Peugeot Ion, Citroën C-Zero, and Mitsubishi i-MiEV – one and the same vehicle, one of the unbreakable pioneers and one of the few that outlasted most of the competition in that segment. Back in 2012, at the age of 24, while I was dreaming of buying a Tesla that was just being promoted, I didn’t even have enough money for this Ion, but it would have been sufficient for most needs if my diesel didn’t swallow up everything I earned. With the Ion, we do absolutely nothing except for the OBC module, which is an integrated ‘rectifier’ module in the vehicle, converting 220 AC to DC 400. Many mainstream disinformants would be surprised if they managed to ‘digest’ the fact that in almost all EVs (except the Nissan Leaf), the biggest problem isn’t the battery but rather the electric motors or OBC, depending on the model. OBC usually fails due to overheating, unstable power grid interruptions, lightning strikes, or simply material fatigue in the chips, causing one component to burn half of the controller. The OBC for this vehicle, at an authorized service center, costs an incredible €8000 new, which makes it no longer profitable for many to even repair these old power units. Finding a used one is nearly impossible, and there are 3 different series that are not cross-compatible.
Last week, we received two units, one from ZG and one from VŽ, both with the same problem but this time with an issue we hadn’t encountered, meaning we have to spend another 20-30 hours investigating the cause and how to solve it. After 2 weeks, both owners were saved from the guillotine, and the OBC was repaired. The vehicle doesn’t have to go to the scrapyard, and the mission of the vehicle continues to prove that the lifespan of an EV isn’t just 7 but over 11 years with the original battery and motor. A fairly solid, not overly luxurious EV, but excellent for city commutes and short distances to work without clogging your DPF every Friday.
Peugeot Ion Citreon C0 i Misubishi iMiev – Jedno te isto vozilo, jedan od neslomljivih pionira i jedan od rijetkih koji je nadživio vecinu konkurencije iz tog segmenta. Te davne 2012 sa 24 godine dok sam sanjario kako kupiti Teslu koja se tek promovirala, nisam ni za ovaj Ion imao love ali bio bi dovoljan za vecinu potreba samo da mi dizelas ne guta sve sto zaradim. Na Ionu ne radimo apsolutno nista osim OBC modula, koji je integrirani modul “ispravljac” u vozilu a koji pegla 220AC u DC400. Mnogi mainstream dezinformatori bi se začudili kad bi uspjeli “progutati” činjenicu da na skoro svim EV (osim nissan leaf) nije najveci problem baterija već elektromotori ili OBC ovisno od modela do modela. OBC strada najčešće zbog nekog uzroka pregrijavanja, nestabilne mreže napajanja/prekidanja, grom ili samog zamora materijala u čipovima pa jedna komponenta skuri pola kontrolera. OBC za ovo vozilo, u ovlastenom servisu košta novo nevjerovatnih 8000€ zbog čega mnogima nije isplativo vise ni popravljati ove stare strujice. Rabljen je skoro nemoguce naci i postoje 3 razlicite serije i nisu kompatabilne unakrsno.
Prosli tjedan dobili smo dva komada, jedan iz ZG i jedan i VŽ, oba sa istim problemom ali ovaj put sa problemom sa kojim se nismo sretali sto znaci opet moramo potrositi 20-30 sati istrazivati sto je uzrok i kako rijesiti. Nakon 2 tjedna oba vlasnika su spašena giljotine i OBC repariran, vozilo ne mora na otpad a misija vozila nastavlja i dalje dokazivati da vjek EV nije 7 vec preko 11 godina sa original baterijom i motorom. Sasvim solidan, ne pretjerano luksuzan EV ali odličan za grada i na posao par kilometara a da vam se ne začepi DPF svaki petak.
Part number: Nichicon 9499A437
Error: AC Charging not starting
OEM: 8000€
EVC: 800+tax
EVC Academy: 1440€+tax