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Mercedes Hybrid – Unsustainable trash

Unsustainable trash that once again proves hybrids are the worst of both worlds. A small 6kWh battery with single cell amperages during use drastically higher than on EVs, such that even a good choice of thermal cooling (water cooling in this case) doesn’t help in the long run if the system is underdesigned. Owner reviews saying “I’ve driven 60,000km and never had a problem” are an epic scam because the moment we need to hear “the whole small hybrid battery died at 150k km and costs more than for an EV” never comes. Many hope to buy something “to save on fuel costs” but end up even more screwed, having bought an unsustainable complex Frankenstein with two complex and expensive systems instead of one simple one. Again hoping to help an owner from the industry, we take in the vehicle, it throws errors of insulation breakdown and loss of communication to the “slave board BMS” system. We remove the “Frankenstein” from the trunk, open it, and start measuring. We immediately notice that we have 250V on the casing. To the untrained eye, a harmless detail but for us, the first indication that the situation is dangerous and that probably one cell is inflated. After disassembly, DC and AC measurement over 3-4 days, we come to the conclusion that either our instruments are bad or the whole battery is bad. That means “never had a problem” by 160k km. After finishing the measurements, what we see is that only 12 cells are partially functioning, and 13 are totally defective. 
In theory, everything needs replacing, but practically 70-80 (orange) are definitely for changing, which is unfeasible in that quantity where it is very complex to weld that many terminals with a laser. The cells are prismatic Samsung SDI, again non-commercial form factor, meaning repair at that quantity of cells is not feasible. Used batteries are very poorly available, prices from 4000-8000, while a new one is €14,500 but not available from the manufacturer. So these vehicles with hybrid drive are a total loss after 6 years and 160k km and the savings are just a placebo. Vehicles without a designed second-life purpose, something the mainstream media won’t tell you as they sell underpaid propaganda that diesel and hybrid are better but at your expense.

Dear visitor, go either pure electric or pure gasoline, not hybrids.

Neodrživo smeće koje je opet dokaz da su hybridi najgore od oba svijeta. Mala baterija od 6kwh kojoj su single cell amperaze za vrijeme korištenja drasticno veće nego na EV, da cak i sa dobrim izborom termalnog hladnjenja (vodeno hladjenje u ovom slucaju) ne pomaze dugornocno ako je sustav poddizajniran. Osvrti vlasnika “evo vozim 60000km i nikad nista” su epska prevara jer momenat kad nam treba javiti “e crkla je cijela mala hybrid baterija na 150k km i kosta vise nego za EV” se ne desi nikad. Tako mnogi u nadi da ce kupiti nesto “da ustede na gorivo naftu dizne turbine” se zahebu jos vise, jer su kupili neodrzivog kompleksnog frankestajna koji ima 2 kompleksna i skupa sustava, umjesto jednog jednostavnog. Opet u nadi da ćemo moći pomoći vlasniku iz struke, primamo vozilo, baca greske proboja izolacije i gubitka komunikacije prema “slave board bms” sustavu. Vadimo “frankestajna” iz gepeka, otvaramo i počinjemo mjerenje. Odmah skuzimo da na kućištu imamo 250V. Neukom oku bezazlen detalj medjutim nama prva indikacija da je stanje opasno i da je vjerovatno jedna celija napuhana. Rastavljenjem, DC i AC mjerenjem nakon 3-4 dana dolazimo do zakljucka da ili nam nevaljaju instrumenti ili cijela baterija je loša. Znači “nikad ništa” vec na 160k km. Nakon zavrsetka mjerenja imamo sto i vidjeti, djelomicno ispravnih celija ima samo 12 , totalno defektnih 13.

Za izmjenu je u principu sve, ali teoretski 70-80 ćelija.
*EDIT: moram naknadno dodati da smo uvidom u evidenciju vozila dosli to podatka da je u garanciji već mjenjana baterija na nekih 90,000km i sad ponovno potrošena za izmjenu već na 150,000km.

(Orange) je sigurno za mjenjanje sto je neizvedivo na toj kolicini gdje je jako kompleksno sa laserom variti tu kolicinu terminala. Celije su prizmaticne Samsung SDI, ponovno nekomercijalnog form faktora, sto znaci reparacija na toj kolicini celija nije izvediva. Rabljena baterija je jako slabo dostupna, cijene od 4000-8000, dok je nova 14500€ ali nedobavljiva od proizvodjaca. Tako da su ova vozila sa hybrid pogonom totalna steta nakon 6 godina i 160k km a ušteda samo placebo. Vozila bez dizajnirane second life namjene, ono sto vam mainstream mediji ne zele reci vec prodaju podplaćenu propagandu da je dizel i hybrid bolji ali na vašu štetu.

Ekipa, ili cista struja ili cisti benzin.

OEM: 14500€ (not available)

EVC: Repair not possible (designing new and bigger battery is necessary 8000-16000€)

Part number: A2053403500, A7899015000

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