To present you first ‘Model S 100’ RWD in Europe, upgraded from healthy 85 to 100 kWh battery pack. We didnt stop there, we upgraded Large drive unit electric motor from problematic RMN to EVC tuned and optimized one for higher range and higher reliability. BMS Calculated range is lower than expected until it calibrates fully, and expected autonomy should be above 500km. Model S is Autopilot AP1 2014 with 379000km on clock with free supercharger. This project was “tuned” for my own pleasure. Thanks goes to wk057 coding tip. System is safe from SuC deactivation.
Predstavljamo prvi ‘Model S 100’ sa stražnji pogonom u Europi, nadograđen s zdrave baterije od 85 na 100 kWh. No, nismo stali samo na tome, ugradilo smo i poboljšani električni motor LDU s problematičnog RMN-a na EVC model, prilagođen za veći doseg i pouzdanost. BMS trenutno prikazuje manji doseg od očekivanog dok se potpuno ne kalibrira, a očekivana autonomija trebala bi biti iznad 500 km. Model S je Autopilot AP1 iz 2014. s 379.000 km na satu i besplatnim punjenjem doživotno. Ovaj projekt je “prilagođen” za vlastiti gušt i trenutno smo spremni za Homos Balkanikus olimpijadu Zagreb Split bez odpajanja katetera i stajanja. Stavljena je Popcorn mapa za Netflix za nedaj može, stage 2 zavojnica i kondenzator, bakraći… deaktivirana je VodaUStrujiOFF, straightpipe klima u kabini filterOFF da skida i ženin puder sa lica.

I would love to have my battery upgrade like yours. I have Model X 75D and with such heavy car the real life range is not great. Can you advice the cost to upgrade the battery and the Warranty period cover for the pack and if the motor can be swap over with Raven motor for better efficiency?
I love your innovation and creativity in this field! Looking forward to the developments in this area. Keep up the good work!