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What is OBC – Tesla GEN3 3PH OBC refurbish

What is OBC? There is no simpler device in the world that is impossible to explain to EV users and Plug-sponsor-in Hybrids. OBC stands for ON BOARD CHARGER. Its location is always in the vehicle and it has the task of converting the current from the “pole” into current for the “accumulator”, it converts AC alternating current into DC 400V direct current, because the battery is a DC source. Just as a cell phone is a DC 3.7V source and is charged with an OBC adapter in the socket, so too is an EV charged from any raw power plant via an OBC integrated rectifier. The EV has that adapter built into the vehicle so that it can charge at ANY AC three-phase/single-phase outlet. It is the only sensitive “no servicing at all I swear ” module on EV but mostly on Hybrids. The failure is mostly caused by an external influence such as an unstable sine wave source, interference, large consumers on a remote network, a short circuit of another consumer in the same AC network, overheating of the socket lines, repeated tripping of the fuse, forced shutdown of charging, etc. While the DC city charging station is essentially a station that it has 5-6 OBC rectifiers (that’s why it’s huge) of 15 kilos each and its task is to charge the battery with already rectified DC current from the AC network. Everything should be clear to everyone, because if an EV had all those OBCs for fast charging, it would be 200-400 kilos heavier. From the example in the picture, a GEN3 OBC 17KW from Tesla Model X arrived from Germany, also used on the Model S from 2016 to 2021. One of the most durable, with a damaged rectifier of phases L1 and L3, 4 fuses of 45 euros each and several protective IGBTs and Diodes ( means AC input). And the failure of the OBC caused a short circuit of another consumer on the network of the same facility, a Mercedes Plug-sponsor-in hybrid was connected on which its defective OBC tripped all the fuses and damaged this OBC on the Tesla. Taking out the L1 and L3 PCBs is like giving birth to the truth from politicians. All 15 kilos of matter need to be well preheated, in order to desolder 300 VIAs and Pins, a few hours of work and tricky skilled disassembling with a few hidden wires and sensors. We have 5-6 pieces of OBC ready and 1-2 for parts and to prevent “it worked when I arrived”. On some vehicles, this is an extremely expensive component, I will cite a few examples: VW Idx 1200EUR, Tesla 2500EURO, Model 3/Y 900eur, Ion Zero 7000EUR, Mercedes Smart 5500-8000, Nissan Leaf 7500, BMW Hybrid 1500-3500, Renault Hybrid 4000 -6000 EUR, Renault Zoe 800-1500 EUR, VW Audi Hybrid 4000-5000 EUR.


Sto je OBC? Ne postoji na svijetu jednostavnijeg uredjaja kojeg je nemoguće objasniti korisnicima EV i Plug-sponzor-in Hybridima. OBC je skraćenica za ON BOARD CHARGER. Negova je lokacija uvjek u vozilu i ima zadatak da struju sa “bandere” pretvori u struju za “akumulatora”, znači da pretvori AC naizmjeničnu u DC 400V istosmjernu, jer je baterija DC izvor. Kao što je mobitel DC 3.7V izvor i puni se sa OBC adatperom na uticnici tako se i EV puni sa bilo koje sirove elektrane putem OBC integrirano ispravljača. EV taj adapter ima ugradjen u vozilo da bi mogao puniti na SVAKOJ AC trofaznoj/jednofaznoj utičnici. To je jedan jedini osjetljivi “nikad ništa materemi” modul na svakom EV. Kvar je većinom izazvan vanjskim utjecajem tipa nestabilan sinus izvora, smetnje, veliki potrošači na udaljenoj mreži, kratak spoj drugog potrošača u mreži, pregrijavanje vodova utičnice, ponavljajuce iskakanje osigurača, nasilno gašenje punjenja itd. Dok je DC gradska punionica u biti stanica koja u sebi ima 5-6 OBC ispravljača (zato i jeste ogromna) od po 15 kila i njen je zadatak da bateriju puni već ispravljenom DC strujom iz AC mreže. Svima treba biti jasno sve, jer da bi EV imao sve te OBC za brze punjenje bio bi tezi za 200-400 kila. Iz primjera sa slike stigao je iz Njemačke GEN3 OBC 17KW sa Tesle Model X, koristen i na Model S od 2016 do 2021. Jedan od najizdrzljivijih kojemu je oštećen ispravljač faze L1 i L3, 4 osigurača od po 45eura i nekoliko zastitnih IGBT i Dioda (znaci AC ulaz). A kvar OBC je uzrokovao kratak spoj drugog potrošača na mreži istog objekta, spojen je neki Mercedes Plug-sponzor-in hybrid na kojem je njegov neispravan OBC poizbacivao sve osigurace i ostetio ovaj OBC na Tesli. Vađenje L1 i L3 PCB-a je kao porađanje istine iz političara. Svih 15 kila materije treba dobro predgrijati, da bi odlotao 300 VIA i Pinova, nekoliko sati posla i pipanja da ne potrgaš nekoliko skrivenih žica i senzora. Mi se većinom detaljno pripremimo kao za iskrcavanje na normandiju pa imamo 5-6 komada OBC spremnih i 1-2 za dijelove i da spriječimo “to je radlo kad sam dotro”. Na nekim vozilima ovo je iznimno skupa komponenta, navest cu par primjera: VW 1200EUR, Tesla 2500EURO, Model 3/Y 900eur, Ion Zero 7000 EUR, Mercedes Smart 5500-8000, Nissan Leaf 7500, BMW Hybrid 1500-3500, Renault Hybrid 4000-6000 Eur, Renault Zoe 800-1500eur, VW Audi Hybrid 4000-5000 eur.

Faults :
Part numbers: 1035647-01-B, 1035647-01-E, 1055139-01-B, 1066510-02-A, 106651002A, 106651002, 1066510-02-A, 105253200D, 105253200, 1052532-00-D, 104608800F, 104608800, 1046088-00-F, 103825100E, 103825100, 1038251-00-E
Tesla OEM: 2300EURO
EVC: 600-1500EURO

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