We were visited by “Multi Millionaire” Hansjörg von Gemmingen-Hornberg, a millionaire in kilometers driven with his first Tesla S P85 from 2013. One of the most important figures in the eMobility sphere, as with every kilometer he drove, he shattered prejudices and stereotypes, leaving a legacy of trust in EVs for future generations. He achieved something that some wouldn’t dare with a fossil-fuel car in 9 years. He drove the vehicle when charging stations were scarce. Back in 2008, he was one of the first Tesla Roadster owners and possibly the only one who drove a Roadster for 700,000 km. After that, with the Model S, he broke records not only his own but also worldwide.
Recently, we’ve been writing about how RMN motors (repaired in Tesla Tilburg) have become completely unreliable, as confirmed by other clients and by Hansjorg, who replaced 13 RMN motors in 1800000 km, while the first original PTrain Mech lasted 800,000 km. Following the recommendation we published in a letter to Tesla that preventive repairs were necessary, our colleague realized that it might be time for an overhaul or towing. He had a good feeling, because if he hadn’t contacted us, the last motor would have failed at 1,000 km, at 150,000 km (beyond our recommendation), as the coolant seal had already failed and leaked antifreeze into the bearing area where the only barrier was the bearing grease to prevent it from entering the stator and causing a “short circuit.” He came just in time, and we saved the motor, restored it, installed some of our “patch” improvements, and permanently resolved the antifreeze leakage. This EVC Reman motor is ready for the next half a million kilometers at least.
We are grateful for the invaluable trust placed in us, but from our side, we felt the need to send a message. A message that Tesla and Elon forgot, that his achievement deserves official recognition, reward, and acknowledgment because what he accomplished is something no one else will even attempt for generations. As a small EVC, we will do what Tesla didn’t; we will reward him with free service for the electric motor that outlasts their RMN motors.
If you need EVC Academy full training at our facility to learn complete know-how you can order training here:
Stigao nam je “Multi Milijunaš” Hansjörg von Gemmingen-Hornberg, milijunaš u predjenim kilometrima sa prvom Teslom S P85 iz 2013 godine. Jedan od najbitnijih osoba iz eMobility sfere jer je svakim svojim kilometrom rušio predrasude i stereotipe, njegov footprint će ostaviti nasledje povjerenja u EV svim budućim generacijama. Postogao je nesto sto se neki nebi usudili ni sa fosilcem u 9godina. Kretao je se vozilom kad nigdje nije bilo ni punionica. Davne 2008 godine jedan je od prvih Tesla Roadster vlasnika i moguće jedini koji je sa roadsterom napravio 700000km. Nakon toga sa Model S ruši rekorde ne samo svoje već i svjetske. Kako smo počeli pisati zadnje vrijeme da su RMN motori (reparirani u Tesla Tilburgu) postali totalno nepouzdani, sto smo potvrdili i sa drugim klijenti a i sa Hansjorg koji je promjenuo 13 RMN motora u 1.800.000 km, dok je prvi PTrain Mech originalni napravio 800.000km. Po preporuci koju smo objavili u pismu Tesli da je preporuka da se preventivno repariaju tako je i nas kolega skuzio da je mozda vrijeme ili za remont ili za šlepu. Imao je dobar feeling, jer da se nije javio ovaj zadnji motor bi otkazao za 1000km na 150000km (sto je preko nase preporuke) jer je coolant seal vec probio i pustio antifriz u zonu ležaja gdje je jedina prepreka mast u lezaju da udje u stator i napravi “kurzschluss”. Na vrijeme je dosao, motor smo spasili, restaurirali, ugradili par naših “patch” unaprijedjenja i trajno rijesili prodor antifriza. Ovaj EVC Reman motor je spreman za sledećih pola milijuna minimalno. Nama je neprocjenjivo ukazano povjerenje, ali ipak sa nase strane nedostajalo je poslati i jednu poruku. Poruku koju su Tesla i Elon zaboravili da njegovo postignuce ipak zasluzuje i sluzbenu potvdu, nagradu, odgovor, jer ovo što je on uspio još niko generacijama neće ni pokušati. Mi kao mali EVC napravit ćemo ono što Tesla nije, nagradit ćemo ga besplatnim servisom elektromotora koji izdrzi vise od njihovog RMN.

I would love to see a list of all the repairs done in this cars life and at what mileage. My only hope to own a Tesla is buying a used one, so this is good info for me.
JJ Smith… The list of repairs on this 2013 would not be the same as a newer one. A used 2020 Model S would have light-years of improvements in every area of the vehicle.
Granted, but it would still be interesting and what would be even more interesting is to compare it to a modern Model S with high mileage. There is so much “suspicion” about these cars and false info, it would just interesting to see some real world facts.
watch the channel of AT-Zimmermann. Teslas still have many ‘points of failure’ that one almost can’t believe they’d get away with in a >100k car.
Zimmermann is blind by clickbait content. He didn’t see how many shit design and bad quality parts is in Mercedes BMW Vag cars
And you drive R240 Zoe crap with complete bad design on motor, powertrain and 42kwh brandschade battery.
oh, sweet, do you need to be a good stalker to defend master Elon? Your mommy must be proud. I drive a 22 kWh Zoe to be exact, for which I paid 12500€ 7 years ago (now at 100’000 km and the suspension is still better than that of a new Tesla ^^) and also a 2018 Kona, a car that still has features any Tesla can only dream of.
This is not page for Renault fanboys and idiots of any kind with biased focus and clickbait content. We research and develop solutions, so we don’t give f//ck for Elon or your Renault which is the most failed EV in our workshop.
I wouldn’t buy another Renault either. But that doesn’t mean Tesla is flawless, I thought that’s what this whole business is about. This Tesla would never have made 1.8 mio km without the unlimited km warranty it had.
if you are really interested ask him:
He is very open about this. Tesla has replaced the motors several times and the battery as well. He has listed all other repairs neatly and will be happy to tell you about them.