The pain of the whole work experience has so far shown that it does not matter what type of drive is under the hood of the three-pointed star for the last 10-12 years. It doesn’t matter if it’s diesel or electric, they don’t know how to make one without several serial defects “in the warranty” that you “don’t have the right to”. A very well-known courier service visibly disappointed by the “electrification” that has several EQV vehicles in the fleet and with declined warranty on 2 years for electric motor, one of them has already broken down, i.e. the electric motor decided to rob the owner for €7,500 at 28,000 km. After a hard reset of the system, we managed to get the electric motor to drive, but immediately after a small load or pressing the accelerator pedal harder, it threw the “Mercedes anomaly” error (we’ve known that for a long time) and deactivated again permanently. We mostly knew that it was definitely an electric motor and that the diagnostics of the authorized service coincided. Dismantling of electric motor is a process of several hours, it goes complete with a whole kind of steel cage and all together it weighs over 250 kilos for 80KW power. Due to its size, the electric motor does not give off any impression of power, it is twice smaller than all Tesla motors seen so far, and it is located on a 3200 kg vehicle. Right from the start, it is clear that the engine is underdesigned for the EQV and its mass. After opening the drive unit manufactured by ZF allegedly in Serbia, antifreeze and other fluids immediately leaked from the stator, where it should not be. The rotor was cooled with antifreeze using the method that Tesla used on the first Model S RWD in 2012, and it seems that glycol was released into the stator, where, in addition, due to cracking of the insulation on the windings due to thermal expansion, there was also a short circuit and burning of one part of the winding of one phase. Fortunately, the inverter was not damaged. We almost gave up there, but considering that this smelled like a new crap sponsorship and a possible repetition of the failure with other vehicles under the EQ label, we invested 3 weeks of research and analysis. The Mercedes EV killer, believe it or not, is the parking lock mechanism that they built into the electric motor itself. Every time you stop and press parking on the handle, and the wheels turn even the smallest millimeter, then the rotor turns 9 times faster, while at the same time the parking lock system pushes the lever and violently stops the rotor. The rotor breaks the first bearing in the differential on the lever and then breaks the second one at the other end of the rotor where the lamella/seal for the coolant is. A system designed in a cascade defect manner. First, why does it even allow the electromagnetic solenoid to be activated to push the pulley into the rotor if the wheels are still spinning? They have several input sensors to prevent this, but they have not implemented any. Ok, now some fb expert will say, so what does it matter, there are also Zoe and Smart and some other vehicles… yes, but this is a 3.5-ton vehicle with an engine that would barely work on an eGolf. There are far better solutions and rules, the first rule is “dont touch the f***ing rotor” and implement electric parking brake. If you are looking for an EV with the longest electric motor life, look without the PARKING LOCK system and with ELEC PARKING MANUAL.One of the ultra positive things that electrification brings is that, in addition to being able to consume “domestic electricity”, we also enrich the local economy and revive old local crafts, far from the monopoly of the fossil industry. We performed the complete restoration, analysis and procurement of parts within a radius of 2 kilometers from the workshop.
And those of you who already have this stupidity in operation, stop the vehicle, pull the manual and then put it in the parking lot. In OEM MB Workshop they declined warranty on electric motor because the warranty is only 2 years for it.
Mercedes EQV – “May the defect be with you”
Muka cijelokupnog iskustva je do sada pokazala da nije bitno koja je vrsta pogona ispod haube trokrake zvijezde zadnjih 10-12 godina. Nije više bitno je li dizel ili na struju, ne znaju napraviti niti jedan da nema nekoliko serijskih grešaka “u garanciji” na koju “nemaš pravo”. Vrlo poznata kurirska služba vidno razočarana “elektrifikacijom” koji u floti imaju nekoliko EQV vozila, jedno se već raspalo, tj. elektromotor je na 28000km odlučio opljačkati vlasnika za 7500€. Nakon hard reseta sustava uspjeli smo pokrenuti pogon da vozi još jednom, ali je odmah nakon malog opterecenja ili jaceg stiskanja papučice akceleracije izbacio grešku “mercedes anomalia” (to znamo vec odavno) i ponovno se trajno deaktivirao. Mi smo uglavnom znali da je definitivno elektromotor i da se dijagnostika ovlaštenog servisa poklapa. Demontaža elek. motora je proces od nekoliko sati, ide kompletno sa cijelim nekakvim kavezom od čelika i sve skupa je teško preko 250 kila. Elektromotor svojom velicinom ne odiše nekakvim dojmom snage, duplo manji je od svih dosad Teslinih vidjenih motora a nalazi se na vozilu od 3200kg. Odmah na prvu je jasno da je motor poddizajniran za EQV i njegovu masu. Nakon otvaranja pogona kojeg proizvodi ZF navodno u Srbiji odmah su antifriz i ostale tekucine izcurile iz statora, gdje nebi smjelo biti. Rotor je hladjen antifrizom metodom koju je Tesla koristila na prvim Model S RWD iz 2012 i tu je izgleda pustio glikol u stator gdje je dodatno zbog pucanja izolacije na namotajima zbog termičkog istezanja takodjer došlo do kratkog spoja i izgaranja jednog dijela namotaja jedne faze. Sva sreća da nije i inverter oštećen. Tu smo skoro odustali, ali s ozbirom da je ovo mirisalo na novo sponzorstvo i moguće ponavljanje kvara ostalim vozilima pod EQ oznakom, investirali smo 3 tjedna istraživanja i analize. Mercedes EV killer je vjerovali ili ne, parking lock mehanizam kojeg su ugradili u sam elektromotor. Svaki put kad stajete i pritisnete parking na ručici, a kotači se okreću i minimalni milimetar, tad se rotor još okreće 9 puta većom brzinom dok istovremeno sustav parking lock-a gura polugu i nasilno zaustavlja rotor. Rotor razbija na polugu prvi lezaj u diferencijalu a zatim razbija i drugu na drugom kraju rotora gdje je lamela/brtva za rashladnu tekićunu. Sustav dizajniran kaskadno nakaradno. Prvo zasto dopušta uopce aktivaciju elektromagnetnog solenoida da gura pulugu u rotor ako se kotači još vrte? Nekoliko input senzora imaju da to spriječe ali nisu implementirali niti jedan. Ok sad će neki fb expert reći pa šta ima veze, ima i Zoe i Smart i neka druga vozila… da ali ovo je vozilo od 3.5 tone na motoru koji bi jedva radio i na eGolfu. Postoje daleko bolja riješenja i pravila, prvo pravilo je “dont touch f***ing rotor” i impementiraj električnu parking ručnu. Elektromotor smo pustili lokalnoj firmi da analizira stator i da ga proba ponovno namotati po specifikacijama originala i uspjeli su od prvi put ali su pogresno rotirali dvije faze pa je motor vozio kontra. To smo ručno mi vratili na pravilno mjesto i sve je proradilo u originalu ali svaki puta treba vaditi kompletan prednji kavez, poluosovine itd… Jedna od ultra pozitivnih stvari koju elektrifikacija donosi je da osim što možeš trošiti “domaću struju” takodjer obogaćujemo lokalnu privredu i oživljavamo stare lokalne zanate, daleko od monopula fosilne industrije. Mi smo kompletnu restauraciju, analizu i nabavu dijelova obavili u krugu 2 kilometra od radione. Ako tražite EV sa najdužim vijekom elektro motora, tražite bez PARKING LOCK sustava i sa ELEK PARKIRNOM RUČNOM.
A vi koji već imate tu glupost u pogonu, zaustavite vozilo, povuci rucnu pa onda ubaci u parking.
Part number: A4473402401, A4479004711, A4479013905, LE6000, A4473407600, 601-20857-00, 634-05058-03, 3840000462, M4160A1288, A4473400501, 7899019100, 2229021821, 7899045800,
Errors: P2C8500, Electric motor making noise,
Warranty: declined (2years)
Processor: TC277T
OEM Price: 7500€
EV Clinic Price: 2500-3500€
Please tell me, besides rewinding the engine rotor, what other disposable parts did you change? Please help us, we have a similar case.
All ballbearings and seals
I was looking to buy used EQV and this yours finding made me worried. Do you know does this fault effects both older generation and newer ones (from 2023). I was looking for used EQV from 2021 to 2023 with up to 20.000km fault, but perhaps I should prioritise newer one? Is it possible to avoid this fault?
Was that a eVito engine or EQV engine there are different engines for these two, right? i am as well thinking buying an EQV, but your input make me unsure to buy one….
What is your price for a refurbishment of the EQV motor
If stator is alive not needing rewinding, then 1600€
Rewinding alone is 2000+tax.
Do you have the same problem? How many km on the motor?