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And finally… Renault Zoe 2014 Q210

Previously, who missed the fact that certain renowned manufacturers from 2020 have electric motors already at 30,000 km and they are not under warranty, here we have a completely different example where a Renault Zoe with a 22kwh battery, 10 years old, outside of all warranties with a defect in the electric motor, believe it or not, comes to us from Mercedes this STILL drives 200,000 km. The owner showed his trust, brought Zoe on wheels so that we could at least try for the first time in the workshop to solve the starting Continental electric motor that buzzes under braking and at most speeds. The removal procedure is a bit longer, everything has to be disassembled from the electronic modules and half-shafts in order to lower the engine through the lower opening on the bridge (subframe). We disassembled the engine and the condition was quite bad. The engine would soon squeal all the way through the bearings and smash itself through the housing with torque. Here, the differential oil is full of foam, burnt and all the bearings are damaged. As on the Mercedes EQV, here the “transmission parking lock” made up stupidity transferred from the fossils caused the same problem. The hammering of the engine brake lever from the rotor broke the bearing in the housing and the bearing housing itself in the differential cover. The dosjed was so broken that the bearing completely rotated in the housing and burned the dosjed and warped part of the surface. Bearings are readily available, commercial and almost all but two on the output differential. The manufacturer used for the bearings was Koyo. Now let’s moisten the diesel fans and their bearings a little, here it is evident that the oil in the differential needs to be changed (so not in the electric motor) in order to possibly prevent the bearings from wearing out due to oil splatter and contamination, it takes about 0.9l 75W. But the parking lock EV killer is still there to make your life miserable. The recommendation for changing the oil is about 100,000 km. And even without that, this Zoe is indestructible and recommended by EVC as a second vehicle for the city.


I finalno … Renault Zoe 2014 Q210

Prethodno tko je preskocio kako odredjenim renomiranim proizvodjacima iz 2020 godine odlaze elektromotori vec na 30000km i nisu u garanciji, ovdje imamo totalno drugi primjer gdje nam dolazi Renault Zoe sa 22kwh baterijom star 10 godina izvan svih garancija sa defektom elektromotora koji vjerovali ili ne vi iz Mercedesa ovaj JOŠ vozi na 200000km. Vlasnik je ukazao povjerenje, dovezao Zoe na kotačima da bar probamo po prvi put u radioni rijesiti i taj start Continental elektromotor koji zuji pod otprecenjem i na vecin brzinama. Procedura skidanja je malo duža, sve se mora naprijed rastaviti od elektronskih modula i poluosovina da bi se motor spustio kroz donji otvor na mostu (subframe). Motor smo rastavili i stanje je bilo poprilično loše. Motor bi ubrzo zacvikao skroz na lezajevima i razvalio sam sebe obrtnim momentom kroz kućište. Ovdje je ulje diferencijala puno špene, spaljeno i svi lezajevi oštećeni. Kao i na mercedesu EQV ovdje je “transmission parking lock” izmisljena glupost prenešena sa fosilaca napravila isti problem. Zakucavanje poluge kočenja motora od rotor je razbila lezaj u kućištu i samo kućište ležaja u poklopcu diferencijala. Dosjed toliko razvaljen da je ležaj kompletno vrtio u kućištu i spalio dosjed i potokario dio površine. Ležajevi su lako dobavljivi, komercijalni i skoro svi osim dva na izlaznom diferencijalu. Proizvodjača za lezajeve su koristili Koyo. Sad da malo navlažimo dizel fanove i njihove desanke, ovdje je evidentno da je potrebna izmjena ulja u diferencijalu (znaci ne u elek motoru) kako bi mozda sprijecili trosenje lezajeva zbog špene i kontaminacije ulja, ide ga oko 0.9l 75W. Ali parking lock EV killer je i dalje tu da vam zagorča život. Preporuka za izmjenu ulja je oko 100000km. A čak i bez toga ovaj Zoe je neunistiv i preporuka EVC kao drugo vozilo za grada.

Electric Motor Q210: Continental

Fault: buzzing sound under full load

Part number: 5AMB450, 290127953R,

OEM Renault workshop: 6000€

EV Clinic: 1000-3000€

5 thoughts on “And finally… Renault Zoe 2014 Q210

  1. Hello, how much is the rotor resistance in a good Q210 motor?

      1. Hi, did you find the correct rotor resistance values?

        1. Huh, maybe I cant remember correctly right now but it was 6 Ohms

  2. Hello, i also want to change bearings on my q210, could you please give me the specs of the bearings to buy them before i remove the engine?

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