Smart 453EQ sa zapaljenim inverterom. Zasto EU ne štiti EU vozače od tvorničkih grešaka? Ne samo na strujićima već i na fosilcima/hybridima. Ona vozila koja su sa razlogom u opozivu jer je tvornička greška, ista je opasnost u Americi, Norveškoj, Kini i u opozivu je, besplatno mjenjaju dio o svom trošku. Kao nissan leaf sa škart opasnom baterijom zbog napuhavanja ćelija i kratkog spoja, kao što je Kia Soul u opozivu za bateriju i opasnost od napuhavanja ćelija pa mjenjaju besplatno, kao Stellantis OBC i baterije… i 50 drugih primjera, vozila su opozivu i mjenja se tvornicka greska svagdje osim u EU. Unutar EU vlasnici placaju tudje greške. Smart 453EQ ima osim programiranih kvarova i ne evidentiranu tvornicku gresku DCDC invertera koji je se u 5 evidentiranih slučajeva zapalio samo u Zagrebu, za dva vozila iz njemačke znamo da su i vozila nagorila kompletno. DCDC se nalazi u modulu motora (powertrain jedinica), osim glupog i nefunkcionalnog dizajna gdje za svaki kvar skidas kompletan zadnji kraj takodjer je i preskup, totalno neodrživ. DCDC je ovom vozilu “alternator” za punjenje malog akumulatora, sto se tocno desi niie jasno ali osim programirane greske kad se izbriše, poremeti, nije moguce ni fleshanjem online SCN osposobiti. Samo reparacija na stolu pomaže. Ustanovili smo da i loš akumulator ga ošteti. Takodjer ga ošteti ako antifriz nije pravilno ozračen, jer on se nalazi u samom vrhu sustava a hladi se sa antifrizom. A najzanimljivije je to što vecina vlasnika u garanciji ni nezna da im se zapalio DCDC, a sam razvoj horora ide ovako: ujutro se probudite smart ne vozi, odvezes u servis, javljaju da je velika baterija neispravna… ok garancija, čekaš, oni montiraju i zovu da je JOS NEŠTO NEISPRAVNO(to je znak). U nekim slučajevima ako je nagoreni dcdc zalijepio kontaktore i skurio bateriju/osigurac moguce da je DCDC i dalje u kratkom spoju od 0 ohm. Decki ugrade novu bateriju pa spale i nju. Nekad znaju dva puta mjenjati bateriju, dok ne skuže da je šlus i na autu. Onda zamjene powertrain jedinicu i bateriju pa Smart proradi. Ovlasteni servisi vracaju stare dijelove tvornici i niti ne znaju da je požar bio u modulu, koji srećom nije eskalirao dalje. Proizvodjač zna za problem ali od 2017 godine nitko nije napravio opoziv. Isti se problem desava na Twingu, Zoe i elektricnom Smartu 453EQ. Vrlo opasan problem za koji bi netko od proizvodjača trebao u zatvor. Problem je jako kompleksan jer dovodi u problem sve, i radi ogromnu stetu svima. Prvo mi ugradjujemo nove original komponente u DCDC kad je neispravan, medjutim on je i dalje tvornicka greška dizajnom, jer je i nov tvornička greška. Odgovornost prenose na nas da se čak razmišljamo kompletno obustaviti radove na ovom tipu vozila kao i za Nissan Leaf bateriie. Ovo je wakeup call vlasnicima da ipak kontaktiraju zastitu potrosaca i prijave problem jer na ovim temama i istazivanjima ne radi niko. Možda čak i NHTSA prijaviti. I vrlo bitno za napomenuti je da tehnicari ovlastenog servisa imaju vezane ruke, ne smiju otvarati powertrain za provjeru, odgovornost je najmanje na njima, samo na proizvodjuču. Ovo vozilo je za totalni opoziv DCDC invertera.
Part number: 292A05698R, A4533404500
Supplier: Delta
Engineering: Renault
Smart 453EQ with a burning inverter. Why doesn’t the EU protect EU drivers from factory defects? Not only in electric vehicles but also in fossil fuel/hybrids. Vehicles that are rightfully recalled due to factory defects pose the same danger in America, Norway, China, and they are recalled and parts are replaced for free. Like the Nissan Leaf with a dangerous defective battery due to cell swelling and short circuit, or the Kia Soul recalled for battery danger and cell swelling, they are replaced for free, as well as Stellantis OBC and batteries… and 50 other examples, vehicles are recalled and factory defects are fixed everywhere except in the EU. Within the EU, owners pay for others’ mistakes. Besides programmed faults, the Smart 453EQ also has an undocumented factory defect of the DCDC inverter, which has caught fire in 5 documented cases only in Zagreb, with two vehicles from Germany completely burned. The DCDC is located in the engine module (powertrain unit), besides being stupidly and non-functionally designed where you have to remove the entire rear end for each fault, it is also excessively expensive, totally unsustainable. The DCDC is the “alternator” for charging the small battery in this vehicle, exactly what happens is not clear, but besides the programmed fault when it is cleared, it malfunctions, it is also not possible to enable it by flashing online SCN. Only repair on the table helps. We found that a bad battery also damages it. It also damages it if the antifreeze is not properly ventilated because it is located at the very top of the system and is cooled with antifreeze. And the most interesting thing is that most owners don’t even know that their DCDC caught fire during the warranty period, and the horror unfolds like this: you wake up in the morning, the Smart doesn’t drive, you take it to the service, they say the big battery is faulty… okay, warranty, you wait, they install it and call to say that SOMETHING ELSE IS STILL FAULTY (that’s a sign). In some cases, if the burnt DCDC has soldered the contacts and burned the battery/fuse, it is possible that the DCDC is still short-circuited at 0 ohms. The guys install a new battery and then burn it too. Sometimes they change the battery twice before realizing that there is a problem with the car. Then they replace the powertrain unit and the battery, and the Smart starts working. Authorized services return old parts to the factory and don’t even know that there was a fire in the module, which fortunately did not escalate further. The manufacturer is aware of the problem, but since 2017, no recall has been made. The same problem occurs in the Twingo, Zoe, and electric Smart 453EQ. A very dangerous problem for which someone from the manufacturers should go to jail. The problem is very complex because it affects everyone and causes huge damage to everyone. First, we install new original components in the DCDC when it is faulty, however, it is still a factory defect by design because even the new one is a factory defect. Responsibility is shifted to us to the point where we are considering completely suspending work on this type of vehicle as well as for Nissan Leaf batteries. This is a wakeup call for owners to contact consumer protection and report the problem because no one is working on these issues and investigations. Maybe even report to the NHTSA. This R240 is for total recall of DCDC inverter.
Part number: 292A05698R
Supplier: Delta
Engineering: Renault
Example when DCDC inverter destroys electric Smart 453EQ but battery survives:
Example when DCDC catch fire and destroys Renault Zoe in Croatia Varazdin: