Water scooter priced at 14900€. Fun and enjoyment are priceless, but this high-quality toy comes with one drawback: unreliable protection against battery overheating and deep discharge. The system consists of 12S 6P Samsung SDI Q30 high-quality cells arranged in an aluminum tube cooled through the casing powered by a 4kW electric motor.
The BMS (Battery Management System) has protection against tampering; if you disconnect the BMS to replace cells or if the battery discharges to 0V, the BMS resets and the whole unit must be discarded. The manufacturer does not sell batteries separately; instead, the entire device, namely the Seabob, must be purchased.The BMS is equipped with a locked ARM STM32F103 processor and 24C32 EEPROM, communicating via a low-power Canbus controller SN65HVD1040. There are two types available, one with a smaller and one with a larger battery, both experiencing the same issue. It is recommended not to leave the Seabob empty overnight or for several days after use at 0% charge because cells at this state of charge have the highest internal resistance and self-discharge; the cells act as their own load. It is advised to charge immediately when at 0% to avoid deep discharge. One unit could not be salvaged because the BMS entered self-erase mode with “pljačka.exe.”The system is straightforwardly constructed, and expandable; there are empty slots with additional cells where, for testing purposes, we installed Tesla S Panasonic cells into one tube that wasn’t salvaged, increasing capacity from 0.8kWh to 1.2kWh. Thus, tuning is possible, entering “stage 2 straight pipe”.

Vodeni scooter od 14900€. Zabava i uzitak nema cijenu ali ova jako kvalitetna igračka je i sa jednom manom, nepouzdana zaštita baterije od pregrijavanja i dubokog praznjenja. Sustav ima 12S 6P Samsung SDI Q30 ćelije visoke kvalitete složene u aliminijskoj tubi koja se i hladi preko kućišta kojeg pogoni elektromotor snage 4kW.
BMS ima zaštitu od reparacije, ako odpojite BMS da ćelija da zamjenite ċelije ili ako se baterija isprazni na 0V onda se BMS izbriše i mora sve u smeće. Proizvodjač ne prodaje baterije posebno vec se mora cijeli uredjaj tj Seabob kupiti.
BMS je sa zaključanim ARM STM32F103 procesorom i 24C32 eeprom, sa inverterom komunicara preko low-power Canbus kontrolerom SN65HVD1040.
Postoje dvije vrste sa manjom i vecom baterijom. Na obje se desava isti problem. Preporuka je da nakon koristemja kad je Seabob na 0%, ne ostavljati preko noci ili na par dana da stoji prazana jer su celije na tom SOCu sa najvecim otporom i same sebe prazne, celije su same sebi potrosac. Preporuka je da na 0% punite odmah na punjač kako nebi doslo do dubokog praznjenja. Jedan nismo uspjeli spasiti jer je BMS otišao u selferase sa pljačka.exe
Sustav je jako jednostavno napravljen, čak i proširiv jer postoje prazne saće sa još ćelija gdje smo za probu u jednu koja nije spasena ugradili Tesla S Panasonic celije i dobili po tubi sa 0.8kWh na 1.2kWh. Tako da je u tjuning moguć stage 2 strejtpajp.
OEM Repair 14900€
EVC 800-2000€
Processor: STM32F103
Part number: CAYAGO, SEABOB