Of course, it can, depending on the severity of the damage. Recently, we mentioned how important it is to inspect and perform a “reseal” on the battery after 6-7 years. Here, the original battery from a 2015 Tesla Model S P85D had water ingress directly into the high-voltage part where the pyrofuse is located. The vehicle shut down immediately and was brought from Austria through our partner channels for vehicle towing service. Tesla offered a complete new battery for around €20,000 (cheaper than a new CRT Audi 3.0 TDI diesel engine), even though the procedure could have been simple for them if they had removed and inspected it; they probably would have offered a Reseal, as we did. We won’t even use the word “repair” here because that procedure wasn’t even performed. We replaced the fuse cover, installed a new pyrofuse, new valves, and performed a full EVC reseal (business secret), so this battery, with 250k km on it, is ready for at least another 300k km. This is not full battery remanufacturing because this job doesnt include full battery opening. We do no open any original seals on battery lid. For other defects like BMS_u018, f107 f098 f097 u025 or most notorious BMS_u029 it is necessary to make RESEAL + FULL REMANUFACTURING where we need between 50-90 labor hours.
Alert: BMS_F123
Tesla OEM: 20000€
Tesla with commitment: 2000€
EVC: 1450€ + tax
Može li se Tesla baterija reparirati za 1000€? Naravno da može i ovisi o težini kvara. Nedavno smo spominjali kaoliko je važno nakon 6-7 godina pregledati, ispitati i napraviti “reseal” baterije. Ovdje je originalna baterija iz 2015 sa Tesla Model S P85D imala prodor vode direktno u visokonaponski dio gdje se nalazi pyrofuse. Vozilo je se ugasilo odmah i doveženo je iz Austrije putem naših partner kanala za dovoz vozila. Tesla je u ponudi tražila kompletno novu bateriju nekih 20000€ (jeftinije od novog CRT Audi 3.0 TDI dizel motora) iako je zahvat i njima mogao biti jednostavan da su je skinuli i pregledali, vjerovatno bi ponudili Reseal kao i mi. Ovdje “reparacija” riječ necemo ni koristiti, jer taj zahvat nije ni napravljen. Ovdje smo izmjenili poklopac osiguraca, stavljen je novi pyrofuse, novi ventili i napravljen je puni EVC reseal (poslovna tajna) tako da je ova baterija da sa predjenih 250k km spremna za sledećih bar 300k km.
Tesla OEM: 20000€
Tesla with commitment: 2000€
EVC: 1450€ + tax

But after 6-7 years a model S would still be under warranty wouldn’t it
Yes, Tesla should not pretedent that “no maintanance” is correct statement. They should reseal battery in warranty, and they did it on some 30% of model s, but randomly and not on all.