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32000€ Battery repaired for 500€ – VW eUP

The repair, costing €32,000, was resolved for €500 on a 2015 VW eUp. It generally doesn’t require major interventions and has proven extremely reliable with very few issues. The owner reported the vehicle being immobilized for a couple of months. An authorized service performed a diagnosis and determined a new battery was needed.

Due to a backlog of diesel Mercedes Bravas, DSG transmissions, and other activities, there was barely any time to inspect the eUp that arrived over two weeks ago. However, a detailed OBD analysis was done before removing or opening the battery.

Interestingly, the battery error was an interlock issue. Interlock is a safety mechanism that creates a short circuit in all high-voltage components and cables (orange-colored) to disconnect the battery in case someone tries to manipulate or open a module that’s under voltage. This prevents accidents. Initially suspected to be the BMS (Battery Management System), it was confirmed not to be the battery after testing the interlock lines.

Further examination revealed irregular values on the interlock lines towards the vehicle on the BMS connector pins 4 and 11. It was then discovered that the issue was not with the battery but with the “service” interlock switch used to safely disconnect the vehicle for maintenance. A pin had broken within the connector. Replacing this switch allowed the eUp to indicate readiness and operate again.

While the cause of the problem wasn’t crucial, this specific switch, designed by the Germans for EVs, proved intricate to handle. It required a high level of expertise to manipulate safely, taking two hours of work. The needle broke while attempting to disconnect the switch for maintenance or by someone not equipped to handle EVs.

After replacing a second small battery and the interlock switch, totaling about 10 working hours, €31,000 was saved. The notion that battery repairs are always costly becomes even more dubious. The VW eUp, one of the most sought-after small urban cars, has had no major issues with its batteries or engines. Only three vehicles were serviced in total. Known issues include the Charging Module (BD), gear lever not detecting the parking position for charging, and faults in the OBC (On-Board Charger). OBC issues are mostly caused by external network influences like short circuits or lightning strikes.

The new OBC costs around €4000, used ones around €800, and repairs around €600. The earliest 2015 models had only AC charging and lacked CCS DC. The small 18kWh battery is sensitive in winter, reducing the range to 60-70km. Among all small vehicles on the market, the eUp stands out as a top choice alongside others like C0, Smart, Ami, Twingo, etc.


Kvar od 32,000€ riješen za 500€ na VW eUp 2015, koji generalno uopće ne dolazi na lobotomiju i koji je se pokazao izuzetno pouzdanim, sa vrlo malim brojem kvarova. Vlasnik javlja da je vozilo nepokretno već par mjeseci, da je ovlasteni servis napravio dijagnostiku i da je procjena nova baterija. Kako smo pretrpani dizel mercedes bravama, DSG mjenjačima i ostalim sponzorskim dinosaur aktivnostima jedva nadjemo koji dan da pregledamo eUp koji je stigao orije 2 tjedna, da napravimo OBD detaljnu analizu prije skidanja i otvaranja baterije. Gle vraga, greška u bateriji je interlock. Interlock je “safety loop” mehanizam koji ima kratkospojku u svim visokonaponskim komponentama i kablovima (narandzaste boje) da ako mehaničar ili neko treći proba čačkati po istim, odpajati ili otvarati modul koji je pod naponom , da baterija izvrši odpajanje kontaktora u bateriji, tj interlock zaštitu. S obzirom da je taj mehanizam zaštite u bateriji, postoji sumnja da je baterija tj BMS. Ali prvo treba potvrditi da je BMS ili ostatak vozila. Nakon ispitivanja interlock linije na prema vozilu na žicama od BMS konektora, na pinu 4 i 11 , vrijednosti nisu pravilne. Ohoooo momenat, 100% nije baterija. Sad ispitati SVE HV kablove i komponente. Sve u redu. Na kraju dodjemo do “servisnog” interlock prekidača koji služi sa odpajanje vozila za rad na siguran način, i gle vraga opet, pukla igla u konektoru. Stavimo odmah drugi servisni prekidač i eUp pokaza Ready i vozi. Kako je došlo do ovog, nije ni bitno, tko radi taj i griješi, medjutim ovo je jedan od prekidača koji su Njemci izmislili za EV i treba vam doktorat da ga otvorite. Ponovno ogledalo nesposobnosti dizajnirati “fail proof” prekidač da mehaničar u servisu može početi sa radom tj da može odpojiti visoki napon za siguran rad bez trošenja 2 radna sata. Igla je pukla nekom dok je pokusavao odpojiti prekidač i raditi na vozilu. Ili neko tko uopce nije spreman da radi na EV. Nakon drugog malog akumulatora, drugog interlock prekidača i 10ak radnih sati spašeno je 31000€, a priča da su kvarovi na bateriji uvjek skupi postaju samo još bljeđi mainstreem stereotip. VW eUp je jedan od najpoželjnijih malih gradskih vozila, do sada pravih kvarova na baterijema ili motorima je bilo ukupno 0. Ukupno vozila na servisu je bilo 3. Poznati kvarovi su Modul punjenja (BD) , ručica mjenjača koja ne vidi parking poziciju da bi se punio, kvar OBC. Kvar na OBC najčešće je uzrokovan vanjskim utjecajem na mreži, kratak spoj, grom ili slično. Nov je oko 4000€, rabljen oko 800€ a reparacija oko 600€. Postoje prvi 2015 modeli koji imaju samo AC punjenje, nemaju CCS DC. Mala baterija od 18kWh je osjetljiva zimi i domet pada na 60-70km. Od svih malih vozila koja postoje na tržištu, mali eUp je definitvno najbolji izbor pored ostalih C0, Smart, Ami, Twingo itd.

Part number: 12E915590L

Error: P0B3700, P0A0A00

OEM Price: 31500€

EVC Price: 500€

Savings: 31000€

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Transporter T6 ABTe

37kWh Electric VW Transporter ABTe, also known as WTFe colloquially, with 12,000km and a faulty battery. It’s puzzling to me that advanced Europe struggles so much to find the “starting point of ductape” while Asia and the USA are “landing on the moon.” There’s literally such a gap in progress in quality and QUALITY automotive solutions between the EU and the rest of the world, let’s say sustainable solutions. Entrepreneurs face significant problems because new diesel solutions for commercial activities have become unsustainable, irreparable, more expensive, and causing total losses due to fleets hanging on the workshop lift. Nobody wants to overhaul engines because they’re unsustainable and a complete waste of resources, and new engines cost over €10,000. So, you turn to electricity because the solution is electricity, it requires less maintenance, but not the kind Europe produces, rather from Asia or America, and this ABTe with a small battery is an example. Probably to meet some quota, VAG group’s ABTe has converted a new diesel into electricity with a battery that essentially has quality cells but in the wrong configuration and in the wrong vehicle without any thermal management – heating and cooling. Due to higher amperage through a small system, this will accelerate the degradation and wear of the entire system. As diesel apostles would say, “pure deception” while their third turbine whistles through a clogged DPF worth €9,000. A battery of around 100Ah with CATL cells and 35-square-millimeter conductors, which with a capacity of 37kWh, probably has a usable cap of around 30kWh, which for a 2.5-ton van is insufficient, especially for deliveries. If I were to review this for misinformation in the style of an auto club or any other biased media, I’d say that in winter, it covers about 60km with the typical Balkan-style gasping from one traffic light to another, but with normal driving in winter, it’s around 90-100km, which still isn’t enough and calls for the diesel generator. Why did anyone bother assembling this when delivery drivers need at least some range? There’s a version with a 75kWh battery, and that’s probably the best choice because it offers at least some autonomy for daily activities, which, in my opinion, is the only recommendation and the only thing worthy of carrying the ABTe logo. The battery had a BMS lock and insulation drop to 200kOhm. Opening the battery was like a three-day construction site, but we managed to solve it and save the owner the cost of a new €18,000 battery (€486 per kWh). Also, it’s unclear why this ABTe doesn’t have a warranty, although nothing surprises us with EU manufacturers because “Warranty Rape” is a common practice, and strictness is practiced on non-EU manufacturers. It’s excellent, comfortable, and quiet for driving. The performance is satisfactory, can handle a load of up to 1 ton, and I would definitely prefer this over some Stellantis or Mercedes offerings. Above this, I’d choose the Chinese Maxus eDeliver 9. If you’re buying a T6 ABTe, definitely go for the one with the largest battery; a larger one doesn’t face degradation due to more cells in parallel and doesn’t heat up like the small 37kWh one.


37kwh Elektricni VW Transporter ABTe ili odmilja JBTe sa 12000km i neispravnom baterijom. Meni nije jasno da se toliko napredna europa toliko muči da nadje “početak selotejpa” dok azija i usa “sleću na mjesec”. Toliki je doslovno gap u napretku kvalitete i KVALITETNIH automotive riješenja izmedju EU i ostatka svijeta, ajmo reći održivih rijesenja. Poduzetnici su u velikim problemima jer nova dizel rijesenja za gospodarske djelatnosti su postala neodrziva, nepopravljiva, skuplja i u totalnim gubitcima zbog flote koja visi na dizalici. Generalke motora nece niko da radi jer su neodrzive i totalno bacanje resursa, a novi motori su preko 10000€. Onda se okrenes struji, jer Rijesenje je struja ima manje odrzavanja, medjutim ne ona koju napravi europa, vec azija ili amerika, a ovaj ABTe sa malom baterijom je primjer. Vjerovatno da ispune nekakvu kvotu, novog dizelasa je ABTe u reziji VAG grupacije preradio u struju sa baterijom koja u principu ima kvalitetne celije ali u pogresnoj konfiguraciji i na pogresnom vozilu bez ikakvog thermal management – grijanja i hladjenja. Sto ce zbog vecih amperaza kroz mali sustav ubrzati degradaciju i trosenje cijelog sustava. Kako bi dizel apostoli rekli “čista prevara” dok im treca turbina zviždji kroz zacepljen dpf od 9000€. Baterija od nekih 100Ah sa CATL celijama sa 35kvadrata vodičima koja sa 37kwh kapacitetom ima usable cap vjerovatno oko 30kwh sto za kombija od 2.5 tone je nedovoljno pogotovo za dostave. Da radim recenziju za dezinformiranje u stilu autoklub ili jutarnjeg rekao bi da sad zimi ima oko 60km dometa sa krkanius balkanikus gasanjem od semafora do semafora, ali sa normalnom voznjom sad zimi je prije negdje oko 90-100km, sto opet nije dovoljno i doziva agregat. Zasto je ovo uopce neko sastavljao i trudio se kad dostavljacima treba bar neki domet. Postoji verzija sa baterijom od 75kWh i ona je vjerovatno najbolji izbor jer nudi bar neku autonomiju za dnevne aktivnosti, sto je po meni i jedina preporuka i jedino dostojan da nosi ABTe logotip. Baterija je imala lock bms-a i pad izolacije na 200kOhm, otvaranje baterije je trodnevna bauštela ali uspjeli smo je rijesiti i spasiti vlasnika troska nove baterije od 18000€ (486€ po kwh). Takodjer nije nam jasno zasto ovaj ABte nema garanciju, doduše ne iznenadjuje nas nista sa EU proizvodjacima jer ”Warranty Rape” je uhodana praksa a strogoca se trenira na non-eu proizvodjacima. Za vožnju je odlican, udoban i tih. Performanse zadovoljavajuce, masa tereta do 1 tonu, i svakako bi prije ovo izabrao neko stellantis ili mercedes ponudu. Iznad ovog bi izabrao kineza Maxus eDeliver 9. Ako kupujet T6 ABTe obavezno samo sa najvecom baterijom, veca nema ni degradaciju zbog vise celija u paraleli i ne grije se kao mala 37kw.

Part number: 5KE915592C, BMU ANT_53002_F, 1003504, 13250-847, 1001205, EDT_91020_G, 0000346, 800226, EDT_91024_D

Processor: SPC5644, 9s12p64, 0m01n

Suppliers: PREH, ABTe, CATL

Error: DTC_0074 Isolation meassurement defect (e.g. accuarancy can not be granted) P1B4222

OEM: 18000€

EVC: 3000-6000€

Savings: 12000-15000€

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VW ID3 & ID4 – Abbreviations for design flaws

VW ID3 & ID4 – skraćenice za IDzajnerske greške. Sve ID3 ID4 imaju vrlo ozbiljan “design flaw” koji nikad neće biti opozvan, jer nema “automobilista” koji nisu kupljeni lovom da pričaju o tome, bitnije je dezinformirati publiku clickbait naslovima. Ovo je slučaj gdje su Onboard Charger (OBC) smjestili izmedju swaybar šipke i podnice, Mcdonalds style. U slučaju da vas bilo tko pipne od zadnje strane vozila, prvo swaybar se naslanja i gura OBC tanki poklopac na 400V unutarnji vod. U tom momentu moze doci do ozljeda putnika u dodiru sa šasijom vozila, zabrinjavajuce je što PCB nema niti zastitu od vlage ni zastitu od deformacija i na 2 mm je od poklopca, a poklopac nema ni isolation protection (ostali proizvodjaci zastite HV spojeve plastikom/gumim/itd). Nebrojeno slučajeva EU škart proizvoda prolazi ispod radara medija (brojaci, greske, neopozvani defekti, ra-pe garancije itd) i ovo je jedan od tih. Problem je takodjer sto su napravili da se ne otvara, poklopac je varen “friction stir welding” metodom. Kvar smo uspjesno sanirali (vjerovatno) ali loš dizajn nemožemo popraviti i nazalost to nije nista novo, dizele rade redovno sa nekoliko serijskih grešaka koji ljudi sa guštom placaju (dizne, dpf, egr, addblue, scr, lanac, nox itd)

Nov OBC: 1300€+pdv

Reparacija EVC* :

*Struja je bolja 150€

*Hybrid je bolji 2000€

*Kad će biti gotovo 4000€

Rabljen OBC: xxx € , potrebno online kodiranje, navodno nije moguce prijaviti vozilu. S obzirom da je TMS unutra nema ni kloniranja.

Kataloski: 1EA915684BF

Dijelovi: Sumida e00628318a 7100904300 12046639-01, Click 300720 12049308-03 pq50-114,

Procesor: F280041PZQ Texas Instruments

VW ID3 & ID4 – Abbreviations for design flaws. All ID3 ID4 have a very serious and possible fatal “design flaw” that will never be recalled, because there are no “media” who were not corrupted to talk about it.. This is a case where they placed the Onboard Charger (OBC) between the swaybar bar and the floor behind rear bumper, Mcdonalds style . In case anyone touches you from the rear of the vehicle, first the swaybar press and pushes the OBC thin cover on the 400V inner wiring. At that moment, passengers may be injured in contact with the chassis of the vehicle, it is worrying that the PCB has neither moisture protection nor deformation protection and is 2 mm from the cover, and the cover does not have isolation protection either (other manufacturers protect HV joints with plastic/rubber /etc). Countless cases of EU scrap products pass under the radar of the media (counters, errors, non-revoked defects, ra-pe revoked warranty claims, etc.) and this is one of them. The problem is also that they made it impossible to open, the lid was welded with a tig and then the weld was removed by cnc. We have successfully repaired the malfunction (probably), but we cannot fix the bad design.

New OBC: €1300+VAT

Repair EVC*:

*EV is better €150

*Hybrid is better €2,000

*When it will be finished? €4,000

*i have seen how to repair it on forum 4500€

Used OBC: xxx €, online coding required, apparently it is not possible to recode to the vehicle. Given that TMS is inside, there is no cloning.

Catalog: 1EA915684BF

Parts: Sumida e00628318a 7100904300 12046639-01, Click 300720 12049308-03 pq50-114,

Processor: F280041PZQ Texas Instruments

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VW eGolf Charge port defect

VW eGolf Charge port defect – They make everything perfect (no clutch, dpf, diesel, CR pump with metal shavings, addblue and other scraps) and then they come up with a “soap in prison” sudden money grab on the eGolf 😅 to bend you down. The “charge port latch” defect will cost you 2000€ minimum, because engineers with 20 doctorates and a billion working hours in Wolfsburg came up with the idea of ​​making the entire port from one part with a complete high-voltage installation up to the battery, charger and low-voltage wiring loom with mandatory dismantling the complete battery off the car, because why not spend another 200 working hours on screwing 2 screws and you. And for this fellow in the picture, the port actuator broke during charging in front of the house, so it still remained nailed to the wall, in order to deliver vehicle to our service center they had to bring the charger with it, because the excellent VW engineers forgot to put “Emergency release” cable for releasing the charge cable 🤦🏻‍♂️. So that this does not happen to you, now that we have analyzed the “soap falling out” defect in more detail, the first indication is that it starts to connect or disconnect the cable in the charging port from time to time. , sometimes you have to disconnect and connect several times for it to work, the problems are more intense when there is humidity and rain. At the first symptoms, contact the EVC office for mental pain or contact VW “engineers”.
Part number: 5QE915651 5QE915525A
VW “soaping” at an authorized dealer: €1,500 + €500 hands approx
EVC therapy: €400 minus a €200 discount financed by Marko, the sponsor, with “hybrid savings”
Errors: B126301 P33E100 P33E500

Sve naprave top (nema kuplunga, dpf-a, dizni, CR pumpe koja se peruta, addblue i ostalog škarta) i onda smisle jedan “sapun” na eGolfu😅 da se sagnete. Defekt “charge port latch” će vas koštati 2000€ minimum, jer inženjeri sa 20 doktorata i milijardu radnih sati u wolfsburgu su smislili da cijeli port bude iz jednog dijela sa kompletnom Highvoltage instalacijom do baterije, chargera i lowvoltage wiring loom sa (vjerovatno) i demontazom kompletne baterije, jer zašto ne natući jos 200 radnih sati na zavrtanje 2 šarafa. A ovom kolegi sa slike crko je aktuator porta za vrijeme punjenja ispred kuće pa je jos ostao prikovan na zid, da bi ga dostavili u servis sa slepom morali su i punionicu sa njim dovesti jer su se vrsni inženjeri sjetili, osim da je to sve iz jednog dijela da ne postoji ni “Emergency release” sajla za otpuštanje kabela 🤦🏻‍♂️. Da vam se to ne desi, sad kad smo analizirali “ispadanje sapuna” detaljnije, prve nagovjesti da ce te kupiti nekom “Hansu” i “Jurgenu” vikendicu a ne nama, je to da pocne povremeno stekati spajanje ili odpajanje kabela u portu za punjenje, ponekad morate vise puta odpojiti pa spojiti da proradi, problemi su iintezivniji kad je vlaga i kiša. Kod prvih simptoma javite se u EVC ordinaciju za duševne boli ili se obratite VW “inženjerima”.

Part number: 5QE915651 5QE915525A

VW “sapunjanje” u ovlastenom: 1500€+500€ ruke cca

EVC terapija: 400€ minus popust 200€ kojeg financira Marko sponzor sa “uštedama hybrida”

Greške: B126301 P33E100 P33E500