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Tesla battery repair BMS_U029

Nikola Tesla, happy birthday and thank you for all your innovations that you gifted to civilization. We chose this day for a stress test of the restored battery and a short get-together with DEMS in Smiljan, at your birthplace. After 2 months of defect research and distractions from faulty “just pour and drive” Hybrids we finished the second Tesla P85 2013 battery from Switzerland. Colleagues tried to solve the problem before, but without success, they don’t have Štrom Trooper Zlatni. In short, Tesla has the most rigorous BMS safety features ever seen in battery systems, it took us some time to figure out how the problem they call “weak short” or “short to brick” works (because we were the first to encounter it among all colleagues). The rule that says (I usually charge secret info) for the BMS_u029 error is: If the battery in idle state for a period longer than xx (approx. 8 or more hours) when checking any of the 96S bricks shows a linear voltage drop over time, then activate w117 and u029. That means, the check is activated ONLY if the vehicle is not used and in the system is one BRICK out of 76x 18650 cells in parallel and one of them has turned into a consumer. The damage is in principle €2-4. The problem is that we didn’t know which processor and memory saved the error flag/log and where the error transmission came from.
We located the block with “weekshort”, we put a ready second block with almost the same capacity and internal resistance in tausch and that fault was eliminated, there was still a BMS error u029 which we had to solve by changing the BMS board in the end because we don’t have a service seedkey reset command, i.e. there is no is none other than the refurbish factory in Tilburg. With error u029 he still drives and charges, but only up to 35% of the battery, preventive protection.
Failure: one 18650 Panasonic cell €2-4
Error: BMS_u029 and BMS_w117
BMS: 1021970-00-B rev3 €500
Mileage: 187,000 km (saving 13,000 L of diesel)
Model S p85 free charging lifetime
Authorized Full refurbish battery: €9,200+VAT
New Mercedes 320cdi engine: €27000 + VAT
New Mercedes 7729 gearbox: €10,000 + VAT
EV Clinic restoration: €4000 – €1000 discount
Discount sponsors:
Marko from Germany with a w212 hybrid
Josip with B47 Defect edc17 (hasn’t caught fire yet)
Ante Delco Opel does not see the cam sensor.
*battery system of any type almost never needs to be changed entirely, but the problem of individual components is eliminated.

Nikola Tesla sretan ti rodjedan i hvala ti na svim tvojim inovacijama koje si poklonio civilizaciji. Ovaj dan smo izabrali za stress test restaurirane baterije i kratko druženje u Smiljanu, tvojoj rodnoj kući. Nakon 2 mjeseca istraživanja defekta i ometanja od strane neispravnih “samo toči i vozi” Hybrida završili smo drugu Tesla P85 2013 bateriju iz Švicarske. Kolege su probale prije riješiti problem ali bezuspješno, nemaju Štrom Troopera Zlatnog. Ukratko, Tesla ima najrigoroznije BMS safety features ikad vidjene u baterijskim sustavima, trebalo nam je vremena da skužimo kako funkcionira problem koji oni zovu “weak short” ili “short to brick” (jer smo prvi se susreli medju svim kolegama). Pravilo koje glasi (ovo inače naplaćujem da peku oči) za BMS_u029 grešku je: Ako baterija u stanju mirovanja u periodu dužem od xx (cca 8 ili vise sati) prilikom provjere bilo kojeg od 96S bricka pokaže linearan pad napona kroz vrijeme tad aktiviraj w117 i u029. Tj provjera se aktivira SAMO ako se vozilo ne koristi a u sistemu postoji jedan BRICK od 76x 18650 ćelija u paralili i jedna medju njima se pretvorila u potrošač. Šteta je u principu 2-4€. Problem je što nismo znali koji procesor i memorija sprema provjeru i odakle je transmisija greške.

Blok sa “weekshort” smo locirali, spreman drugi blok skoro istog kapaciteta i unutarnjeg otpora smo stavili u tausch i taj kvar eliminiran, ostala jos BMS greška u029 koju smo na kraju morali riješiti promjenom BMS ploče jer nemamo service seedkey komandu za reset, tj nema je niko osim refurbish tvornice u Tilburgu. Sa greškom u029 on i dalje vozi i puni, ali samo do 35% baterije, preventivna zaštita.

Kvar: jedna 18650 Panasonic ćelija 2-4€

Greška: BMS_u029 i BMS_w117

BMS: 1021970-00-B rev3 200€

Kilometraža: 187000km (ušteda 13000L dizela)

Model S p85 besplatno punjenje lifetime

Ovlašteni Full refurbish baterija: 9000€+pdv

Nov Mercedes 320cdi motor: 6500€ + pdv

Nov Mercedes 7729 mjenjac: 10000€ + pdv

EV Clinic restauracija: 4000€ -1000€ popust

Sponzori popusta:

Marko iz Njemacke sa hybridom w212

Josip sa B47 Defekt edc17 (jos se nije zapalio)

Ante Delco Opel nevidi senzor bregaste.

*baterijski sustav svakog tipa skoro nikad se nemora mjenjati cijeli, vec se eleminira problem individualne komponente.

You can order repair service for your bms at our shop:

4 thoughts on “Tesla battery repair BMS_U029

  1. I also have the bms029 error and am mid tear down of my HV pack. All modules have voltage between 20.72-20.78 V. How would you suggest I find the weakshort ? Also would you suggest swapping the bms on that module with another Tesla bms ? Please and thank you

    1. No need to change, we can reprogram your BMS. Need to ship it to us.

  2. I noticed that there’s now a “reset BMS” button in the “SERVICE” menu, does that mean you can just fix the cell and no longer need to replace the BMS? I also read a lot on the TMC forum that the removal of 1 cell would result in a larger imbalance and brick the battery after a couple of months. What is your experience?

    1. We never remove one cell, we change the cell entirely.


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