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Renault Twizy – BMS Defect

Electric mopeds, there is no more logical and sustainable way of transportation. Small battery, low weight, minimal consumption, simple system, cheap to charge and cheap to move. The Renault Twizy, a veteran and one of the favorite “buzz boilers”. Suddenly stopped, the cause unknown, diagnosis for a couple of days and in the end, we conclude that the Battery shows no signs of life. The dealers would get excited if the cells had died, however, it’s not the case; it’s the BMS controller with the MPC5516 RTOS processor Dumro. Attempts to read it were unsuccessful. And now the unsustainable part of the story where manufacturers reinvent the wheel, so they put a processor in the BMS that is not commercially available, it’s made to order and you can order it, but a minimum of 500 pieces which is an investment of €30,000 for us. So, it’s not worth it. Therefore, we were forced to order a new BMS, which believe it or not is sold separately but it’s €1,000 + VAT. Whereas, for example, Tesla’s BMS is €200 + VAT. Unrealistically expensive for the Twizy. The buzz boiler saved and restored without changing the entire battery (horror story). Also, if possible, could you call the owner from Zagreb and have them pick up the vehicle because we don’t have their phone number or know who left the vehicle.

Errors: DF512, DF313, DF314, DF192, DF193, DF496 Part numbers: 293A06820R, 293A00066R, 293A08221R, 293A07396R OEM: €4000 + tax EVC: €1000 + tax


Moped na struju, ne postoji logicniji i održiviji način kretanja. Mala baterija, mala masa, mala potrosnja, jednostavan sustav, punis jeftino i krećeš se jeftino. Renault Twizy veteran i jedan od omiljenih “fen bojler” zujalica. Stao iznenada, uzrok nepoznat, dijagnostika par dana i na kraju zaključimo da Baterija ne šalje nikakve znakove života. Dezalaši bi se napalili da su celije crkle, medjutim nije do toga već je BMS kontroler sa MPC5516 RTOS procesorom Dumro. Pokušaji izčitacanja neuspješni. A sad neodrzivi dio price gdje proizvodjači izmisljaju toplu vodu pa u BMS stave procesor koji nije komercijalno dostupan, tj radi se po narudzbi i kogu ga naruciti ali minimalno 500 komada sto je ulog od 30000€ za nas. Znaci ne isplati se. Pa smo bili prisiljeni naruciti novi BMS koji se vjerovali ili ne prodaje posebno ali je 1000€+pdv. Dok recimo Teslin BMS je 200€+pdv. Nerealno skup za Twizy. Zujalica spašena i osposobljena bez izmjene cijele baterije (horor prica).
Takodjer ako moguce da na vlasnik iz Zagreba nazove i da pokupi vozilo, jer nemamo ni broj telefona niti znamo tko je ostavio vozilo.

Errors: DF512, DF313, DF314, DF192, DF193, DF496
Part numbers: 293A06820R, 293A00066R, 293A08221R, 293A07396R
OEM: 4000+tax
EVC: 1000+tax

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R240 Powertrain – Renault worst EV project!

Renault Zoe, Twingo, and Smart 453 share Renault-designed propulsion systems that have proven efficient but unreliable. The motor is air-cooled by intake air behind the vehicle, and the bearings suffer from probable overheating. Service for these electric motors is required approximately every 100,000 km; this is the seventh one coming to us due to grinding and buzzing for preventive servicing. The oil in the differential needs to be changed every 100,000 km. The designation of this propulsion system is R240 and it was introduced in 2017.

A new motor at an authorized service center costs €4,500.

EVC Restoration: €900 + VAT


Renault Zoe, Twingo i Smart 453 dijele Renault dizajniranj pogonski sustav koji se pokazao efikasnim ali nepouzdanim. Motor se hladi zrakom kojeg usisava iza vozila i stradaju lezajevi koji se vjerovatno pregriju. Servis ovih elektromotora je potreban svakih 100,000km u prosjeku, ovo je sedmi koji nam dolazi zbog drobljenja i zujanja na preventivni servis. Ulje u diferencijalu je potrebno svakih 100,000km. Oznaka ovog pogonskog sustava je R240 i predstavljen je 2017godine.

Nov motor u ovlastenom servisu je 4500€

EVC Restauracija : 900€+PDV

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Dont ignore signs of failure on Tesla Large Drive Unit !

EVC is vertically integrated startup, from research & development for repair solutions, electronic and mechanic defects, giving customers unique experience “All in one” service solution. We have exponential growth demand across all of europe, we have customers coming even from Greece for preventive repairs and we give advantage to non-driving EV’s. Soon we will expand more, we are trying to find best model to open first fully owned EVC in Austria or even sustainable franchise model. We are overbooked 1 month in advance, so we nicely ask for patience. This customer waited 1 month with defect Large Drive Unit commonly known for premature failure on coolant seal. But surprisingly this LDU is not RMN (Reman), it was originally built P-TECH MECH and car made 250t km with original motor. It didnt leak coolant, but rotor jackshaft ballbearing metal jacket failed and damaged 2 gears inside. Oil was very dirty and contaminated. This confirms our theory from first LDU repair video from our youtube channel, that you should change Oil in gearbox at 200t km (Dexron VI). With oil change this ballbearing probably wouldnt fail. Second observation is that ballbearing had lot of arc dents from rotor discharge, that means this motor probably had buzzing noise comming from it during acceleration or normal driving. Rotor discharge is big automotive problem, it kills non-ceramic ballbearing, and this one suffer first. So listen your LDU, if it needs care, dont wait.

(model 3, Y not affected. Model S dual drive with letter D not affected)

And second important topic we will write about is Coolant delete for LDU which was released by Tesla and one USA company. I am afraid that might be downgrade, because Model S uses LDU for ehat scavenging in winter to heat up battery, that means you might lose some range, second most concerning issue is rotor ballbearing cooling, because squirrel cage rotor is producing heat similar tor stator, and it is overheating rotor ceramic ballbearing. Without cooling it might fail prematurely because we have seen on cars without cooling issue on rotor. Rotor spins over 10000rpm (tesla 18000) and in those cases rotor kills ballbearings below 100k km. Our rotor coating , coolant drain and teflon seal is roadtested and we can cofirm it is bulletproof solution for 200000km and still driving. No need for coolant delete downgrade.

In case when you destroy gears, that will cost more.

Part number: 1056681-00-P

Flatrate Reman price 2800€+tax

+Gears 800€


Example of other prices:

Phase board burnt: 800€

Stator tuning 3000€

PCB Inverter controler: 600€


EVC je vertikalno integrirani start-up, od istraživanja i razvoja za rješenja popravka, elektroničke i mehaničke greške, pružajući kupcima jedinstveno iskustvo “Sve u jednom” servisnom rješenju. Imamo eksponencijalni rast potražnje širom Europe, imamo kupce koji dolaze čak iz Grčke radi preventivnih popravaka i dajemo prednost nevoženim električnim vozilima. Uskoro ćemo se proširiti više, pokušavamo pronaći najbolji model za otvaranje prvog potpuno vlasničkog EVC-a u Austriji ili čak održivog franšiznog modela. Imamo predbukiranost od 1 mjeseca unaprijed, pa ljubazno molimo za strpljenje. Ovaj kupac je čekao 1 mjesec s defektom Velikog pogonskog modula koji je općenito poznat po prijevremenom otkazu brtve rashladnog sredstva. Ali iznenađujuće, ovaj LDU nije RMN (obnovljen), već je izvorno izgrađen od strane P-TECH MECH-a i automobil je napravio 250 tisuća km s originalnim motorom. Nije curio rashladno sredstvo, ali metalna ovojnica kugličnog ležaja glavnog vratila rotora propala je i oštetila 2 zupčanika unutra. Ulje je bilo jako prljavo i kontaminirano. Ovo potvrđuje našu teoriju iz prvog videa popravka LDU-a s našeg YouTube kanala, da biste trebali promijeniti ulje u mjenjaču na 200 tisuća km (Dexron VI). S promjenom ulja ovaj kuglični ležaj vjerojatno ne bi propao. Druga zapažanja su da je kuglični ležaj imao puno lukova od pražnjenja rotora, što znači da je ovaj motor vjerojatno imao zujanje tijekom ubrzanja ili normalne vožnje. Pražnjenje rotora je veliki problem u automobilskoj industriji, uništava kuglične ležajeve bez keramike, a ovaj je prvi pretrpio. Stoga slušajte svoj LDU, ako mu je potrebna njega, ne čekajte.

(model 3, Y nije pogođen. Model S dual drive s oznakom D nije pogođen)

I druga važna tema o kojoj ćemo pisati je brisanje rashladnog sredstva za LDU koje je Tesla i jedna američka tvrtka objavila. Bojim se da bi to mogao biti korak unatrag, jer Model S koristi LDU za skupljanje topline zimi kako bi zagrijao bateriju, što znači da biste mogli izgubiti neki doseg, drugo najvažnije pitanje je hlađenje kugličnog ležaja rotora, jer rotorski kavez proizvodi toplinu sličnu statoru, i pregrijavanje rotorskog keramičkog kugličnog ležaja. Bez hlađenja može prijevremeno propasti jer smo na automobilima bez problema s hlađenjem na rotoru vidjeli problem s rotacijskim kugličnim ležajem. Naše premazivanje rotora, odvod rashladnog sredstva i teflonski brtveni prsten testirani su na cesti i možemo potvrditi da je to neprobojno rješenje za 200.000 km i još uvijek vozi. Nema potrebe za smanjenjem brisanja rashladnog sredstva.

U slučaju uništenja zupčanika, to će koštati više.

Fiksna cijena za obnovu 2800 € + porez

+Zupčanici 800 €


Primjer drugih cijena:

Oštećena faza ploče: 800 €

Podešavanje statora 3000 €

PCB inverter kontroler: 600 €

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YOYO XEV Battery deep discharge

Finally, YOYO XEV has arrived. Battery defect due to deep discharge and cell imbalance. Very simple design with LiFePo4 cells and a 12S configuration, totaling 3 such modules. The modules are compact without contactors. Each weighs 24 kilograms with a total capacity of 10.5 kWh, meaning more than all Toyota hybrids (except the new Prius). Owners should pay attention if the vehicle remains unattended for more than 2 months without any connected USB consumers or other consumers within the vehicle (lights), as this constantly drains the battery. The battery seems easily repairable, with terminals welded by lasers, which means we with a laser can also replace individual cells. Batteries can be repaired within 3-4 working hours for a total of €100.

New OEM battery price: unknown (contact us if you know)

Part number: 2101200-Y01, GSP42173166F

Hefei Yoyao Technology Co., LTD

Stigao napokon i YOYO XEV. Defekt baterije zbog deep discharge i cell imbalance. Vrlo jednostavan dizajn sa LiFePo4 ćelijama i 12S konfiguraciji i ukupno 3 takva modula. Moduli su kompaktni bez kontaktora. Svaki tezak 24 kilograma i ukupnog kapaciteta od 10.5kWh, znaci vise nego svi Toyotini hybridi (osim novog priusa).

Vlasnici trebaju obratiti paznju ukoliko vozilo ostaje bez nadzora duze od 2 mjeseca da nema prikljucenih USB potrosaca ili nekih drugih potrosaca u sklopu vozila (rasvjeta) jer to konstantno prazni bateriju. Baterija izgleda lako popravljiva, terminali su vareni laserom, sto znaci mi sa laserom mozemo zamjenuti i individualne celije. Baterije osposobljene u roku 3-4 radna sata i ukupno 100€.

Cijena nove baterije: nepoznato

Kataloski: 2101200-Y01, GSP42173166F

Hefei Yoyao Technology Co., LTD

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Who founded us? Factory defect ICE cars ofcourse! 7GTronic Cloning.

Regres + Christmas bonus: Mercedes 7G Tronic 772.9, one of our toughest and most expensive projects completed in 2013 for the Chinese. One of the regular guests “never anything.” Reset and cloning on the table through offline scn with the Vediamo Developer tool that leaked publicly from the department in Singelfinden somewhere in 2015. Flashing directly with CFF flash file from the Mercedes update database, rev 0009020247 which is suitable for that VIN. There are about 2000 versions just for that one gearbox, and about 2000 configurations for each firmware. To pair a used 7G module to the vehicle, first, it must be reset via the connector with the service key 39CF819CCBED3A23 (unique, not visible), which is calculated from the service base key 529271EC7E3EA8A9 (visible on CANbUS) with RipeMD64 encryption at n-100 (100 rotations of encryption backwards is the reset key). Brute force on an RTX graphics card with cudadll for only one rotation takes about a month. And you’re brute-forcing technology from 1995 when it was patented for the first w210. A used 7G to prepare for a new vehicle besides reset requires an old sample, old data that must be transferred to the new one (SCN EHS, etc.), then assembly and key learning, because they implemented key storage in the gearbox against theft. After that, adaptation of upshift and downshift speeds. Also, many get messed up and buy another used module without checking which one is original, if it’s not cataloged the same then module programming is not possible (technically it is, but it’s a more expensive pastry than from the bakery). If the old module is VGS-NAG2 you must get another VGS-NAG, if it’s VGS2-NAG2 then you look for another VGS2. Most Mercedes sponsor drivers, meaning most buy the wrong one off the top of their heads, then they buy the one they need. So that’s another unspoken cost at the bar “never anything” that is not accounted for… buying the wrong parts. VGS4 last generation is not possible to reset or clone, which are under FBS4 encryption (RipeMD128 + random seed key) and which are found on all MB vehicles from 2014 onwards, this means to crack the reset of used electronics with a service key you need a GPU farm and 100 years. Currently, these vehicles have no solution for the brakes, nor for the gearboxes, computer of the engine to reset them with a service key, this means that all Mercedes owners will be sentenced to buy new parts because Mercedes has protected the used ones. The 9G tronic gearbox with Renesas and FBS4 has no idea for breaking protection. New 9G electronics are no longer sold separately through legal channels, only the whole gearbox for €10,000. So, fellow mechatronics engineers, if you’re waiting for some miraculous tool to come out so you can solve and reset all MB FBS4 components, you’re mistaken, that tool may never come out.

Clone & Reset price list:
“Absolutely nothing ever failed” – €600
“It never left me stranded” – €800
“Just fill and drive” – €1000
“When will it be finished?” – €1200
“Can I come pick it up on Sunday” – €1400
“Car is taking my wallet with a shovel” – €200

OEM 2000€

Part number:
A 0335456632
A 0335456732
A 0335457232
A 0335457332
A 0034460310


Regres + Božićnica : Mercedes 7G Tronic 772.9 jedan od naših najtežih i najskupljih projekata završenih 2013 godine za kineze. Jedan od redovnih gostiju “nikad ništa”. Reset i kloniranje na stolu kroz offline scn sa Vediamo Developer alatom koji im je javno procurio iz odjela u Singelfinden negdje 2015 godine. Fleshanje direktno sa CFF flesh file iz Mercedes update baze, rev 0009020247 koji je adekvatan za taj VIN. Postoji oko 2000 verzija samo za taj jedan mjenjač, i oko 2000 konfiguracija za svaki firmware. Da bi uparili vozilu rabljen 7G modul, prvo se mora resetirati preko konektora sa servisnim kljucem 39CF819CCBED3A23 (unikatan, nije vidljiv), koji se kalkulira iz servisnog baznog kljuca 529271EC7E3EA8A9 (vidljiv na CANbUS) sa RipeMD64 enkripcijom na n-100 (100 rotacija enkricpije unazad je kljuc za reset). Brute force na grafičkoj RTX kartici sa cudadll samo jedne rotacije traje oko mjesec dana. A brutforsaš tehnologiju iz 1995 kad je patentirana za prvi w210. Rabljen 7G da bi pripremio za novo vozilo osim reseta potreban je stari uzorak, stari podaci koji se moraju prenijeti u novi (SCN EHS itd) nakon toga motaža i učenje ključeva, jer su u mjenjač implementirali i spremanje kljuceva protiv kradje. Nakon toga adaptacija upshift i downshift brzina. Takodjer mnogi se zeznu pa kupe drugi rabljen modul a nisu provjerili koji je original, ako kataloski nije isti onda prijava modula nije moguca (tehnicki je, ali skuplji burek od pekare). Ako je stari modul VGS-NAG2 takav isti moras i drugi VGS-NAG, ako je VGS2-NAG2 onda drugi trazis VGS2. Vecina mercedes sponzor fahrera, znaci vecina kupi pogresan na pamet, pa onda kupuju koji treba. Tak da to je jos jedan od prešućenih troskova za šankom u birtiji “ nikad nista” koji se ne racunaju… kupnja pogresnih dijelova. VGS4 zadnje generacije nije moguce ni resetirati ni klonirati koji su pod FBS4 enkricijom (RipeMD128 + random seed key) i koji se nalaze na svim MB voziloma od 2014 pa dalje, to znači da bi provalio reset rabljene elektronike servisnim kljucem potrebna je farma GPU i 100 godina. Trenutno ta vozila nemaju rijesenje ni za Brave, ni za mjenjace, komp motora da ih resetiras servisnim kljucem, to znaci da ce svi vlasnici Mercedesa biti osudjeni na kupnju novih dijelova, jer rabljene je mercedes zastitio. 9G tronic mjenjac sa Renesas i FBS4 ne postoji ni misaona ideja za provalito zaštitu. Novu 9G elektroniku ne prodaju vise posebno legalnim kanalima, samo cijeli mjenjač 10000€. Tako da kolege mehatronicari ako čekate neki čudesni alat koji ce izaci pa da mozete rijesiti i resetirati sve MB komponente FBS4 se varate, taj alat mozda nikad nece izaci.

Clone&Reset cijenik:

“Evo nikad nista”- 600€

“Nikad stao nije”- 800€

“Samo toci i vozi” – 1000€

“Kad ce biti gotovo” – 1200€

“Mogu li u nedjelju doci po to” – 1400€

“Uzima me auto lopatom” – 200€

OEM cijena 2000€

Part number:

A 0335456632

A 0335456732

A 0335457232

A 0335457332

A 0034460310

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Is possible to save Kia Soul battery?

🇺🇸Possible, but not without detailed measurement and materials. This Soul, at 100k km, has a State of Health (SOH) of around 50%, which is not accurate; degradation is closer to 70%, or SOH 30%. Many mistakenly believe it’s just one or two cells that are faulty, but after DCIR measurements, it’s clear it’s not just one. In this case, the Soul had 28 groups, totaling 56 cells to replace, out of 95 groups, roughly 30% of the battery replaced with used and better cells. Previously, the range was about 40km, but after the repair, we managed to achieve around 105km in very cold conditions, while in warm conditions, it should be around 150km. Unlike the Nissan Leaf, this battery has active air cooling from the cabin and heating. Additionally, there’s PTC foil on all blocks to heat the battery if it’s below 0 degrees. Where exactly the problem arises, causing overheating to damage the upper cells of all blocks, is not clear to us either. This Soul is one of the most neglected EVs on the market, completely overlooked and forgotten by the media, yet it’s a very good EV, better equipped than all others from that time. Steering wheel heating, ventilated seats, CarPlay, comfortable seats, spacious, and without any faults except battery degradation. The cells are 35Ah SK Innovative, some strange chemistry, with a form factor without substituting replacement cells. But all of that is not important, because besides the Twizy, eGolf, and Smart Valhalla projects, we will design a battery for the Kia Soul with at least a 36kWh capacity.

OEM Kia : 22000€+tax

EVC: 3200€tax

🇭🇷 Reparacija baterije KIA Soul 2015 ? Može, ali ne bez detaljnog mjerenja i materijala. Ovaj Soul na prijedjenih 100k km ima SOH na 50% što od prilike nije tocno, jer je degradacija blize 70% tj SOH 30%. Mnogi se varaju da je samo jedna ili dvije celije neispravne, medjutim nakon DCir mjerenja ćelija očigledno je da nije samo jedna. U ovom slučaju Soul je imao 28 grupa tj. ukupno 56 ćelija za izmjenu, od okupno 95 grupa. Što je od prilike 30% baterije izmjeneno rabljenim i boljim celijama. Domet je prije bio oko 40km a mi smo uspjeli nakon reparacije dobiti oko 105 km dometa u jako hladnim uvjetima, dok bi u toplim uvjetima trebao imati oko 150km. Ova baterija za razliku od Nissan Leaf promašaja, ima aktivno hladjenje zrakom iz kabine, isto tako i grijanje. Osim toga na svim blokovima ima PTC foliju koja grije bateriju ako je uspod 0 stupnjeva. Gdje problem tocno nastane da pregrijavanje osteti gornje celije svih bolokova, nije ni nama jasno. Ovaj Soul je jedan od najzanemarenijih EV na tržištu, totalno zapostavljen i zaboravljen od medija, a u biti je jako dobar EV, bolje opremljen opremom od svih ostalih iz tog vremena. Grijanje volana, ventilirajuca sjedista, carplay, udobna sjedista, pregledan, prostran i bez ikakvih kvarova osim degradacije baterije. Ćelije su 35Ah SK Innovative neke čudne kemije a formfactor bez substitucije zamjenskih celija. Ali to sve nije bitno, jer osim Twizy, eGolf i Smarta Valhala projekta, budemo jednu bateriju dizajnirali i za Kia Soul sa bar 36kWh baterijom.

OEM Kia : 22000€+tax

EVC: 3200€tax

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Can a Tesla battery be repaired for €1000?

🇺🇸 Of course, it can, depending on the severity of the damage. Recently, we mentioned how important it is to inspect and perform a “reseal” on the battery after 6-7 years. Here, the original battery from a 2015 Tesla Model S P85D had water ingress directly into the high-voltage part where the pyrofuse is located. The vehicle shut down immediately and was brought from Austria through our partner channels for vehicle towing service. Tesla offered a complete new battery for around €20,000 (cheaper than a new CRT Audi 3.0 TDI diesel engine), even though the procedure could have been simple for them if they had removed and inspected it; they probably would have offered a Reseal, as we did. We won’t even use the word “repair” here because that procedure wasn’t even performed. We replaced the fuse cover, installed a new pyrofuse, new valves, and performed a full EVC reseal (business secret), so this battery, with 250k km on it, is ready for at least another 300k km.

Alert: BMS_F123

Tesla OEM: 20000€

Tesla with commitment: 2000€

EVC: 1450€ + tax

🇭🇷Može li se Tesla baterija reparirati za 1000€? Naravno da može i ovisi o težini kvara. Nedavno smo spominjali kaoliko je važno nakon 6-7 godina pregledati, ispitati i napraviti “reseal” baterije. Ovdje je originalna baterija iz 2015 sa Tesla Model S P85D imala prodor vode direktno u visokonaponski dio gdje se nalazi pyrofuse. Vozilo je se ugasilo odmah i doveženo je iz Austrije putem naših partner kanala za dovoz vozila. Tesla je u ponudi tražila kompletno novu bateriju nekih 20000€ (jeftinije od novog CRT Audi 3.0 TDI dizel motora) iako je zahvat i njima mogao biti jednostavan da su je skinuli i pregledali, vjerovatno bi ponudili Reseal kao i mi. Ovdje “reparacija” riječ necemo ni koristiti, jer taj zahvat nije ni napravljen. Ovdje smo izmjenili poklopac osiguraca, stavljen je novi pyrofuse, novi ventili i napravljen je puni EVC reseal (poslovna tajna) tako da je ova baterija da sa predjenih 250k km spremna za sledećih bar 300k km.

Tesla OEM: 20000€

Tesla with commitment: 2000€

EVC: 1450€ + tax

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Smart 453EQ fire hazard – Recall needed

🇭🇷🇺🇸Smart 453EQ sa zapaljenim inverterom. Zasto EU ne štiti EU vozače od tvorničkih grešaka? Ne samo na strujićima već i na fosilcima/hybridima. Ona vozila koja su sa razlogom u opozivu jer je tvornička greška, ista je opasnost u Americi, Norveškoj, Kini i u opozivu je, besplatno mjenjaju dio o svom trošku. Kao nissan leaf sa škart opasnom baterijom zbog napuhavanja ćelija i kratkog spoja, kao što je Kia Soul u opozivu za bateriju i opasnost od napuhavanja ćelija pa mjenjaju besplatno, kao Stellantis OBC i baterije… i 50 drugih primjera, vozila su opozivu i mjenja se tvornicka greska svagdje osim u EU. Unutar EU vlasnici placaju tudje greške. Smart 453EQ ima osim programiranih kvarova i ne evidentiranu tvornicku gresku DCDC invertera koji je se u 5 evidentiranih slučajeva zapalio samo u Zagrebu, za dva vozila iz njemačke znamo da su i vozila nagorila kompletno. DCDC se nalazi u modulu motora (powertrain jedinica), osim glupog i nefunkcionalnog dizajna gdje za svaki kvar skidas kompletan zadnji kraj takodjer je i preskup, totalno neodrživ. DCDC je ovom vozilu “alternator” za punjenje malog akumulatora, sto se tocno desi niie jasno ali osim programirane greske kad se izbriše, poremeti, nije moguce ni fleshanjem online SCN osposobiti. Samo reparacija na stolu pomaže. Ustanovili smo da i loš akumulator ga ošteti. Takodjer ga ošteti ako antifriz nije pravilno ozračen, jer on se nalazi u samom vrhu sustava a hladi se sa antifrizom. A najzanimljivije je to što vecina vlasnika u garanciji ni nezna da im se zapalio DCDC, a sam razvoj horora ide ovako: ujutro se probudite smart ne vozi, odvezes u servis, javljaju da je velika baterija neispravna… ok garancija, čekaš, oni montiraju i zovu da je JOS NEŠTO NEISPRAVNO(to je znak). U nekim slučajevima ako je nagoreni dcdc zalijepio kontaktore i skurio bateriju/osigurac moguce da je DCDC i dalje u kratkom spoju od 0 ohm. Decki ugrade novu bateriju pa spale i nju. Nekad znaju dva puta mjenjati bateriju, dok ne skuže da je šlus i na autu. Onda zamjene powertrain jedinicu i bateriju pa Smart proradi. Ovlasteni servisi vracaju stare dijelove tvornici i niti ne znaju da je požar bio u modulu, koji srećom nije eskalirao dalje. Proizvodjač zna za problem ali od 2017 godine nitko nije napravio opoziv. Isti se problem desava na Twingu, Zoe i elektricnom Smartu 453EQ. Vrlo opasan problem za koji bi netko od proizvodjača trebao u zatvor. Problem je jako kompleksan jer dovodi u problem sve, i radi ogromnu stetu svima. Prvo mi ugradjujemo nove original komponente u DCDC kad je neispravan, medjutim on je i dalje tvornicka greška dizajnom, jer je i nov tvornička greška. Odgovornost prenose na nas da se čak razmišljamo kompletno obustaviti radove na ovom tipu vozila kao i za Nissan Leaf bateriie. Ovo je wakeup call vlasnicima da ipak kontaktiraju zastitu potrosaca i prijave problem jer na ovim temama i istazivanjima ne radi niko. Možda čak i NHTSA prijaviti. I vrlo bitno za napomenuti je da tehnicari ovlastenog servisa imaju vezane ruke, ne smiju otvarati powertrain za provjeru, odgovornost je najmanje na njima, samo na proizvodjuču. Ovo vozilo je za totalni opoziv DCDC invertera.

Part number: 292A05698R, A4533404500

Supplier: Delta

Engineering: Renault

🇺🇸 Smart 453EQ with a burning inverter. Why doesn’t the EU protect EU drivers from factory defects? Not only in electric vehicles but also in fossil fuel/hybrids. Vehicles that are rightfully recalled due to factory defects pose the same danger in America, Norway, China, and they are recalled and parts are replaced for free. Like the Nissan Leaf with a dangerous defective battery due to cell swelling and short circuit, or the Kia Soul recalled for battery danger and cell swelling, they are replaced for free, as well as Stellantis OBC and batteries… and 50 other examples, vehicles are recalled and factory defects are fixed everywhere except in the EU. Within the EU, owners pay for others’ mistakes. Besides programmed faults, the Smart 453EQ also has an undocumented factory defect of the DCDC inverter, which has caught fire in 5 documented cases only in Zagreb, with two vehicles from Germany completely burned. The DCDC is located in the engine module (powertrain unit), besides being stupidly and non-functionally designed where you have to remove the entire rear end for each fault, it is also excessively expensive, totally unsustainable. The DCDC is the “alternator” for charging the small battery in this vehicle, exactly what happens is not clear, but besides the programmed fault when it is cleared, it malfunctions, it is also not possible to enable it by flashing online SCN. Only repair on the table helps. We found that a bad battery also damages it. It also damages it if the antifreeze is not properly ventilated because it is located at the very top of the system and is cooled with antifreeze. And the most interesting thing is that most owners don’t even know that their DCDC caught fire during the warranty period, and the horror unfolds like this: you wake up in the morning, the Smart doesn’t drive, you take it to the service, they say the big battery is faulty… okay, warranty, you wait, they install it and call to say that SOMETHING ELSE IS STILL FAULTY (that’s a sign). In some cases, if the burnt DCDC has soldered the contacts and burned the battery/fuse, it is possible that the DCDC is still short-circuited at 0 ohms. The guys install a new battery and then burn it too. Sometimes they change the battery twice before realizing that there is a problem with the car. Then they replace the powertrain unit and the battery, and the Smart starts working. Authorized services return old parts to the factory and don’t even know that there was a fire in the module, which fortunately did not escalate further. The manufacturer is aware of the problem, but since 2017, no recall has been made. The same problem occurs in the Twingo, Zoe, and electric Smart 453EQ. A very dangerous problem for which someone from the manufacturers should go to jail. The problem is very complex because it affects everyone and causes huge damage to everyone. First, we install new original components in the DCDC when it is faulty, however, it is still a factory defect by design because even the new one is a factory defect. Responsibility is shifted to us to the point where we are considering completely suspending work on this type of vehicle as well as for Nissan Leaf batteries. This is a wakeup call for owners to contact consumer protection and report the problem because no one is working on these issues and investigations. Maybe even report to the NHTSA. This R240 is for total recall of DCDC inverter.

Part number: 292A05698R

Supplier: Delta

Engineering: Renault

Example when DCDC inverter destroys electric Smart 453EQ but battery survives:

Example when DCDC catch fire and destroys Renault Zoe in Croatia Varazdin:


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24000€ ICE Engine is more Expensive than Battery

These are OEM NEW Audi EPC catalog prices : Motor 24000 EUR – Transmission 13000 – Camshaft 3600 – NOx 1200 – DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) 5000 – Turbine 4000 – EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) 1500 – CR Pump (Common Rail Pump) 2800 – Injectors 7200 – Crankshaft 4000 – Mildhybrid 48V Battery 2800 – Alternator 2200 = Consumable parts over 100,000 km amount to 71300 EUR. AT THE END OF POST YOU HAVE EPC CATALOG PRICE SCREENSHOTS

For years, we have warned that “cheaper” fossil fuel vehicles (FFVs) are generally more expensive than electric vehicles (EVs), often costing at least twice as much over time. With 14 years of experience and insights from various sources, including tuners and technicians from authorized Porsche Interauto service centers, we’ve seen that new FFVs are often poorly made. They are constructed from low-quality and weakened materials, incorporate overly complicated solutions, are prone to programmed failures, and have excessively expensive parts. For instance, the 3.0 TDI engines installed since around 2014 have been problematic, yet this issue has largely gone unaddressed for nearly a decade.

The public only became aware of these problems when they experienced them firsthand. Despite the widespread issues, fossil fuel vehicles rarely face recalls or part revisions for even the most serious faults. In contrast, every detail of EVs is scrutinized and criticized. Mainstram media often provide shallow opinions and fail to hold FFVs to the same standard of reporting and journalism. They rarely question the cost of parts in gasoline or diesel vehicles, which are often more expensive than the entire EV they criticize.

These media outlets praise fossil fuel vehicles because they are paid to do so. If they criticize them, they risk losing exclusive access to new models for test drives. This biased reporting contributes to the declining quality of FFVs, making journalists who sell such propaganda complicit in the degradation of automotive standards. In multiple notable examples mainstream anti-EV media propagate misleading information.

As a result, consumers have a hard time finding reliable information about both EVs and FFVs. The automotive industry suffers from this lack of accountability, and the true cost of owning an FFV remains hidden, while the benefits of EVs are unfairly criticized.

After years of enduring journalistic bias and discrimination of EV in the automotive industry, it’s clear there is a significant lack of independent, unbiased information from ordinary users and crucially, experienced mechanics. Mechanics, the essential link in providing reliable information to vehicle owners, have been sidelined and demonized as “scammers” by journalists and self-proclaimed “car enthusiasts.”

The media landscape is dominated by biased reporting that fails to criticize low-quality, expensive engines and programmed failures. Only a few voices, like colleague Bagrameli, consistently highlight these issues from a fossil fuel perspective. Mechanics with their extensive experience should be respected and proud of their contributions to the automotive industry.

Audi has particularly struggled with their diesel models since 2012. Issues range from high-pressure pumps that deteriorate and cost €10,000 to repair on the 2.0 TDI, to catastrophic failures in the 3.0 TDI engines. These engines, identified by codes CRT, CUA, CZV, and DEWA, have fundamental design flaws. For example, a spring in the camshaft meant to tension the gear disintegrates as early as 50,000 km. Additionally, after an oil change, an air pocket can remain on the pressure valve or oil pressure regulation sensor, potentially destroying the entire engine block. Every component, from the crankshaft and camshaft to the oil system, 48V generator, and 48V Li-Ion battery, is prohibitively expensive and prone to failure.

Most of these vehicles face severe, costly problems by 50,000 km, where a vehicle with 200 kW can only be driven gently to ensure it lasts to 100,000 km. The state of the German auto industry raises serious concerns, and the lack of critical voices to address these issues is troubling.

As a result, many people will inevitably switch to EVs, not due to coercion, but because they have no alternative. These fossil fuel powertrains often fail before 100,000 km, with repair costs around €28,000. The need for reliable, critical reporting and recognition of the valuable insights from experienced mechanics has never been more urgent.

These vehicles are so risky that even simple oil change services, where the poorly designed engine can blow out the engine block, will result in blaming the mechanic, as it usually happens. Owners have started to harass mechanics with invented expensive problems, “it wasn’t like this when I came,” so there are fewer and fewer mechanics and services willing to work on these vehicles. It’s less of a hassle to replace the battery on an EV than to do a small service on an Audi diesel CRT engine.

Therefore, it is certain that fossil fuel vehicles have dug their own grave with poor quality. Those who drive them and charge once for subpar parts will realize that even the battery on a Tesla, costing 20,000 euros, is cheaper than diesel trash. We have been working on and servicing them for years, and we switched to EV primarily because of wasting money on oil, and the last straw was the poor quality of the engine and increasingly expensive maintenance parts. So, dear audience, the EV battery is 4 times cheaper than a fossil fuel engine.

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Dizel motor od 24000 € = Anal Intruder

Motor 24000eur – Mjenjač 13000 – Bregaste 3600 – NOx 1200 – DPF 5000 – Turbina 4000 – EGR 1500 – CR Pumpa 2800 – Dizne 7200 – Radilica 4000 – Mildhybrid 48V Aku 2800 – Alternator 2200 = Potrošnih dijelova na 100000km je 71300 EURA
Ono sto već godinama upozoravamo nakon 14 godina iskustva, da su “jeftiniji” fosilci od EV u principu skuplji od EV, u najmanju ruku duplo skuplji. Tema za koju smo mi znali, iz više razlicitih izvora upozoravali (ne samo što ih mi radimo već) od Tjunera pa do tehničara ovlaštenih servisa Porsche Interauto, da su novi fosilci smeće. Smeće od nekvalitetnih materijala, oslabljenih materijala, prekompliciranih riješenja, programiranih kvarova pa do abnormalno skupih dijelova. Motori 3.0tdi koji su se počeli ugradjivati ako se ne varam jos od 2014, znači prije 10 godina, kako je moguće da to isto smeće niko nikad nije prozvao, propitkivao ili izvještavao. Kako je moguće da se to poluproizvod smeće prodavalo skoro 10 godina i da šira publik sazna o problemu tek na vlastitoj kože, a odgovor leži doslovno u svakom mogućem članku Revijahak, Autoportal, Jutarnji, Auto Klub, Start Shitnews, Index Auto i ostalim portalima kojima je mišljenje podmazano da bude površno. Kritikuje se samo EV za svaku sitnicu, a smeće od fosilaca i za najopasnije greške ne dobije ni opoziv, a kamo li reviziju dijela. Temama koliko koji dio košta na novom autu je samo propitkivan kad je u pitanju ono sto oni mrze i sto neobjektivno žele dezinformirti publiku, a to je koliko košta EV baterija ali ne znaju koliko košta ijedan pogonski dizel benzin motora tih vozila koja oni hvale a koji je u principu skoplji od CIJELOG FOSILCA (upravo ono sto tvrde za EV), a hvale jer im je plaćeno a ako kritikuju onda nemaj “eksluziv” pristup novim modelima na test voznju. Zato ako se pitate zašto su fosilci sve veće i veće smeće, glavni krivci su automotive destruktori – novinari koji prodaju propagandu za prodaju hvaleći nešto o čemu nemaju pojma ni kako radi. Šebalji, Ilko autofašista sa , novinari indexa , jutarnjeg i ostalog propagandno desktruktivnog kartela su zaslužni za stanje užasne kvalitete u automotive sektoru. Običan vjerni ljubitelj limenih igrački se nema gdje informirati niti o EV niti o Fosilcima.

Screenshot Primjer jednog fakenews portala koji agendom ne kritizirajuci fosilce, neobjektivno bombardira dezinformacijama. Novinari koji poprilično nesposobnim vještinama poznavanja ijedne automotive materije kopiraju clanak dodaju narativ da dobiju par klikova i izmjišljaju nepostojeći debilizam o automobilima, dok istovremeno ne prenosi recimo temu o dizelskim pogonima koji su smeće u cilju da zaštiti kupca ili budućeg vlasnika i da prizvođač ponudi trajno riješenje. Ne prenosi kvarove i cijene dijelova istih.


Tako da nakon svih ovih godina slušanja novinarskog automobilskog fašizma i diskriminacije onih tema kojima se njima ne podmazuju možemo doći do zaključka da jako nedostaje neovisnog i neucjenjenog auditorijuma u režiji običnih korisnika i vrlo ključnih mehaničara koji su zanemarena karika i glas u informiranju vlasnika. Mehaničarima sa iskustvom oduzeto je pravo na glas, oduzeli su novinari i samoprozvani “automobilisti” i još su u tom procesu mehaničare demonizirali u “prevarante”. Skoro da uopće nemamo takav medijski podij sa realnom “pljuvačinom” na smeće, nekvalitetne i skupe pogone, programirane kvarove. Iskazuje se jedino kolega Bagrameli sa tim temama i dugogodišnjim iskostvom koji vjerno prenosi teme i iz fosilnog kutka. Mehaničari sa svojim iskustvom bi trebali biti ponos tog dijela automobilizma.

Audi je sa novim dizel modelima od 2012 fulao sve od visokotlačne pumpe koja se počne perutati i sanacija košta 10000eura na 2.0 tdi, pa do kompletnog 3.0 tdi motora gdje su u bregastu smjestili oprugu da napinje zupčanik koji se raspane već na 50k km. Prijavljeni poluproizvod kodovi motora su CRT CUA CZV DEWA. Osim toga, motor je toliko loše konstruiran da nakon izmjene ulje ostane airpocket na ventilu tlaka ili senzoru regulacije tlaka ulja da razbije kompletan blok motora. Na motoru se raspada radilica, bregasta, uljni sistem, 48v generator, 48v Li-Ion akumulator… i svaka kompnenta je kao suho zlato.
Velika većina tih vozila jako skupe probleme ima već na 50000km, gdje vozilo od 200kw bi morali voziti do 50kmh i sa balerinkama na nozi da penetrirate samo 5% pedale gasa i da bi ste sačuvali motor da izdrži 100k km. Žalosno da se čovjek zapita koji je klinac sa tom Njemačkom autoindustrijom i gdje je taj glas kritike da se to zaustavi. Realno ekipa će prelaziti na EV samo zato što nemaju alternativu, čak i bez (kako bi rekli ravnozemljaši) prisile.
Ta vozila su toliko rizična i najjednostavnije male servise izmjene ulja, gdje ce loš dizajna motora izbiti blok motora pa će biti “majstor kriv” kako to inače bude. Mehaničare su vlasnici počeli silovati izmišljenim skupim problemima “nije to tako bile kad sam dosao” da sve manje mehanicara i servisa ima koji uopce žele raditi na tim vozilima. Manja je šteta da na EV probijete bateriju nego da radite mali servis na Audi dizel CRT motoru.

Zato je sigurno da su totalno nepouzdani fosilci sami sebi iskopali grob nekvalitetom, tko ih vozi i naplaća se jednom škart dijelova shvatit će da i sama baterija na Tesli od 20000eura je jeftinija od dizel smeća. Mi ih godinama radimo i servisiramo, a na EV smo prešli primarno zbog bacanja love na naftu a zadnja kap je bila nekvaliteta pogona i sve skuplji dijelovi za održavanje.

Tako da draga publiko, baterija na EV je 4x jeftinija od pogona fosilca.