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Electric Assmart 453 (2017-2022) – DCDC Inverter defect

Wrote several times and repeated… there is no worse, more expensive and poorer quality vehicle than this in 100 years of the auto industry. In case of any malfunction, you must remove the complete electric drive. When you unscrew the 350 bolts, cables, connectors, covers, then you get to the DCDC buck converter that charges the 12V battery from the large 400 volt drive battery which is in defect. Sounds simple? However, it is even worse. In case of any failure, the authorized service changes the complete drive, and according to the latest information, it is 5500 euros. The agony of the owner’s first phone call and the concussion of the Mercedes repair offer is unbelievable. If it says DCDC is in defect, then you change: RLC Filter + DCDC + OBC + VFD Inverter… EVERY TIME anything fails. If your OBC fails, you change everything again because everything is implemented in one aluminium box on the electric motor. The sale of each individual components is not available, so each failure on that part costs 5,500 euros. In addition, a couple of defective electric motors (buzzing, scraping, rattling etc.) have already been recorded at 100,000 km, but we have not worked to analyse any of them yet. The warranty on the mentioned components is 2 years or 20,000 km and most owners experience the “organized” DE-electrification of the German industry with a low-quality drive system in the very early phase of using the vehicle. But that’s not all, as in TOP SHOP, if you don’t get any of that, there are still several programmed failures on the 14,000 euro battery, serial error of the BMS system (HW), serial error of the firmware system in the BMS, crash lock, counter. how many times have you contacted us, etc… For 2 years we have researched all possible faults, all possible solutions and repairs, there is no fault that can surprise us and it is a great shame that a reputable manufacturer has completely ruined the Smart 453, which is an irreplaceable city EV . But this is nothing new, they have ruined all the powertrains since 2010.


Pisali nekoliko puta i ponavljali… ne postoji gore, skuplje i nekvalitetnije vozilo od ovog u 100 godina auto industrije. Kod bilo kojeg kvara, morate vaditi kompletan elektropogon. Kad odšarafite 350 šarafa, kablova, konektora, poklopaca, tada dodjete do DCDC buck konvertera koji puni 12V akumulator iz velike pogonske 400 volt baterije. Zvuči jednostavno? Međutim još i gore je. Kod bilo kojeg kvara ovlašteni servis mjenja kompletan pogon i po zadnjim informacijama je 5500eura. Agonija prvog telefonskog poziva vlasnika i potres mozga od Mercedes ponude za popravak je nevjerovatna. Ako crkne DCDC, onda mjenjaš : RLC Filter + DCDC + OBC + VFD Inverter… SVAKI PUT. Ako ti crkne OBC, opet mjenjaš sve jer sve je implementirano u jednu aluminijsku kutiju na elektromotoru. Prodaja posebnih komponenti nije dostupna i tako svaki kvar na tom čmartu košta 5500 eura. Osim toga evidentirano je par defektnih elektromotora (zujanje, struganje itd) vec na 100000km ali nismo još niti jedan radili da aniliziramo. Garancija na pomenute komponente je 2 godine ili 20000km i većina vlasnika iskusi “organiziranu” DEelektrifikaciju njemacke industrije nekvalitetnim pogonskim sustavom u vrlo ranoj fazi korištenja vozila. Ali to nije sve, kao u TOP SHOPu, ako vam ne crkne ništa od toga, tu vas još čeka nekoliko programiranih kvarova na bateriji od 14000 eura, serijska greska BMS sustava (HW), serijska greska firmware sustava u BMS, crash lock, brojač koliko puta ste dali kontakt itd… Mi smo 2 godine istraživali sve moguće kvarove, sve moguće solucije i reparacije, ne postoji kvar koji nas može iznenaditi i velika je štata da je jedan remonirani proizvodjač upropastio u potpunosti Smart 453 koji je nezamjenjiv gradski EV. Ali to nije ništa novo, upropastili su sve pogone od 2010 godine.

Part number: A4533404500, 292A05698R

Error: P0852F1, P085296

OEM Workshop: 5500 euro

EV Clinic: 1500 euro

What we offer:

-Full powertrain disassembly training

-Full DCDC Repair training

-Full OBC Repair training

-Full Drive inverter cloning, programming and repair training

-Full Battery repair training

-Full BMS software reading, writing and programmed defect reset training

1 thought on “Electric Assmart 453 (2017-2022) – DCDC Inverter defect

  1. Hello, do you deal with the repair of the obc of the smart 453 with 22kwh charger?

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