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Mythbusting EV, ICE and Hybrid powertrain price Comparison

ANALYSIS AND MYTHBUSTING – What is cheaper to maintain? What is the price of a new battery? What is the price of a new motor, a new transmission?

Short and clear: incompetent journalists and mainstream media have been misleading you for years, and this should have been their job. In the Excel sheet we are making publicly available, you will find individual prices for all drivetrain components. On the far right, there are catalog numbers, “parts” images from the catalog, and other parameters. Price fluctuations for parts are possible in different countries. Corrections can be sent to us. Some prices are missing because manufacturers conceal them, so U.S. catalogs were used.

TABLE LINK: Google Sheets

We have put in the effort for both ourselves and you, digging deep into every corner of sustainability by researching several authorized service catalogs. After a month of searching, the data we collected is both interesting and alarming. Reflecting on the struggle we went through to gather this information—submitting aftermarket support requests, waiting for activations, paying for each access, dealing with broken links—it has become crystal clear which manufacturers will survive the rise of next-generation specialized workshops and which won’t. It all boils down to three parameters: Simple, Serviceable, and Accessible!

These three parameters also apply to owners of all future ICE, Hybrid, and EV vehicles because, without them, there will be NO WORKFORCE to maintain your vehicle because nobody wants to use complex system to service complex powertrains. Relying on authorized services means replacing entire drivetrain components and incurring high costs.

A critical mistake by manufacturers is the use of pouch cells, which have proven unreliable and, in some cases, dangerous (EQB, Leaf, Kona). One of the parameters you should consider when buying a vehicle is “What type of cells does the vehicle have?” The priority should be cylindrical or prismatic/blade cells.

For those unaware, the most critical EV component is not the battery (though it is for hybrids). The most critical components are:

  1. Electric Motors
  2. On-Board Charger (OBC)
  3. Heat Pump
  4. Battery comes in last place.

Therefore, the prices of these components in this order should concern you most, along with the quality of the Right-to-Repair system.

The most expensive batteries per kWh are found in hybrids, of any type. On average, the total kWh cost for hybrids is 40% higher than that of EV battery systems.
The most expensive complete drivetrain systems, on average, are hybrids, followed by ICE vehicles, while EV systems are the cheapest. (This refers to the average cost!)

The worst parts procurement systems, right-to-repair access, and support (backend/frontend) are from: Xpeng, MG, BYD, Stellantis, Honda, Nissan, Volvo, Rivian, Lucid, Mazda, Hyundai, Kia.

  • MG and BYD have not yet activated their RMI systems.
  • Lucid and Rivian have no RMI systems at all.
  • Hyundai does not issue invoices, leaving accounting departments with nothing to process.
  • Kia has not yet approved RMI accounts and discriminates against Croatian and Slovenian owners by blocking access to Kia Connect.

Warranties you cannot rely on if you purchase vehicles from: Stellantis, Mercedes, Kia, Hyundai.

  • KMAG shortens factory-recommended service intervals and ties the warranty to drivetrain maintenance.
  • Another concerning factor is the price difference for parts between Germany, France, and the Balkans.

All parts sold under Grand Automotive (covering MG, Renault, Dacia, Nissan) are 20–40% more expensive. It’s cheaper to buy a vehicle locally and service it in Italy or Austria.

Dacia Spring is alarming, with a potentially artificial price boost on parts to push new car sales due to uneconomical repairs. Practically every damage leads to a total loss, raising concerns for insurance companies. A comprehensive insurance policy for this car should cost more than one for a Porsche Panamera.

In-house component-level repair:

  • Tesla, despite leading in statistics, unfortunately lacks an internal system for servicing battery modules or components.
  • BMW, Hyundai, Kia, Ford, Mazda, Nissan, VAG, Volvo allow the purchase and replacement of individual components within the service network.

Cheapest components:

  • Tesla has the lowest kWh cost.
  • VW has the cheapest OBC.
  • Tesla has the cheapest electric motors.
  • Tesla also has the best right-to-repair (RMI) system.
  • Tesla and BMW offer the best powertrain value and cheapest powertrain parts.
  • Porsche has the most expensive parts globally.

Best RMI systems (critical for sustainability and cost-effectiveness): Tesla, BMW, Mercedes, VAG, Ford, Toyota.
Worst systems: Stellantis, Kia, Hyundai, Xpeng, MG, BYD.
The most expensive systems (unsustainable for servicing): BMW, Xpeng, BYD—this significantly increases the total cost of vehicle ownership and reduces ROI.
Lucid, Rivian, and others have no support systems, meaning these vehicles should be avoided as they could become unusable and not servicable at any moment.

Tesla offers the cheapest RMI system, EPC accessible even to individuals without needing a business. It’s even free, and the total cost for full access is only €612.

Chinese brands have proven completely unprepared for European expansion and lack scalable systems for corporate and aftermarket needs. Some EU representatives of these brands are already considering withdrawal due to non-functional EPC catalogs and even worse support.

And when all is said and done, it becomes clear why Tesla is the king of the road and the only truly sustainable and financially accessible vehicle manufacturer—unlike legacy automakers who have become mere “assemblers of outsourced parts” produced by 100 different external companies. Other statistical favorites are BMW, Mercedes, Hyundai, Polestar, Volvo, and of course, Toyota.

For those considering a hybrid instead of an EV, there’s no need to look at anything other than Toyota and Lexus. Oherwise, you are looking into bankruptcy.

Source for part prices: OEM Catalogs, Online USA catalogs, OEM Invoices and quotes,

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Who founded us? Factory defect ICE cars ofcourse! 7GTronic Cloning.

Regres + Christmas bonus: Mercedes 7G Tronic 772.9, one of our toughest and most expensive projects completed in 2013 for the Chinese. One of the regular guests “never anything.” Reset and cloning on the table through offline scn with the Vediamo Developer tool that leaked publicly from the department in Singelfinden somewhere in 2015. Flashing directly with CFF flash file from the Mercedes update database, rev 0009020247 which is suitable for that VIN. There are about 2000 versions just for that one gearbox, and about 2000 configurations for each firmware. To pair a used 7G module to the vehicle, first, it must be reset via the connector with the service key 39CF819CCBED3A23 (unique, not visible), which is calculated from the service base key 529271EC7E3EA8A9 (visible on CANbUS) with RipeMD64 encryption at n-100 (100 rotations of encryption backwards is the reset key). Brute force on an RTX graphics card with cudadll for only one rotation takes about a month. And you’re brute-forcing technology from 1995 when it was patented for the first w210. A used 7G to prepare for a new vehicle besides reset requires an old sample, old data that must be transferred to the new one (SCN EHS, etc.), then assembly and key learning, because they implemented key storage in the gearbox against theft. After that, adaptation of upshift and downshift speeds. Also, many get messed up and buy another used module without checking which one is original, if it’s not cataloged the same then module programming is not possible (technically it is, but it’s a more expensive pastry than from the bakery). If the old module is VGS-NAG2 you must get another VGS-NAG, if it’s VGS2-NAG2 then you look for another VGS2. Most Mercedes sponsor drivers, meaning most buy the wrong one off the top of their heads, then they buy the one they need. So that’s another unspoken cost at the bar “never anything” that is not accounted for… buying the wrong parts. VGS4 last generation is not possible to reset or clone, which are under FBS4 encryption (RipeMD128 + random seed key) and which are found on all MB vehicles from 2014 onwards, this means to crack the reset of used electronics with a service key you need a GPU farm and 100 years. Currently, these vehicles have no solution for the brakes, nor for the gearboxes, computer of the engine to reset them with a service key, this means that all Mercedes owners will be sentenced to buy new parts because Mercedes has protected the used ones. The 9G tronic gearbox with Renesas and FBS4 has no idea for breaking protection. New 9G electronics are no longer sold separately through legal channels, only the whole gearbox for €10,000. So, fellow mechatronics engineers, if you’re waiting for some miraculous tool to come out so you can solve and reset all MB FBS4 components, you’re mistaken, that tool may never come out.

Clone & Reset price list:
“Absolutely nothing ever failed” – €600
“It never left me stranded” – €800
“Just fill and drive” – €1000
“When will it be finished?” – €1200
“Can I come pick it up on Sunday” – €1400
“Car is taking my wallet with a shovel” – €200

OEM 2000€

Part number:
A 0335456632
A 0335456732
A 0335457232
A 0335457332
A 0034460310


Regres + Božićnica : Mercedes 7G Tronic 772.9 jedan od naših najtežih i najskupljih projekata završenih 2013 godine za kineze. Jedan od redovnih gostiju “nikad ništa”. Reset i kloniranje na stolu kroz offline scn sa Vediamo Developer alatom koji im je javno procurio iz odjela u Singelfinden negdje 2015 godine. Fleshanje direktno sa CFF flesh file iz Mercedes update baze, rev 0009020247 koji je adekvatan za taj VIN. Postoji oko 2000 verzija samo za taj jedan mjenjač, i oko 2000 konfiguracija za svaki firmware. Da bi uparili vozilu rabljen 7G modul, prvo se mora resetirati preko konektora sa servisnim kljucem 39CF819CCBED3A23 (unikatan, nije vidljiv), koji se kalkulira iz servisnog baznog kljuca 529271EC7E3EA8A9 (vidljiv na CANbUS) sa RipeMD64 enkripcijom na n-100 (100 rotacija enkricpije unazad je kljuc za reset). Brute force na grafičkoj RTX kartici sa cudadll samo jedne rotacije traje oko mjesec dana. A brutforsaš tehnologiju iz 1995 kad je patentirana za prvi w210. Rabljen 7G da bi pripremio za novo vozilo osim reseta potreban je stari uzorak, stari podaci koji se moraju prenijeti u novi (SCN EHS itd) nakon toga motaža i učenje ključeva, jer su u mjenjač implementirali i spremanje kljuceva protiv kradje. Nakon toga adaptacija upshift i downshift brzina. Takodjer mnogi se zeznu pa kupe drugi rabljen modul a nisu provjerili koji je original, ako kataloski nije isti onda prijava modula nije moguca (tehnicki je, ali skuplji burek od pekare). Ako je stari modul VGS-NAG2 takav isti moras i drugi VGS-NAG, ako je VGS2-NAG2 onda drugi trazis VGS2. Vecina mercedes sponzor fahrera, znaci vecina kupi pogresan na pamet, pa onda kupuju koji treba. Tak da to je jos jedan od prešućenih troskova za šankom u birtiji “ nikad nista” koji se ne racunaju… kupnja pogresnih dijelova. VGS4 zadnje generacije nije moguce ni resetirati ni klonirati koji su pod FBS4 enkricijom (RipeMD128 + random seed key) i koji se nalaze na svim MB voziloma od 2014 pa dalje, to znači da bi provalio reset rabljene elektronike servisnim kljucem potrebna je farma GPU i 100 godina. Trenutno ta vozila nemaju rijesenje ni za Brave, ni za mjenjace, komp motora da ih resetiras servisnim kljucem, to znaci da ce svi vlasnici Mercedesa biti osudjeni na kupnju novih dijelova, jer rabljene je mercedes zastitio. 9G tronic mjenjac sa Renesas i FBS4 ne postoji ni misaona ideja za provalito zaštitu. Novu 9G elektroniku ne prodaju vise posebno legalnim kanalima, samo cijeli mjenjač 10000€. Tako da kolege mehatronicari ako čekate neki čudesni alat koji ce izaci pa da mozete rijesiti i resetirati sve MB komponente FBS4 se varate, taj alat mozda nikad nece izaci.

Clone&Reset cijenik:

“Evo nikad nista”- 600€

“Nikad stao nije”- 800€

“Samo toci i vozi” – 1000€

“Kad ce biti gotovo” – 1200€

“Mogu li u nedjelju doci po to” – 1400€

“Uzima me auto lopatom” – 200€

OEM cijena 2000€

Part number:

A 0335456632

A 0335456732

A 0335457232

A 0335457332

A 0034460310

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24000€ ICE Engine is more Expensive than Battery

These are OEM NEW Audi EPC catalog prices : Motor 24000 EUR – Transmission 13000 – Camshaft 3600 – NOx 1200 – DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) 5000 – Turbine 4000 – EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) 1500 – CR Pump (Common Rail Pump) 2800 – Injectors 7200 – Crankshaft 4000 – Mildhybrid 48V Battery 2800 – Alternator 2200 = Consumable parts over 100,000 km amount to 71300 EUR. AT THE END OF POST YOU HAVE EPC CATALOG PRICE SCREENSHOTS

For years, we have warned that “cheaper” fossil fuel vehicles (FFVs) are generally more expensive than electric vehicles (EVs), often costing at least twice as much over time. With 14 years of experience and insights from various sources, including tuners and technicians from authorized Porsche Interauto service centers, we’ve seen that new FFVs are often poorly made. They are constructed from low-quality and weakened materials, incorporate overly complicated solutions, are prone to programmed failures, and have excessively expensive parts. For instance, the 3.0 TDI engines installed since around 2014 have been problematic, yet this issue has largely gone unaddressed for nearly a decade.

The public only became aware of these problems when they experienced them firsthand. Despite the widespread issues, fossil fuel vehicles rarely face recalls or part revisions for even the most serious faults. In contrast, every detail of EVs is scrutinized and criticized. Mainstram media often provide shallow opinions and fail to hold FFVs to the same standard of reporting and journalism. They rarely question the cost of parts in gasoline or diesel vehicles, which are often more expensive than the entire EV they criticize.

These media outlets praise fossil fuel vehicles because they are paid to do so. If they criticize them, they risk losing exclusive access to new models for test drives. This biased reporting contributes to the declining quality of FFVs, making journalists who sell such propaganda complicit in the degradation of automotive standards. In multiple notable examples mainstream anti-EV media propagate misleading information.

As a result, consumers have a hard time finding reliable information about both EVs and FFVs. The automotive industry suffers from this lack of accountability, and the true cost of owning an FFV remains hidden, while the benefits of EVs are unfairly criticized.

After years of enduring journalistic bias and discrimination of EV in the automotive industry, it’s clear there is a significant lack of independent, unbiased information from ordinary users and crucially, experienced mechanics. Mechanics, the essential link in providing reliable information to vehicle owners, have been sidelined and demonized as “scammers” by journalists and self-proclaimed “car enthusiasts.”

The media landscape is dominated by biased reporting that fails to criticize low-quality, expensive engines and programmed failures. Only a few voices, like colleague Bagrameli, consistently highlight these issues from a fossil fuel perspective. Mechanics with their extensive experience should be respected and proud of their contributions to the automotive industry.

Audi has particularly struggled with their diesel models since 2012. Issues range from high-pressure pumps that deteriorate and cost €10,000 to repair on the 2.0 TDI, to catastrophic failures in the 3.0 TDI engines. These engines, identified by codes CRT, CUA, CZV, and DEWA, have fundamental design flaws. For example, a spring in the camshaft meant to tension the gear disintegrates as early as 50,000 km. Additionally, after an oil change, an air pocket can remain on the pressure valve or oil pressure regulation sensor, potentially destroying the entire engine block. Every component, from the crankshaft and camshaft to the oil system, 48V generator, and 48V Li-Ion battery, is prohibitively expensive and prone to failure.

Most of these vehicles face severe, costly problems by 50,000 km, where a vehicle with 200 kW can only be driven gently to ensure it lasts to 100,000 km. The state of the German auto industry raises serious concerns, and the lack of critical voices to address these issues is troubling.

As a result, many people will inevitably switch to EVs, not due to coercion, but because they have no alternative. These fossil fuel powertrains often fail before 100,000 km, with repair costs around €28,000. The need for reliable, critical reporting and recognition of the valuable insights from experienced mechanics has never been more urgent.

These vehicles are so risky that even simple oil change services, where the poorly designed engine can blow out the engine block, will result in blaming the mechanic, as it usually happens. Owners have started to harass mechanics with invented expensive problems, “it wasn’t like this when I came,” so there are fewer and fewer mechanics and services willing to work on these vehicles. It’s less of a hassle to replace the battery on an EV than to do a small service on an Audi diesel CRT engine.

Therefore, it is certain that fossil fuel vehicles have dug their own grave with poor quality. Those who drive them and charge once for subpar parts will realize that even the battery on a Tesla, costing 20,000 euros, is cheaper than diesel trash. We have been working on and servicing them for years, and we switched to EV primarily because of wasting money on oil, and the last straw was the poor quality of the engine and increasingly expensive maintenance parts. So, dear audience, the EV battery is 4 times cheaper than a fossil fuel engine.

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Dizel motor od 24000 € = Anal Intruder

Motor 24000eur – Mjenjač 13000 – Bregaste 3600 – NOx 1200 – DPF 5000 – Turbina 4000 – EGR 1500 – CR Pumpa 2800 – Dizne 7200 – Radilica 4000 – Mildhybrid 48V Aku 2800 – Alternator 2200 = Potrošnih dijelova na 100000km je 71300 EURA
Ono sto već godinama upozoravamo nakon 14 godina iskustva, da su “jeftiniji” fosilci od EV u principu skuplji od EV, u najmanju ruku duplo skuplji. Tema za koju smo mi znali, iz više razlicitih izvora upozoravali (ne samo što ih mi radimo već) od Tjunera pa do tehničara ovlaštenih servisa Porsche Interauto, da su novi fosilci smeće. Smeće od nekvalitetnih materijala, oslabljenih materijala, prekompliciranih riješenja, programiranih kvarova pa do abnormalno skupih dijelova. Motori 3.0tdi koji su se počeli ugradjivati ako se ne varam jos od 2014, znači prije 10 godina, kako je moguće da to isto smeće niko nikad nije prozvao, propitkivao ili izvještavao. Kako je moguće da se to poluproizvod smeće prodavalo skoro 10 godina i da šira publik sazna o problemu tek na vlastitoj kože, a odgovor leži doslovno u svakom mogućem članku Revijahak, Autoportal, Jutarnji, Auto Klub, Start Shitnews, Index Auto i ostalim portalima kojima je mišljenje podmazano da bude površno. Kritikuje se samo EV za svaku sitnicu, a smeće od fosilaca i za najopasnije greške ne dobije ni opoziv, a kamo li reviziju dijela. Temama koliko koji dio košta na novom autu je samo propitkivan kad je u pitanju ono sto oni mrze i sto neobjektivno žele dezinformirti publiku, a to je koliko košta EV baterija ali ne znaju koliko košta ijedan pogonski dizel benzin motora tih vozila koja oni hvale a koji je u principu skoplji od CIJELOG FOSILCA (upravo ono sto tvrde za EV), a hvale jer im je plaćeno a ako kritikuju onda nemaj “eksluziv” pristup novim modelima na test voznju. Zato ako se pitate zašto su fosilci sve veće i veće smeće, glavni krivci su automotive destruktori – novinari koji prodaju propagandu za prodaju hvaleći nešto o čemu nemaju pojma ni kako radi. Šebalji, Ilko autofašista sa , novinari indexa , jutarnjeg i ostalog propagandno desktruktivnog kartela su zaslužni za stanje užasne kvalitete u automotive sektoru. Običan vjerni ljubitelj limenih igrački se nema gdje informirati niti o EV niti o Fosilcima.

Screenshot Primjer jednog fakenews portala koji agendom ne kritizirajuci fosilce, neobjektivno bombardira dezinformacijama. Novinari koji poprilično nesposobnim vještinama poznavanja ijedne automotive materije kopiraju clanak dodaju narativ da dobiju par klikova i izmjišljaju nepostojeći debilizam o automobilima, dok istovremeno ne prenosi recimo temu o dizelskim pogonima koji su smeće u cilju da zaštiti kupca ili budućeg vlasnika i da prizvođač ponudi trajno riješenje. Ne prenosi kvarove i cijene dijelova istih.


Tako da nakon svih ovih godina slušanja novinarskog automobilskog fašizma i diskriminacije onih tema kojima se njima ne podmazuju možemo doći do zaključka da jako nedostaje neovisnog i neucjenjenog auditorijuma u režiji običnih korisnika i vrlo ključnih mehaničara koji su zanemarena karika i glas u informiranju vlasnika. Mehaničarima sa iskustvom oduzeto je pravo na glas, oduzeli su novinari i samoprozvani “automobilisti” i još su u tom procesu mehaničare demonizirali u “prevarante”. Skoro da uopće nemamo takav medijski podij sa realnom “pljuvačinom” na smeće, nekvalitetne i skupe pogone, programirane kvarove. Iskazuje se jedino kolega Bagrameli sa tim temama i dugogodišnjim iskostvom koji vjerno prenosi teme i iz fosilnog kutka. Mehaničari sa svojim iskustvom bi trebali biti ponos tog dijela automobilizma.

Audi je sa novim dizel modelima od 2012 fulao sve od visokotlačne pumpe koja se počne perutati i sanacija košta 10000eura na 2.0 tdi, pa do kompletnog 3.0 tdi motora gdje su u bregastu smjestili oprugu da napinje zupčanik koji se raspane već na 50k km. Prijavljeni poluproizvod kodovi motora su CRT CUA CZV DEWA. Osim toga, motor je toliko loše konstruiran da nakon izmjene ulje ostane airpocket na ventilu tlaka ili senzoru regulacije tlaka ulja da razbije kompletan blok motora. Na motoru se raspada radilica, bregasta, uljni sistem, 48v generator, 48v Li-Ion akumulator… i svaka kompnenta je kao suho zlato.
Velika većina tih vozila jako skupe probleme ima već na 50000km, gdje vozilo od 200kw bi morali voziti do 50kmh i sa balerinkama na nozi da penetrirate samo 5% pedale gasa i da bi ste sačuvali motor da izdrži 100k km. Žalosno da se čovjek zapita koji je klinac sa tom Njemačkom autoindustrijom i gdje je taj glas kritike da se to zaustavi. Realno ekipa će prelaziti na EV samo zato što nemaju alternativu, čak i bez (kako bi rekli ravnozemljaši) prisile.
Ta vozila su toliko rizična i najjednostavnije male servise izmjene ulja, gdje ce loš dizajna motora izbiti blok motora pa će biti “majstor kriv” kako to inače bude. Mehaničare su vlasnici počeli silovati izmišljenim skupim problemima “nije to tako bile kad sam dosao” da sve manje mehanicara i servisa ima koji uopce žele raditi na tim vozilima. Manja je šteta da na EV probijete bateriju nego da radite mali servis na Audi dizel CRT motoru.

Zato je sigurno da su totalno nepouzdani fosilci sami sebi iskopali grob nekvalitetom, tko ih vozi i naplaća se jednom škart dijelova shvatit će da i sama baterija na Tesli od 20000eura je jeftinija od dizel smeća. Mi ih godinama radimo i servisiramo, a na EV smo prešli primarno zbog bacanja love na naftu a zadnja kap je bila nekvaliteta pogona i sve skuplji dijelovi za održavanje.

Tako da draga publiko, baterija na EV je 4x jeftinija od pogona fosilca.

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ICE ban not needed, you are buying it for the last time

2010-2019 “Electric vehicles are no good because there’s nowhere to repair them, who will fix them?”
Then came EV Clinic:
2019 – “Electric vehicles are no good, you see, they need repairs once every 8 years.”
“You see, they’re no good as soon as you repair them, how would you make a living?”
Trolls and bots always have the easiest argument as an excuse, but they don’t know that I make a living precisely from fossil-fuel “never fails anything” service. Every summer, for the past 10 years, we’ve been dealing with an invasion of automatic gearboxes falling apart at just 100,000 km due to planned material fatigue and intense heating, leading to ruptured pipes, sensors, and other components. There’s no comment needed, it’s a well-known “peon’s” excuse, “the more you maintain it, the better it is.” Because junk cannot be improved even if you sleep next to it, no “regular maintenance by a skilled mechanic” helps, only a redesign of the system where the manufacturer intentionally weakened the material or planned the failure of a component. The only gearboxes that come very little or not at all are Japanese ones – Mazda, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Honda, etc. And why is that? Because they don’t have planned design defects that people love, especially in the Balkans. They don’t have them because the manufacturers have a completely different, less greedy strategy. With this European “fair” strategy, fewer and fewer parents are sending their children to college because they’ve had to replace the turbine three times, the mechatronic gearbox twice, and now the DPF is clogged. That’s why our future is secure because every day we have 10 gearboxes coming in, more and more defective fossil powertrains, parts getting more expensive and harder to obtain, and our hourly rate is getting higher. Some gearboxes are statistically the worst and most often irreparable, and DSG DQ200 stands out here. Most defects cannot be resolved if there’s a kurzschluss on the ceramic of the baradie chips. Some have brought in already opened “electronic cabbages” expecting miracles, but only a few defects can be repaired. Surely the junk king here is Mercedes with its 7G and FCVT gearboxes. The 724 7G is irreparable. Also, the 9G, it has a fault counter, and if one fault appears more than 20 times, it activates the OTP lock, and you have to buy a new electronic unit, but Mercedes martyrs don’t know that it’s no longer possible to buy just the electronic unit, you have to buy the whole gearbox (10,000€). Used 9G modules in the FBS4 crypto immo system cannot be cloned because of the Renesas baradie Jtag lock processor. As I said, some will buy the new generation of fossil vehicles for the last time, no need to bother with education. Education will be a minus in the bank account.


2010-2019 “Elektricna vozila nevaljaju jer nemaš gdje popraviti, tko će to popravljati”

Došao EV Clinic:

2019- “Električna vozila nevaljaju vidis da se moraju popravljati jednom u 8 godina”

“Vidis da nevaljaju cim ih popravljate, od čega bi živjeli.

Trolovima i botovima je izgovor uvjek najlakši argument samo oni neznaju da ja živim upravo od fosilnog “nikad ništa” servisa. Svako ljeto nas vec 10 godina poprati invazija automatskih mjenača koji se raspadaju vec na 100k KM jer zbog planiranog zamora materijala i intezivnijeg grijanja dolazi do pucanja vodova, senzora i ostalih komponenti. Ne postoji tu nikakva opaska, dobro poznata kmetska traljava opaska, “kolko ga odrzavas toliko je bolji”. Jer skart ne moze biti bolji ni da spavaš kraj njega, nikakvo “redovno odrzavanje kod pravog majstora” i ne pomaze nista osim redizajna sustava gdje je proizvodjac namjerno stanjio materijal ili isplanirao otkazivanje komponente. Jedini mjenjaci koji vrlo malo ili uopce ne dolaze su Japanski. Mazda, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Honda itd… a zasto, zato jer nema planirano dizajniranih defeksta koje narod voli, pogotovo na balkanu. Nema ih jer proizvodjači imaju totalno drugu strategiju, manje lihvarsku. Sa ovom europskom “pravednom” strategijom sve manje roditelja salje klince na fakultet, jer vec 3 puta mjenja turbinu, 2 puta mehatronik mjenjaca i sad jos se i dpf začepio. Zato je nama buducnost osigurana jer dnevno dolazi i 10 mjenjača, sve je vise defektnijih i učestalijih fosilnih pogonskih sustava, dijelovi sve skuplji i teže dobavljivi a nasa satnica sve skuplja. Neki mjenjaci su po statistikama najgori i najcesce nepopravljivi, tu se ističe DSG DQ200. Vecina defekata se ne moze rijesiti, ako je kurzschluss na keramici na baredie čipovima. Neki su donosili kupus od elektronike vec otvaran ocekivali čuda, medjutim nekolicina kvarova je samo popravljiva. Svakako škart king je tu Mercedes sa 7G i FCVT mjenjacima. 724 7G je nepopravljiv. 9G takodjer, ima brojač za pojavljivanje greske, ako ae jedna greska pojavi vise od 20 puta aktivira OTP lock i moras kupiti novu elektroniku, samo sto Mercedes mučenici ne znaju da više nije moguce kupiti samo elektroniku vec morate cijeli mjenjač (10000€). Rabljen 9G modul u FBS4 crypto immo sustavu nije moguce klonirati jer je Renesas baredie Jtag lock processor. Kao što rekoh, neki će fosilce nove generacije kupiti zadnji put, ne treba se ni truditi oko edukacije. Edukacija ce biti minus na računu banke.

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AUTOMOTIVE OPTIMIZATION means more bankrupt owners

AUTOMOTIVE OPTIMIZATION is becoming increasingly aggressive throughout the automotive industry. To the general public, it may mean “potential” savings, to us, a potential “sponsor,” and to manufacturers, a “pat on the back” and abundant profits. Your vehicle is 2 kilos lighter, you are on a diet, and you have 2000 square meters less of inherited land (approximately 1200€ less). This is because the Li-ion 12V 70Ah battery, which replaced the old lead-acid one, discharged while the vehicle was at the service, and you cannot recharge it as it is not designed for non-invasive charging. Although this battery has proven to be extremely reliable, its BMS lacks an OTP lock like VW, Mercedes, and other junk, which would require a BMS reset. Fortunately, in this case, it is sufficient to unscrew the cover, recharge it directly at the terminals, and physically disconnect the BMS connector for a reset.

As people do not complain about the increasing junk in the automotive industry, especially in fossil-fuel-powered vehicles, we expect that soon the light switch will cost 8000€, a spark plug 20€ but malfunctioning, which the mechanic mounts at his own expense six times, the MAF and MAP sensors with Bluetooth will cost 5600€, and we will also follow the “acceptable prices” for the labor time. #peopleloveit

AUTOMOTIVE OPTIMIZACIJA, na latinskom “Ipsum Ti’metnem”, je popraćena kroz automotive industriju sve agresivnije i agresivnije. Običnom narodu to znači “potencijalna” ušteda, nama potencijalni “sponzor” a proizvodjačima “pršut na čelo i love u izobilju”. Vaše vozilo je lakše 2 kile, vi na dijeti i 2000 kvadrata djedovine manje (cca 1200€). Jer Li-ion 12V 70Ah akumulator koji je zamjenuo stari olovni se isprazni u mirovanju jer je vozilo bilo na servisu, i ne možete ga napuniti jer nije dizajniran da ga punite bez invazivne metode otvaranja i punjenja. Iako je se ovaj aku pokazao ultrapouzdanim, BMS nema OTP lock kao VW Mercedes i ostali skart pa da se mora i BMS resetirati sto je poprilicno pohvalno (inace bmw je tu najmanji lihvar po pitanju programiranih kvarova, ali ne znaju napraviti pouzdan dizel motor). Ovdje je dovoljno odsarafiti poklopac , dopuniti direktno na terminalima i fizicki odpojiti konektor BMS da se resetira. S obzirom da se narod ne buni na sve vise skarta u autoindustriji, pogotovo u fosilnim pogonima, uskoro ocekujemo da ce prekidac za svijetla biti 8000€, zamasnjak 20€ ali neispravan kojeg mehanicar o svom trosku montira vec 6 puta, MAF i MAP senzor na bluetooth 5600€ a i mi cemo popratiti “prihvatljive cijene” radnog sata. #narodtovoli

Error: 0Volt on terminals

Part number: 61218092859, 194064-10 JP,

Capacity: 0.9kWh

Supplier: Lithium Energy Japan

OEM Cijena : 1000-1200€

EVC Cijena:*

*natankam dizlo za 5 sekundi – 2000€

*natankam dizlo za 5 minuta – 1900€

*natankam dizlo za 10-15 min – 200€

*natankam dizlo ak je ispravan – 0€

*vozim dizlo bez odmaranja 1200km na kateter: 6900€

*vozim dizlo 1200km ali stajem odmoriti 3 put : 5€

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HYBRID GREENWASHING – Deceptive anti-electrification and unsustainability

Dear Balkan people (and other), the path to electrification and sustainability, as paid propaganda reviews bashing EVs and praising hybrids told you, is a global deception and a path to poverty. Commercial electrification of “dinosaurus” powertrainds, where the worst solutions from both worlds reside, with underdesigned ultracomplex drivetrains lacking redundant protection against overheating, wear, and harmful operation, is not the way to the sustainable electrification but the oposite. Communicating with colleagues in the mechatronics industry, the situation is no better with the latest generation fossil fuel car offerings from the EU “scrap” market, and service demands are growing, leaving every workshop overwhelmed. Many refuse to even accept anything produced from 2019 onwards (as we have already recommended), as even oil changes are risky due to poor oil flow systems that can destroy an engine costing which costs €32,000 (CRT) for an Audi. The “moderate quality” of junk and “prototype” ideas funded and tested by owners is beyond the reach of anyone’s budget.

Now I am 100% sure that banning the sale of fossil vehicles is NOT NECESSARY; it’s pure EU nonsense. I am 100% certain that the EU fossil vehicles with Euro norms and hybrids will be bought by domestic customers for the LAST TIME because the gold lesson “hitting the pocket” is best within our mentality. Mainstream media, through moderate disinformation and bought reviews by legacy car makers, imposed the general misconception of “hybrids” and that manufacturers and their quality offerings are completely fine. However, they are not, and it will backfire on everyone. Remember, banning is not necessary because you have purchased fossil fuel junk for the last time. Shortages of junk parts, increasing frequency of component/sensor failures, and other issues, waiting for parts for months, and the lack of “right to repair” and “parts supply” are your path to driving a Golf 4 SDI, Honda Civic ’95, or something from the EV lineup.

I repeat, repairing EVs, old fossil vehicles, or even REX hybrids is far easier. However, all PHEVs, MHEVs, and new fossil vehicles have become bottomless pits and a recipe for self-destruction (fossil rape syndrome when you are ashamed of maintanance costs). From the beginning, I have no emotional attachment to anything except quality drivetrains; we call out junk even when it comes to EV powertrains. With this approach, we have attracted a large number of colleagues in the industry, from apprentices to shop owners. A large number of “whistleblower” teams have come forward with incredible data and statistics, even those that Toyota skillfully conceals, which we will publish in a mega edition. We invite all of you from authorized service centers to come forward in large numbers, so we can debunk the mythology of hollow mainstream stories and the “modern quality” that no longer exists. Perhaps it is even time for a podcast with industry experts, mechanics, and mechatronics professionals whose voices have been taken away by “car enthusiasts,” denying them access to field information and real statistics from the workshop lift, not some ADAC statistics or other car portal nonsense.

The collection of images from the post represents damages totaling around €400,000 to the Hybrid owners where not any possible “fuel savings” can save them. Some failures are irreparable, making the vehicles fit for scrap. I have been digging through the records for four hours, and this is only a portion of the requests, with an exponential increase. We cannot respond to all of you, and we fail to repair a small number of vehicles. We work 12 hours a day, and besides the repairs, stress comes from owners who don’t follow guidelines, calling us without knowing the vehicle’s make, model, year, or error code printouts from diagnostics. Taking a photo of the tachometer IS NOT AN ERROR CODE PRINTOUT. We will have less time to respond, and the recommendation is to contact us only via email with all the necessary information; otherwise, you may not appreciate “our approach” of communicating. The path to electrification is directly through EVs (from the recommended list), and “German or EU quality” has not existed for years. Now imagine the complexity of hydrogen propulsion, where you will need an even more complex service center with 30 certificates and 2 astronauts to fix a stuck valve, while the electric drive is powered by electricity produced three times more expensively, “filled up in 5 minutes,” but you spend 2 months in the service (a topic for the future).


Dragi balkanski ( i ostali) narode, put do elektrifikacije i održivosti kako su vam plaćene propagandne recenzije koje pljuju EV a veličaju hybride govorile da je to putem hybrida je svjetska navlakuša i put do siromaštva. Medjutim elektrifikacija nije kroz komercijalnu elektrifikaciju dinosaura gdje je u pogon smješteno najgore riješenje iz oba svijeta sa poddizajniranim ultrakompleksnim pogonskim sustavima bez redudantne zaštite od pregrijavanja, trošenja i pogrešnog štetnog rada. Komunicirajući i sa kolegama mehatroničarima iz branše situacija nije ništa bolja ni sa fosilcima zadnje generaciie iz EU skart ponude a posla po servisima je sve više i svi se sve zatrpaniji. Mnogi ne žele ni primiti nista u servis sto je proizvedeno od 2019 godine do sada (sto smo vec preporucili), jer sama izmjena ulja je rizicna zbog lošeg sustava protoka ulja gdje overpressure razbije motor koji za Audija kosta nov 32000€ (CRT). “Umjerena kvaliteta” škarta i “prototip” ideja koju financiraju vlasnici je izvan bilo čijeg balkanskog budžeta. Sad sam 100% siguran da zabrana prodaje fosilaca UOPĆE NIJE POTREBNA i čista je EU nebuloza. 100% sam siguran da EU fosilce sa Euro normama i Hybride domaća ekipa kupuje ZADNJI PUT jer lekcija “po džepu” najbolja funkcionira na naš mentalitet. Mainstream mediji umjerenim dezinformiranjem i kupljenim recenzijama su nametnuli “hybridno” opće mijenje da je ponuda proizvodjaca i kvaliteta sasvim ok, medjutim nije i razbit ce se svima o glavu. Zapamtite, zabrana nije potrebna, jer škart ste kupili zadnji put. Nestašica škart dijelova, frekventnost sve veceg broja kvarova komponenti/senzora i ostalih dijelova, čekanje dijelova mjesecima i ostali problemi na koje nemate pravo “right to repair” i “parts supply” je vaš put da ponovno vozite Golf 4 SDI, Hondu Civic 95’ ili nešto od EV ponude. Ponovno ponavljam, daleko je lakse repariti EV, starog fosilca ili cak i REX hybrida, medjutim svi PHEV, MHEV i Novi fosilci su postali rupa bez dna i recepat za samoubistvo (fosilni rape sindrom). Od početka nemam emotivnu povezanost ni sa čim osim sa kvalitetnim pogonima, škart prozovamo i kad je struja u pitanju. Sa tim pristupom privukli smo veliki broj kolega iz struke od segrta do vlasnika servisa, veliki broj “whistleblower” ekipe je se javilo sa nejvjerovatnim podatcima i statistikama koje čak i Toyota vjesto krije koje cemo objaviti u mega izdanju. Mi vas pozivamo da se javite u sto vecem broju iz svih ovlaštenih servisa da razbijemo mitologiju šuplje mainstream priče i “moderne kvalitete” koja vise ne postoji. Mozda je čak i vrijeme za podcast sa stručnjacima branše mehanicara i mehatronicara kojima su “automobilisti” oduzeli pravo na glas, oduzeli pristup informacijama sa terena i realne statistike sa dizalice ne neke ADAC statistike ili autoportal lupetanja. Kolekcija slika iz posta od prilike predstavlja stetu vlasnicima oko 400.000,00€, neki su kvarovi nepopravljivi i vozila za smeće. Kopam vec 4 sata po evidenciji i ovo je samo dio zahtjeva, a porast je eksponencijalan. Ne stignemo vam svima odgovoriti, mali broj vozila ne uspijemo ni rijesiti, radimo 12 sati dnevno i stres nam rade osim kvarova i vlasnici koji ne slusaju smjernice da ne zovu ako ne znaju koje vozilo i model voze, godinu i ispis gresaka sa dijagnostike. Slikanje tacho sata NIJE ISPIS GRESAKA. Sve manje vremena ćemo imati da vam odgovaramo i preporuka je samo kontakt putem email sa svim informacijama, u protivnom vam se nece svidjeti “nas pristup” . Put do elektrifkacije je direktno na EV (sa liste preporuka) a “svabska kvaliteta” ne postoji vec godinama. Sad jos zamislite kompleksnost hydrogen pogona gdje ce vam trebati jos kompleksniji servisni centar, sa 30 certifikata i 2 astronauta da poprave jedan ventil koji je zastekao gdje je elektropogon pokretan 3x skuplje proizvedenom strujom “koju tankas 5 minuta” ali visis u servisu 2 mjeseca (buduca tema)



Swipe picture to see galery.

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VAG DSG DQ200 – Shifting till bankruptcy

The gearbox that is praised so much in European mithology but behind the curtain is essentially a financial anchor for owners, because at the price of the authorized service, it is almost more expensive than the EV battery, not counting the entire drive motor + gearbox, and if you were to calculate the full price of ENGINE + GEARBOX, it would be over 14,000e. Out of some 500-600 pieces that we repaired, we observed one definite pattern of recurring defects, popularly known as “never nothing fails”. It’s “never nothing” when your non-solderable aluminum wire breaks inside TCU, which was designed to break and costs you 2300 euros, which the owner has no money to pay. Because “electric power” does not go 24,000 km with one reservoir. In addition to broken wires, lines, broken processor TC1796 (label can be seen under a microscope), melting of the power bus voltage supply lines, defect of the three-phase oil pump, output to the valves, valves, hydraulic block, position sensor, fork in the gearbox, gears, clutch also according to mythology homos balkanikus it never breaks down, just because it never breaks down we never laser welded those wires every day, I swear.. never. The error is on all DQ200 series and everything ends very quickly in “never nothing failed” state, some won’t start at 50000km and some won’t start at 150000km. It depends on how much you praise it and how many times a day you change the oil according to ancient mythology. About 10 million vehicles were sold, this news did not end up in the media because the steering wheel did not come off on only one example.


Mjenjač koji toliko nahvaljen iza zastora je u biti financijsko sidro, jer je po cijeni ovlaštenog servisa skoro skuplji od baterije EV ne računajuci cijeli pogon motor+mjenjač a kad bi racunali punu cijenu MOTOR + MJENJAC bila bi preko 14000e. Od nekih 500-600 komada koje smo reparirali upratili smo jedan definitivan uzorak ponavljajucih defekata, u narodu poznati kao “nikad ništa”. To nikad ništa je kad ti pukne žičica od aluminija koja se ne lemi, koja je osmisljena da pukne i da vas ona košta 2300 eur, koje vlasnik nema za platiti. Jer “ebeš struju” ne ide na kateter 24000km sa jednim rezervarom. Osim pucanja žica, vodova, pucanja procesora TC1796 (pod mikroskopom se vidi label), topljenja sabirnice napajanja, defekta trofazne uljne pumpe, izlaza na ventile, ventila, hidraulickog bloka, senzora pozicije, vilica u mjenjacu, zubcanika, kuplunga takodjer to se po mitologiji homos balkanikus nikad ne kvari, kak se to nikad ne kvari tako ni mi nikad svaki dan ne varimo laserksi te žice. Greska je na svim serijama DQ200 i sve vrlo brzo završe “nikad ništa”, neke nece na 50000km a neke tek nece na 150000km. Ovisi koliko ga nahvališ i koliko dnevno puta mjenjaš ulje po drevnoj mitologiji. Vozila je zahvećenih oko 10 miliona, ta vijesti nije završila u medijima jer se nije odšarafio volan samo na jednom specimenu. Takodjer valja spomenuti da je ovo proizvod tvornice dječijih bolesti na Dizel Benzin vozilima, zvana Temic. Takodjer ovaj smo napravili sa dodatnim MAX popustom s obzirom da je u pitanju neki penzioner, budu platili hybridaši razliku.

OEM Price for factory defect: 2350eur (incl Tax)
-“I swear it never fails” 800euro
-“ICE is swallowing all my money” 300euro

P0562 16946 System voltage, voltage too low
P0841 17225 Sensor / pressure switch transmission fluid pressure A, Unlikely signal
P1604 18012 Control module defective
P177F Hydraulic pump system, supply voltage too low
P17BF Hydraulic pump system, overload protection
P1895 18303 Functional limitation due to pressure drop
P189C Functional limitation due to insufficient pressure
U0101 28773 No communication with TCM
P173A Position sensor 1 for Gear Selector, unlikely signal
P173B Position sensor 2 for Gear Selector, unlikely signal
P173C Position sensor 3 for Gear Selector, unlikely signal

Partnumbers affect with serial defect:


Cars affected:

Audi A1 2008-2011 1.4l 1.6l 7 Speed
Audi A1 (8X) with 7-speed dual clutch gearbox Model Years 2011-2016
Audi A3 (8P, 8V) with 7-speed dual clutch gearbox Model Years 2008-2016
Audi Q3 2011 1.4l 1.6l 1.8l 7 speed
Audi TT (8J) with 7-speed dual clutch gearbox Model Years 2012-2016
SEAT Altea / XL 2009-2011 1.6l 1.8l 7 speed
SEAT Ibiza 2009-2011 1.2l 1.4l 1.6l 7 speed
SEAT Leon 2007-2011 1.8l 7 speed
Skoda Fabia 2010- 2011 2013-2015 7 speed
Skoda Modela 2011 1.4l 1.6l 7 speed
Skoda Octavia Model Years 2009-2015 7 speed
Skoda Superb Model Years 2008-2015 7 speed
Skoda Rapid Model Years 2014-2015 7 speed
Skoda Roomster Model Years 2013-2014 7 speed
Skoda Yeti Model Years 2013-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Beetle / convertible Model Years 2011-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Bora 2010-2011 1.4l 1.6l 7 speed
Volkswagen Caddy Model Years 2010-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Golf / Golf Plus Model Years 2007-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Jetta / Jetta Wagon Model Years 2008-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Lavida 2010-2011 1.4l 1.6l 7 speed
Volkswagen Passat Model Years 2008-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Polo Model Years 2007-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Sagitar 2009-2011 1.4l 7 speed
Volkswagen Scirocco 2008-2011 1.4l 7 speed
Volkswagen Sharan 2010-2011 1.4l 7 speed
Volkswagen Tiguan 2011 1.8l 7 speed
Volkswagen Touran 2010-2011 1.4l 1.6l 1.8l 7 speed
And other models with a DSG 7 speed gearbox

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LiFePo4 12V Akku

For the last 10 years in the EU auto industry, when we hear “optimization” we turn a deaf ear because for us (ie you) it means “a new more expensive problem”. Just as they “optimized” the euro3 engine to the euro7 engine at your expense (dpf egr scr addblue nox), we have come to the point that nothing can be repaired (only replaced) and that each part costs at least €2000. Or as they would understand us here: with the new “optimization” new “savers” arrive. The 12V battery that is used in the wider VAG and Mercedes group (PSA also?) is based on LiFePo4 cells of the manufacturer A123 with MM9Z1J battery controller, closed with the “anti-Balkan” method, with all safety systems: contactor, current sensor via shunt, cell balancing, LIN and Canbus communication, etc., etc. However, this is again a saving of 1 kilo, which costs €1400, because it goes away very often, it does not even last a year. Recalls work totally useless because the revisions they did didn’t solve the problem. The battery is discharged due to a vehicle system error and goes into a complete BMS lock without any backdoor access system for replenishing the cells and reactivating the BMS of the battery (as well as Robbery Motives). You must take your “optimized savings” to an authorized service center so that they can re-install the same programmed fault until the next “savings”. BMW uses the same type of battery from the Japanese manufacturer and there is no “irreparable” error of this type. And if you have this A123 battery, see you

We managed to barely read the software (Pflash 128kb and ee 4kb), now we are in the final phase to locate the error flag and prepare the battery until the next visit.


Zadnjih 10 godina u EU auto industriji kad čujemo “optimizacija” pretvorimo se u uho jer to za nas (tj vas) znači “novi skuplji problem”. Kao što su euro3 motor “optimizirali” do euro7 motora na vaš trošak (dpf egr scr addblue nox), došli smo do toga da se ništa nemože popraviti (samo mjenjati) i da svaki dio košta min 2000€. Ili kako bi nas ovdje razumjeli: kod nove “optimizacije” stižu nove “štediše”. 12V Akumulator koji se koristi u široj VAG i Mercedes grupaciji (PSA takodjer ?) je baziran na LiFePo4 ćelijama proizvodjača A123 sa MM9Z1J battery controller, zatvoren “antibalkan” metodom, sa svim safety sustavima: kontaktor, current sensor preko šenta, cell balansing, LIN i Canbus komunikacija itd itd. Medjutim ni manje ni više ovo je ponovno ušteda od 1 kile koja košta 1400€ jer odlazi vrlo često, ne izdrži ni godinu. Opozive rade totalno beskorisno jer revizije koje su radili nisu riješile problem. Baterija se isprazni greškom sustava vozila i ode u potpuni BMS lock bez ikakvog backdoor access sustava za dopunu ćelija i reaktivaciju BMSa akumulatora (kao i Pljačkamotive). Morate svoju “optimiziranu uštedu” odnijeti u ovlašteni servis da vam ponovno stave isti programirani kvar do sledeće “uštede”. BMW koristi isti tip akumulatora Japanskog proizvodjaca i ovakvog tipa “nepopravljive” greške nema. A ako imate ovaj A123 akumulator, vidimo se

Software smo uspjeli jedva pročitati (Pflash 128kb i ee 4kb) sad smo u finalnoj fazi da lociramo error flag i osposobimo akumulator do sledeće posjete.

Vehicles: Seat VW Audi Škoda Porsche (Panamera, Cayenne, Taycan) , Rimac Nevera itd.

Errors: P1B0200

Processor: MM9Z1

















Price of new: cca 1300€ – 3500€

EVC Repair : 450€ -1500€

If you want to learn hot to repair those 12V Starter bateries you can buy Operation Manual:

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DPF ili BATERIJA – što je zapaljivije

Uzrok skoro svih paljevina na cesti su loše dizajnirani fosilci euro 5/6/7, većinom dizeli, zbog lančane reakcije visokog tlaka i visoke temperature na DPF-u gdje overpressure ispuha gura ulje iz kartera u glavu motora. Sa druge strane EV je uistinu po tom pitanju sigurniji i statistički i u realnom svijetu, jer su i sustavi tog pogona dizajnirani da rade u što sigurnijim uvjetima i režimima rada. Požar je na EV nekad ustinu teže ugasiti, ali ovaj slučaj dokazuje i suprotno. U jednom razgovoru sa vatrogasnim društvom Ivanić Grad imali smo eksluzivno povratne informacije o redovnim požarima fosilaca na naplatnim kućicama u Rugvici. Vožnja pod opterecenjem sa aktivnom regeneracijom dpf i naglo zaustavljanje, ako je sustav imalo neispravan tada dovodi do topljenja okolnog zapaljivog materijala u motornom prostoru. Ovdje na slici imamo jednu totalno nevjerovatnu priču, gdje je zbog greške električnog romobila došlo do požara u kućnoj garaži gdje su izgorila 3 vozila, 2 fosilca i jedan EV. Taj EV je bio Tesla Model S iz 2015, koji je u potpunosti izgorio do pragova i podnice ali je baterija preživjela nevjerovatne temperature preko 800 stupnjeva. Zbog topljenja unutarnje PVC konstrukcije 18650 ćelija (saće), sama konstrukcija je pod vlastitom težinom smotala i odvojila ćelije iz sigurne zone i spojila jednu paralelu sa drugom sto je uzrokovalo izgaranje kratkim spojem ali samo na jednom od 16 blokova. Znaci vanjska temperatura požara izvan vozila je istopila unutarnju konstrukciju i kratkim spojem izazvala pozar, koji je nevjerovatno ostao lokaliziran unutar njegove komore u samom battery pack. Sekundarni problem na baterijskom pogonu je nastao gasenjem pozara, gdje je voda kojom su gasili skoro zapalila jos jedan blok. Šteta od vode je nastala na još nekoliko blokova i kao cijelina nisu ispravni. Jedan blok ima 444 ćelije, i one su ispravne za daljnju upotrebu, skoro su sve izmjerene i ispitane. Mi smo vlastitim primjerom 4 reciklirali za neispravnu bateriju HP laptopa, ostale idu u novu kantu štroma, romobil, car starter itd itd. Ćelija ima 2850mAh na 1A discharge, internal resistance 400mOhm. Ako tko želi, ima još dostupnih. Svakako nevjerovatna priča koja govori dosta o sigurnosti baterija, izgorila je cijela garaža i sve u garaži, a preživjela je baterija, koja je sama lokalizirala pozar u jednom komori i spašen je kompletan zadnji elektromotor od 315kW za novi upotrebu u nekom swapu. Ostala 2 fosilca iz požara nisu imali ništa upotrebljivo. Primjeri Tesle koja se nije zapalila ni nakon drobljenja baterije u udesu:

Cijena ćelija:

*EV je super: 2.2€

*EV je najsigurniji kad ne parkiras kraj bmw :2€

*EV je smeće : 50€ komad