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Električni EQ Smart 453 – Čmart

Ovo je najgori EV ikad prizveden.

Ako nikad u životu niste bili jamac za kredit bivšem prijatelju, ako vam nikad nije ispao sapun u zatvorskom tušu, ako nikad niste posudili lovu od kamatara, ako nikad niste imali škart citroen/vag/bmw Hybrida a želite sve to iskusiti, kupite si ovu prekrasnu kanturinu i sve to isprobate odjednom iznenada. Svabska kvaliteta kao sto rekosmo, nije pala neki % već kompletno umrla a ovdje je dostiglo čak i nirvanu. Znači ovdje da doslovno napušete zrak u kotače morate kompletan motor izvaditi, jer je ventil u statoru motora i prije toga prepoloviti auto popola, DOSLOVNO!. Svaki kvar na ovom škartu košta ne 1000€, pazi, ne ni 2000€, čak ni 3000€ nego astronomskih 5500€. Svaki kvar i oni mjenjaju kompletan powertrain modul od 5500€, znaci kao da vam se pokvare brisači, odeš u Končar da ti zavare kompletan novi prednji kraj auta, jer eto to je izgleda lakše. Priča ne staje tu, hehhehe, imaš 4 različita kvara zbog kojeg mjenjaš jedan komad auta. Od 4 kvara 2 su programirana. Ali ček nismo još gotovi, postoji još i defekt baterije, ne jedan već 6 razlicitih serijskih kvarova i 3 su programirana kvara (brojac kontaktora, impact detect, cell imbalance OTP error) nakon kojih moras potpuno zdravu bateriju mjenjati i platiti 15000€. Svo to drumsko razbojništvo je bilo moguće dok auto nije doslo u šake EV Clinic i u 12 mjeseci multitasking istrazivanja 3 razlicite flote i nekoliko razlicitih vozila uspjeli smo riješiti kvarova više nego sto ima dijelova na ovom autu i zato je vrijeme da napisemo nesto. Čak osigurače fazi su integrirali u kabel visokog napona, cilindricne 40A da moras cijeli kabel mjenjati. Serijska greska internog instrumenta u BMS za mjerenja proboja izolacije, moras cijelu bateriju mjenjati ne mozes samo BMS mjenjati. Jedina prednost ovog vozila je cijena limarijskih dijelova, zaista je jeftina.

Idemo redom nabrojati serijske greske:

DCDC defekt hw: 5500€

DCDC programirani kvar 5500€

Inverter : 5500€

Charger: 5500€

Lezaj motora : 5500€

Osigurac u type2 kabelu porta : 800€

Baterija nakon udesa – programirani kvar 15000€

Baterija “unable to charge” internal bug nikad rijesen od proizvodjača – 25 mil €

BMS ISO error -15000€

BMS programirani kvar P18051C – 15000€

Prednji far Daylight LED dcdc – 350€

Svi sapunjavi problemi su vec od 30000km.

E sad da ne bude sve crno, auto je za grada san svih snova, parkirati voziti i sve ostalo je toliko nezamjenjivo da smo se i mi pripremili da nam kamatar baci sapun pod noge. Ovo auto se isplati samo nama posjedovati i odžavati i nekome tko mi je kum brat ljubavnica kolega, dok svi ostali ste nadrljali. Ovo je EVC buduće zamjensko vozilo za klijente i mi vam ga ne preporučujemo da ga kupite, ako i kupujete mora biti jeftiniji da amortizirate mogucu EVC giljotinu. Ako išta na svijetu mrzimo a to je škart vozilo, to nikad necemo podrzati nebitno koji je tip pogona. Dok prva generacija elektrickog smart 451 ED je SpaceX kvaliteta i daleko bolja rijesenja i sa minimalnim brojem kvarova (preporuka)

EVC cijene “struja je super ali daimler nevalja”:

DCDC: 1500€

Inverter: 2000€

Motor: 2500€

Baterija bms: 800€

Baterije cell repair: 400-1800€

EVC cijene “struja nevalja”:

Sve to gore 3x







P062721 “The signal amplitude is less than minimum”








Repair DCDC 453 EQ



Onboard-dc-dc-module Repair

Finalna presuda je TOP1 Avoid list i mi ga odmilja zovemo ČMART

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VW ID3 & ID4 – Abbreviations for design flaws

VW ID3 & ID4 – skraćenice za IDzajnerske greške. Sve ID3 ID4 imaju vrlo ozbiljan “design flaw” koji nikad neće biti opozvan, jer nema “automobilista” koji nisu kupljeni lovom da pričaju o tome, bitnije je dezinformirati publiku clickbait naslovima. Ovo je slučaj gdje su Onboard Charger (OBC) smjestili izmedju swaybar šipke i podnice, Mcdonalds style. U slučaju da vas bilo tko pipne od zadnje strane vozila, prvo swaybar se naslanja i gura OBC tanki poklopac na 400V unutarnji vod. U tom momentu moze doci do ozljeda putnika u dodiru sa šasijom vozila, zabrinjavajuce je što PCB nema niti zastitu od vlage ni zastitu od deformacija i na 2 mm je od poklopca, a poklopac nema ni isolation protection (ostali proizvodjaci zastite HV spojeve plastikom/gumim/itd). Nebrojeno slučajeva EU škart proizvoda prolazi ispod radara medija (brojaci, greske, neopozvani defekti, ra-pe garancije itd) i ovo je jedan od tih. Problem je takodjer sto su napravili da se ne otvara, poklopac je varen “friction stir welding” metodom. Kvar smo uspjesno sanirali (vjerovatno) ali loš dizajn nemožemo popraviti i nazalost to nije nista novo, dizele rade redovno sa nekoliko serijskih grešaka koji ljudi sa guštom placaju (dizne, dpf, egr, addblue, scr, lanac, nox itd)

Nov OBC: 1300€+pdv

Reparacija EVC* :

*Struja je bolja 150€

*Hybrid je bolji 2000€

*Kad će biti gotovo 4000€

Rabljen OBC: xxx € , potrebno online kodiranje, navodno nije moguce prijaviti vozilu. S obzirom da je TMS unutra nema ni kloniranja.

Kataloski: 1EA915684BF

Dijelovi: Sumida e00628318a 7100904300 12046639-01, Click 300720 12049308-03 pq50-114,

Procesor: F280041PZQ Texas Instruments

VW ID3 & ID4 – Abbreviations for design flaws. All ID3 ID4 have a very serious and possible fatal “design flaw” that will never be recalled, because there are no “media” who were not corrupted to talk about it.. This is a case where they placed the Onboard Charger (OBC) between the swaybar bar and the floor behind rear bumper, Mcdonalds style . In case anyone touches you from the rear of the vehicle, first the swaybar press and pushes the OBC thin cover on the 400V inner wiring. At that moment, passengers may be injured in contact with the chassis of the vehicle, it is worrying that the PCB has neither moisture protection nor deformation protection and is 2 mm from the cover, and the cover does not have isolation protection either (other manufacturers protect HV joints with plastic/rubber /etc). Countless cases of EU scrap products pass under the radar of the media (counters, errors, non-revoked defects, ra-pe revoked warranty claims, etc.) and this is one of them. The problem is also that they made it impossible to open, the lid was welded with a tig and then the weld was removed by cnc. We have successfully repaired the malfunction (probably), but we cannot fix the bad design.

New OBC: €1300+VAT

Repair EVC*:

*EV is better €150

*Hybrid is better €2,000

*When it will be finished? €4,000

*i have seen how to repair it on forum 4500€

Used OBC: xxx €, online coding required, apparently it is not possible to recode to the vehicle. Given that TMS is inside, there is no cloning.

Catalog: 1EA915684BF

Parts: Sumida e00628318a 7100904300 12046639-01, Click 300720 12049308-03 pq50-114,

Processor: F280041PZQ Texas Instruments

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VW eGolf Charge port defect

VW eGolf Charge port defect – They make everything perfect (no clutch, dpf, diesel, CR pump with metal shavings, addblue and other scraps) and then they come up with a “soap in prison” sudden money grab on the eGolf 😅 to bend you down. The “charge port latch” defect will cost you 2000€ minimum, because engineers with 20 doctorates and a billion working hours in Wolfsburg came up with the idea of ​​making the entire port from one part with a complete high-voltage installation up to the battery, charger and low-voltage wiring loom with mandatory dismantling the complete battery off the car, because why not spend another 200 working hours on screwing 2 screws and you. And for this fellow in the picture, the port actuator broke during charging in front of the house, so it still remained nailed to the wall, in order to deliver vehicle to our service center they had to bring the charger with it, because the excellent VW engineers forgot to put “Emergency release” cable for releasing the charge cable 🤦🏻‍♂️. So that this does not happen to you, now that we have analyzed the “soap falling out” defect in more detail, the first indication is that it starts to connect or disconnect the cable in the charging port from time to time. , sometimes you have to disconnect and connect several times for it to work, the problems are more intense when there is humidity and rain. At the first symptoms, contact the EVC office for mental pain or contact VW “engineers”.
Part number: 5QE915651 5QE915525A
VW “soaping” at an authorized dealer: €1,500 + €500 hands approx
EVC therapy: €400 minus a €200 discount financed by Marko, the sponsor, with “hybrid savings”
Errors: B126301 P33E100 P33E500

Sve naprave top (nema kuplunga, dpf-a, dizni, CR pumpe koja se peruta, addblue i ostalog škarta) i onda smisle jedan “sapun” na eGolfu😅 da se sagnete. Defekt “charge port latch” će vas koštati 2000€ minimum, jer inženjeri sa 20 doktorata i milijardu radnih sati u wolfsburgu su smislili da cijeli port bude iz jednog dijela sa kompletnom Highvoltage instalacijom do baterije, chargera i lowvoltage wiring loom sa (vjerovatno) i demontazom kompletne baterije, jer zašto ne natući jos 200 radnih sati na zavrtanje 2 šarafa. A ovom kolegi sa slike crko je aktuator porta za vrijeme punjenja ispred kuće pa je jos ostao prikovan na zid, da bi ga dostavili u servis sa slepom morali su i punionicu sa njim dovesti jer su se vrsni inženjeri sjetili, osim da je to sve iz jednog dijela da ne postoji ni “Emergency release” sajla za otpuštanje kabela 🤦🏻‍♂️. Da vam se to ne desi, sad kad smo analizirali “ispadanje sapuna” detaljnije, prve nagovjesti da ce te kupiti nekom “Hansu” i “Jurgenu” vikendicu a ne nama, je to da pocne povremeno stekati spajanje ili odpajanje kabela u portu za punjenje, ponekad morate vise puta odpojiti pa spojiti da proradi, problemi su iintezivniji kad je vlaga i kiša. Kod prvih simptoma javite se u EVC ordinaciju za duševne boli ili se obratite VW “inženjerima”.

Part number: 5QE915651 5QE915525A

VW “sapunjanje” u ovlastenom: 1500€+500€ ruke cca

EVC terapija: 400€ minus popust 200€ kojeg financira Marko sponzor sa “uštedama hybrida”

Greške: B126301 P33E100 P33E500

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Tesla battery repair BMS_U029

Nikola Tesla, happy birthday and thank you for all your innovations that you gifted to civilization. We chose this day for a stress test of the restored battery and a short get-together with DEMS in Smiljan, at your birthplace. After 2 months of defect research and distractions from faulty “just pour and drive” Hybrids we finished the second Tesla P85 2013 battery from Switzerland. Colleagues tried to solve the problem before, but without success, they don’t have Štrom Trooper Zlatni. In short, Tesla has the most rigorous BMS safety features ever seen in battery systems, it took us some time to figure out how the problem they call “weak short” or “short to brick” works (because we were the first to encounter it among all colleagues). The rule that says (I usually charge secret info) for the BMS_u029 error is: If the battery in idle state for a period longer than xx (approx. 8 or more hours) when checking any of the 96S bricks shows a linear voltage drop over time, then activate w117 and u029. That means, the check is activated ONLY if the vehicle is not used and in the system is one BRICK out of 76x 18650 cells in parallel and one of them has turned into a consumer. The damage is in principle €2-4. The problem is that we didn’t know which processor and memory saved the error flag/log and where the error transmission came from.
We located the block with “weekshort”, we put a ready second block with almost the same capacity and internal resistance in tausch and that fault was eliminated, there was still a BMS error u029 which we had to solve by changing the BMS board in the end because we don’t have a service seedkey reset command, i.e. there is no is none other than the refurbish factory in Tilburg. With error u029 he still drives and charges, but only up to 35% of the battery, preventive protection.
Failure: one 18650 Panasonic cell €2-4
Error: BMS_u029 and BMS_w117
BMS: 1021970-00-B rev3 €500
Mileage: 187,000 km (saving 13,000 L of diesel)
Model S p85 free charging lifetime
Authorized Full refurbish battery: €9,200+VAT
New Mercedes 320cdi engine: €27000 + VAT
New Mercedes 7729 gearbox: €10,000 + VAT
EV Clinic restoration: €4000 – €1000 discount
Discount sponsors:
Marko from Germany with a w212 hybrid
Josip with B47 Defect edc17 (hasn’t caught fire yet)
Ante Delco Opel does not see the cam sensor.
*battery system of any type almost never needs to be changed entirely, but the problem of individual components is eliminated.

Nikola Tesla sretan ti rodjedan i hvala ti na svim tvojim inovacijama koje si poklonio civilizaciji. Ovaj dan smo izabrali za stress test restaurirane baterije i kratko druženje u Smiljanu, tvojoj rodnoj kući. Nakon 2 mjeseca istraživanja defekta i ometanja od strane neispravnih “samo toči i vozi” Hybrida završili smo drugu Tesla P85 2013 bateriju iz Švicarske. Kolege su probale prije riješiti problem ali bezuspješno, nemaju Štrom Troopera Zlatnog. Ukratko, Tesla ima najrigoroznije BMS safety features ikad vidjene u baterijskim sustavima, trebalo nam je vremena da skužimo kako funkcionira problem koji oni zovu “weak short” ili “short to brick” (jer smo prvi se susreli medju svim kolegama). Pravilo koje glasi (ovo inače naplaćujem da peku oči) za BMS_u029 grešku je: Ako baterija u stanju mirovanja u periodu dužem od xx (cca 8 ili vise sati) prilikom provjere bilo kojeg od 96S bricka pokaže linearan pad napona kroz vrijeme tad aktiviraj w117 i u029. Tj provjera se aktivira SAMO ako se vozilo ne koristi a u sistemu postoji jedan BRICK od 76x 18650 ćelija u paralili i jedna medju njima se pretvorila u potrošač. Šteta je u principu 2-4€. Problem je što nismo znali koji procesor i memorija sprema provjeru i odakle je transmisija greške.

Blok sa “weekshort” smo locirali, spreman drugi blok skoro istog kapaciteta i unutarnjeg otpora smo stavili u tausch i taj kvar eliminiran, ostala jos BMS greška u029 koju smo na kraju morali riješiti promjenom BMS ploče jer nemamo service seedkey komandu za reset, tj nema je niko osim refurbish tvornice u Tilburgu. Sa greškom u029 on i dalje vozi i puni, ali samo do 35% baterije, preventivna zaštita.

Kvar: jedna 18650 Panasonic ćelija 2-4€

Greška: BMS_u029 i BMS_w117

BMS: 1021970-00-B rev3 200€

Kilometraža: 187000km (ušteda 13000L dizela)

Model S p85 besplatno punjenje lifetime

Ovlašteni Full refurbish baterija: 9000€+pdv

Nov Mercedes 320cdi motor: 6500€ + pdv

Nov Mercedes 7729 mjenjac: 10000€ + pdv

EV Clinic restauracija: 4000€ -1000€ popust

Sponzori popusta:

Marko iz Njemacke sa hybridom w212

Josip sa B47 Defekt edc17 (jos se nije zapalio)

Ante Delco Opel nevidi senzor bregaste.

*baterijski sustav svakog tipa skoro nikad se nemora mjenjati cijeli, vec se eleminira problem individualne komponente.

You can order repair service for your bms at our shop:

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Tesla battery repair BMS_F123

Our mission is proceeding as planed, aftermarket support for EV’s is in “3rd gear”. New German customer sent his Tesla P85+ from Tesla Service center to Zagreb Croatia, to try save the 9 years old battery. All battery defects are received over the line, waiting time is zero because in situation where is internal isolation or cell imbalance defect more you wait repair cost is increased.

This one had rotten fuse cover which leaked water inside fuse and fuse box. Owner responded on time, delivered vehicle and we repaired it same day.

Message to all owners to share this note:

All older Model s 2013 and 2014 if they never visited Tesla Service center to service any kind of battery issue, you probably have same problem waiting to happen (Tesla almost always change fuse cover if they remove battery for servicing).. Contact your service (Tesla or 3rd party) to make visual inspection and change the fuse cover.

There is one more preventive service what should be done is called “cleaning of umbrela valve cover and umbrela valves”

Errors: BMS_w123 and BMS_f123

Vehicle : Model S P85+ 2013

Mileage: 120000km

Warranty: out of 8 year warranty

Tesla battery cost: 9200€ + tax

EVC ISO repair : 1000€ + tax

Tesla Umbrela valve service :1200€+ tax

EVC umbrela valve service : 700€ + tax

In this case of ISO repair because of fuse cover, warranty is only for fuse cover resealing and fuse. Warranty for the rest of battery is not applied.

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STELLANTIS – Warranty ra-pe bully

STELLANTIS – Toyota Proace, Citroen eJumpy, Peugeot eExpert, Opel eVivaro, etc… if we hate anything in the world, it’s CRAP factory defect product, no matter what type of drive it is. If you are not interested to findout why, then skip 👇
While auto portals receive money for paid fake news propaganda where Tesla, Hyundai and others are not good product and suddenly Stellantis is good, we have to deal with topics for which they have neither knowledge nor guts. There is one problem, let’s call it the “automotive ra-pe syndrome”, where authorized service providers put vehicle owners in a situation where they think they have no choice, blackmail them with non-existent warranty regulations and other methods of “participation in the warranty cost” for failures in warranty, completely denying the warranty, of course without grounds, or even when owners knowingly buy factory defect car and they hope that they won’t be victims of defects (programmed or factory defects) like these “sponsors” with euro6/7 diesels and hybrids. Then, due to the shamefully high maintenance/repair costs, the owners avoid telling their relatives (wife, boyfriend etc..) and other people because of shame, automotive RA-PE shame. But they contact us in secret, because what fool pays for a healty hybrid battery on which the software counter has counted down to 0, or who on Audi the hybrid pays the hybrid’s alternator €2,500 every 12 months and brags about it, or who brags about changing the BMW chain every 6 months… nobody. We received such an example in the form of the electric eJumpy. Battery defect in 14 months and 1,600 kilometers driven, new vehicle with serial error, warranty denied. The vehicle was bought at an auction from a company in bankruptcy, we were waiting for the papers and by the time everything arrived, 12 months had passed and the service manual, apart from the fact that it exists in digital form and the first service was done, there is no service document for it in paper form and there is no invoice for the first service (we cant get it), which is reason for rejecting the warranty. First, they charged €200 for diagnostics so they could tell him that the battery was €25,000 as a repair cost, then they made up a story that they couldn’t give him a printout of the errors but they charged it!!!!, so we asked ourselves as a “secret shopper” to hear what the employee’s oral crap sounds like on that topic, at the end they gave a printout of errors. We asked for a detailed explanation of why the warranty was rejected, the answer: “INITIAL ACTION was not done”. First service in 20,000 km or 12 months. We specifically emphasized that the vehicle is in our garage and that we do not feel safe if this “initial action” is not taken, because what if the BMW next to it catches fire and eJupmpy also burns, how can we justify that it is not an eJumpy because Diesel BMW catches fire every day… it is better to be safe of those accusations. We askeed thecnician: “Please explain what we need to do so important to reject the guarantee, because safety is at stake”. The employee replies with these words “NOTHING IS THAT IMPORTANT, IT’S AN ELECTRIC CAR THAT DOESN’T NEED MAINTENANCE”. And that’s where he got himself caught, he reluctantly continued printing the service intervals, only to eventually ask him to read to me what it says “orally”… the warranty was rejected because he “did NOT ADD 1L OF WIPER FLUID” which is the only “INITIAL action” as an excuse to take 25,000 from you € for a new battery. We opened this battery and examined it, all the cells are correct, the BMS mistakenly activated the LOCK lvl2 error for which we have no solution and permanently disabled the completely healthy battery pack. Which is basically a serial error for a free recall. They subsequently made another offer for a used battery for €9,000, but that is not yet in the process. The recommendation is, if you plan to upgrade to an EV, advice is to avoid buying anything from the Stellantis until further notice. Only they have a general vehicle warranty related to the powertrain, other manufacturers have not merged the powertrain system with service and service intervals (Tesla, Renault, Ford…) when you buy an EV, ask if the general warranty is separate from the drive system warranty, if not, if they cancel the warranty because of wiper service then don’t buy the vehicle. Autoportals, Šebalji and others are not doing their job, they only cover paid materials and propaganda to your detriment, and consumer protection is not doing anything either, so don’t buy STELLANTIS. We are also writing soon for other PSA EV scraps where every component has a serial error that they successfully reject under warranty. More pictures in the comments. The future is electric, but not from European scrap manufacturers, they don’t know how to make either ICE or EV (which is simpler)
Catalog: 1677671480, 9841848180, 9694347580, 9835785980, 9840685180
Error: P1069
Battery: new €25,000, used €9,000
Malfunction: serial error of the BMS system
Processor: SAK-TC275

STELLANTIS – Toyota Proace, Citroen eJumpy, Peugeot eExpert, Opel eVivaro itd… ako išta na svijetu mrzimo to je onda ŠKART, nebitno koji tip pogona je. Ako te ne zanima zašto, preskoči 👇

Dok auto portali primaju lovu za plaćenu fakenews propagandu gdje Tesla, Hyundai i slicni nevaljaju a odjednom stelantis skart valja, mi se moramo baviti temama za koje oni nemaju ni znanja ni m**a. Postoji jedan nazovimo ga “automotive ra-pe sindrom”, gdje vlasnike vozila ovlasteni servisi dovedu u situaciju da misle da nemaju izbora, ucjenjuju nepostojecim pravilnicima i ostalim metodama “učešća u garanciji” na kvar u garanciji, potpuno odbijanje garancije naravno neosnovano ili čak kad vlasnici svjesno kupe škart pa se nadaju da njih neće “potrefit” kao ove sponzore sa euro6/7 dizelima i hybridima. Tad vlasnici zbog sramotno visokih troskova odrzavanja/popravke izbjegavaju pričati bliznjima (zeni, decku, šank supportu) oko sebe zbog srama ali obrate se nama u tajnosti, jer koja budala plati ispravnu bateriju hybrida na kojoj je odbrojio software brojac, ili tko to na audi hybridu plati alternator hybrida 2500€ svakih 12mj i da se time hvali, ili ko se hvali da svakih 6mj mjenja lanac na bmw… niko. Nama je dosao takav primjer u obliku elektricnog eJumpy. Defekt baterije u 14mjeseci i 1600 prijedjenih kilometara, novo vozilo sa serijskom greskom je odbijena garancija. Vozilo kupljeno na aukciji od firme u stecaju, cekali se i papiri i dok je sve stiglo proslo 12mj a servisna osim sto postoji u digitalnom obliku i prvi servis je napravljen, za njega nema servisnu u papirnom obliku i nema racuna za prvi servis, sto je povod za odbijanje garancije. Prvo su naplatili dijagnostiku 200€ da mu mogu reći da je baterija 25000€ kao trosak popravke, onda su izmisljali price kako mu nemogu dati ispis gresaka ali naplatili su istu, pa smo se upitili kao “tajni kupac” da čujemo kao zvuči oralni prdež djelatnika servisa na tu temu uživo, na kraju su dali ispis grešaka. Tražili smo detaljno objasnjenje zasto je garancija odbijena, odgovor: “nije napravljena POČETNA RADNJA”. Prvi servis u 20000km ili 12mj. Izričito smo naglasili da nam je vozilo u garazi i da se ne osjecamo sigurno ako ta početna radnja nije napravljena, jer sta ako se zapali BMW kraj njega pa i on izgori, kako opravdati da nije eJumpy. Daj objasni sta trebamo tako bitno za odbijanje garancije napraviti, jer sigurnost je u pitanju. Djelatnik odgovara ovim rijecima “NEMA STA BITI TOLIKO VAZNO, TO JE ELEKTRICNO AUTO TAJ NEMA ODRZAVANJA”. I tu je se sam upecao, nerado je nastavio printanje servisnih intervala da bi na kraju trazio da mi usmeno procita sto piše… garancija je odbijena jer “NIJE DODAO 1L TEKUCINE ZA BRISAČE” sto je jedna jedina POčetna radnja kao izgovor da vam se uzme 25000€ za novu bateriju. Ova bateriju smo otvorili i ispitali, sve celije su ispravne, BMS je gresko aktivirao LOCK lvl2 gresku za koju nemamo rijesenje i onesposobio trajno potpuno ispravan battery pack. Sto je u principu serijska greska za besplatan opoziv. Naknadno su dali jos jednu ponudu na polovnu bateriju za 9000€ ali to jos nije u procesu. Preporuka je, ako imate plan preci na EV, izbjegavajte do daljnjeg kupovati bilo što iz pljačkantis grupacije. Samo oni imaju opću garanciju vozila vezanu na powertrain, ostali proizvodjaci powertrain sustav nisu uvjetovali servisnom i servisnim intervalima (Tesla, Renault, Ford…) kad kupujete EV pitajte jel opca garancija podjeljena od garancije pogonskog sustava, ako nije, ako zbog servisa brisaca ukidaju garanciju tad ne kupujte vozilo. Autoportali, Šebaji i ostali ne rade svoj posao, pokrivaju samo plaćene materijale i propagande na vašu štetu, a ni zaštite potrošača ne rade nista, zato ne kupujte STELLANTIS. Takodjer uskoro pisemo i za ostale PSA EV škartove gdje svaka komponenta ima serijsku grešku koju uspjesno odbijaju na garanciju. Jos slika u komentarima. Buducnost je elektricna, ali ne od europskih škart proizvodjača, neznaju ni ICE ni EV napraviti (koji je jednostavniji)

Kataloski:1677671480, 9841848180, 9694347580, 9835785980, 9840685180

Greška: P1069

Baterija: nova 25000€, rabljena 9000€

Kvar: serijska greska BMS sustava

Procesor: SAK-TC275

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EV CLINIC and EV HUB joint venture enters “Beast Mode”

Our mission to accelerate EV 3rd party support across Europe enters 2nd gear and we do not joke about it, even batteries are shaking when they hear Štrom Trooper steps entering workshop, almost unbolting itself to comply with our repair demands. If Tom Cruise had us before, we would watch mission possible 8.

Project “Thor” 23.8.2022 : EV Hub customer from Oslo was stuck in Inssbruck at vacation, Tesla S85 with 9 years under belt and some 220 000km on clock took last breath and died. Then Nassir from EVHUB took some networking skills at test to deploy remote repair at rented/borrowed jacklift in FALCH BOSCH CAR SERVICE in Austria. Battery had cell imbalance at block #7. Job was started at 08:00h and finished completely at 17:00 o’clock. This task wasnt easy because we had unplanned setback. Someone before opened HVJB and damaged thread for interloop lidswitch. After battery defect detection and after full completion we had new error, BMS_F036 which means safety Interloop (HVIL) was broken. We suspect at first that maybe we made mistake and damaged rapidmate battery connector, but that was not the case, we needed 4 hours more to trace complete wiring to find lidswitch defect. Lidswtich bolt moved little bit and triggered error unrelated to battery defect, but we did it. Workshop owner was awesome,really helpful and Martin regional Bosch tech. That day Štrom Trooper went to Zagreb and “me” to Erlangen near Nurnberg

Project “Nik the mighty” 24.8.2022: This was training and repair task, not on one but on two hardest cases P85 called “weak short” or “short to brick” with doomsday error BMS_u029 which we researched before for 3 months. One car with defect block #10 and second with defect block #5. We took step by step, taking all safety measures and teaching Nikolas how to take proper steps from diagnose, opening the lid to repair and closing the lid. We started one by one Tesla at 09:00 and finished at 17:30 both Battery packs, and that could be guinness world accomplishment. Now our support and repair tasks are available at Niks Garage, all bookings and prices are managed by Nikolas.

In 2 days EV Clinic technicians accomplished 3 repairs and 1 training.

Dont wait, join EV world together with us.
