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R240 Powertrain – Renault worst EV project!

Renault Zoe, Twingo, and Smart 453 share Renault-designed propulsion systems that have proven efficient but unreliable. The motor is air-cooled by intake air behind the vehicle, and the bearings suffer from probable overheating. Service for these electric motors is required approximately every 100,000 km; this is the seventh one coming to us due to grinding and buzzing for preventive servicing. The oil in the differential needs to be changed every 100,000 km. The designation of this propulsion system is R240 and it was introduced in 2017.

A new motor at an authorized service center costs €4,500.

EVC Restoration: €900 + VAT


Renault Zoe, Twingo i Smart 453 dijele Renault dizajniranj pogonski sustav koji se pokazao efikasnim ali nepouzdanim. Motor se hladi zrakom kojeg usisava iza vozila i stradaju lezajevi koji se vjerovatno pregriju. Servis ovih elektromotora je potreban svakih 100,000km u prosjeku, ovo je sedmi koji nam dolazi zbog drobljenja i zujanja na preventivni servis. Ulje u diferencijalu je potrebno svakih 100,000km. Oznaka ovog pogonskog sustava je R240 i predstavljen je 2017godine.

Nov motor u ovlastenom servisu je 4500€

EVC Restauracija : 900€+PDV

4 thoughts on “R240 Powertrain – Renault worst EV project!

  1. Hello EV Clinic team!

    My mom’s old 2013 Zoe 22kWh 43kW motor has probably this issue. The “normal” sound of the motor has recently increased loud whining sound, so there’s definitely something wrong. Might be the brushes, but also bearings. Could you can diagnose it and eventually repair for the specified price of approx 900Eur excl. VAT? How long does such repair usually take?
    I think that car would need a general inspection as it has I think more than 100k km and probably no proper maintenance done yet on it.

    Thanks a lot,
    regards Roman

    1. Hi
      We can repair it. Price increased to 1400+tax

  2. Bei meinem Smart Four Four EQ, Baujahr 2018, mit 22 kW Bordlader ist jetzt nach nur 14700 Km der Motor defekt. Angeblich soll ein Kabel das im Motor vergossen ist defekt sein, der Motor soll daher nicht zu reparieren sein. Als Folge davon, zeigt das Fahrzeug eine Störung an u. läßt sich nicht starten.Die Mercedes- Werkstatt verlangt 6000,00€ für einen neuen Motor incl. Einbau. Kann mir jemand helfen?

    1. We can repair it. 1500€

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