Dear Balkan people (and other), the path to electrification and sustainability, as paid propaganda reviews bashing EVs and praising hybrids told you, is a global deception and a path to poverty. Commercial electrification of “dinosaurus” powertrainds, where the worst solutions from both worlds reside, with underdesigned ultracomplex drivetrains lacking redundant protection against overheating, wear, and harmful operation, is not the way to the sustainable electrification but the oposite. Communicating with colleagues in the mechatronics industry, the situation is no better with the latest generation fossil fuel car offerings from the EU “scrap” market, and service demands are growing, leaving every workshop overwhelmed. Many refuse to even accept anything produced from 2019 onwards (as we have already recommended), as even oil changes are risky due to poor oil flow systems that can destroy an engine costing which costs €32,000 (CRT) for an Audi. The “moderate quality” of junk and “prototype” ideas funded and tested by owners is beyond the reach of anyone’s budget.
Now I am 100% sure that banning the sale of fossil vehicles is NOT NECESSARY; it’s pure EU nonsense. I am 100% certain that the EU fossil vehicles with Euro norms and hybrids will be bought by domestic customers for the LAST TIME because the gold lesson “hitting the pocket” is best within our mentality. Mainstream media, through moderate disinformation and bought reviews by legacy car makers, imposed the general misconception of “hybrids” and that manufacturers and their quality offerings are completely fine. However, they are not, and it will backfire on everyone. Remember, banning is not necessary because you have purchased fossil fuel junk for the last time. Shortages of junk parts, increasing frequency of component/sensor failures, and other issues, waiting for parts for months, and the lack of “right to repair” and “parts supply” are your path to driving a Golf 4 SDI, Honda Civic ’95, or something from the EV lineup.
I repeat, repairing EVs, old fossil vehicles, or even REX hybrids is far easier. However, all PHEVs, MHEVs, and new fossil vehicles have become bottomless pits and a recipe for self-destruction (fossil rape syndrome when you are ashamed of maintanance costs). From the beginning, I have no emotional attachment to anything except quality drivetrains; we call out junk even when it comes to EV powertrains. With this approach, we have attracted a large number of colleagues in the industry, from apprentices to shop owners. A large number of “whistleblower” teams have come forward with incredible data and statistics, even those that Toyota skillfully conceals, which we will publish in a mega edition. We invite all of you from authorized service centers to come forward in large numbers, so we can debunk the mythology of hollow mainstream stories and the “modern quality” that no longer exists. Perhaps it is even time for a podcast with industry experts, mechanics, and mechatronics professionals whose voices have been taken away by “car enthusiasts,” denying them access to field information and real statistics from the workshop lift, not some ADAC statistics or other car portal nonsense.
The collection of images from the post represents damages totaling around €400,000 to the Hybrid owners where not any possible “fuel savings” can save them. Some failures are irreparable, making the vehicles fit for scrap. I have been digging through the records for four hours, and this is only a portion of the requests, with an exponential increase. We cannot respond to all of you, and we fail to repair a small number of vehicles. We work 12 hours a day, and besides the repairs, stress comes from owners who don’t follow guidelines, calling us without knowing the vehicle’s make, model, year, or error code printouts from diagnostics. Taking a photo of the tachometer IS NOT AN ERROR CODE PRINTOUT. We will have less time to respond, and the recommendation is to contact us only via email with all the necessary information; otherwise, you may not appreciate “our approach” of communicating. The path to electrification is directly through EVs (from the recommended list), and “German or EU quality” has not existed for years. Now imagine the complexity of hydrogen propulsion, where you will need an even more complex service center with 30 certificates and 2 astronauts to fix a stuck valve, while the electric drive is powered by electricity produced three times more expensively, “filled up in 5 minutes,” but you spend 2 months in the service (a topic for the future).
Dragi balkanski ( i ostali) narode, put do elektrifikacije i održivosti kako su vam plaćene propagandne recenzije koje pljuju EV a veličaju hybride govorile da je to putem hybrida je svjetska navlakuša i put do siromaštva. Medjutim elektrifikacija nije kroz komercijalnu elektrifikaciju dinosaura gdje je u pogon smješteno najgore riješenje iz oba svijeta sa poddizajniranim ultrakompleksnim pogonskim sustavima bez redudantne zaštite od pregrijavanja, trošenja i pogrešnog štetnog rada. Komunicirajući i sa kolegama mehatroničarima iz branše situacija nije ništa bolja ni sa fosilcima zadnje generaciie iz EU skart ponude a posla po servisima je sve više i svi se sve zatrpaniji. Mnogi ne žele ni primiti nista u servis sto je proizvedeno od 2019 godine do sada (sto smo vec preporucili), jer sama izmjena ulja je rizicna zbog lošeg sustava protoka ulja gdje overpressure razbije motor koji za Audija kosta nov 32000€ (CRT). “Umjerena kvaliteta” škarta i “prototip” ideja koju financiraju vlasnici je izvan bilo čijeg balkanskog budžeta. Sad sam 100% siguran da zabrana prodaje fosilaca UOPĆE NIJE POTREBNA i čista je EU nebuloza. 100% sam siguran da EU fosilce sa Euro normama i Hybride domaća ekipa kupuje ZADNJI PUT jer lekcija “po džepu” najbolja funkcionira na naš mentalitet. Mainstream mediji umjerenim dezinformiranjem i kupljenim recenzijama su nametnuli “hybridno” opće mijenje da je ponuda proizvodjaca i kvaliteta sasvim ok, medjutim nije i razbit ce se svima o glavu. Zapamtite, zabrana nije potrebna, jer škart ste kupili zadnji put. Nestašica škart dijelova, frekventnost sve veceg broja kvarova komponenti/senzora i ostalih dijelova, čekanje dijelova mjesecima i ostali problemi na koje nemate pravo “right to repair” i “parts supply” je vaš put da ponovno vozite Golf 4 SDI, Hondu Civic 95’ ili nešto od EV ponude. Ponovno ponavljam, daleko je lakse repariti EV, starog fosilca ili cak i REX hybrida, medjutim svi PHEV, MHEV i Novi fosilci su postali rupa bez dna i recepat za samoubistvo (fosilni rape sindrom). Od početka nemam emotivnu povezanost ni sa čim osim sa kvalitetnim pogonima, škart prozovamo i kad je struja u pitanju. Sa tim pristupom privukli smo veliki broj kolega iz struke od segrta do vlasnika servisa, veliki broj “whistleblower” ekipe je se javilo sa nejvjerovatnim podatcima i statistikama koje čak i Toyota vjesto krije koje cemo objaviti u mega izdanju. Mi vas pozivamo da se javite u sto vecem broju iz svih ovlaštenih servisa da razbijemo mitologiju šuplje mainstream priče i “moderne kvalitete” koja vise ne postoji. Mozda je čak i vrijeme za podcast sa stručnjacima branše mehanicara i mehatronicara kojima su “automobilisti” oduzeli pravo na glas, oduzeli pristup informacijama sa terena i realne statistike sa dizalice ne neke ADAC statistike ili autoportal lupetanja. Kolekcija slika iz posta od prilike predstavlja stetu vlasnicima oko 400.000,00€, neki su kvarovi nepopravljivi i vozila za smeće. Kopam vec 4 sata po evidenciji i ovo je samo dio zahtjeva, a porast je eksponencijalan. Ne stignemo vam svima odgovoriti, mali broj vozila ne uspijemo ni rijesiti, radimo 12 sati dnevno i stres nam rade osim kvarova i vlasnici koji ne slusaju smjernice da ne zovu ako ne znaju koje vozilo i model voze, godinu i ispis gresaka sa dijagnostike. Slikanje tacho sata NIJE ISPIS GRESAKA. Sve manje vremena ćemo imati da vam odgovaramo i preporuka je samo kontakt putem email sa svim informacijama, u protivnom vam se nece svidjeti “nas pristup” . Put do elektrifkacije je direktno na EV (sa liste preporuka) a “svabska kvaliteta” ne postoji vec godinama. Sad jos zamislite kompleksnost hydrogen pogona gdje ce vam trebati jos kompleksniji servisni centar, sa 30 certifikata i 2 astronauta da poprave jedan ventil koji je zastekao gdje je elektropogon pokretan 3x skuplje proizvedenom strujom “koju tankas 5 minuta” ali visis u servisu 2 mjeseca (buduca tema)
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Great read! Thank you for your work!