’t work anymore. So a warm recommendation, f**k it off. Video of complete repair:

Golf GTE Hybrid – Savršen alat da se “crno” proda pod “zeleno”, po cijeni zlata. Savršena propaganda da se “skupa” I “neisplativa” baterija prepiše cijeloj EV brašni u zadnjih 10 godina, jer ona zaista i je skupa ali na hybridu,. Neopravdano skupa po cijeni po kWh i neopravdano loše osmišljena. Hybrid koji glumi EV i stereotipno radi medijsku štetu EV industriji. Treći po redu GTE koji nam dolazi a vrlo vjerovatno ne i zadnji. Upita za ovo vozilo smo odbili oko 5-6 puta. Ovaj je stigao sa probojem interne izolacije a to moze biti bilo koja interna High Voltage komponenta. Nakon ispitivanja sustava i junctionbox dijela, sve je upucivalo na bateriju koja je 2019 godine već jednom mijenjana u garanciji a nova izvan garancije je 11500EUR. Baterija je svojim karakteristikama poddizajnirana sustavu i osudjena na brze trosenje. Da bi se baterija demontirala treba kompletanu prdež cijev skinuti pa onda bateriju. Vijci na “fart device” truli. Nakon otvaranja baterije nije bilo tragova vode i antifriza ali smo izolirali proboj na nekoj od celija. Nakon detaljnijeg pregleda izgleda je pukla zastitna ovojnica jedne celije na četvrtom bloku. Na prvu bezazlen problem, na drugu vrlo opasno stanje. Ako kojim slučajem pukne ovojnice na još nekom mjestu, tj na drugoj celiji, dolazi do kratkog spoja i mogućeg zapaljenja. Taj blok smo sigurno spremili za reparaciju a baterijskom sustavu smo ugradili vec repariran i balansiran blok, koji smo dodatno balansirali ostatku baterijskog sustava. Sve očišćeno sklopljeno prvo testirano zatim sve ponovno otvoreno, zaljepljeno i finalizirano. Svi testovi prosli i spremno za nove “uštede” vlasnika a mi ih željno iščekujemo. Takodjer se radujemo kad svi predjete na hybride sa dizela, otvaramo kutak za “sponzore” i sef za “uštede”. Čisti benzin ili čista struja ako hoćete to izbjeći. A baterija na hybridu skoro uvjek nemoze opravdati svoje postojanje u fosilcu. Kolegama “žrtvama hybrida” mehaničarima preporučamo izbjegavanje servisiranja ovih vozila, postoji opasna mogućnost da vam se desi kvar “to je radilo kad sam doterao”. Čak i nama dodju, desilo smo da montirali rabljen (nismo ga mi kupili, od vlasnika) PTC heater koji isto nevalja, kad smo vratili stari PTC, EV sustav vise ne radi. Jer dok smo skinuli i vratili stari defektni, voda i vlaga se razlila po njemu pa je spojila 400V na sasiju i prijavilo proboj izolacije. To smo skuzili tek nakon 3 sata egzorcizma nad vlastitim živčanim slomom, tek kad smo otvorili PTC konektor. Takodjer 2-3 autoservisa su ostala bez djedovine nakon izmjene ulja ili kuplunga u DQ400 mjenjacu jer nakon toga nije vise radio. Tako da topla preporuka, bjaaaaaaažiiiiii, jer budete odgavarali za stetu koju niste krivi jer je sistem skart. A zdnjih godina sve je gore i gore, sve vise tudjih vozila odrzavate o svom trosku.

Fault: P0AA600, P0E7400, P0D9100,

Part Number: 5Q0915590R, 5Q0915591E Battery Panasonic 25Ah, 8kWh, Made in Japan

OEM price: 11000 EUR (VAT included)

EV Clinic fine price*

*Diesel is better – 20,000 euros

*Hybrid is better – 35,000 euros

*Hybrid is crap – 2000-5000 euros

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Audi VW Mild Hybrid disaster

The infection called “hybrid” has mutated into “Milf Hybrid”, a system where now you get even less for even more money. The system where the generator is also an starter, works at 48 volts via a VFD three-phase inverter mounted on a baredie HEXFET and motor that is cooled by antifreeze,  it should cool it but heats it with antifreeze to 95 degrees so it could fail as soon as possible. The electric motor only helps the fossil fart ICE engine to save some money for sponsoring an authorized service or us, so you can’t drive an electric motor independently like with classic Hybrids for sponsoring cottages. We have already had several calls on this topic, but none of them came for analysis. Even one Technician who works in an authorized service center in Munich offered 100 defective pieces to buy for €100 each, he took them out of the trash as if by accident and we should bought them as is, they say “never breaks down” “just fill fuel and drives” until it fails on the road trip to service center. They don’t break down so well that only 100 of them end up in the trash. In case of electric motor failure (aka MHD starter) then even the fossil engine does not start, and according to the “whistleblower” information, this failure occurs already after 50,000 km. Fortunately, the problem is not solvable, when the HEXFET burns out, there is no simple way to separate the baredie support from the aluminum cooler so that a new part can be inserted. Even if there was a method equal to factory quality, this factorz defect crap is not made to be perfect even when it is new, because they messed up the design. So the worrying fact is that this is an even lower quality version of the Hybrid car, the most worrying thing is that very often we hear the whining of mechanics who perform an ordinary service on a car and the customer comes back to them with excuses “that everything worked before, but now it doesn’t work since the service was done”. . Of course, the classic blackmailing of “thies” so that the mechanics bear the costs of maintaining the car. Recommendations to colleagues: avoid working on these vehicles.

Audi VW Mild Hybrid ⛔️ – Zaraza zvana “hybrid” mutirala u “Milf Hybrid”, sistem gdje sad za još više love dobijete još manje. Sistem gdje je alternator ujedno i alnaser, radi na 48 volti preko VFD trofaznog invertera montiranog na motoru sa baredie HEXFET koji se hladi anrifrizom,  hladi tj. grije antifrizom na 95 stupnjeva da što prije crkne. Elektromotor samo pomaže fosilnoj prdilici da uštedite nešto love za sponzoriranje ovlastenog servisa ili nas, znači ne možete voziti elektromotorom samostalno kao kod klasičnih Hybrida za sponzoriranje vikendica. Već nekoliko poziva smo imali na ovu temu, ali niti jedan nije došao na analizu. Čak je jedan zemo gastarbajter koji radi u ovlaštenom servisu u Minkenu nudio 100 komada neispravnih da kupimo po 100€, on kao slučajno izvadi iz smeća i mi kao kupimo, kažu “nikad ništa” “nikad se ne kvari” “samo toči vozi” do prvog servisa. Toliko se ne kvare da ih je 100 komada u smeću. Kod kvara elektromotora (aka MHD alnaser) tad ni fosilni motor ne pali a ovaj kvar po “zviždačkim” informacijama nastupa već nakon 50000km. Problem je na svu sreću ne riješiv, kod izgaranja HEXFET ne postoji jednostavan način odvajanja baredie nosača od alu hladnjaka pa da se stavi novi dio. Čak i da postoji metoda ravna tvorničkoj kvaliteti, ovaj škart nije napravljen da bude ispravan ni kad je nov jer su nešto fulali u dizajnu. Znači zabrinjavajuca je činjenica da je ovo još nekvalitetnija inačica Hybridnog škarta, zabrinjavajuća najviše što vrlo često čujemo kukanja mehaničara koji naprave obični servis na autu pa im se stranka vrati sa izgovorima “da je sve radilo prije pa sad ne radi od kako je servis napravljen”. Naravno klasične ucjene djibera da im mehaničari snose troškove održavanja škarta. Preporuke kolegama: izbjegavajte rad na ovim vozilima.


New – 2000€

EVC – 👀


U046900 a starter/generator control unit signal is unreliable;

C11CBF0-12V on-board power grid

P0A7D00-hybrid battery charge level is low

P0B2900-hybrid/high-voltage battery deep discharge

P1B1600-hybrid battery no external charging







A6, S6, A7, S7, A8, S8

2018 – 2022

Processor: SPC564A70L7