Failure of the OBC integrated module responsible for charging the battery in an EV. There are no used ones available, and even new ones are unavailable. If a used one were available, it used to cost around €3500-5000 (according to Google), and a new one likely costs even more. This situation puts the responsibility of deciding whether the vehicle becomes subject for spare parts or goes back on the road, and decision is in our hands, so the decision’s outcome is crucial. There’s no repair manual available, and we’ve reached a point where we have no one to ask for help, especially when dealing with an exotic car like the 500E. It’s even more exotic than a Ferrari. The OBC is burned out for some reason, and what we mostly encounter is that in EVs, the OBC module is frequently more in defect. This contradicts the misinformation spread by the media that batteries are mostly the problem; that’s an inaccurate lie. Our main issue is with the OBC module, which often gets damaged due to external influences that accelerate component fatigue within the module, as well as other unforeseen events like lightning strikes, power grid shorts, strong oscillations from other inductive consumers, etc. After two weeks of testing almost all individual components and replacing the damaged ones, the OBC still doesn’t work. Today’s final attempt was to intuitively replace one more component; if that didn’t work, we’d have to inform the owner that the “patient didn’t make it”. We were five minutes away from the fateful call to inform customer bad news when we connected the charger and it started working, it was great moment. The owner was saved from ‘euthanizing’ the Fiat. So, all you diesel turbo fans with engine oil leaks, don’t worry about the “challenging battery recycling” when EV dies because this Fiat keeps on going killing the stereotypes.

Kvar OBC integriranog modula koji sluzi za punjenje baterije u EV. Rabljen ne postoji a ne postoji ni novi. Rabljen ako je i postojao je kostao oko 3500-5000€ (google) a novi vjerovatno i više. Znači situacija gdje jedan dio odlučuje jel vozilo ide u dijelove ili ide natrag na cestu, tako da odgovornost gdje mi odlučujemi o ishodu je velika. Upustvo za reparaciju ne postoji a mi smo dosli do tog nivoa i broja problema da mi nemam koga pitati za pomoci, niti nam tko može i pomoći pogotovo kad je egzotika u pitanju kao 500E. Egzoticniji uzorak i od ferarija. OBC je iz nekog razloga spaljen, a ono što se mi susrećemo najcesce je to da na EV najcesce strada OBC modul, znaci to sto vas infodemijski mediji dezinformiraju da su baterije problem, to je naprotiv netocna laž. Najvise problema imamo sa OBC modulom koji strada najcesce zbog vanjskih utjecaja koji ubrzavaju zamor komponenti u modulu a i ostali neplanirani dogadjaji kao grom, kratak spoj u mreži objekta, jake oscilacije drugih induktivnih potrošača itd. Nakon 2 tjedna ispitivanja skoro svih pojedinacnih komponenti i mjenjanja ostecenih, OBC i dalje ne radi. Zadnji pokusaj je bio danas da na predosjecaj zamjenimo jos jednu komponentu ako ne proradi, zvati vlasnika da je pacijenat podlegao. 5 minuta nas dijeli od sudbonosnog poziva, spajamo punjač i punjač proradio. Vlasnik spašen eutanazije fiata. Tako da svi dizel turbo fanovi kojima curi ulje sa motora pjesacima u ćevape, nemate brige za bateriju jer fićo vozi dalje, ne treba se “reciklirati”.
Part number: 05185004AH
Suplier: Delta
OEM Price: 7000€
EV Clinic price: 1400€ (tax inc)
Voucher code: “sustainability”