37kWh Electric VW Transporter ABTe, also known as WTFe colloquially, with 12,000km and a faulty battery. It’s puzzling to me that advanced Europe struggles so much to find the “starting point of ductape” while Asia and the USA are “landing on the moon.” There’s literally such a gap in progress in quality and QUALITY automotive solutions between the EU and the rest of the world, let’s say sustainable solutions. Entrepreneurs face significant problems because new diesel solutions for commercial activities have become unsustainable, irreparable, more expensive, and causing total losses due to fleets hanging on the workshop lift. Nobody wants to overhaul engines because they’re unsustainable and a complete waste of resources, and new engines cost over €10,000. So, you turn to electricity because the solution is electricity, it requires less maintenance, but not the kind Europe produces, rather from Asia or America, and this ABTe with a small battery is an example. Probably to meet some quota, VAG group’s ABTe has converted a new diesel into electricity with a battery that essentially has quality cells but in the wrong configuration and in the wrong vehicle without any thermal management – heating and cooling. Due to higher amperage through a small system, this will accelerate the degradation and wear of the entire system. As diesel apostles would say, “pure deception” while their third turbine whistles through a clogged DPF worth €9,000. A battery of around 100Ah with CATL cells and 35-square-millimeter conductors, which with a capacity of 37kWh, probably has a usable cap of around 30kWh, which for a 2.5-ton van is insufficient, especially for deliveries. If I were to review this for misinformation in the style of an auto club or any other biased media, I’d say that in winter, it covers about 60km with the typical Balkan-style gasping from one traffic light to another, but with normal driving in winter, it’s around 90-100km, which still isn’t enough and calls for the diesel generator. Why did anyone bother assembling this when delivery drivers need at least some range? There’s a version with a 75kWh battery, and that’s probably the best choice because it offers at least some autonomy for daily activities, which, in my opinion, is the only recommendation and the only thing worthy of carrying the ABTe logo. The battery had a BMS lock and insulation drop to 200kOhm. Opening the battery was like a three-day construction site, but we managed to solve it and save the owner the cost of a new €18,000 battery (€486 per kWh). Also, it’s unclear why this ABTe doesn’t have a warranty, although nothing surprises us with EU manufacturers because “Warranty Rape” is a common practice, and strictness is practiced on non-EU manufacturers. It’s excellent, comfortable, and quiet for driving. The performance is satisfactory, can handle a load of up to 1 ton, and I would definitely prefer this over some Stellantis or Mercedes offerings. Above this, I’d choose the Chinese Maxus eDeliver 9. If you’re buying a T6 ABTe, definitely go for the one with the largest battery; a larger one doesn’t face degradation due to more cells in parallel and doesn’t heat up like the small 37kWh one.
37kwh Elektricni VW Transporter ABTe ili odmilja JBTe sa 12000km i neispravnom baterijom. Meni nije jasno da se toliko napredna europa toliko muči da nadje “početak selotejpa” dok azija i usa “sleću na mjesec”. Toliki je doslovno gap u napretku kvalitete i KVALITETNIH automotive riješenja izmedju EU i ostatka svijeta, ajmo reći održivih rijesenja. Poduzetnici su u velikim problemima jer nova dizel rijesenja za gospodarske djelatnosti su postala neodrziva, nepopravljiva, skuplja i u totalnim gubitcima zbog flote koja visi na dizalici. Generalke motora nece niko da radi jer su neodrzive i totalno bacanje resursa, a novi motori su preko 10000€. Onda se okrenes struji, jer Rijesenje je struja ima manje odrzavanja, medjutim ne ona koju napravi europa, vec azija ili amerika, a ovaj ABTe sa malom baterijom je primjer. Vjerovatno da ispune nekakvu kvotu, novog dizelasa je ABTe u reziji VAG grupacije preradio u struju sa baterijom koja u principu ima kvalitetne celije ali u pogresnoj konfiguraciji i na pogresnom vozilu bez ikakvog thermal management – grijanja i hladjenja. Sto ce zbog vecih amperaza kroz mali sustav ubrzati degradaciju i trosenje cijelog sustava. Kako bi dizel apostoli rekli “čista prevara” dok im treca turbina zviždji kroz zacepljen dpf od 9000€. Baterija od nekih 100Ah sa CATL celijama sa 35kvadrata vodičima koja sa 37kwh kapacitetom ima usable cap vjerovatno oko 30kwh sto za kombija od 2.5 tone je nedovoljno pogotovo za dostave. Da radim recenziju za dezinformiranje u stilu autoklub ili jutarnjeg rekao bi da sad zimi ima oko 60km dometa sa krkanius balkanikus gasanjem od semafora do semafora, ali sa normalnom voznjom sad zimi je prije negdje oko 90-100km, sto opet nije dovoljno i doziva agregat. Zasto je ovo uopce neko sastavljao i trudio se kad dostavljacima treba bar neki domet. Postoji verzija sa baterijom od 75kWh i ona je vjerovatno najbolji izbor jer nudi bar neku autonomiju za dnevne aktivnosti, sto je po meni i jedina preporuka i jedino dostojan da nosi ABTe logotip. Baterija je imala lock bms-a i pad izolacije na 200kOhm, otvaranje baterije je trodnevna bauštela ali uspjeli smo je rijesiti i spasiti vlasnika troska nove baterije od 18000€ (486€ po kwh). Takodjer nije nam jasno zasto ovaj ABte nema garanciju, doduše ne iznenadjuje nas nista sa EU proizvodjacima jer ”Warranty Rape” je uhodana praksa a strogoca se trenira na non-eu proizvodjacima. Za vožnju je odlican, udoban i tih. Performanse zadovoljavajuce, masa tereta do 1 tonu, i svakako bi prije ovo izabrao neko stellantis ili mercedes ponudu. Iznad ovog bi izabrao kineza Maxus eDeliver 9. Ako kupujet T6 ABTe obavezno samo sa najvecom baterijom, veca nema ni degradaciju zbog vise celija u paraleli i ne grije se kao mala 37kw.
Part number: 5KE915592C, BMU ANT_53002_F, 1003504, 13250-847, 1001205, EDT_91020_G, 0000346, 800226, EDT_91024_D
Processor: SPC5644, 9s12p64, 0m01n
Suppliers: PREH, ABTe, CATL
Error: DTC_0074 Isolation meassurement defect (e.g. accuarancy can not be granted) P1B4222
OEM: 18000€
EVC: 3000-6000€
Savings: 12000-15000€

I have an abte transporter37kwh on lease from vw and have had a break down which took the dealership over 8 weeks to diagnose as requiring a complete new HV battery, vw have said not covered by warranty as water damage. would you say from your experience of repairing one that the ip rating of the battery and connection was fit for purpose. i cant understand how a sealed battery can be water damaged? also why cannot vw repair individual cells or components, other than their lack of knowledge and inability. It took 14 weeks to quote £22000 gbp for a new battery.