Regres + Christmas bonus: Mercedes 7G Tronic 772.9, one of our toughest and most expensive projects completed in 2013 for the Chinese. One of the regular guests “never anything.” Reset and cloning on the table through offline scn with the Vediamo Developer tool that leaked publicly from the department in Singelfinden somewhere in 2015. Flashing directly with CFF flash file from the Mercedes update database, rev 0009020247 which is suitable for that VIN. There are about 2000 versions just for that one gearbox, and about 2000 configurations for each firmware. To pair a used 7G module to the vehicle, first, it must be reset via the connector with the service key 39CF819CCBED3A23 (unique, not visible), which is calculated from the service base key 529271EC7E3EA8A9 (visible on CANbUS) with RipeMD64 encryption at n-100 (100 rotations of encryption backwards is the reset key). Brute force on an RTX graphics card with cudadll for only one rotation takes about a month. And you’re brute-forcing technology from 1995 when it was patented for the first w210. A used 7G to prepare for a new vehicle besides reset requires an old sample, old data that must be transferred to the new one (SCN EHS, etc.), then assembly and key learning, because they implemented key storage in the gearbox against theft. After that, adaptation of upshift and downshift speeds. Also, many get messed up and buy another used module without checking which one is original, if it’s not cataloged the same then module programming is not possible (technically it is, but it’s a more expensive pastry than from the bakery). If the old module is VGS-NAG2 you must get another VGS-NAG, if it’s VGS2-NAG2 then you look for another VGS2. Most Mercedes sponsor drivers, meaning most buy the wrong one off the top of their heads, then they buy the one they need. So that’s another unspoken cost at the bar “never anything” that is not accounted for… buying the wrong parts. VGS4 last generation is not possible to reset or clone, which are under FBS4 encryption (RipeMD128 + random seed key) and which are found on all MB vehicles from 2014 onwards, this means to crack the reset of used electronics with a service key you need a GPU farm and 100 years. Currently, these vehicles have no solution for the brakes, nor for the gearboxes, computer of the engine to reset them with a service key, this means that all Mercedes owners will be sentenced to buy new parts because Mercedes has protected the used ones. The 9G tronic gearbox with Renesas and FBS4 has no idea for breaking protection. New 9G electronics are no longer sold separately through legal channels, only the whole gearbox for €10,000. So, fellow mechatronics engineers, if you’re waiting for some miraculous tool to come out so you can solve and reset all MB FBS4 components, you’re mistaken, that tool may never come out.
Clone & Reset price list:
“Absolutely nothing ever failed” – €600
“It never left me stranded” – €800
“Just fill and drive” – €1000
“When will it be finished?” – €1200
“Can I come pick it up on Sunday” – €1400
“Car is taking my wallet with a shovel” – €200
OEM 2000€
Part number:
A 0335456632
A 0335456732
A 0335457232
A 0335457332
A 0034460310
Regres + Božićnica : Mercedes 7G Tronic 772.9 jedan od naših najtežih i najskupljih projekata završenih 2013 godine za kineze. Jedan od redovnih gostiju “nikad ništa”. Reset i kloniranje na stolu kroz offline scn sa Vediamo Developer alatom koji im je javno procurio iz odjela u Singelfinden negdje 2015 godine. Fleshanje direktno sa CFF flesh file iz Mercedes update baze, rev 0009020247 koji je adekvatan za taj VIN. Postoji oko 2000 verzija samo za taj jedan mjenjač, i oko 2000 konfiguracija za svaki firmware. Da bi uparili vozilu rabljen 7G modul, prvo se mora resetirati preko konektora sa servisnim kljucem 39CF819CCBED3A23 (unikatan, nije vidljiv), koji se kalkulira iz servisnog baznog kljuca 529271EC7E3EA8A9 (vidljiv na CANbUS) sa RipeMD64 enkripcijom na n-100 (100 rotacija enkricpije unazad je kljuc za reset). Brute force na grafičkoj RTX kartici sa cudadll samo jedne rotacije traje oko mjesec dana. A brutforsaš tehnologiju iz 1995 kad je patentirana za prvi w210. Rabljen 7G da bi pripremio za novo vozilo osim reseta potreban je stari uzorak, stari podaci koji se moraju prenijeti u novi (SCN EHS itd) nakon toga motaža i učenje ključeva, jer su u mjenjač implementirali i spremanje kljuceva protiv kradje. Nakon toga adaptacija upshift i downshift brzina. Takodjer mnogi se zeznu pa kupe drugi rabljen modul a nisu provjerili koji je original, ako kataloski nije isti onda prijava modula nije moguca (tehnicki je, ali skuplji burek od pekare). Ako je stari modul VGS-NAG2 takav isti moras i drugi VGS-NAG, ako je VGS2-NAG2 onda drugi trazis VGS2. Vecina mercedes sponzor fahrera, znaci vecina kupi pogresan na pamet, pa onda kupuju koji treba. Tak da to je jos jedan od prešućenih troskova za šankom u birtiji “ nikad nista” koji se ne racunaju… kupnja pogresnih dijelova. VGS4 zadnje generacije nije moguce ni resetirati ni klonirati koji su pod FBS4 enkricijom (RipeMD128 + random seed key) i koji se nalaze na svim MB voziloma od 2014 pa dalje, to znači da bi provalio reset rabljene elektronike servisnim kljucem potrebna je farma GPU i 100 godina. Trenutno ta vozila nemaju rijesenje ni za Brave, ni za mjenjace, komp motora da ih resetiras servisnim kljucem, to znaci da ce svi vlasnici Mercedesa biti osudjeni na kupnju novih dijelova, jer rabljene je mercedes zastitio. 9G tronic mjenjac sa Renesas i FBS4 ne postoji ni misaona ideja za provalito zaštitu. Novu 9G elektroniku ne prodaju vise posebno legalnim kanalima, samo cijeli mjenjač 10000€. Tako da kolege mehatronicari ako čekate neki čudesni alat koji ce izaci pa da mozete rijesiti i resetirati sve MB komponente FBS4 se varate, taj alat mozda nikad nece izaci.
Clone&Reset cijenik:
“Evo nikad nista”- 600€
“Nikad stao nije”- 800€
“Samo toci i vozi” – 1000€
“Kad ce biti gotovo” – 1200€
“Mogu li u nedjelju doci po to” – 1400€
“Uzima me auto lopatom” – 200€
OEM cijena 2000€
Part number:
A 0335456632
A 0335456732
A 0335457232
A 0335457332
A 0034460310