We are proud to announce our cooperation with the EVALUS GmbH company in the field of high-voltage safety training for EV aftermarket workshops with #evalcard. Join us for our first HV-3 training from October 7-9 at EV Clinic and receive your personal Evalcard (EV-Access-License). This is the first mission of its kind in the aftermarket sector, where we jointly form a department for education, awareness, and protection of all future EV workshops. For more information about the TGE Evalcard, visit evalcard.com.
Please send all training applications in both HR language and English directly to the email: [email protected].
Ponosno najavljujemo naÅ”u suradnju s EVALUS GmbH kompanijom u podruÄju obuka o sigurnosti visokonaponskih sustava za servise u EV aftermarketu uz #evalcard. Pridružite nam se na naÅ”em prvom HV-3 treningu od 7. do 9. listopada u EV Clinic i preuzmite svoju osobnu Evalcard (EV-Access-License). Ovo je prva takva misija na aftermarket tržiÅ”tu gdje zajedniÄki formiramo odijel za edukaciju, upoznavanje i zaÅ”titu svih buduÄih EV servisa. Za viÅ”e informacija o TGE evalcardu posjetite evalcard.com.
Sve prijave za trening saljite na naŔem jeziku i na engleskom direktno na email: evalus-ev AT evclinic.eu