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VW eGolf 2014 – First eMotor service at 260,000km

When you plan pessimistically but it turns out the opposite, like the EU legacy plans to fight against electrification, which ended up being completely the opposite, a debacle. Two years ago, we had a plan to buy a faulty EV and restore everything, the motor and battery, for materials and documentation. By chance, we ended up getting an eGolf from Slovenia with 240,000 km on the clock, a worn-out electric motor, degraded battery, and broken CCS charging, for a lower price. The plan was to drive it hard and wear it out as quickly as possible so that it would break down, and we’d have something to work on. However, we’ve been driving it for 2 years now, and the damn thing just won’t part ways with the asphalt. From the looks of it, it won’t for a long time, so we gave up on waiting. We even tried putting a BMW N47 chain, a TSI turbo, a 2.0 water pump, a Renault clutch, an EGR, and a Mercedes DPF in the trunk as talismans, but none of them worked. We had to forcefully euthanize it at 257,000 km to take out the electric motor, analyze its condition, record the dimensions of the internal parts, and figure out how it’s possible that first-generation electric motors never need servicing. The first-generation eGolf is incredibly well-made; the only downside is its small battery and low range. It differs from the new generation in a few bearings; it doesn’t have the double-row bearing that the newer generations have, which tends to fail. The middle and output transmissions are on standard tapered roller bearings, and the rotor is on classic SKF ball bearings—6008 and another one. So, the motor that wasn’t over-engineered by 300 ‘expert engineers’ is currently five times more reliable than the newer generation. We completed the job together with a repair kit and a colleague from Schaeffler. The eGolf was back on the road in less than 2 days, once again driving with the original motor from 2012 for another 250,000 km. This is probably one of the most reliable electric VAG cars ever made, and maybe the last. It lacks a bigger range, but we are working with the Chinese on making a 60 kWh battery for this old model, which will elevate this Golf to a new level.

Motor code: EAG
OEM price: €9600
Reman EVC: €1800

Kad planiraš pesimistično pa završi obrnuto, nešto kao EU legacy planovi da se bore protiv elektrifikacije a završi totalno suprotno, kao debakl. Tako nam je prije 2 godine bio plan da kupimo neispravan EV i restauriramo sve, motor i bateriju zbog materijala i dokumentacije. Tako slucajno dobijemo sa manjim cijenom iz Slovenije eGolf sa 240,000km na satu sa prozujanim elektromotorom, degradiranom baterijom i neispravnom CCS punjenjem. Plan je bio da ga vozimo i istrošimo čim prije da crkne pa da imamo šta raditi. Medjutim evo vozimo ga već 2 godine i neće dušman da se rastane od asfalta, a kako je izgledalo neće još jako dugo pa smo odustali od čekanja. Čak smo probali u gepek staviti lanac od bmw n47, turbinu TSI, vodenu pumpu od 2.0, kuplung od Renaulta, EGR, DPF od mercedesa ali niti jedan talisman nije pomogao. Morali smo ga prisilno eutanizirati na 257,000km da izvadim elektromotor i analiziramo stanje, popisemo dimenzije unutarnjih dijelova i da vidimo kako je moguce da elektromotori prve generacije uopce ne dolaze na servis. eGolf prve generacije je nevjerovatno kvalitetno napravljen, jedini nedostatak je mala baterija i nizak domet. Razlikuje se od nove generacije u par ležajeva, nemaju dvoredni lezaj kojeg imaju nove generacije koji inace i odlazi. Srednji i izlazni prijenos je na standardnim konusno valjkastim lezajevima a rotor na klasicnim SKF kuglicnim lezajevina, 6008 i jos jedan. Znaci motor koji nije izfilozofiran sa 300 misljenja “stručnih inzenjera” je za sada x5 pouzdaniji od novije generacije. Zahvat samo skupa prošli sa reparaturni setom i kolegom iz Schaeflera. eGolf je bio gotov za manje od 2 dana i ponovno vozi sa original motorom iz 2012 godine za sledecih 250,000km. Ovo je vjerovano jedan od najpouzdanijih VAG strujicq koji su ikad napravili, mozda i zadnji. Nedostaje mu veci domet ali radimo sa kinezima na izradi 60kWh baterije za ovaj stari model koji ce ovog golfa dignuti na novi tron.

Motor code : EAG

Oem price: 9600€

Reman EVC: 1800€

2 thoughts on “VW eGolf 2014 – First eMotor service at 260,000km

  1. Great guys, upgrading to a 60KWh battery will really make this car world class. At the same time, it would be desirable if the upgrade was also offered for the 100KW version, as these are great vehicles, only the range in winter becomes
    limiting for true EV mobility.

  2. Hello EV Clinic, I have recently been reading your very interesting articles and repair reports on your website and X with great interest. Please keep up the fantastic work. I wish there was such a company in Germany! Now to my actual question, how long were the robust motors of the first generation actually installed? Generally in the eGolf VII from 2014-2016? All with engine code EAQ270? Only all models with 85kw? What is the status of the development of a larger battery, as you have written? Best regards to the entire EVC team from Germany.

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