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YOYO XEV Battery deep discharge

Finally, YOYO XEV has arrived. Battery defect due to deep discharge and cell imbalance. Very simple design with LiFePo4 cells and a 12S configuration, totaling 3 such modules. The modules are compact without contactors. Each weighs 24 kilograms with a total capacity of 10.5 kWh, meaning more than all Toyota hybrids (except the new Prius). Owners should pay attention if the vehicle remains unattended for more than 2 months without any connected USB consumers or other consumers within the vehicle (lights), as this constantly drains the battery. The battery seems easily repairable, with terminals welded by lasers, which means we with a laser can also replace individual cells. Batteries can be repaired within 3-4 working hours for a total of €100.

New OEM battery price: unknown (contact us if you know)

Part number: 2101200-Y01, GSP42173166F

Hefei Yoyao Technology Co., LTD

Stigao napokon i YOYO XEV. Defekt baterije zbog deep discharge i cell imbalance. Vrlo jednostavan dizajn sa LiFePo4 ćelijama i 12S konfiguraciji i ukupno 3 takva modula. Moduli su kompaktni bez kontaktora. Svaki tezak 24 kilograma i ukupnog kapaciteta od 10.5kWh, znaci vise nego svi Toyotini hybridi (osim novog priusa).

Vlasnici trebaju obratiti paznju ukoliko vozilo ostaje bez nadzora duze od 2 mjeseca da nema prikljucenih USB potrosaca ili nekih drugih potrosaca u sklopu vozila (rasvjeta) jer to konstantno prazni bateriju. Baterija izgleda lako popravljiva, terminali su vareni laserom, sto znaci mi sa laserom mozemo zamjenuti i individualne celije. Baterije osposobljene u roku 3-4 radna sata i ukupno 100€.

Cijena nove baterije: nepoznato

Kataloski: 2101200-Y01, GSP42173166F

Hefei Yoyao Technology Co., LTD

2 thoughts on “YOYO XEV Battery deep discharge

  1. 6000 euro battery replace :)))

    1. Hi
      You can tell me where to buy a battery for YoYo

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