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AUTOMOTIVE OPTIMIZATION means more bankrupt owners

AUTOMOTIVE OPTIMIZATION is becoming increasingly aggressive throughout the automotive industry. To the general public, it may mean “potential” savings, to us, a potential “sponsor,” and to manufacturers, a “pat on the back” and abundant profits. Your vehicle is 2 kilos lighter, you are on a diet, and you have 2000 square meters less of inherited land (approximately 1200€ less). This is because the Li-ion 12V 70Ah battery, which replaced the old lead-acid one, discharged while the vehicle was at the service, and you cannot recharge it as it is not designed for non-invasive charging. Although this battery has proven to be extremely reliable, its BMS lacks an OTP lock like VW, Mercedes, and other junk, which would require a BMS reset. Fortunately, in this case, it is sufficient to unscrew the cover, recharge it directly at the terminals, and physically disconnect the BMS connector for a reset.

As people do not complain about the increasing junk in the automotive industry, especially in fossil-fuel-powered vehicles, we expect that soon the light switch will cost 8000€, a spark plug 20€ but malfunctioning, which the mechanic mounts at his own expense six times, the MAF and MAP sensors with Bluetooth will cost 5600€, and we will also follow the “acceptable prices” for the labor time. #peopleloveit

AUTOMOTIVE OPTIMIZACIJA, na latinskom “Ipsum Ti’metnem”, je popraćena kroz automotive industriju sve agresivnije i agresivnije. Običnom narodu to znači “potencijalna” ušteda, nama potencijalni “sponzor” a proizvodjačima “pršut na čelo i love u izobilju”. Vaše vozilo je lakše 2 kile, vi na dijeti i 2000 kvadrata djedovine manje (cca 1200€). Jer Li-ion 12V 70Ah akumulator koji je zamjenuo stari olovni se isprazni u mirovanju jer je vozilo bilo na servisu, i ne možete ga napuniti jer nije dizajniran da ga punite bez invazivne metode otvaranja i punjenja. Iako je se ovaj aku pokazao ultrapouzdanim, BMS nema OTP lock kao VW Mercedes i ostali skart pa da se mora i BMS resetirati sto je poprilicno pohvalno (inace bmw je tu najmanji lihvar po pitanju programiranih kvarova, ali ne znaju napraviti pouzdan dizel motor). Ovdje je dovoljno odsarafiti poklopac , dopuniti direktno na terminalima i fizicki odpojiti konektor BMS da se resetira. S obzirom da se narod ne buni na sve vise skarta u autoindustriji, pogotovo u fosilnim pogonima, uskoro ocekujemo da ce prekidac za svijetla biti 8000€, zamasnjak 20€ ali neispravan kojeg mehanicar o svom trosku montira vec 6 puta, MAF i MAP senzor na bluetooth 5600€ a i mi cemo popratiti “prihvatljive cijene” radnog sata. #narodtovoli

Error: 0Volt on terminals

Part number: 61218092859, 194064-10 JP,

Capacity: 0.9kWh

Supplier: Lithium Energy Japan

OEM Cijena : 1000-1200€

EVC Cijena:*

*natankam dizlo za 5 sekundi – 2000€

*natankam dizlo za 5 minuta – 1900€

*natankam dizlo za 10-15 min – 200€

*natankam dizlo ak je ispravan – 0€

*vozim dizlo bez odmaranja 1200km na kateter: 6900€

*vozim dizlo 1200km ali stajem odmoriti 3 put : 5€

1 thought on “AUTOMOTIVE OPTIMIZATION means more bankrupt owners

  1. Hey there, great article! What about the 61219312759 battery produced in 13/14 ? Does that one have an OTP lock or is the same one like on the pictures you’ve posted, just recharging and disconnecting the BMS? Thank you very much in advance

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