Napokon i prvi elektromotor sa nekim kvarom. Legenda kaze da na 100000 defektnih N47 lanaca i milijon probuÅ”enih DPF-ova crkne jedan elektromotor. Ovdje je Sport Large Drive Unit od 310kW snage za vrijeme jakih kiÅ”a prethodnih dana na HV kabelu kraj brtve propustio vlagu u kuÄiÅ”te invertera i doÅ”lo je do proboja izolacije i permanentne deaktivacije BMS sustava (repeated Isolation fault). Zadnji pogon se skida kompletno sa zadnjim Subframe. Odpuste se amortizeri i Äeljusti, zatim 4 vijka i 2 crijeva od antifriza i sve je dolje u roku sat vremena. Motor je tezak nekih 150 kila i potreban je kran za vadjenje. Nakon otvaranja kuÄiÅ”ta invertera bili su vidljivi tragovi vlage i proboja izolacije. Na motoru je bilo 1mOhm ISO a minimalno smije biti 5MOhm. Iako nije velika razlika bilo je vidljivo zaÅ”titnom sustavu u BMS. Proboj izolacije znaci da 400V dira Å”asiju. Takodjer za napomenuti da je ovo vrlo Äesto āispiranā demant protiv ovog motora kako se ācesto u garanciji mijenjajuā. Tesla ima userfriendly praksu da bez obzira na bilo koji lako otklonjiv kvar, vlasniku montira reparirani refurbish motor a stari vraca u Itlburg na refurbish (da smanji cekanje). Neke preventivne operacije su se mogle implementirati da ovoj motor bez problema prelazi i 1mil kilometara.
GreŔke: BMS_w158 , BMS_w035 , BMS_w142 , BMS_f071
Kilometraza: 150000km
KataloŔki: 1056681-00-P
Tesla nov: 3900ā¬ + PDV (cijeli motor bez n47 lanca)
EVC: 600-2000ā¬
EVC: (dizel je super) 6000ā¬
Finally, the first electric motor with some malfunction. Legend has it that for every 100,000 defective N47 chains and a million punctured DPFs, one electric motor fails. Here, the Sport Large Drive Unit of 310 kW power, during the heavy rains of the previous days, on the HV cable near the seal, leaked moisture into the inverter housing and there was a breakdown of the insulation and permanent deactivation of the BMS system (repeated Isolation fault). The rear drive is removed completely with the rear Subframe. The shock absorbers and calipers are released, then 4 bolts and 2 antifreeze hoses and everything is down within an hour. The engine weighs about 150 kilos and requires a crane to remove it. After opening the inverter housing, traces of moisture and insulation breakdown were visible. There was 1mOhm ISO on the motor, and the minimum must be 5MOhm. Although not a big difference, it was visible to the protection system in the BMS. Insulation breakdown means that 400V touches the chassis. It should also be noted that this is a very often “washed out” claim against this engine that “they are often changed under warranty”. Tesla has a user-friendly practice that, regardless of any easily rectifiable malfunction, it installs a repaired refurbished engine for the owner and returns the old one to Itlburg for refurbish (to reduce the wait). Some preventive operations could have been implemented so that this engine could easily exceed 1,000 kilometers.
Errors Alerts : BMS_w158 , BMS_w035 , BMS_w142 , BMS_f071
KM: 150000km
Part number: 1056681-00-P
Tesla NEW OEM: 3900ā¬ + PDV
EVC: 600-2000ā¬
EVC: (“dizel is great ” price) 6000ā¬