This is the worst EV ever made.
If you’ve never been a guarantor for a loan to a former friend, if you’ve never dropped the soap in a prison shower, if you’ve never borrowed money from a loan shark, if you’ve never owned a faulty Citroen/VW/BMW hybrid but want to experience all of that, buy this wonderful junker and try everything out all at once, suddenly. German quality, as we said, didn’t just drop a few percent—it completely died, and here it has even reached nirvana. To inflate the tires on this car, you literally have to take out the entire engine, because the valve is inside the motor’s stator, and before that, you need to split the car in half, LITERALLY! Every fault on this piece of junk doesn’t cost €1000, no, not even €2000, or €3000, but an astronomical €5500. For every issue, they replace the entire powertrain module at €5500, meaning if your wipers break, you go to Končar to weld an entirely new front end of the car, because apparently, that’s easier. The story doesn’t end there, hahaha, there are four different faults that make you replace one part of the car. Out of those four faults, two are programmed. But wait, we’re not done yet. There’s also a battery defect, not just one, but six different serial faults, and three are programmed (contactor counter, impact detect, cell imbalance OTP error), after which you have to replace a perfectly healthy battery and pay €15,000.
All this highway robbery was possible until the car came into the hands of EV Clinic. After 12 months of multitasking research across three different fleets and several different vehicles, we managed to solve more faults than there are parts on this car, so it’s time to write something. They even integrated the fuses into the high-voltage cable, cylindrical 40A, so you have to replace the entire cable. There’s a serial defect in the internal instrument in the BMS for measuring insulation breakdowns, and you have to replace the entire battery—you can’t just replace the BMS. The only advantage of this vehicle is the price of body parts, which is really cheap.
Let’s go through the serial defects:
DCDC hardware defect: €5500
DCDC programmed fault: €5500
Inverter: €5500
Charger: €5500
Motor bearing: €5500
Fuse in the type 2 cable port: €800
Battery after a crash – programmed fault: €15,000
Battery “unable to charge” internal bug never resolved by the manufacturer: €25 million
BMS ISO error: €15,000
BMS programmed fault P18051C: €15,000
Front headlight Daylight LED DCDC: €350
All these slippery problems arise by 30,000 km.
Now, so it’s not all doom and gloom, this car is a dream for the city. Parking, driving, and everything else is so irreplaceable that we’re even preparing for the loan shark to throw a soap at our feet. This car is only worth owning and maintaining for us, or for someone like a godfather, brother, lover, or colleague—everyone else is in for a rough time. This is EVC’s future replacement vehicle for clients, and we do not recommend that you buy it. If you do, it must be cheap enough to amortize the potential EVC guillotine. If there’s one thing we hate in this world, it’s a junk car, and we will never support that, no matter the powertrain type. On the other hand, the first generation of the electric Smart 451 ED is SpaceX quality with far better solutions and minimal faults (recommended).
EVC pricing “electricity is great, but Daimler sucks”:
453EQ , Twingo and Zoe with R240 is designed to be unsuitable and fails every 50k km (sometimes even 10k), we cant change design but we can your money from being spent on unsustainable solutions. More problematic is that they dont use repairable OBC but non-commercial FS200T12A1T4 Infineon HybridPACK1 IGBT to handle 22kw of power, IGBT designed to drive electric motor is used for different purpose. You cant but IGBT, you cant buy BCB OBC Module but you need to change whole powertrain box. Sometimes just to test if repair is successfull you need to take out everything and assemble it back just to test if repair is successful. And that costs 8 labor hours. Our mission is to make it sustainable even if OEM didnt make it that way, not easy and sometimes time-consuming.
Ovo je najgori EV ikad prizveden.
Ako nikad u životu niste bili jamac za kredit bivšem prijatelju, ako vam nikad nije ispao sapun u zatvorskom tušu, ako nikad niste posudili lovu od kamatara, ako nikad niste imali škart citroen/vag/bmw Hybrida a želite sve to iskusiti, kupite si ovu prekrasnu kanturinu i sve to isprobate odjednom iznenada. Svabska kvaliteta kao sto rekosmo, nije pala neki % već kompletno umrla a ovdje je dostiglo čak i nirvanu. Znači ovdje da doslovno napušete zrak u kotače morate kompletan motor izvaditi, jer je ventil u statoru motora i prije toga prepoloviti auto popola, DOSLOVNO!. Svaki kvar na ovom škartu košta ne 1000€, pazi, ne ni 2000€, čak ni 3000€ nego astronomskih 5500€. Svaki kvar i oni mjenjaju kompletan powertrain modul od 5500€, znaci kao da vam se pokvare brisači, odeš u Končar da ti zavare kompletan novi prednji kraj auta, jer eto to je izgleda lakše. Priča ne staje tu, hehhehe, imaš 4 različita kvara zbog kojeg mjenjaš jedan komad auta. Od 4 kvara 2 su programirana. Ali ček nismo još gotovi, postoji još i defekt baterije, ne jedan već 6 razlicitih serijskih kvarova i 3 su programirana kvara (brojac kontaktora, impact detect, cell imbalance OTP error) nakon kojih moras potpuno zdravu bateriju mjenjati i platiti 15000€. Svo to drumsko razbojništvo je bilo moguće dok auto nije doslo u šake EV Clinic i u 12 mjeseci multitasking istrazivanja 3 razlicite flote i nekoliko razlicitih vozila uspjeli smo riješiti kvarova više nego sto ima dijelova na ovom autu i zato je vrijeme da napisemo nesto. Čak osigurače fazi su integrirali u kabel visokog napona, cilindricne 40A da moras cijeli kabel mjenjati. Serijska greska internog instrumenta u BMS za mjerenja proboja izolacije, moras cijelu bateriju mjenjati ne mozes samo BMS mjenjati. Jedina prednost ovog vozila je cijena limarijskih dijelova, zaista je jeftina.
Idemo redom nabrojati serijske greske:
DCDC defekt hw: 5500€
DCDC programirani kvar 5500€
Inverter : 5500€
Charger: 5500€
Lezaj motora : 5500€
Osigurac u type2 kabelu porta : 800€
Baterija nakon udesa – programirani kvar 15000€
Baterija “unable to charge” internal bug nikad rijesen od proizvodjača – 25 mil €
BMS ISO error -15000€
BMS programirani kvar P18051C – 15000€
Prednji far Daylight LED dcdc – 350€
Svi sapunjavi problemi su vec od 30000km.
E sad da ne bude sve crno, auto je za grada san svih snova, parkirati voziti i sve ostalo je toliko nezamjenjivo da smo se i mi pripremili da nam kamatar baci sapun pod noge. Ovo auto se isplati samo nama posjedovati i odžavati i nekome tko mi je kum brat ljubavnica kolega, dok svi ostali ste nadrljali. Ovo je EVC buduće zamjensko vozilo za klijente i mi vam ga ne preporučujemo da ga kupite, ako i kupujete mora biti jeftiniji da amortizirate mogucu EVC giljotinu. Ako išta na svijetu mrzimo a to je škart vozilo, to nikad necemo podrzati nebitno koji je tip pogona. Dok prva generacija elektrickog smart 451 ED je SpaceX kvaliteta i daleko bolja rijesenja i sa minimalnim brojem kvarova (preporuka)
EVC cijene “struja je super ali daimler nevalja”:
DCDC: 1500€
Inverter: 2000€
Motor: 2500€
Baterija bms: 800€
Baterije cell repair: 400-1800€
EVC cijene “struja nevalja”:
Sve to gore 3x
P062721 “The signal amplitude is less than minimum”
Repair DCDC 453 EQ
Onboard-dc-dc-module Repair
Finalna presuda je TOP1 Avoid list i mi ga odmilja zovemo ČMART