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незнайомець у біді – Chevrolet Bolt

We see this “thing” for the first time, and we are repairing it for the first time. USA import without any support in Europe because GM/Chevrolet has completely withdrawn so there is no one to help but us. The call comes through an agency to see if we can help and arrange delivery through the HAK tow service. The battery, in addition to having a recall for defective cells, also has a phantom problem of “cell undervoltage” on all cells, and the voltage is correct but the vehicle does not start or drive. After a three-day analysis of data, errors and service bulletins, something is definitely not right with the HPCM2 or BMS module. According to recalls, HPCM2 has 2-3 serial errors hw and sw. In addition to the recalled cells, the battery also has a serial defect on the BMS hardware. One of the most difficult tasks to solve so far, the search starts from locating the HPCM2 (no moisture) then preparing and disassembling the battery system. The cover is made of plastic material with screws. At first there is no penetration of moisture or water. The contactors have not been arched or welded, the fuse is correct. The antifreeze did not penetrate anywhere. Dead end. Returning to the “school desk” and scrolling through the documentation, we find that there is a “shadow” error that permanently deactivates the battery in case of excessive deviation of critical parameters. We manage to find the command to delete the OTP error and the vehicle works again. The cause of the deactivation is unknown, but there are indications that the HPCM errors are false positives because the firmware is scrap and activates the battery safety mechanism by mistake. Some people in the USA have had their batteries changed 4-5 times unnecessarily and they were not the cause of the failure. GM engineers are like these Mercedes engineers when they screw up therapy. For 4 years, they changed the batteries for the owners because they did not know that if you press both the brake and the accelerator pedal at the same time, the battery is deactivated. The battery is 57kWh, manufactured by LG. New BMS ordered and we are looking for HPCM, it is nowhere to be bought. We repaired the vehicle for FREE because the costs are financed by the Hybrids with their placebo savings.

Po prvi put vidimo i ovo čudo, po prvi put ga i radimo. USA import bez ikakvog supporta u Europi jer je se GM/Chevrolet u potpunosti povukao tako da nema tko pomoći osim nas. Poziv stiže preko neke agencije da li možemo pomoći i dogovorimo dostavu preko HAK šlep službe. Baterija osim što ima opoziv na defektne ćelije takodjer ima i fantomski problem “cell undervoltage” na svim ćelijama a napon je ispravan, vozilo ne pali ni ne vozi. Nakon trodnevne analize podataka, grešaka i service bulletin-a nesto definitivno ne štima sa HPCM2 ili BMS modulom. HPCM2 po opozivima ima 2-3 serijeske greske hw i sw. Baterija osim opozvanih ćelija ima i serijsku gresku na hardware BMS-a. Jedan od najtežih zadataka do sada za riješiti, potraga kreće od lociranja HPCM2 (nema vlage) zatim pripreme i demontaže baterijskog sustava. Poklopac je od plastičnih materijala na vijke. Na prvu nema prodora vlage ili vode. Kontaktori nisu navarili ni zavarili, osigurac ispravan. Antifriz nije nigdje probio. Slijepa ulica. Ponovno u “školsku klupu” i listanjem dokumentacije nadjemo da postoji “shadow” greška koja trajno deaktivira bateriju u slučaju prevelikog odstupnja kritičnih parametara. Uspijemo naći komandu za brisanje OTP greške i vozilo ponovno proradi. Uzrok deaktivacije je nepoznat ali postoje indikacije da su HPCM greške false positive jer je firmware škart i aktivira sigurnosni mehanizam baterije greskom. Nekima su u USA uzastopno mjenjali baterije 4-5 puta nepotrebno a nisu bile uzrok kvara. GM inženjeri su kao ovi Mercedes inzenjeri kad fulaju terapiju. Oni su 4 godine mjenjali baterije vlasnicima jer nisu znali da ako pritisnes i kocnicu i pedalu akceleracije u isto vrijeme, umjesto screenshota, baterija se deaktivira. Baterija ima 57kWh, proizveo LG. Novi BMS naručen i HPCM trazimo, nema ga nigdje za kupiti. Vozilo smo osposobili besplatno jer troskove financiraju Hybridaši sa svojim placebo uštedama.

Errors: Hybrid/EV Battery Circuit Low Voltage, P0B6A, P0B6F, P0B74, P0B79, P0B7E, P0B83, P0B88, P0B8D, P0B92, P0B97, P0B3D, P0B9C, P0BA1, P0AFA, P0BBD, P1E00-00, U156D-00, P07B5, U18AC, U2603, U2604, U2605, U2606, U2617, U2618, U156D,

Part numbers: 24283992, 24286015, 24289828, 24285164, 23229363, 24284192, 24285321,

24284379, 24284728.

Chevrolet price: infinity

EVC price: for comrade 0€ (Hybrid sponsored)

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