The Model 3 and Model Y vehicles feature one of the most compact and technologically advanced battery systems. In most cases, these systems are repairable at the component level, including the replacement of one or more cylindrical cellsāsomething that was previously considered impossible. However, this is only true if the owner understands the urgency of the issue. Weāve observed several cases of defective batteries succumbing to moisture ingress or retention within the housing. In many instances, owners have mechanically damaged the battery housingāpuncturing it or damaging other parts of the casing. If the repair of the cylindrical cell-based battery systems on the Model 3 or Y is delayed for several months, restoration often becomes impossible. Why is delay a problem? The battery consists of 96 cell groups, each containing 31 or more cells in parallel. And if one cell in paraller is damaged, it will damage complete group. Changing all cells in a group is not possible. One recurring design flaw in the 2170 cylindrical cells is their orientationāall are installed upside down in the modules. The cells are not entirely encapsulated in foam; instead, the thermal gap filler is applied only at the bottom of the cell. Condensation and moisture, which form in conditions of extreme temperature fluctuations, drip down onto the shoulder of the cell, where the – and + terminals are located. This leads to electrolysis, permanent cell damage, and subsequent discharge of the entire group. The battery housing has also proven insufficiently robust against impacts from road debris or curbs. Deformations at the rear often damage the vent valve, while impacts at the front can crack the entire housing, allowing water to enter directly into the battery system. Aftermarket manufacturers or Tesla itself should consider designing steel reinforcements to protect the front and rear of the housing. Similar issues have been observed with VAG, Mercedes, and Renault batteries, although the Tesla Model S housing has so far demonstrated superior durability. Vehicles that are frequently charged at DC fast chargers have shown greater resistance to cell oxidation and other moisture-related issues. Rapid heating during DC charging drives out even minimal residual moisture through the āumbrella valveā vents, contributing to improved battery longevity. If your battery is damaged in any way, itās highly recommended to perform a āpressure testā to check for leaks. If you encounter imbalance errors, insulation faults, or limited charging capabilities, do not wait weeks to address the issue. Acting promptly significantly increases the chances of saving the battery because this one from picture could not be saved.
Alert: BMS_A066, BMS_A107, BMS_a156 Partnumber: 1104429-00-N OEM: 9155ā¬ +TAX EVC: (no SR module on stock)
I can’t believe it, but the 100 kWh pack, which has been refined from previous generations, has failed on me (and it’s not the cells causing the issue). The problem lies in a flaw we’ve been observing in fossil-fueled vehicles for the past 20 years: aluminum wire bonding. The same problem that TEMIC has failed, either by accident or on purpose, to resolve in the automatic transmissions of VAG and MB over the last 20 years, affecting 80 million vehicles, is now appearing in the 100 kWh battery. The only manufacturer we’ve noticed who has nearly perfect ultrasonic wire bonding is BOSCH, as they adhere to some “secret” recipes for long-term reliability that we observe in the aftermarket. Meanwhile, Temic, Conti, and others continue to make the same mistakes, as does Tesla in this specific case, where they didn’t account for the thermal expansion of the battery module both in width and length, nor the potential galvanization of the “wire sense” flat cable connection. Designing a battery system without any flaws is impossible, but if you ask me, I certainly wouldn’t have failed in these connections, where the wire is too short from the terminal plate to the flat cable used to measure the voltage of one group. All 16 modules in the battery system had 5 to 7 damaged connections, and the ones that suffered the most were those parallel to the longer part of the module (red line), where the expansion was greatest, resulting in the most damaged groups. Based on previous documented cases, which we couldn’t address because they were under warranty, it seems that all 100 kWh batteries will fail between 150,000 and 250,000 km. The good news is that they will never suffer from classic moisture penetration, as they have a new generation of vapor-permeable valves, lack fuse covers on the top side, and donāt have some of the other faults of previous generations (our trade secret). Furthermore, the “batteries” will never fail, i.e., the individual cells, as we estimate that the cells themselves can last over 600,000 km. However, a repair of the entire battery due to unaccounted thermal expansion will likely be necessary, but after that, it will never have this problem again because we fix it permanently!
This 100 kWh battery system has a black metal cover, meaning it is a REMAN battery (already serviced), but the problem has been documented on non-REMAN systems as well. The side effects I’ve noticed include the range dropping overnight more than usual, but this is not a rule. The only clear indication is the drop in BMS parameters by 4 kWh, from 88 to 84 usable. As a result, the range parameter in kilometers on the dashboard decreased after two consecutive charges. A third parameter was visible through measurements with our EVC Explorer tool, where one module showed noise in the voltage measurement. The worst part is that the battery started failing on the highway, but AIDBOX saved the day, acting as life support to get us to our destination. For all other Tesla 100 kWh battery owners, most of whom are still under warranty, an essential battery system service awaits them, which we have only just discovered.
Repair is not easy and cheap, soldering is not possible because it is aluminium (thermal expansion cracks soldering attempts), 10000-15000ā¬ equipment needed beside 40-60 labor hours to finish it. This should not be done by any DIY workshops or any other untrained personel. You risk destroying battery pack.
Error code: BMS_f107, BMS_w177
Affected cars: Model X and S from 2016 – 2021 100D P100D Longrange
Why is Tesla the king of the road? Because it is the only vehicle that enters our garage doors with an average of over 300,000 km and the only vehicle on which we have documented that the ORIGINAL batteries from the first installation exceed 600,000 km. All other vehicles struggle significantly to achieve even half of that, while some EU manufacturers enter garage doors with just 10,000 km (Mercedes, Stellantis, Renault). Thus, Tesla is the absolute record holder where even today some legacy manufacturers fail to “copy” Tesla’s system designed in 2009. But there is a BIG BUT…
For a battery, specifically the Model S and X, to exceed 600,000 km, it must not suffer from long-term minor moisture intrusion, significant water ingress, or overheating due to a faulty climate control system. In dozens of samples, we have observed that damaged cells, degraded modules, and faulty battery systems are directly linked to these factors. For example, one battery system in block 1 had a damaged umbrella valve, where over 5-6 years, a small amount of moisture damaged the module, causing it to degrade 5% more than others and additionally damaged the wiring system in the module. All samples show repetitive patterns leading to the conclusion: moisture is enemy #1 for cylindrical cells, and these battery systems must undergo preventive maintenance every 6-8 years or the so-called “RESEALING” process. The pictures show the demonstration of 3 critical points, and in practice, there are about 10, the rest being a business secret, as there is a defect that is undetectable even in the pressure test process. Therefore, we recommend to the Tesla management team to introduce “reseal” into their offerings and explain how important it is, and for all other owners who want their battery to exceed 500,000 km before replacement, mandatory battery housing service should be done every 6-8 years.
An example is the battery from the picture where the first series of batteries from 2012 to 2015 have a Fuse Cover on the top side, where oxidation damages the cover. This one has already let in moisture and water, and the next rain would likely disable the battery. We have also noticed in several samples that owners who are unaware their battery is leaking moisture through vents have avoided system damage by frequently charging at a supercharger or fast charger, where the heating of the battery and wires pushed the moisture out, indirectly extending the battery life but increasing the overall degradation by 3-8%.
In the “Resealing” process, we use only original parts and do not open the battery cover. It is very important to use original parts and perform the job professionally because if the owner decides to go to Tesla to buy a new battery, they will refuse the replacement if they find that the old batteryās Fuse cover is not original or if other non-original parts have been used. The same applies to changing the BMS serial number, as such a request is also denied. So colleagues, do not change the BMS and use original parts from the Tesla EPC catalog.
ZaÅ”to je Tesla kralj asfalta? Zato sto je to jedino vozilo koje ulazi na garažna vrata sa vise od 300,000km u prosjeku i jedino vozilo na kojima smo dokumentirali da ORIGINAL baterije iz prve ugradnje prelaze preko 600,000km. Sva ostala vozila se jako jako trude da bar pola toga uspiju, dok neki EU proizvodjaÄi ulaze na garažna vrata i sa prijedjenih 10,000km (Mercedes,Stellantis,Renault), tako da je Tesla apsolutni rekorder gdje ni dan danas neki Legacy ne uspjevaju ākopiratiā Teslin sustav dizajniran 2009 godine. Ali postoji i jedno VELIKO ALIā¦ ALI da bi baterija , iskljucivo Model S i X, preÅ”la 600,000km ona ne smije trpiti dugoroÄni manji prodor vlage, veliki prodor vode i ne smije biti pregrijana zbog neispravnog klimatizacijalog sustava. Na desetinama uzoraka smo primjetili da su oÅ”tecene celije, degradirani moduli i neispravni baterijski sustavi direktno povezani baÅ” sa time. Primjer: jedan baterijski sustav na bloku 1 imao je ostecen ventil, gdje je kroz period od 5-6 godina mala kolicina vlage ostetila modul da je degradirao 5% vise od ostalih i dodatno ostatio wiring sustav na modulu. I tako svi uzorci su ponavljajujuci da je krajnji zakljucak: vlaga je enemy #1 cilindricnim celijama, i da ti baterijski sustavi moraju proci preventivni servis svakih 6-8 godina ili takozvani āRESEALINGā proces. Na slikama je demonstracija 3 kriticne tocke a u praksi je oko 10i ostatak je poslovna tajna, jer postoji nedostatak koji je neprimjetan cak i na pressure test procesu. Tako da preporuÄujemo i Tesla management ekipi da uvede āresealā u svoju ponudu a svi ostali vlasnici koji žele da im baterija prelazi preko 500,000km prije izmjene obavezno svakih 6-8 godina naprave servis kuÄiÅ”ta baterije. Primjer i baterija sa slike gdje prve serije baterije od 2012 do 2015 imaju Fuse Cover sa gornje strane i gdje zbog oksidacije dolazi do ostecenja poklopca. Ovaj je vec pustio vlagu i vodu, i sledeÄa kiÅ”a bi vjerovatno onesposobila bateriju. Takodjer smo primjetili na viÅ”e uzoraka, da vlasnici koji niti ne znaju da im baterija propusta vlagu na oduÅ”cima, su izbjegli oÅ”teÄenja sustava jako cestim punjenjem na superchargeru ili brzom punjacu, gdje je zagrijavanje baterije i vodova izguravalo vlago vani, gdje je brzo punjenje indirektno pomoglo da produzi vijek baterije ali je povecalo ukupnu degradaciju za 3-8%. U procesu āResealingā koristimo iskljucivo original dijelove i ne otvaramo poklopac baterije. Jako bitni je koristiti original dijelove i napraviti posao profesionalno jer ako nekad vlasnik odluci otici u Teslu kupiti novu bateriju, oni bateriju staru kad skinu i vide da Fuse cover nije original ili da su koristeni neki drugi ne-originalni dijelovi onda klijentu odbijaju izmjenu. Isto vazi i za izmjenu BMS serijskog broja, tada je zahtjev isto odbijen. Tako da kolegam, ne mjenjajte BMS i koristite original dijelove iz Tesla EPC kataloga.
Of course, it can, depending on the severity of the damage. Recently, we mentioned how important it is to inspect and perform a “reseal” on the battery after 6-7 years. Here, the original battery from a 2015 Tesla Model S P85D had water ingress directly into the high-voltage part where the pyrofuse is located. The vehicle shut down immediately and was brought from Austria through our partner channels for vehicle towing service. Tesla offered a complete new battery for around ā¬20,000 (cheaper than a new CRT Audi 3.0 TDI diesel engine), even though the procedure could have been simple for them if they had removed and inspected it; they probably would have offered a Reseal, as we did. We won’t even use the word “repair” here because that procedure wasn’t even performed. We replaced the fuse cover, installed a new pyrofuse, new valves, and performed a full EVC reseal (business secret), so this battery, with 250k km on it, is ready for at least another 300k km. This is not full battery remanufacturing because this job doesnt include full battery opening. We do no open any original seals on battery lid. For other defects like BMS_u018, f107 f098 f097 u025 or most notorious BMS_u029 it is necessary to make RESEAL + FULL REMANUFACTURING where we need between 50-90 labor hours.
Alert: BMS_F123
Tesla OEM: 20000ā¬
Tesla with commitment: 2000ā¬
EVC: 1450ā¬ + tax
Može li se Tesla baterija reparirati za 1000ā¬? Naravno da može i ovisi o težini kvara. Nedavno smo spominjali kaoliko je važno nakon 6-7 godina pregledati, ispitati i napraviti āresealā baterije. Ovdje je originalna baterija iz 2015 sa Tesla Model S P85D imala prodor vode direktno u visokonaponski dio gdje se nalazi pyrofuse. Vozilo je se ugasilo odmah i doveženo je iz Austrije putem naÅ”ih partner kanala za dovoz vozila. Tesla je u ponudi tražila kompletno novu bateriju nekih 20000ā¬ (jeftinije od novog CRT Audi 3.0 TDI dizel motora) iako je zahvat i njima mogao biti jednostavan da su je skinuli i pregledali, vjerovatno bi ponudili Reseal kao i mi. Ovdje āreparacijaā rijeÄ necemo ni koristiti, jer taj zahvat nije ni napravljen. Ovdje smo izmjenili poklopac osiguraca, stavljen je novi pyrofuse, novi ventili i napravljen je puni EVC reseal (poslovna tajna) tako da je ova baterija da sa predjenih 250k km spremna za sledeÄih bar 300k km.
Model 3 LR 2170 Cell Extraction – Finally, an opportunity arose for a new project, to purchase and save the entire battery pack, demonstrating that the entire battery is never replaced as whole (except in Nissan Leaf or Mercedes with programmed defects). One faulty cell in the structural block of 25S was discharging one group, not disabling the vehicle but reducing the range and charging level. In situations where the group’s discharging is permanent, it is crucial to repair/remove the faulty cell as quickly as possible. If the voltage of that group drops completely and remains empty for more than a month below 2.5V, it leads to permanent damage to the parallel group and permanently irreparable condition of that particular block (out of a total of 4). We bought the battery for the purpose of developing repair solutions, creating tools, and repair methods. For the first time, we attempted and succeeded using the highest quality tools and materials to assemble the battery and later perform a road test to confirm proper balancing, charging, discharging, and that there were no other damaged cells except that one. Recently, we were contacted by the French LeMonde tabloid to give our opinion on possible EU regulations on battery design, where they directly obstruct Tesla’s and other NON-EU manufacturers’ innovation, directing how bureaucrats would want the battery pack to be designed, allegedly in fear of how repairs will be done and to “protect customers” whom they do not protect from domestic profiteers. There is no irreparable battery, there is no problem that cannot be solved, it may be a more or less complex procedure, but it can never be impossible (except in the case of Nissan Leaf). The repairability problem does not lie in the design, such as the “structural pack,” but in the availability and accessibility of parts for repair, designing battery systems without programmed failures, availability of electronic controllers for battery systems, cells, and similar approaches to a sustainable circular economy… the ones that EU manufacturers do not implement.
Model 3 LR 2170 Cell Extraction – Napokon nam se ukazala prilika za novi projekat da kupimo i spasimo cijeli baterijski paket, demonstriramo da se nikad ne mjenja cijela baterija (osim na Nissan Leaf ili Mercedesu sa programiranim kvarom). Jedna neispravna Äelija u strukturnom bloku od 25S je praznila jednu grupu, nije onesposobila vozilo vec je smanjila domet i razinu punjenja. U situacijama gdje je pražnjenje grupe trajno, izuzetno je bitno u sto kracem roku sanirati kvar, ako se desi da potpuno padne napon te jedne grupe i ostane prazno duze od 1og mjesec ispod 2.5V tada dolazi do trajnog ostecenja paralelne grupe i trajnog nepopravljivog stanja tog jednog bloka (od ukupno 4 koliko ih ima). Bateriju smu otkupili u svrhu razvoja rijeÅ”enja za reparaciju, izradu alata i metoda reparacija. Prvi put smo pokuÅ”ali i uspjeli koriÅ”tenjem najkvalitetnijih alata i materijala kako bi bateriju sklopili i napravili roadtest da potvrdimo da se pravilno balansira, puni, prazni i da nema joÅ” oÅ”teÄenih drugih Äelija osim te jedne. Nedavno su nas zvali iz Francuskog LeMonde tabloida da damo svoje miÅ”ljenje na mogucu EU regulativu dizajna baterija gdje se direktno obstruira inovativnost Tesle i drugih NON EU proizovdjaÄa gdje bi dirigirali kako bi birokrati zeljeli da se dizajnira battery pack jer tobože su u strahu kako Äe se popravljati i da “zaÅ”tite kupce” koje ne Å”tite od domaÄih lihvara. Ne postoji nepopravljiva baterija, ne postoji problem koji je ne rijeÅ”iv, može biti zahvat teži ili lakÅ”i ali nemoguÄ ne moze biti nikada (osim kod nissan leaf). Problem popravljivosti ne leži u dizajnu, “structural pack” recimo, veÄ dobavljivosti i dostupnosti dijelova za reparaciju, dizajniranjem baterijskih sustava bez programiranih kvarova, dostupnosti elektroniÄkih kontrolera baterijskih sustava, Äelija i slicnih olakotnih pristupa odrzivoj kruznoj ekonomiji… onoj koju EU proizvodjaÄi ne provode.
Part number: Errors: BMS_A064, BMS_A079, BMS_A066 Tesla Price: 8900Eur EVC: 4500Eur
To present you first āModel S 100ā RWD in Europe, upgraded from healthy 85 to 100 kWh battery pack. We didnt stop there, we upgraded Large drive unit electric motor from problematic RMN to EVC tuned and optimized one for higher range and higher reliability. BMS Calculated range is lower than expected until it calibrates fully, and expected autonomy should be above 500km. Model S is Autopilot AP1 2014 with 379000km on clock with free supercharger. This project was ātunedā for my own pleasure. Thanks goes to wk057 coding tip. System is safe from SuC deactivation.
Predstavljamo prvi ‘Model S 100’ sa stražnji pogonom u Europi, nadograÄen s zdrave baterije od 85 na 100 kWh. No, nismo stali samo na tome, ugradilo smo i poboljÅ”ani elektriÄni motor LDU s problematiÄnog RMN-a na EVC model, prilagoÄen za veÄi doseg i pouzdanost. BMS trenutno prikazuje manji doseg od oÄekivanog dok se potpuno ne kalibrira, a oÄekivana autonomija trebala bi biti iznad 500 km. Model S je Autopilot AP1 iz 2014. s 379.000 km na satu i besplatnim punjenjem doživotno. Ovaj projekt je “prilagoÄen” za vlastiti guÅ”t i trenutno smo spremni za Homos Balkanikus olimpijadu Zagreb Split bez odpajanja katetera i stajanja. Stavljena je Popcorn mapa za Netflix za nedaj može, stage 2 zavojnica i kondenzator, bakraÄiā¦ deaktivirana je VodaUStrujiOFF, straightpipe klima u kabini filterOFF da skida i ženin puder sa lica.
Finally, the embodiment of what we already knew was possible but were waiting for the physical manifestation of the argument: a Tesla with its original battery and 600,000 km on the clock. A complete stranger entrusted us with a Tesla from Vienna, arriving on a tow truck without any supervision, solely based on trust from Google. Although the car was still drivable, it had a limited range of 100 km. It was the first time we personally documented such an event, and you have the honor of being acquainted with it. We were able to confirm through multiple analyses and verifications, following the owner’s statement that the battery remained untouched, as we were curious about its maximum lifespan threshold.
We had an inkling that the first-generation 1.5 battery could handle around 400,000 km before requiring servicing. However, this was mostly in cases where moisture infiltration or wiring damage were expected causes of failure. But this situation goes beyond all previous scales because the battery, hermetically sealed and free from moisture infiltration for the first time, arrived with only 10 degraded cells out of a total of 7,104 cells. These cells, due to increased internal resistance, caused significant “voltage relaxation” oscillations after periods of rest, resulting in a “brick short” discharge of one group of 74p cells, triggering the BMS_u029 flag. Without completely dismantling the entire block, these 10 cells will be replaced through a special extraction process and prepared for a bench test on a Solar UPS system. The block from the previous Tesla, which passed the gladiator bench test with an approximate capacity of 200 Ah, will be inserted into this battery pack, thus closing the loop of recycling and repair.
The battery currently operates at a capacity of 67 kWh or 195 Ah CAC, which represents approximately 11% degradation or 89% state of health (SOH). Interestingly, the first motor, previously mentioned as the P-Train MECH (not RMN), was only replaced at 500,000 km due to a humming bearing, and a new RMN motor was installed under warranty. This serves as further confirmation that Tesla’s LDU is an extraterrestrial overkill, ensuring the same quality even in the RMN model (Remanufactured). Tesla truly reigns as the king of the road and the automotive revolution, disrupting the entire legacy mindset of “moderate quality” and other imposed criteria by legacy groups, where the goal is to manufacture a vehicle that lasts only until the warranty expires, forcing you to discard and purchase a new one.
Today, fossil vehicle components are manufactured and tested up to 180,000 km in simulated environments. If they surpass this threshold, the system is deemed unsuitable for commercial sales because there is “no owner on a subscription.” On the other hand, everything we have seen, analyzed, repaired, and dismantled from Tesla demonstrates an absolute open-source contrast. Here, after 9 years and 600,000 km, the battery remains usable, having amortized the entire vehicle, and there was no need to replace the entire battery pack, as the infodemic often claims. Furthermore, we considered that the vehicle’s air conditioning was malfunctioning, and the lack of adequate cooling could have caused damage to a few cells. Currently, there is no powertrain in the world that surpasses their quality standards, and for the past 10 years, they have been relentlessly advancing, innovating, and raising the bar that not even the most established manufacturers can keep up with.
For the past 10 years, we have been hearing from mainstream infodemic spreaders that batteries cannot be repaired, that they are entirely discarded, that they cost more than the vehicle (only with the Nissan Leaf), that their lifespan is only 200,000 km, that they only last a few years… However, when we transitioned from maintaining diesel junk to EVs, every day of exploration brought enlightenment. We needed tangible confirmation, and for you, who sought the herald, here it is.
Napokon utjelovljenje onog sto smo veÄ i znali da je moguÄe ali smo Äekali materijalizaciju argumenta u fiziÄkom obliku: Tesla sa original baterijom i 600000km na satu. Stigla nam ja Tesla od potpunog neznanca u punom povjerenju sa googla bez ikakvog nadzora na Å”lepi iz BeÄa, iako je joÅ” vozila ali limitiranim dosegom od 100km. Prvi put da smo osobno dokumentirali, da vi imate Äast da je upoznate i da smo to mogli viÅ”estrukom analizom i provjerom potvrditi nakon izjave vlasnika da je baterija uistina netaknuta jer nas je zanimalo koji je to maksimalni prag zivotnog vjeka. Imali smo predozbu da prva baterija v1.5 drzi oko 400000km i da ju je potrebno servisirati, ali to je bilo vecinom kad je oÄekivani uzrok kvara prodor vlage ili oÅ”teÄenje ožiÄenja. Ali ovo je izvan svih dosadasnjih skala jer baterija je bez greske hermetiÄki zatvorena i bez prodora vlage po prvi put doÅ”la sa degradiranih 10 Äelija od ukupno 7104 Äelije, koje su zbog poveÄanog unutarnjeg otpora izazvale jaku oscilaciju āvoltage relaxationā nakon mirovanja sto je ujedno ābrick shortā praznjenje jedne grupe od 74p a samim time aktiviralo i flag BMS_u029. Bez razvaljivanja kompletnog bloka 10 Äelija ce se mjenjati specijalnom extrakcijom i pripremiti za bench test na Solarnom UPS sustavu, a blok iz prethodne Tesle koja je prosla gladijator benchtest pribliznim kapacitetom od 200Ah ubaciti u ovaj battery pack tako da je zatvoren krug reciklaze/reparacije. Baterija je trenutno na kapacitetu od 67kWh ili 195Ah CAC Å”to je oko 11% degradacija ili 89% SOH. Zanimljivo je i da je prvi motor koji smo vec spomenuli ranije P-Train MECH (Nije RMN) mjenjan tek na 500000km i samo zbog zujanja jednog lezaja je stavljen novi RMN u garanciji. Ponovno potvrda da je Teslin LDU vanzemaljski overkill samo da su zadrzali istu kvalitetu i na RMN modelu (Remanufacured). Tesla je uistinu kralj asfalta i kralj automotive revolucije, ometajuÄi kompletan legacy mindset āumjerene kvaliteteā i ostalih nametnutih kriterija legacy grupcija gdje je cilj napraviti vozilo da izdrzi garanciju pa da moras baciti i kupiti novo. Danas se proizvode sve komponente fosilca i testiraju do 180000km u simuliranom okruzenjima i ako izdrzi preko toga sustav je neprkiladan za komercijalnu prodaju jer ānemas vlasnika na pretplatiā, dok sve dosad sto smo iz Tesle vidjeli analizirali probali popravljali rastavljali itd pokazuje apsolutnu opensource suprotnost. Ovdje je baterija nakon 9 godina i 600000km i dalje upotrebljiva, amortizirala je cijelo vozilo, nije bilo potrebno mjenjati cijelu kako to inaÄe infodemiÄari tvrde i reparacija nije nauÄna fantastika. Dodatno smo uzeli u obzir da je na vozilu klima neispravna i da je moguÄi uzrok ostecenja par celija upravo nedostatak adekvatnog hladjenja. Trenutno po svim mjerilima ne postoji kvalitetniji powertrain na svijetu od njihovog i tu se bez kompromisa asevi veÄ 10 godina i nemoljivo idu dalje, inoviraju i dižu skalu koju ne mogu pratiti ni najetaboliraniji proizvodjaÄi. SluÅ”amo veÄ 10 godina mainstream infodemicare kako se baterija ne popravlja, kakao se cijela baca, kako je cijela skuplja od vozila (samo kod nissan leaf), kako je vjek samo 200000km, kako traje samo par godinaā¦ its medjutim kad smo sa održavanja dizel Å”karta preÅ”li na EV svaki dan istrazivanja je bio prosvjetljenje. Nama je trebala materijalzirana potvrda, a vama tko je tražio vjesnik.
The attached graphic displays four modules, two of which are from separate battery packs that came to us with a BMS_u029/Weak Short cell defect, and the other two from separate packs with a BMS_u018/Capacity Imbalance error.
These illustrations reveal something remarkable. Each red dot represents a cell that is experiencing self-discharge, occurring at a rapid rate of up to 20 mV per hour or more. When isolated from the rest of the brick, these cells discharge completely within 1 day, reaching 0 volts. (Typically, a healthy cell would discharge at a rate of <0.5 mV per day, which is a thousand times slower.)
Interestingly, the red dots are only present on the left side in the BMS_u029 column, while there are none on the right side in the BMS_u018 column. This is not a coincidence. It’s worth noting that these modules are not unique, as we have observed the exact same behavior across numerous modules.
What’s intriguing is that both the BMS_u029 and BMS_u018 modules exhibit noticeable capacity imbalances, with differences of up to 15 Ah or more in the case of the BMS_u018 modules, but it is usualy 6-10Ah. However, they manifest in two distinct failure modes.
In the case of the BMS_u018 modules, the cells themselves function fine with minimal self-discharge and can continue to operate, albeit with reduced capacity. These cells can even be repurposed or recycled for secondary use, just not in their current configuration as Model S battery modules.
On the other hand, each red dot in the BMS_u029 modules represents a potential runaway thermal event .
The top left module, apart from resembling chickenpox, is particularly alarming. Having this module in your pack would be highly undesirable, and resetting BMS errors on it is strongly not recommended if you didnt find and repair defect brick / cell.
Even the lower left module has one cell that poses a risk. If that cell shorts, it could trigger a potential runaway thermal event.
Furthermore, the BMS can identify even a single cell with the potential “weak short” and flag it as such. It latches the error to prevent inadvertent resetting or overlooking during unrelated firmware updates, system reboots, etc.
Additionally, the BMS can distinguish cells with potential weak shorts from worn and tired cells with capacity imbalances. It correctly recognizes the latter as being worn and tired, but not posing a significant threat. In fact, if the charge balance improves between cycles, the BMS will clear the BMS_u018 error and restore the battery’s normal operation, albeit at a diminished capacity.
In summary, Tesla’s BMS features are known to be exceptionally stringent when it comes to safety in battery systems. Understanding the problem referred to as “weak short” or “short to brick” took time, as it was a novel issue encountered initially by ourteam. For the BMS_u029 error, the rule is activated only when the battery remains idle for an extended period (approximately 8 hours or more) and exhibits a linear voltage drop in any of the 96S bricks. Activation triggers the w117 and u029 processes. This check is performed exclusively when the vehicle is not in use, and one out of the 76x 18650 cells in parallel becomes a consumer. The resulting damage is estimated to be in the range of ā¬2-4. Initially, it was unclear which processor and memory stored the error flag/log and where the error transmission originated from.
Tesla is not bricking these packs inoperable with OTA software updates(it is not programmed defect like found in Mercedes vehicles) or by surreptitiously modifying thresholds during MCU upgrades. The BMS_u029 weak short conditions in the latest BMS firmware are genuine and implemented for your safety. We have observed this behavior in all the BMS_u029 packs we have received. We have numerous decommissioned modules with identical results. The BMS_u029 modules have cells experiencing self-discharge, while the BMS_u018 cells are worn and tired.
During the decommissioning process, we remove the collector plates, as shown in the attached photos, to isolate each cell. We then dismantle the module as necessary to repurpose any good cells for secondary use.
It is extremely important not to reset these BMS_u029 errors without addressing the underlying issues with cells.
I thought I’d retire in a cottage of sponsored hybrids before some Model 3 with a defective out-of-warranty powertrain came into my LAB. A failure caused by mechanical damage to the battery case at high speed on the highway. On the road, the driver picked up a piece of metal (not an n47 chain) with the right front wheel, which hit and broke the battery case in an area where it can’t even be seen behinde wheel liner. After a month of driving, due to the penetration of moisture, water, rain and other leaking oils (Punto, Passat, Golfā¦) the Alert that 400v is touching chasis came on, in practice called “Iso fault”. After starting the warranty process at the authorized service center because the hole was not visible, after additional checks and almost replacing the battery in the warranty, a problem was noticed and the warranty was rejected. Mechanical damage of any kind is not part of the warranty!!! There is a tolerance of case bending to the inside up to 8mm, but case penetration and water ingress are not part of it. The preliminary estimate for the battery change is ā¬11,800, which is cheaper than the 651, n47, n57, b47, 654 diesel engines, but certainly too much for anyone to give up on that much money at once. Our task was to solve the battery without dismantling, patch the hole and dry the closed battery without taking it off the carā¦ that means absolute improvisation and tool making with solving the problem 100%. First, we opened the umbrela valve vents on the battery, which has 2, then we made an artificial heated “greenhouse” around the battery and an irradiation system to extract moisture. We let the system run for 14 days for 10 hours to heat the case to 48 degrees while the rest of the “cooker system” does its job to extract moisture. After 2 weeks of labor Isolation returned to 4.8Mohm before and after the contactorā¦ that means the battery is finally saved. However, repeated isolation breaches have left the security system in a locked state with error BMS_a027, an error that, with its number 027, oozes trouble as it is a FATAL FLAG (latching alert) to protect the system from further or larger problems. It limits the system permanently and the service ToolBox does not have a function like for Model S and X, which is called “ISO Counter Reset”, this time for Model Y and 3 this function has been moved to the Tilburg refurbish battery center where the battery repair team resets on the bench via CAN BUS. We solved the problem and the consequences, but now the most difficult part remains, how to clean the firmware safety system. We work for the first time, we read the processor for the first time, which fortunately does not have a locked JTAG, and we look for the HEX FLAG in the sea of data. After a few hours of work, we cleared the FLAG, redeployed the system again and BMS removed the error. VOILA, the battery was solved and the owner was saved by a 3rd party solution for the first time in the world. It means another example, that it is not necessary to change the entire battery, but to solve the problem in segments.
Tesla Model 3 LR – NEISPRAVNA BATERIJA NIKAD SE NE MIJENJA CIJELA – Mislio sam da Äu otiÄi u mirovinu u vikendici sponzoriranih hybrida prije nego mi dodje neki Model 3 sa defektnim pogonom izvan garancije. Kvar koji je uzrokovan mehaniÄkim oÅ”teÄenjem baterijskog kuÄiÅ”ta pri veÄoj brzini na autocesti. VozaÄ je na cesti pokupio desnim kotaÄem komad metala (nije n47 lanac) koji je lupio i razvalio kuÄiÅ”te baterije u zoni gdje se ne vidi ni na dizalici jer bas tu pokriva PVC wheel liner. Kroz mjesec dana vožnje zbog penetracije vlage, vode, kiÅ”e i ostalog ulja (punto, passat…) upalila je se greÅ”ka da 400v probija na Å”asiju, u praksi zvan “Proboj izolacije”. Nakon zapoÄete garancije u ovlaÅ”tenom servisu jer rupa nije bila vidljiva, nakon dodatnih provjera i skoro pa zamjene baterije u garanciji uoÄen je problem i garancija je odbijena. MehaniÄka oÅ”teÄenja bilo kojeg oblika nisu dio garancije!!! Postoji tolerancija udubljenja kuÄiÅ”ta do 8mm ali proboj kuÄiÅ”ta i voda nisu dio toga. PredraÄun za izmjenu je 11800ā¬ Å”to je jeftinije od 651, n47, n57, b47, 654 i ostalih nikad niÅ”ta motora, ali svakako prevelika svota za bilo koga i Äega. Zadatak nam je bio da rijeÅ”imo bateriju bez demontaže, zakrpamo rupu i osuÅ”imo zatvorenu bateriju… znaÄi apsolutna improvizacija i izrada alata a da se problem rijeÅ”i 100%. Prvo smo otvorili oduÅ”ke na bateriji koji ima 2, zatim smo napravili umjetni plastenik oko baterije i sustav ozraÄivanja za izvaÄenje vlage. Sustav smo pustili da radi 14 dana po 10 sati da zgrije kuÄiÅ”te na 48 stupnjeva dok ostata “pastenika” radi svoj posao. Nakon 2 tjedna izolacije se vratila na 4.8Mohm prije i poslje kontaktora… to je to baterija spaÅ”ena. Medjutim uzastopni proboj izolacije je ostavio sigurnosni sustav u zakljuÄanom stanju sa greÅ”ko BMS_a027, greÅ”ka koja svojim brojem 027 odiÅ”e problemom jer je to FATAL FLAG da zaÅ”titi sustav od daljnjih ili veÄih problema. Limitira sustav trajno i servisni ToolBox nema funkciju kao za Model S i X koja se zove “ISO Counter Reset” ovaj put za Model Y i 3 ta funkcija je preseljena u Tilburg refurbish battery centar gdje ekipa koja reparira baterije resetira na stolu preko CAN BUS. Mi smo rijeÅ”ili problem i posljedice ali sad je ostao najteži dio, kako oÄistiti firmware safety sustav. Prvi put radimo, prvi put Äitamo procesor koji sva sreÄa pa nema zakljuÄan JTAG i tražimo HEX FLAG u moru podataka. Nakon par sati posla oÄistili smo FLAG, napravili redeploy sustava opet i BMS je maknuo greÅ”ku. VOJLA, baterija je rijeÅ”ena i vlasnik spaÅ”en 3rd party rijeÅ”enjem po prvi put u svijetu. ZnaÄi joÅ” jedan primjer, da nije potrebno mjenjati cijeli bateriju veÄ rijeÅ”iti problem u segmentima.
Errors: BMS_a027 , BMS_f027, BMS_w027, BMS_a170 Part number: 1104423-00-N, 1106394-01-H, Processor: TMS320LS , SPC5746CSMKU6 1N84S Tesla OEM: 11800ā¬ (inc VAT) EV Clinic pricelist: *diesel is cheaper – 69000ā¬ *hybrid is better – 96000ā¬ *ev is better – 1200ā¬
PART 1 – The king of the asphalt and the icon of eMobility has arrived, the only vehicle without a single programmed failure and, in our opinion, the best drive system in the world. The only EV that goes over thousands of kilometers, on which it is possible to fix absolutely every fault up to 20x cheaper than for any other EV. The only vehicle that does not need any multiplexer and diagnostics, because the vehicle is a laptop with its own integrated diagnostics, i.e. the display system is Linux Ubuntu. Defects like the one that came up, battery failure are also the cheapest to solve of all EVs on the market. Breakdowns start from ā¬200 to ā¬4,500 and occur only at 200,000-30,000 km. I mean that exclusively on the S85 battery pack. The other S75 90 and 100 are almost indestructible even at 500,000 km. This one came with a breakdown of the insulation from the High Voltage system to the chassis. In a microsecond the system activated PERMANENT ISO F123 to protect the rest of the system. After testing the HV distribution box, we found that it is not the external insulation, but the internal insulation in the battery. In such scenarios, it is VERY IMPORTANT to remove the battery IMMEDIATELY, meaning IMMEDIATELY, not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or in a month, because total damage occurs. The owner immediately brought the vehicle to the EV Clinic LAB as recommended. The battery was immediately removed and further damage stopped. This battery pack has 4 damaged modules and we will restore them all, the BMS must be repaired and reprogrammed. This is also one of the worst cases we have had and fast delivery was key. Battery failed on 260000km
Workshop is located in Croatia. We can organize repair in our franchise in Germany, Istanbul, Montenegro, Serbia, Romaniaor we can send tow truck to pick it up and deliver it to our lab in Zagreb.
PART 1 – Stigao kralj asfalta i ikona eMobility-a, jedino vozilo bez ijednog programiranog kvara i po nama najkvalitetnijim pogonskim sustavom na svijetu. Jedini EV koji prelazi tisuÄe kilometara na kojem je moguÄe apsolutno svaki kvar otkloniti i do 20x jeftinije nego za bilo koji drugi EV. Jedino vozilo kojemu ne treba nikakav multiplexer i dijagnostika, jer je vozilo laptop sa svojom integriranom dijagnostikom tj sustav zaslona je Linux Ubuntu. Defekti kao ovaj Å”to je doÅ”ao, kvar baterije su i najjeftiniji za rijesiti od svih EV na trzistu. Kvarovi pocinju od 200ā¬ do 4500ā¬ i javljaju se tek na 200000-30000km. To mislim iskljucivo na S85 battery pack. Ostali S75 90 i 100 su skoro pa neunistivi i na 500000km. Ovaj je doÅ”ao sa probojem izolacije sa Highvoltage sustava na Å”asiju. Sustav u mikrosekundi je aktivirao PERMANENT ISO F123 da zastiti ostatak sustava. Nakon ispitivanja HV razvodne kutije ustanovili smo da nije vanjska izolacija veÄ unutaranja u bateriji. Kod takvih scenarija VRLO JE BITNO da se baterija skida ODMAH, znaÄi ODMAH, ne ni sutra ni prekosutra ni za mjesec dana jer nastupa totalna Å”teta. Vlasnik je odmah dovezao vozilo po preporuci u EV Clinic LAB. Baterija odmah skinuta i daljnja Å”teta zaustavljena. Ovaj battery pack ima ostecena 4 modula i sve ih budemo restaurirali, BMS moramo reparirati i reprogramirati. Ovo je ujedno i jedan od najgorih sluÄajeva koje smo imali i brza dostava je bila kljuÄna. Vozilo je 9 godina staro, baterija je bilo jednom na servisu i ima 260000km sa jos originalnim diskovima i plocicama. S obzirom da ima besplatno punjenje dozivotno ovaj je ustedio bar 35000ā¬ samo na gorivu. Takodjer po nasim procjenama i dosadasnjim iskustvom cak i ova stara S85 se moze preventivno 2-3 komponente zastiti da do kvara uopce ni ne dodje.
This is Research and Development lab for EV and PHEV vehicles. Our primary sponsors are defect Hybrids and ICE Dismiss
Important for ALL customers! šā”
Our lab is located on a secured site with access control and closed gates, spontaneous visits are not possible!
Due to high demand and our limited capacity, we may not be able to respond to your requests immediately. Delays of up to 2 weeks are possible due to multiple employees being sick and a shortage of workforce.
š Please schedule an appointment in advance via email so we can register your access. Visits without invitation is forbiden.