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VW ID3 & ID4 – Abbreviations for design flaws

VW ID3 & ID4 – skraćenice za IDzajnerske greške. Sve ID3 ID4 imaju vrlo ozbiljan “design flaw” koji nikad neće biti opozvan, jer nema “automobilista” koji nisu kupljeni lovom da pričaju o tome, bitnije je dezinformirati publiku clickbait naslovima. Ovo je slučaj gdje su Onboard Charger (OBC) smjestili izmedju swaybar šipke i podnice, Mcdonalds style. U slučaju da vas bilo tko pipne od zadnje strane vozila, prvo swaybar se naslanja i gura OBC tanki poklopac na 400V unutarnji vod. U tom momentu moze doci do ozljeda putnika u dodiru sa šasijom vozila, zabrinjavajuce je što PCB nema niti zastitu od vlage ni zastitu od deformacija i na 2 mm je od poklopca, a poklopac nema ni isolation protection (ostali proizvodjaci zastite HV spojeve plastikom/gumim/itd). Nebrojeno slučajeva EU škart proizvoda prolazi ispod radara medija (brojaci, greske, neopozvani defekti, ra-pe garancije itd) i ovo je jedan od tih. Problem je takodjer sto su napravili da se ne otvara, poklopac je varen “friction stir welding” metodom. Kvar smo uspjesno sanirali (vjerovatno) ali loš dizajn nemožemo popraviti i nazalost to nije nista novo, dizele rade redovno sa nekoliko serijskih grešaka koji ljudi sa guštom placaju (dizne, dpf, egr, addblue, scr, lanac, nox itd)

Nov OBC: 1300€+pdv

Reparacija EVC* :

*Struja je bolja 150€

*Hybrid je bolji 2000€

*Kad će biti gotovo 4000€

Rabljen OBC: xxx € , potrebno online kodiranje, navodno nije moguce prijaviti vozilu. S obzirom da je TMS unutra nema ni kloniranja.

Kataloski: 1EA915684BF

Dijelovi: Sumida e00628318a 7100904300 12046639-01, Click 300720 12049308-03 pq50-114,

Procesor: F280041PZQ Texas Instruments

VW ID3 & ID4 – Abbreviations for design flaws. All ID3 ID4 have a very serious and possible fatal “design flaw” that will never be recalled, because there are no “media” who were not corrupted to talk about it.. This is a case where they placed the Onboard Charger (OBC) between the swaybar bar and the floor behind rear bumper, Mcdonalds style . In case anyone touches you from the rear of the vehicle, first the swaybar press and pushes the OBC thin cover on the 400V inner wiring. At that moment, passengers may be injured in contact with the chassis of the vehicle, it is worrying that the PCB has neither moisture protection nor deformation protection and is 2 mm from the cover, and the cover does not have isolation protection either (other manufacturers protect HV joints with plastic/rubber /etc). Countless cases of EU scrap products pass under the radar of the media (counters, errors, non-revoked defects, ra-pe revoked warranty claims, etc.) and this is one of them. The problem is also that they made it impossible to open, the lid was welded with a tig and then the weld was removed by cnc. We have successfully repaired the malfunction (probably), but we cannot fix the bad design.

New OBC: €1300+VAT

Repair EVC*:

*EV is better €150

*Hybrid is better €2,000

*When it will be finished? €4,000

*i have seen how to repair it on forum 4500€

Used OBC: xxx €, online coding required, apparently it is not possible to recode to the vehicle. Given that TMS is inside, there is no cloning.

Catalog: 1EA915684BF

Parts: Sumida e00628318a 7100904300 12046639-01, Click 300720 12049308-03 pq50-114,

Processor: F280041PZQ Texas Instruments