EVC is vertically integrated startup, from research & development for repair solutions, electronic and mechanic defects, giving customers unique experience “All in one” service solution. We have exponential growth demand across all of europe, we have customers coming even from Greece for preventive repairs and we give advantage to non-driving EV’s. Soon we will expand more, we are trying to find best model to open first fully owned EVC in Austria or even sustainable franchise model. We are overbooked 1 month in advance, so we nicely ask for patience. This customer waited 1 month with defect Large Drive Unit commonly known for premature failure on coolant seal. But surprisingly this LDU is not RMN (Reman), it was originally built P-TECH MECH and car made 250t km with original motor. It didnt leak coolant, but rotor jackshaft ballbearing metal jacket failed and damaged 2 gears inside. Oil was very dirty and contaminated. This confirms our theory from first LDU repair video from our youtube channel, that you should change Oil in gearbox at 200t km (Dexron VI). With oil change this ballbearing probably wouldnt fail. Second observation is that ballbearing had lot of arc dents from rotor discharge, that means this motor probably had buzzing noise comming from it during acceleration or normal driving. Rotor discharge is big automotive problem, it kills non-ceramic ballbearing, and this one suffer first. So listen your LDU, if it needs care, dont wait.
(model 3, Y not affected. Model S dual drive with letter D not affected)
And second important topic we will write about is Coolant delete for LDU which was released by Tesla and one USA company. I am afraid that might be downgrade, because Model S uses LDU for ehat scavenging in winter to heat up battery, that means you might lose some range, second most concerning issue is rotor ballbearing cooling, because squirrel cage rotor is producing heat similar tor stator, and it is overheating rotor ceramic ballbearing. Without cooling it might fail prematurely because we have seen on cars without cooling issue on rotor. Rotor spins over 10000rpm (tesla 18000) and in those cases rotor kills ballbearings below 100k km. Our rotor coating , coolant drain and teflon seal is roadtested and we can cofirm it is bulletproof solution for 200000km and still driving. No need for coolant delete downgrade.
In case when you destroy gears, that will cost more.
Part number: 1056681-00-P
Flatrate Reman price 2800€+tax
+Gears 800€
Example of other prices:
Phase board burnt: 800€
Stator tuning 3000€
PCB Inverter controler: 600€
EVC je vertikalno integrirani start-up, od istraživanja i razvoja za rješenja popravka, elektroničke i mehaničke greške, pružajući kupcima jedinstveno iskustvo “Sve u jednom” servisnom rješenju. Imamo eksponencijalni rast potražnje širom Europe, imamo kupce koji dolaze čak iz Grčke radi preventivnih popravaka i dajemo prednost nevoženim električnim vozilima. Uskoro ćemo se proširiti više, pokušavamo pronaći najbolji model za otvaranje prvog potpuno vlasničkog EVC-a u Austriji ili čak održivog franšiznog modela. Imamo predbukiranost od 1 mjeseca unaprijed, pa ljubazno molimo za strpljenje. Ovaj kupac je čekao 1 mjesec s defektom Velikog pogonskog modula koji je općenito poznat po prijevremenom otkazu brtve rashladnog sredstva. Ali iznenađujuće, ovaj LDU nije RMN (obnovljen), već je izvorno izgrađen od strane P-TECH MECH-a i automobil je napravio 250 tisuća km s originalnim motorom. Nije curio rashladno sredstvo, ali metalna ovojnica kugličnog ležaja glavnog vratila rotora propala je i oštetila 2 zupčanika unutra. Ulje je bilo jako prljavo i kontaminirano. Ovo potvrđuje našu teoriju iz prvog videa popravka LDU-a s našeg YouTube kanala, da biste trebali promijeniti ulje u mjenjaču na 200 tisuća km (Dexron VI). S promjenom ulja ovaj kuglični ležaj vjerojatno ne bi propao. Druga zapažanja su da je kuglični ležaj imao puno lukova od pražnjenja rotora, što znači da je ovaj motor vjerojatno imao zujanje tijekom ubrzanja ili normalne vožnje. Pražnjenje rotora je veliki problem u automobilskoj industriji, uništava kuglične ležajeve bez keramike, a ovaj je prvi pretrpio. Stoga slušajte svoj LDU, ako mu je potrebna njega, ne čekajte.
(model 3, Y nije pogođen. Model S dual drive s oznakom D nije pogođen)
I druga važna tema o kojoj ćemo pisati je brisanje rashladnog sredstva za LDU koje je Tesla i jedna američka tvrtka objavila. Bojim se da bi to mogao biti korak unatrag, jer Model S koristi LDU za skupljanje topline zimi kako bi zagrijao bateriju, što znači da biste mogli izgubiti neki doseg, drugo najvažnije pitanje je hlađenje kugličnog ležaja rotora, jer rotorski kavez proizvodi toplinu sličnu statoru, i pregrijavanje rotorskog keramičkog kugličnog ležaja. Bez hlađenja može prijevremeno propasti jer smo na automobilima bez problema s hlađenjem na rotoru vidjeli problem s rotacijskim kugličnim ležajem. Naše premazivanje rotora, odvod rashladnog sredstva i teflonski brtveni prsten testirani su na cesti i možemo potvrditi da je to neprobojno rješenje za 200.000 km i još uvijek vozi. Nema potrebe za smanjenjem brisanja rashladnog sredstva.
U slučaju uništenja zupčanika, to će koštati više.
Fiksna cijena za obnovu 2800 € + porez
+Zupčanici 800 €
Primjer drugih cijena:
Oštećena faza ploče: 800 €
Podešavanje statora 3000 €
PCB inverter kontroler: 600 €
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am owner of a Mercedes B250 ED. The DriveUnit was replaced after around 30.000 km. Now, the car with about 57.800 km starts to sound like a Turbojet when accelerating with the replaced DriveUnit. The sound became much louder during the last 20 kilometers (the loudness with the original DriveUnit developed during thousands of kilometers). So I think there is a mechanical problem which develops very rapid and could cause a complete failure with extreme repair costs.
I saw the videos from Michael Scharnberg which made me hopeful that you could repair the DriveUnit so that it could last more than the next 30.000 km.
Do you need more pieces of information?
Which next steps would you suggest?
With Best Regards,
Lothar Hentschel
We can remanufacture it. We need 3 days and you need to deliver your B Class to Zagreb.
Contact us by email, not here thru comment section