A ceramic heater that warms the vehicle during winter, mostly used in older EVs while newer ones have a more efficient heat pump system. This heater operates at a maximum power of 2.5-3.5 kW and consumes an average of around 1 kW for maintenance while stationary, which means that during winter, an EV with a 70 kWh battery could run the heater and heat the cabin for a maximum of 70 hours, although in practice it’s around 48 hours. The heater consists of 6 IGBTs that, through gate drivers, supply 400V to the ceramic heater, which blows air through it and heats the cabin. Since IGBTs, like any other chip, have a limited lifespan, especially under extreme stress, they can simply fail after 4-5 years. Sometimes a short circuit to the chassis causes insulation breakdown in the HV system, and other times the fuse in the distribution box burns out (which requires breaking your hand in three places and losing a set of tools to replace it). One of the simpler repairs, if the components are available and genuine (not AliExpress clones). In Tesla service, this part is actually surprisingly inexpensive, around ā¬750 when new, although Tesla has the cheapest parts compared to the global competition. For example, the PTC heater in a Mercedes Smart costs over ā¬2000. Even some fossil fuel-powered vehicles have 12V Aux PTC heaters, like VW Audi TDI.
Keramicki grijaÄ koji zimi grije vozilo, veÄinom koriÅ”ten na starijim EV dok novi imaju efikasniju dizalicu topline (heat pump system). Ovaj radi max na 2.5-3.5kw snage, dok na odrzavanje trosi u prosjeku u mjestu oko 1kw sto znaci da bi zimi EV od 70kwh baterijom mogao stajati u mjestu i grijati kabinu max 70 sati dok u praksi je to oko 48 sati. GrijaÄ ima 6 IGBT-a koji preko gate drivera otvaraju 400V na keramicki grijac dok zrak upuhuje kroz njega i grije kabinu. S obzirom da IGBT ima broj radnih sati kao i svaki Äip, pogotovo ovaj koji je pod ekstremnim stresom, jednostavno otkaže u odredjenom momentu nakon 4-5 godina. Nekad kratak spoj na sasiju napravi pa imaÅ” proboj HV izolacije a nekad izgori i osiguraÄ u razvodnoj kutiji (kojeg da bi zamjenuo moras slomiti ruku na 3 mjesta i izgubiti set gedori). Jedan od jednostavnijih reparacija ako su komponente dobavljive i original ( ne aliexpress cloneri ) . Dio je inaÄe smjeÅ”no jeftin u Tesla servisu i nov, cca 750ā¬, mada Tesla ima najeftinije sve dijelove od cijele globalne konkurencije. Recimo Mercedes Smart PTC heater koÅ”ta preko 2000ā¬. Äak i neki fosilci imaju 12V PTC Heater kao VW Audi TDI.
Errors: THC_d0015, THC_w0112, THC_w0238, THC_w0220,
Tesla OEM: 750ā¬
EV Clinic : 300ā¬ + fuse 50ā¬
Part number: 1060432-00-C, 6007385-00-F, 1028985-00-A,

Do you cut out the effected IGBT?
Or do you replace it?