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Renault Twizy – BMS Defect

Electric mopeds, there is no more logical and sustainable way of transportation. Small battery, low weight, minimal consumption, simple system, cheap to charge and cheap to move. The Renault Twizy, a veteran and one of the favorite “buzz boilers”. Suddenly stopped, the cause unknown, diagnosis for a couple of days and in the end, we conclude that the Battery shows no signs of life. The dealers would get excited if the cells had died, however, it’s not the case; it’s the BMS controller with the MPC5516 RTOS processor Dumro. Attempts to read it were unsuccessful. And now the unsustainable part of the story where manufacturers reinvent the wheel, so they put a processor in the BMS that is not commercially available, it’s made to order and you can order it, but a minimum of 500 pieces which is an investment of €30,000 for us. So, it’s not worth it. Therefore, we were forced to order a new BMS, which believe it or not is sold separately but it’s €1,000 + VAT. Whereas, for example, Tesla’s BMS is €200 + VAT. Unrealistically expensive for the Twizy. The buzz boiler saved and restored without changing the entire battery (horror story). Also, if possible, could you call the owner from Zagreb and have them pick up the vehicle because we don’t have their phone number or know who left the vehicle.

Errors: DF512, DF313, DF314, DF192, DF193, DF496 Part numbers: 293A06820R, 293A00066R, 293A08221R, 293A07396R OEM: €4000 + tax EVC: €1000 + tax


Moped na struju, ne postoji logicniji i održiviji način kretanja. Mala baterija, mala masa, mala potrosnja, jednostavan sustav, punis jeftino i krećeš se jeftino. Renault Twizy veteran i jedan od omiljenih “fen bojler” zujalica. Stao iznenada, uzrok nepoznat, dijagnostika par dana i na kraju zaključimo da Baterija ne šalje nikakve znakove života. Dezalaši bi se napalili da su celije crkle, medjutim nije do toga već je BMS kontroler sa MPC5516 RTOS procesorom Dumro. Pokušaji izčitacanja neuspješni. A sad neodrzivi dio price gdje proizvodjači izmisljaju toplu vodu pa u BMS stave procesor koji nije komercijalno dostupan, tj radi se po narudzbi i kogu ga naruciti ali minimalno 500 komada sto je ulog od 30000€ za nas. Znaci ne isplati se. Pa smo bili prisiljeni naruciti novi BMS koji se vjerovali ili ne prodaje posebno ali je 1000€+pdv. Dok recimo Teslin BMS je 200€+pdv. Nerealno skup za Twizy. Zujalica spašena i osposobljena bez izmjene cijele baterije (horor prica).
Takodjer ako moguce da na vlasnik iz Zagreba nazove i da pokupi vozilo, jer nemamo ni broj telefona niti znamo tko je ostavio vozilo.

Errors: DF512, DF313, DF314, DF192, DF193, DF496
Part numbers: 293A06820R, 293A00066R, 293A08221R, 293A07396R
OEM: 4000+tax
EVC: 1000+tax

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R240 Powertrain – Renault worst EV project!

Renault Zoe, Twingo, and Smart 453 share Renault-designed propulsion systems that have proven efficient but unreliable. The motor is air-cooled by intake air behind the vehicle, and the bearings suffer from probable overheating. Service for these electric motors is required approximately every 100,000 km; this is the seventh one coming to us due to grinding and buzzing for preventive servicing. The oil in the differential needs to be changed every 100,000 km. The designation of this propulsion system is R240 and it was introduced in 2017.

A new motor at an authorized service center costs €4,500.

EVC Restoration: €900 + VAT


Renault Zoe, Twingo i Smart 453 dijele Renault dizajniranj pogonski sustav koji se pokazao efikasnim ali nepouzdanim. Motor se hladi zrakom kojeg usisava iza vozila i stradaju lezajevi koji se vjerovatno pregriju. Servis ovih elektromotora je potreban svakih 100,000km u prosjeku, ovo je sedmi koji nam dolazi zbog drobljenja i zujanja na preventivni servis. Ulje u diferencijalu je potrebno svakih 100,000km. Oznaka ovog pogonskog sustava je R240 i predstavljen je 2017godine.

Nov motor u ovlastenom servisu je 4500€

EVC Restauracija : 900€+PDV

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Renault Zoe – R240 milling sound

R240 is a newer generation drivetrain that many of us have been eagerly awaiting outside of the warranty period to see what fails on the air-cooled electric motor and the transmission differential. Two years ago, we received the first call from Varaždin regarding an EQ 453 Čmart, reporting that the motor had started milling and that the warranty claim was denied. The price of a new motor with replacement was around €4000, with only 90,000 km driven. At first, this seemed unusual for such a low mileage, but on the other hand, it wasn’t surprising considering it’s a French factory defect powertrain from the Renault Cléon factory, as if it was designed by some straight pipe, turbo diesel, DPF off, EGR off, EV-hating engineer, where not a single component was intended to be serviced or repaired (apparently, they haven’t heard of the Balkans). They even managed to fit brushes on the rotor of the three-phase motor for exciting the windings, so that there’s something to wear out. This is probably the only electric drivetrain on the planet that is both the worst and the most expensive.

For any operation on the drivetrain, the entire assembly must be removed from the vehicle. This is the first time we’re repairing the buzzing and turning defect in the drivetrain, and the restoration process is relatively straightforward. The procurement of parts, bearings, seals, and other materials is a slightly more complicated part, as one particular bearing on the jacksaft extension in the gearbox is produced by only one company in France. Fortunately, Lageros had one in stock specifically for this project.

In addition to the mentioned Smart from Varaždin and this Zoe from Slovenia, we have received several inquiries from Germany, Slovenia, and Norway on similar car mileage arround 100000km, but we haven’t had the opportunity to work on one yet. This particular case was successfully resolved at 1/4 of the cost of an authorized service at 118,000 km. The largest expense was the time required for disassembly and reassembly, followed by the cost of parts. In some cases, if there is turning and material wear in the differential, it may result in the wearing of the differential gears, where even after the complete drivetrain repair, a slight buzzing noise may remain, which is transmitted into the cabin. Gear replacement is not possible as they are not available, but in such cases, the entire restoration is still usable for the next 100,000 km until the next restoration.

It is strongly recommended to address any buzzing or turning sounds from the electric drivetrain immediately to prevent further damage.


Renault Zoe – R240 pogon novije generacije koji već dugo iščekujemo izvan garancije da vidimo što to odlazi na zračno hladjenom elektromotoru a što na prijenosnom diferencijalu. Prije 2 godine prvi poziv smo dobili iz Varaždina za EQ 453 Čmart da je motor počeo zujati i da nisu prihvatili garanciju a cijena novog motora sa izmjenom je bila oko 4000€ na prijedjenih 90000km. Sto je na prvu čudno za tako malan broj kilometara ali na drugu i nije čudno jer to je francuski škart pogon iz Renault Cléon tvornice kojeg kao da je dizajnirao neki strejt pajp turbo dizel dpfoff egroff EV hejter inženjer gdje niti jedna komponenta nije osmišljena da se servisira i popravlja (valjda nisu čuli za balkan) gdje su na trofazni motor uspjeli uglaviti i četkice na rotoru za pobudu namotaja da se ima šta trošiti. Ovo je vjerovatno jedini električni pogon na kugli zemaljskoj koji najgori i najskuplji. Za svaku operaciju na pogonu, kompletan pogon se mora vaditi vani iz vozila. Na ovom prvi put repariramo defekt zujanja i tokarenja u pogonu i što se tiče same restaturacije proces je poprilično jednostavan. Nabava dijelova, lezajeva, brtvi i ostalog materijala je malo kompliciraniji dio jer na jacksaft produžetku rotora u mjenjaču jedan ležaj ne proizvodi nitko osim jedne firme u Francuskoj. Imali smo sreću da je Lageros imao na stanju jedan baš za ovaj projekat. Osim ovog spomenutog Smarta iz Varaždina i ovog Zoe iz Slovenije, imali smo nekoliko upita iz Njemačke, Slovenije, Norveške ali nismo imali priliku da i radimo na jednom. Ovaj je uspješno riješen za 1/4 troška ovlaštenog servisa na 118000km, najveci trosak je vrijeme demontaže i montaže a zatim trošak dijelova. U nekim slučajevima ako dodje do tokarenja i trosenja materijala u diferencijala, može se desiti da dodje do trošenja zubi diferencijala gdje i nakon reparacije cijelog pogona i dalje ostane manji zvuk zujanja zubi koji se prenosi u kabinu. Izmjena zubčanika nije moguća jer ih nema u nabavi, ali u tom slucaju kompletne restauracije cak iako ostane zujanje zubčanika cijeli sustav je realno upotrebljiv narednih 100000km do sledece restauracije. Svakako je preporuka da se svaki zvuk zujanja i tokarenja iz električnog pogona otkloni odmah kako nebi doslo do veće štete.


Renault Zoe – R240 je pogon nove generacije, ki smo ga že dolgo čakali, a je zunaj garancije, da vidimo, kaj odpove na zračno hlajenem elektromotorju in kaj na prenosnem diferencialu. Pred 2 letoma smo prejeli prvi klic iz Varaždina za EQ 453 Čmart, da se je motor začel ropotati, vendar garancije niso sprejeli, cena novega motorja z zamenjavo pa je bila približno 4000 € pri prevoženih 90000 km. Na prvi pogled je to nenavadno za tako majhno število prevoženih kilometrov, vendar pa na drugi strani tudi ni presenetljivo, saj je to francoski slabo narejen pogon iz Renaultove tovarne Cléon, ki ga je oblikoval nek strejt pajp turbo dizel dpfoff egroff EV sovražni inženir, pri čemer nobena komponenta ni bila zasnovana za servisiranje in popravilo (verjetno niso slišali za Balkan), kjer so uspeli v trifazni motor vgraditi še ščetke na rotorju za vzbujevalno navijanje, da se ima kaj za obrabiti. To je verjetno edini električni pogon na svetu, ki je najslabši in najdražji. Za vsak poseg na pogonu je treba celoten pogon odstraniti iz vozila. Tokrat prvič popravljamo okvaro ropotanja in vibriranja pogona, kar se tiče same restavracije, je postopek precej preprost. Težje je pridobiti dele, ležaje, tesnila in drugi material, ker nihče ne proizvaja enega ležaja, ki ga potrebujemo za ta projekt, razen enega podjetja v Franciji. Imeli smo srečo, da je Lageros imel na zalogi enega ravno za ta projekt. Poleg omenjenega Smarta iz Varaždina in tega Zoeja iz Slovenije smo prejeli nekaj povpraševanj iz Nemčije, Slovenije, Norveške, vendar nismo imeli priložnosti delati na nobenem od njih. Ta primer smo uspešno rešili za 1/4 stroška pooblaščenega servisa pri 118000 km, največji strošek je čas demontaže in montaže, nato pa strošek delov. V nekaterih primerih, če pride do vibriranja in obrabe materiala v diferencialu, se lahko zgodi, da pride do obrabe zobnikov diferenciala, pri čemer kljub popravilu celotnega pogona še vedno ostane manjši zvok ropotanja zobnikov, ki se prenaša v kabino. Zamenjava zobnikov ni mogoča, saj jih ni na voljo, vendar je v tem primeru celoten sistem dejansko uporaben še naslednjih 100000 km do naslednje restavracije. Vsekakor je priporočljivo, da se vsak zvok ropotanja in vibriranja v električnem pogonu odpravi takoj, da ne pride do večje škode.

Fault: Grinding, milling, buzzing
Part numbers: R290106596R, 290H88657R, 290H20130R, 290628587R, 290103231R, 296053480R,
OEM Renault: 3500€ + Tax
EV Clinic: 1100€ + Tax

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And finally… Renault Zoe 2014 Q210

Previously, who missed the fact that certain renowned manufacturers from 2020 have electric motors already at 30,000 km and they are not under warranty, here we have a completely different example where a Renault Zoe with a 22kwh battery, 10 years old, outside of all warranties with a defect in the electric motor, believe it or not, comes to us from Mercedes this STILL drives 200,000 km. The owner showed his trust, brought Zoe on wheels so that we could at least try for the first time in the workshop to solve the starting Continental electric motor that buzzes under braking and at most speeds. The removal procedure is a bit longer, everything has to be disassembled from the electronic modules and half-shafts in order to lower the engine through the lower opening on the bridge (subframe). We disassembled the engine and the condition was quite bad. The engine would soon squeal all the way through the bearings and smash itself through the housing with torque. Here, the differential oil is full of foam, burnt and all the bearings are damaged. As on the Mercedes EQV, here the “transmission parking lock” made up stupidity transferred from the fossils caused the same problem. The hammering of the engine brake lever from the rotor broke the bearing in the housing and the bearing housing itself in the differential cover. The dosjed was so broken that the bearing completely rotated in the housing and burned the dosjed and warped part of the surface. Bearings are readily available, commercial and almost all but two on the output differential. The manufacturer used for the bearings was Koyo. Now let’s moisten the diesel fans and their bearings a little, here it is evident that the oil in the differential needs to be changed (so not in the electric motor) in order to possibly prevent the bearings from wearing out due to oil splatter and contamination, it takes about 0.9l 75W. But the parking lock EV killer is still there to make your life miserable. The recommendation for changing the oil is about 100,000 km. And even without that, this Zoe is indestructible and recommended by EVC as a second vehicle for the city.


I finalno … Renault Zoe 2014 Q210

Prethodno tko je preskocio kako odredjenim renomiranim proizvodjacima iz 2020 godine odlaze elektromotori vec na 30000km i nisu u garanciji, ovdje imamo totalno drugi primjer gdje nam dolazi Renault Zoe sa 22kwh baterijom star 10 godina izvan svih garancija sa defektom elektromotora koji vjerovali ili ne vi iz Mercedesa ovaj JOŠ vozi na 200000km. Vlasnik je ukazao povjerenje, dovezao Zoe na kotačima da bar probamo po prvi put u radioni rijesiti i taj start Continental elektromotor koji zuji pod otprecenjem i na vecin brzinama. Procedura skidanja je malo duža, sve se mora naprijed rastaviti od elektronskih modula i poluosovina da bi se motor spustio kroz donji otvor na mostu (subframe). Motor smo rastavili i stanje je bilo poprilično loše. Motor bi ubrzo zacvikao skroz na lezajevima i razvalio sam sebe obrtnim momentom kroz kućište. Ovdje je ulje diferencijala puno špene, spaljeno i svi lezajevi oštećeni. Kao i na mercedesu EQV ovdje je “transmission parking lock” izmisljena glupost prenešena sa fosilaca napravila isti problem. Zakucavanje poluge kočenja motora od rotor je razbila lezaj u kućištu i samo kućište ležaja u poklopcu diferencijala. Dosjed toliko razvaljen da je ležaj kompletno vrtio u kućištu i spalio dosjed i potokario dio površine. Ležajevi su lako dobavljivi, komercijalni i skoro svi osim dva na izlaznom diferencijalu. Proizvodjača za lezajeve su koristili Koyo. Sad da malo navlažimo dizel fanove i njihove desanke, ovdje je evidentno da je potrebna izmjena ulja u diferencijalu (znaci ne u elek motoru) kako bi mozda sprijecili trosenje lezajeva zbog špene i kontaminacije ulja, ide ga oko 0.9l 75W. Ali parking lock EV killer je i dalje tu da vam zagorča život. Preporuka za izmjenu ulja je oko 100000km. A čak i bez toga ovaj Zoe je neunistiv i preporuka EVC kao drugo vozilo za grada.

Electric Motor Q210: Continental

Fault: buzzing sound under full load

Part number: 5AMB450, 290127953R,

OEM Renault workshop: 6000€

EV Clinic: 1000-3000€

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Renault Twizy – Buzzer with style

A small city EV conqueror came with a charge error and 5% SOC. The owner tried to replace the Onboard charger (new), but it still does not charge. After a little deeper analysis and advice from colleagues from France, the suspicion shifted to a possible defect in the battery. We open this 52V battery pack for the first time and immediately after lifting the lid it was clear that something was “cooked”. One would suspect that a clogged DPF or plastic EGR of the B47 engine was the main culprit, but miraculously it was not, for the first time. Unfortunately for diesel fans, the battery cell did not catch fire nor was it the cause of the defect, but some factory worker apparently forgot to tighten the nut on the fuse to the prescribed 9Nm, so it overheated and melted like when the DPF clogged on a Mercedes. A new cable with pressed copper lugs was made, a new fuse and everything tightened. Twizy has driven with this defect before because the battery has a separate input for charge and another for discharge (motor). After installation, everything worked immediately and the “Undervoltage” errors disappeared. Battery system is LG Chem with 14S 3S Pouch configuration. Cells LGX 6.1kWh. Very very similar and maybe the same as in one type of hybrid. One of our future projects that seems extremely simple is to expand the battery and increase the range using Tesla’s 18650 and 2170 cells. We missed one in the ad this summer, but we are getting one soon.

Twizy is definitely recommended (it can be driven by 16 years old) and is easily repairable.


Mali gradski osvajač došao sa greškom punjenja i 5% SOC-a. Vlasnik probao zamjenuti Onboard charger (nov) ali opet ne puni. Nakon malo dublje analize i savjeta kolega iz Francuske sumnja je se preselila na mogući defekt u bateriji. Prvi put otvaramo ovaj 52V battery pack i odmah nakon dizanja poklopca jasno je bilo da se nešto “kuhalo”. Čovjek bi posumnjao da je bio začepljen DPF ili plastični EGR B47 motora glavni krivac ali za čudo nije, po prvi put. Baterijska ćelija se na žalost dizel fanova nije zapalila niti je bila uzrok defekta vec je neki gastarbajter izgleda zaboravio stegnuti maticu na osiguraču na propisanih 9Nm, pa se pregrijao i istopio kao kad se DPF začepio na Mercedesu. Napravljen je novi kabel sa naprešanim bakarnim šlapama, novi osigurač i sve stegnuto. Twizy je i prije vozio sa ovim defektom jer baterija ima odvojeni ulaz za charge i drugi za discharge (motor). Nakon montaže sve je odmah proradilo i greške “Undervoltage” su nestale. Baterijski sustav je LG Chem sa 14S 3S konfiguracijom Pouch. Cells LGX 6.1kWh. Vrlo vrlo slične a mozda i iste kao u jednoj vrsti hybrida. Jedan od naših budućih projekata koji se cine izuzetno jednostavni da se baterija proširi i domet poveća sa korištenjem teslinih 18650 i 2170 celija. Jedan nam je promakao u oglasimo ljetos, ali uskoro nabavljamo jednog.

Error : DF137 , DF174 , DF176

Part number: 296050463R, 296055206R, 634A44115, GER-40RN, 296156226R, 295B93949R, 293A01412R

Processor: MPC5516E

Price Renault: 4900€

EVC: 800€

Twizy je definitivno preporuka (moze ga se voziti sa 16god) i lako je popravljiv. 👌👍