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I thought I’d retire in a cottage of sponsored hybrids before some Model 3 with a defective out-of-warranty powertrain came into my LAB. A failure caused by mechanical damage to the battery case at high speed on the highway. On the road, the driver picked up a piece of metal (not an n47 chain) with the right front wheel, which hit and broke the battery case in an area where it can’t even be seen behinde wheel liner. After a month of driving, due to the penetration of moisture, water, rain and other leaking oils (Punto, Passat, Golfā€¦) the Alert that 400v is touching chasis came on, in practice called “Iso fault”. After starting the warranty process at the authorized service center because the hole was not visible, after additional checks and almost replacing the battery in the warranty, a problem was noticed and the warranty was rejected. Mechanical damage of any kind is not part of the warranty!!! There is a tolerance of case bending to the inside up to 8mm, but case penetration and water ingress are not part of it. The preliminary estimate for the battery change is ā‚¬11,800, which is cheaper than the 651, n47, n57, b47, 654 diesel engines, but certainly too much for anyone to give up on that much money at once. Our task was to solve the battery without dismantling, patch the hole and dry the closed battery without taking it off the carā€¦ that means absolute improvisation and tool making with solving the problem 100%. First, we opened the umbrela valve vents on the battery, which has 2, then we made an artificial heated “greenhouse” around the battery and an irradiation system to extract moisture. We let the system run for 14 days for 10 hours to heat the case to 48 degrees while the rest of the “cooker system” does its job to extract moisture. After 2 weeks of labor Isolation returned to 4.8Mohm before and after the contactorā€¦ that means the battery is finally saved. However, repeated isolation breaches have left the security system in a locked state with error BMS_a027, an error that, with its number 027, oozes trouble as it is a FATAL FLAG (latching alert) to protect the system from further or larger problems. It limits the system permanently and the service ToolBox does not have a function like for Model S and X, which is called “ISO Counter Reset”, this time for Model Y and 3 this function has been moved to the Tilburg refurbish battery center where the battery repair team resets on the bench via CAN BUS. We solved the problem and the consequences, but now the most difficult part remains, how to clean the firmware safety system. We work for the first time, we read the processor for the first time, which fortunately does not have a locked JTAG, and we look for the HEX FLAG in the sea of data. After a few hours of work, we cleared the FLAG, redeployed the system again and BMS removed the error. VOILA, the battery was solved and the owner was saved by a 3rd party solution for the first time in the world. It means another example, that it is not necessary to change the entire battery, but to solve the problem in segments.


Tesla Model 3 LR – NEISPRAVNA BATERIJA NIKAD SE NE MIJENJA CIJELA – Mislio sam da ću otići u mirovinu u vikendici sponzoriranih hybrida prije nego mi dodje neki Model 3 sa defektnim pogonom izvan garancije. Kvar koji je uzrokovan mehaničkim oÅ”tećenjem baterijskog kućiÅ”ta pri većoj brzini na autocesti. Vozač je na cesti pokupio desnim kotačem komad metala (nije n47 lanac) koji je lupio i razvalio kućiÅ”te baterije u zoni gdje se ne vidi ni na dizalici jer bas tu pokriva PVC wheel liner. Kroz mjesec dana vožnje zbog penetracije vlage, vode, kiÅ”e i ostalog ulja (punto, passat…) upalila je se greÅ”ka da 400v probija na Å”asiju, u praksi zvan “Proboj izolacije”. Nakon započete garancije u ovlaÅ”tenom servisu jer rupa nije bila vidljiva, nakon dodatnih provjera i skoro pa zamjene baterije u garanciji uočen je problem i garancija je odbijena. Mehanička oÅ”tećenja bilo kojeg oblika nisu dio garancije!!! Postoji tolerancija udubljenja kućiÅ”ta do 8mm ali proboj kućiÅ”ta i voda nisu dio toga. Predračun za izmjenu je 11800ā‚¬ Å”to je jeftinije od 651, n47, n57, b47, 654 i ostalih nikad niÅ”ta motora, ali svakako prevelika svota za bilo koga i čega. Zadatak nam je bio da rijeÅ”imo bateriju bez demontaže, zakrpamo rupu i osuÅ”imo zatvorenu bateriju… znači apsolutna improvizacija i izrada alata a da se problem rijeÅ”i 100%. Prvo smo otvorili oduÅ”ke na bateriji koji ima 2, zatim smo napravili umjetni plastenik oko baterije i sustav ozračivanja za izvačenje vlage. Sustav smo pustili da radi 14 dana po 10 sati da zgrije kućiÅ”te na 48 stupnjeva dok ostata “pastenika” radi svoj posao. Nakon 2 tjedna izolacije se vratila na 4.8Mohm prije i poslje kontaktora… to je to baterija spaÅ”ena. Medjutim uzastopni proboj izolacije je ostavio sigurnosni sustav u zaključanom stanju sa greÅ”ko BMS_a027, greÅ”ka koja svojim brojem 027 odiÅ”e problemom jer je to FATAL FLAG da zaÅ”titi sustav od daljnjih ili većih problema. Limitira sustav trajno i servisni ToolBox nema funkciju kao za Model S i X koja se zove “ISO Counter Reset” ovaj put za Model Y i 3 ta funkcija je preseljena u Tilburg refurbish battery centar gdje ekipa koja reparira baterije resetira na stolu preko CAN BUS. Mi smo rijeÅ”ili problem i posljedice ali sad je ostao najteži dio, kako očistiti firmware safety sustav. Prvi put radimo, prvi put čitamo procesor koji sva sreća pa nema zaključan JTAG i tražimo HEX FLAG u moru podataka. Nakon par sati posla očistili smo FLAG, napravili redeploy sustava opet i BMS je maknuo greÅ”ku. VOJLA, baterija je rijeÅ”ena i vlasnik spaÅ”en 3rd party rijeÅ”enjem po prvi put u svijetu. Znači joÅ” jedan primjer, da nije potrebno mjenjati cijeli bateriju već rijeÅ”iti problem u segmentima.

Errors: BMS_a027 , BMS_f027, BMS_w027, BMS_a170
Part number: 1104423-00-N, 1106394-01-H,
Processor: TMS320LS , SPC5746CSMKU6 1N84S
Tesla OEM: 11800ā‚¬ (inc VAT)
EV Clinic pricelist:
*diesel is cheaper – 69000ā‚¬
*hybrid is better – 96000ā‚¬
*ev is better – 1200ā‚¬

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Part 1 – S85 battery refurbish – Water ingress

PART 1 – The king of the asphalt and the icon of eMobility has arrived, the only vehicle without a single programmed failure and, in our opinion, the best drive system in the world. The only EV that goes over thousands of kilometers, on which it is possible to fix absolutely every fault up to 20x cheaper than for any other EV. The only vehicle that does not need any multiplexer and diagnostics, because the vehicle is a laptop with its own integrated diagnostics, i.e. the display system is Linux Ubuntu. Defects like the one that came up, battery failure are also the cheapest to solve of all EVs on the market. Breakdowns start from ā‚¬200 to ā‚¬4,500 and occur only at 200,000-30,000 km. I mean that exclusively on the S85 battery pack. The other S75 90 and 100 are almost indestructible even at 500,000 km. This one came with a breakdown of the insulation from the High Voltage system to the chassis. In a microsecond the system activated PERMANENT ISO F123 to protect the rest of the system. After testing the HV distribution box, we found that it is not the external insulation, but the internal insulation in the battery. In such scenarios, it is VERY IMPORTANT to remove the battery IMMEDIATELY, meaning IMMEDIATELY, not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or in a month, because total damage occurs. The owner immediately brought the vehicle to the EV Clinic LAB as recommended. The battery was immediately removed and further damage stopped. This battery pack has 4 damaged modules and we will restore them all, the BMS must be repaired and reprogrammed. This is also one of the worst cases we have had and fast delivery was key. Battery failed on 260000km

Workshop is located in Croatia. We can organize repair in our franchise in Germany, Istanbul, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania or we can send tow truck to pick it up and deliver it to our lab in Zagreb.

PART 1 – Stigao kralj asfalta i ikona eMobility-a, jedino vozilo bez ijednog programiranog kvara i po nama najkvalitetnijim pogonskim sustavom na svijetu. Jedini EV koji prelazi tisuće kilometara na kojem je moguće apsolutno svaki kvar otkloniti i do 20x jeftinije nego za bilo koji drugi EV. Jedino vozilo kojemu ne treba nikakav multiplexer i dijagnostika, jer je vozilo laptop sa svojom integriranom dijagnostikom tj sustav zaslona je Linux Ubuntu. Defekti kao ovaj Å”to je doÅ”ao, kvar baterije su i najjeftiniji za rijesiti od svih EV na trzistu. Kvarovi pocinju od 200ā‚¬ do 4500ā‚¬ i javljaju se tek na 200000-30000km. To mislim iskljucivo na S85 battery pack. Ostali S75 90 i 100 su skoro pa neunistivi i na 500000km. Ovaj je doÅ”ao sa probojem izolacije sa Highvoltage sustava na Å”asiju. Sustav u mikrosekundi je aktivirao PERMANENT ISO F123 da zastiti ostatak sustava. Nakon ispitivanja HV razvodne kutije ustanovili smo da nije vanjska izolacija već unutaranja u bateriji. Kod takvih scenarija VRLO JE BITNO da se baterija skida ODMAH, znači ODMAH, ne ni sutra ni prekosutra ni za mjesec dana jer nastupa totalna Å”teta. Vlasnik je odmah dovezao vozilo po preporuci u EV Clinic LAB. Baterija odmah skinuta i daljnja Å”teta zaustavljena. Ovaj battery pack ima ostecena 4 modula i sve ih budemo restaurirali, BMS moramo reparirati i reprogramirati. Ovo je ujedno i jedan od najgorih slučajeva koje smo imali i brza dostava je bila ključna. Vozilo je 9 godina staro, baterija je bilo jednom na servisu i ima 260000km sa jos originalnim diskovima i plocicama. S obzirom da ima besplatno punjenje dozivotno ovaj je ustedio bar 35000ā‚¬ samo na gorivu. Takodjer po nasim procjenama i dosadasnjim iskustvom cak i ova stara S85 se moze preventivno 2-3 komponente zastiti da do kvara uopce ni ne dodje.




