Common defect on all Mild hybrids, badly designed system to convert your “fuel savings” into “astronomical extra cost”. Already written, but it looks like we have to again. This time it’s not the 2000 euro alternator that breaks down every summer due to overheating and poor cooling with glycol at 90 degrees (my dear), now the 48V battery has arrived again. Who got the error “it worked when I arrived, I don’t care solve it”. Colleagues, while waiting for parts, and probably repairing a malfunction on the “dinosaur” engine, the hybrid battery went into a defect, that’s how it was designed. As long as there is no 12V connected, it goes into “CAR SCRAP” selfdischarge mode. Very ingenious method and found on Mercedes too. You don’t need to deal narcotics to make a living, you just create a system where someone thinks they have bought something, but they are actually a subscriber to their own device, stick “Hybrid” or “Clean Diesel” on it and the future is secured. The battery went into deepdischarge at rest and locked itself permanently, where the cells were still at a safe 3.3V. Fully functional Lithium cells condemned to the shredder and recycler, wasting new electricity and resources. Such failures are more and more common from the European “stable” of manufacturers, and more and more often innocent repairmen and services suffer from the additional cost of buying a new battery because the blame is shifted to them and not to the manufacturer of scrap goods. This is a product that is regularly used by the Mainstream media, while what is valid the customer has to research for himself or find out when it is already “bandover”. Only electricity or only gasoline.
Audi MILF Hybrid – Već pisali, ali izgleda moramo opet. Ovaj put nije alternator od 2000eura koji se kvari svako ljeto zbog pregrijavanja i loseg hladenja glikolom na 90 stupnjeva (majko mila), sad je dosao opet 48V akumulator. Kojemu je se desila greška “to je radlo kad sam dotro, ne zanima me”. Kolegama je za vrijeme cekanja dijelova vjerovatno i sanacije kvara na dinosaur pogonu hirbidna baterija otisla u defekt, tako je dizajnirana. Dok nema 12V spojenih odlazi u AUTOOTPAD selfdischarge mode. Vrlo domišljato kamatarenje i na Mercedesu. Ne treba dilati narkotike da prezivnjaljvas, samo osmislis sistem gdje neko misli da je nesto kupio a u biti je pretplatnik na vlastiti uredjaj, nakeljis na njega “Hybrid” ili “Clean Diesel” i buducnost osigurana. Baterija je otisla u mirovanju u deepdischarge i zakljucala se trajno, gdje su celije jos bile na sigurnih 3.3V. Potpuno ispravne Litij ćelije osudjene na drobilicu i reciklazu, trosenje nove struje i resursa. Ovakvi kvarovi su sve češći iz europske “ergele” prozivodjača i sve češće nedužni serviseri i servisi stradaju od dodatnog troška kupnje nove baterije jer se krivica prebacuje na njih a ne na proizvodjača škart robe. Ovo je roba koju redovno Mainstream mediji valjaju dok ono što valja kupac mora sam istraživati ili sazna kad je već “bendover”. Samo struja ili samo benzin.
Error: P0A7D, P0B29
Part number: 4N0915105B
Processor: SPC5644BMLU
OEM Audi: 1800Euro
EVC: 400-1800euro
*hybrid is best: o1o690 Euro

I love your sarcastic writing style! 😅
jesus christ, is this innovation is really as bad? Audi released a newer battery pack for the 48V system (different part number). What do you think, buy a new A6 with this technology or stick to the 12V MHEV system on smaller engines? Would you worry about running a car for 8 years or more?
Even worse