We offer: Battery repair, BMS Repair, Cells, Repair training. CONTACT US
Electric Smart 451 ED 2014 from Koper, after 2 days of measurement and we repair it in one day, the malfunction of reduced range and shutdown at only 20%.
Range increased from 40km to almost 100km range. Out of 93 pouch cells, on the first measurement 3 showed reduced capacity where the entire battery pack suffered, because the battery is as strong as the weakest cell in the series. The total capacity was only 9.5-10.2kWh out of a maximum of 18.7kWh. 4 precisely located cells were replaced, where the electrolyte crystallized around the edge and reduced the total capacity. However, this still does not mean, according to the interpretation of “fossilizers”, that the old ones are defective and that we have to throw them away, given that they still have 50% of their nominal capacity, we will give them a new role, we will use them to restore “12V Boosters” for starting diesel and gasoline engines when their 12V battery runs out. Very often Boosters with lead batteries do not even last a few months. So if you find all those Lithium batteries that are poisoning nature from media headlines or you see someone throwing them away, please bring them to us… we pay.
The repair of this 8-year-old Smart with 32,000 km cost €1,300 including VAT. The cost is lower because it arrived on time in driving condition, the BMS was not locked. Savings of €9,000.
Električni Smart 451 ED 2014 iz Kopra, nakon 2 dana mjerenja i popravke u jednom danu, otklonjen kvar smanjenog dometa i gašenja na samo 20%.
Domet dignut sa 40km na skoro 100km dometa. Od 93 pouch ćelije, na prvom mjerenju 3 su pokazale smanjeni kapacitet gdje je cijeli battery pack trpio, jer baterija je jaka kolko je jaka najslabija ćelija u seriji. Ukupan kapacitet je bio samo 9.5-10.2kWh od max 18.7kWh. Zamjenjene su točno locirane 4 ćelije kojima je po rubu kristalizirao elektrolit i smanjio ukupni kapacitet. Medjutim to i dalje ne znači po tumačenju “fosiledžija” da su stare neispravne i da ih moramo baciti, s obzirom da i dalje imaju 50% nazivnog kapaciteta budemo im dali novu ulogu, od njih radimo restauraciju “12V Boostera” za paljenje dizelaša i benzinaca kad im se 12V akumulator isprazni. Vrlo često Boosteri sa olovnim baterijama ne izdrže ni par mjeseci. Tako da ako nadjete sve te Litij baterije koje truju prirodu iz medijskih natpisa ili vidite da ih neko baca, molimo da nam ih donesete.. plaćamo.
Reparacija ovog Smarta starog 8 godina i sa 32000km koštala je 1300€ sa PDV. Trošak je manji jer je na vrijeme došao u voznom stanju, BMS nije bio zaključan. Ušteda 9000€.
- P18051C – The cell voltaes of the hybrid/high-voltage battery module are too high. The voltage value is outside the permissible range.
- P0DE71C
- P0DE763
- P0DE697
- P0DE663
- P0DE61C
- P0B3B62
- P0DE616
- P1D2771
- P1D2777
- P1D2785
- P1D2877
- P1D2885
- P056216
- P0B4487
- P0AA100
- P0AA400
- P18051C
Part number: 0442001001 A7899010100
A7893407201 A7899028300 A7893403400 A7895840238