Of course, it can, depending on the severity of the damage. Recently, we mentioned how important it is to inspect and perform a “reseal” on the battery after 6-7 years. Here, the original battery from a 2015 Tesla Model S P85D had water ingress directly into the high-voltage part where the pyrofuse is located. The vehicle shut down immediately and was brought from Austria through our partner channels for vehicle towing service. Tesla offered a complete new battery for around €20,000 (cheaper than a new CRT Audi 3.0 TDI diesel engine), even though the procedure could have been simple for them if they had removed and inspected it; they probably would have offered a Reseal, as we did. We won’t even use the word “repair” here because that procedure wasn’t even performed. We replaced the fuse cover, installed a new pyrofuse, new valves, and performed a full EVC reseal (business secret), so this battery, with 250k km on it, is ready for at least another 300k km.
Alert: BMS_F123
Tesla OEM: 20000€
Tesla with commitment: 2000€
EVC: 1450€ + tax
Može li se Tesla baterija reparirati za 1000€? Naravno da može i ovisi o težini kvara. Nedavno smo spominjali kaoliko je važno nakon 6-7 godina pregledati, ispitati i napraviti “reseal” baterije. Ovdje je originalna baterija iz 2015 sa Tesla Model S P85D imala prodor vode direktno u visokonaponski dio gdje se nalazi pyrofuse. Vozilo je se ugasilo odmah i doveženo je iz Austrije putem naših partner kanala za dovoz vozila. Tesla je u ponudi tražila kompletno novu bateriju nekih 20000€ (jeftinije od novog CRT Audi 3.0 TDI dizel motora) iako je zahvat i njima mogao biti jednostavan da su je skinuli i pregledali, vjerovatno bi ponudili Reseal kao i mi. Ovdje “reparacija” riječ necemo ni koristiti, jer taj zahvat nije ni napravljen. Ovdje smo izmjenili poklopac osiguraca, stavljen je novi pyrofuse, novi ventili i napravljen je puni EVC reseal (poslovna tajna) tako da je ova baterija da sa predjenih 250k km spremna za sledećih bar 300k km.
Tesla OEM: 20000€
Tesla with commitment: 2000€
EVC: 1450€ + tax