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Can a Tesla battery be repaired for €1000?

🇺🇸 Of course, it can, depending on the severity of the damage. Recently, we mentioned how important it is to inspect and perform a “reseal” on the battery after 6-7 years. Here, the original battery from a 2015 Tesla Model S P85D had water ingress directly into the high-voltage part where the pyrofuse is located. The vehicle shut down immediately and was brought from Austria through our partner channels for vehicle towing service. Tesla offered a complete new battery for around €20,000 (cheaper than a new CRT Audi 3.0 TDI diesel engine), even though the procedure could have been simple for them if they had removed and inspected it; they probably would have offered a Reseal, as we did. We won’t even use the word “repair” here because that procedure wasn’t even performed. We replaced the fuse cover, installed a new pyrofuse, new valves, and performed a full EVC reseal (business secret), so this battery, with 250k km on it, is ready for at least another 300k km. This is not full battery remanufacturing because this job doesnt include full battery opening. We do no open any original seals on battery lid. For other defects like BMS_u018, f107 f098 f097 u025 or most notorious BMS_u029 it is necessary to make RESEAL + FULL REMANUFACTURING where we need between 50-90 labor hours.

Alert: BMS_F123

Tesla OEM: 20000€

Tesla with commitment: 2000€

EVC: 1450€ + tax

🇭🇷Može li se Tesla baterija reparirati za 1000€? Naravno da može i ovisi o težini kvara. Nedavno smo spominjali kaoliko je važno nakon 6-7 godina pregledati, ispitati i napraviti “reseal” baterije. Ovdje je originalna baterija iz 2015 sa Tesla Model S P85D imala prodor vode direktno u visokonaponski dio gdje se nalazi pyrofuse. Vozilo je se ugasilo odmah i doveženo je iz Austrije putem naših partner kanala za dovoz vozila. Tesla je u ponudi tražila kompletno novu bateriju nekih 20000€ (jeftinije od novog CRT Audi 3.0 TDI dizel motora) iako je zahvat i njima mogao biti jednostavan da su je skinuli i pregledali, vjerovatno bi ponudili Reseal kao i mi. Ovdje “reparacija” riječ necemo ni koristiti, jer taj zahvat nije ni napravljen. Ovdje smo izmjenili poklopac osiguraca, stavljen je novi pyrofuse, novi ventili i napravljen je puni EVC reseal (poslovna tajna) tako da je ova baterija da sa predjenih 250k km spremna za sledećih bar 300k km.

Tesla OEM: 20000€

Tesla with commitment: 2000€

EVC: 1450€ + tax

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EVC Sky is the limit – International delivery

EVC eMoblity without borders is organized now with flatrate vehicle delivery from anywhere to Zagreb with acceptable prices together with Auto Centar Horvat big towing agency. Horvat delivered Taxi Model S P85 from Amsterdam to Zagreb for battery pack repair for just 600€ (ex Tax). Now price increased for towing from 600 to 1000-1200euro. Car had 420000km with failed BMB and locked BMS with error BMS_u029. This is one of the worst errors you could get on Model S, lot of workshops tried to solve it but failed. We reversed engineered it for 3 months and found all causes and possible defects which pop’s up that error. Customer who showed respect and trust to send his Tesla to Zagreb received 2000€ discount. We do not only repair those defects, we prevent them from happening again.

If you are located north side of EU (Germany, Austria, Poland, Denmark, Netherland …)
Your agent for tow service is : FILIP 00385913111130

Italy and Slovenia, your agent is : JOSEF +38651221000
Italy, Slovenia, Austria, your agent is : ILIJA +385981613684
Slovenia, your agent is: Potočnik +38641621657
Austria, your agent is: Kristijan +4369916413788
Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, your agent is: Kosmin +393276775357

If you are from any other Countries and other agencies are unable to help you URGENTLY, you can call our local Croatia Batman
Kelava : +385914455414

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Part 1 – S85 battery refurbish – Water ingress

PART 1 – The king of the asphalt and the icon of eMobility has arrived, the only vehicle without a single programmed failure and, in our opinion, the best drive system in the world. The only EV that goes over thousands of kilometers, on which it is possible to fix absolutely every fault up to 20x cheaper than for any other EV. The only vehicle that does not need any multiplexer and diagnostics, because the vehicle is a laptop with its own integrated diagnostics, i.e. the display system is Linux Ubuntu. Defects like the one that came up, battery failure are also the cheapest to solve of all EVs on the market. Breakdowns start from €200 to €4,500 and occur only at 200,000-30,000 km. I mean that exclusively on the S85 battery pack. The other S75 90 and 100 are almost indestructible even at 500,000 km. This one came with a breakdown of the insulation from the High Voltage system to the chassis. In a microsecond the system activated PERMANENT ISO F123 to protect the rest of the system. After testing the HV distribution box, we found that it is not the external insulation, but the internal insulation in the battery. In such scenarios, it is VERY IMPORTANT to remove the battery IMMEDIATELY, meaning IMMEDIATELY, not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or in a month, because total damage occurs. The owner immediately brought the vehicle to the EV Clinic LAB as recommended. The battery was immediately removed and further damage stopped. This battery pack has 4 damaged modules and we will restore them all, the BMS must be repaired and reprogrammed. This is also one of the worst cases we have had and fast delivery was key. Battery failed on 260000km

Workshop is located in Croatia. We can organize repair in our franchise in Germany, Istanbul, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania or we can send tow truck to pick it up and deliver it to our lab in Zagreb.

PART 1 – Stigao kralj asfalta i ikona eMobility-a, jedino vozilo bez ijednog programiranog kvara i po nama najkvalitetnijim pogonskim sustavom na svijetu. Jedini EV koji prelazi tisuće kilometara na kojem je moguće apsolutno svaki kvar otkloniti i do 20x jeftinije nego za bilo koji drugi EV. Jedino vozilo kojemu ne treba nikakav multiplexer i dijagnostika, jer je vozilo laptop sa svojom integriranom dijagnostikom tj sustav zaslona je Linux Ubuntu. Defekti kao ovaj što je došao, kvar baterije su i najjeftiniji za rijesiti od svih EV na trzistu. Kvarovi pocinju od 200€ do 4500€ i javljaju se tek na 200000-30000km. To mislim iskljucivo na S85 battery pack. Ostali S75 90 i 100 su skoro pa neunistivi i na 500000km. Ovaj je došao sa probojem izolacije sa Highvoltage sustava na šasiju. Sustav u mikrosekundi je aktivirao PERMANENT ISO F123 da zastiti ostatak sustava. Nakon ispitivanja HV razvodne kutije ustanovili smo da nije vanjska izolacija već unutaranja u bateriji. Kod takvih scenarija VRLO JE BITNO da se baterija skida ODMAH, znači ODMAH, ne ni sutra ni prekosutra ni za mjesec dana jer nastupa totalna šteta. Vlasnik je odmah dovezao vozilo po preporuci u EV Clinic LAB. Baterija odmah skinuta i daljnja šteta zaustavljena. Ovaj battery pack ima ostecena 4 modula i sve ih budemo restaurirali, BMS moramo reparirati i reprogramirati. Ovo je ujedno i jedan od najgorih slučajeva koje smo imali i brza dostava je bila ključna. Vozilo je 9 godina staro, baterija je bilo jednom na servisu i ima 260000km sa jos originalnim diskovima i plocicama. S obzirom da ima besplatno punjenje dozivotno ovaj je ustedio bar 35000€ samo na gorivu. Takodjer po nasim procjenama i dosadasnjim iskustvom cak i ova stara S85 se moze preventivno 2-3 komponente zastiti da do kvara uopce ni ne dodje.






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Tesla battery repair BMS_F123

Our mission is proceeding as planed, aftermarket support for EV’s is in “3rd gear”. New German customer sent his Tesla P85+ from Tesla Service center to Zagreb Croatia, to try save the 9 years old battery. All battery defects are received over the line, waiting time is zero because in situation where is internal isolation or cell imbalance defect more you wait repair cost is increased.

This one had rotten fuse cover which leaked water inside fuse and fuse box. Owner responded on time, delivered vehicle and we repaired it same day.

Message to all owners to share this note:

All older Model s 2013 and 2014 if they never visited Tesla Service center to service any kind of battery issue, you probably have same problem waiting to happen (Tesla almost always change fuse cover if they remove battery for servicing).. Contact your service (Tesla or 3rd party) to make visual inspection and change the fuse cover.

There is one more preventive service what should be done is called “cleaning of umbrela valve cover and umbrela valves”

Errors: BMS_w123 and BMS_f123

Vehicle : Model S P85+ 2013

Mileage: 120000km

Warranty: out of 8 year warranty

Tesla battery cost: 9200€ + tax

EVC ISO repair : 1000€ + tax

Tesla Umbrela valve service :1200€+ tax

EVC umbrela valve service : 700€ + tax

In this case of ISO repair because of fuse cover, warranty is only for fuse cover resealing and fuse. Warranty for the rest of battery is not applied.