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Electric EQV – Battery defect

The Evolution of Challenges in the EU Automotive Industry

If you’re curious about the factors contributing to the challenges within the EU car industry, this article explores some key trends and issues. While advancements in automotive technology have been groundbreaking, concerns have emerged over practices that may not always prioritize the consumer’s best interests.

A History of Design Controversies

Over the years, some vehicle components and systems have been criticized for appearing to be engineered with predetermined lifespans. These “programmed faults,” as some refer to them, range from mechanical to electronic systems and have become a recurring theme in discussions about reliability and repair costs.

For instance, early examples include the SBC (Sensotronic Brake Control) system on the W211 Mercedes-Benz. This system had a built-in counter limiting its use to approximately 200,000 braking applications. Once this limit was reached, the system would enter a fault state, requiring a replacement at significant cost, even if the unit was otherwise fully functional.

Modern Complexities: Exponential Growth of Issues

Over time, the complexity of such systems has grown, encompassing a broader range of vehicle components:

  • Steering Column Electronics (SCCM): Faults in these systems can immobilize the vehicle.
  • Dual-Clutch Transmissions and Sensors: Wear-related faults in these systems often lead to significant repair costs.
  • Battery Management Systems (BMS): In some electric vehicles, even minor accidents can trigger fault codes that render a perfectly functional battery unusable.

Electric Vehicles: A New Frontier of Challenges

The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) has brought about a new set of concerns. A recurring issue involves batteries being deactivated following minor accidents, even when airbags fail to deploy. For example, Mercedes-Benz EQV owners have reported that a minor impact resulted in a fault code deactivating the battery, with no straightforward method for reactivation. This leaves consumers with no choice but to replace the battery at a staggering cost—reportedly as high as €75,000 for the EQV.

The issue appears to stem from one-time programming errors embedded in the Battery Management System. These errors, designed without service access or the ability to reset through traditional diagnostic tools, have led to frustration among owners and independent repair specialists alike. Advanced technical methods, such as direct access to the processor (BDM), are often the only solution, raising ethical and consumer protection concerns.

Broader Implications for Consumers and Insurers

These issues are not only frustrating for vehicle owners but also place a burden on insurers. Battery replacements triggered by software faults are leading to increased claims, which could, in turn, result in higher insurance premiums. The media often frames these challenges as EV-specific failures, overshadowing the systemic design flaws that affect both traditional and electric vehicles.

Recommendations for Consumers

Given the prevalence of these challenges across various brands and models, it is essential for consumers to conduct thorough research before purchasing. In particular:

  • Mercedes-Benz EV Models: Recent cases have highlighted recurring issues across EQC, EQB, EQA, and hybrid series.
  • Independent Repair Costs: Repairs for some EVs may involve significant labor and technical expertise, leading to higher costs for consumers.

At EV Clinic, we are continually developing solutions for these challenges but must also adapt our pricing models to reflect the complexities involved. For certain EV models, repair prices have been adjusted to reflect the increased technical demands and discourage reliance on problematic platforms.


The automotive industry’s advancements have brought many benefits, but they have also introduced complexities that can sometimes work against the consumer. It is crucial for manufacturers, policymakers, and independent repair specialists to collaborate in addressing these challenges, ensuring transparency and fair treatment for vehicle owners. By raising awareness, we aim to promote a balanced conversation about the future of automotive technology and consumer rights.


Razvoj izazova u automobilskoj industriji EU-a

Ako vas zanima što je dovelo do trenutnih izazova u automobilskoj industriji EU-a, ovaj članak istražuje ključne trendove i probleme. Iako su tehnološka dostignuća u automobilizmu bila revolucionarna, pojavile su se zabrinutosti vezane uz prakse koje možda nisu uvijek u najboljem interesu potrošača.

Povijest dizajnerskih kontroverzi

Kroz godine, pojedine komponente i sustavi vozila kritizirani su zbog naizgled programirane ograničene trajnosti. Ovi “programirani kvarovi”, kako ih neki nazivaju, protežu se od mehaničkih do elektroničkih sustava i postali su česta tema u raspravama o pouzdanosti i troškovima popravaka.

Primjer iz ranijih godina je SBC (Sensotronic Brake Control) sustav na Mercedes-Benz W211 modelima. Ovaj sustav imao je ugrađeni brojač koji je ograničavao njegovu uporabu na otprilike 200.000 kočenja. Kad bi taj prag bio dosegnut, sustav bi ulazio u stanje kvara, zahtijevajući zamjenu po značajnom trošku, čak i ako je jedinica bila potpuno funkcionalna.

Moderni izazovi: Eksponencijalni rast problema

Tijekom vremena, složenost ovih sustava je rasla, obuhvaćajući širi spektar komponenti vozila:

  • Elektronika upravljačkog stupa (SCCM): Kvarovi na ovim sustavima mogu onemogućiti vozilo.
  • Mjenjači s dvije spojke i senzori: Kvarovi povezani s trošenjem često uzrokuju značajne troškove popravaka.
  • Sustavi upravljanja baterijom (BMS): Kod nekih električnih vozila, čak i manji sudari mogu aktivirati kodove kvara koji onemogućuju potpuno funkcionalnu bateriju.

Električna vozila: Novi izazovi

Pojava električnih vozila (EV) donijela je nove zabrinutosti. Česti problem uključuje deaktivaciju baterija nakon manjih sudara, čak i kada zračni jastuci nisu aktivirani. Na primjer, vlasnici Mercedes-Benz EQV modela prijavili su da je manji sudar rezultirao kodom kvara koji je deaktivirao bateriju, bez jednostavne metode za ponovnu aktivaciju. To ostavlja potrošače bez izbora osim zamjene baterije po izuzetno visokoj cijeni — navodno čak 75.000 eura za EQV.

Problem leži u greškama jednokratnog programiranja ugrađenim u sustav upravljanja baterijom. Te greške, dizajnirane bez servisnog pristupa ili mogućnosti resetiranja putem tradicionalnih dijagnostičkih alata, izazivaju frustracije kod vlasnika i nezavisnih servisera. Napredne tehničke metode, poput izravnog pristupa procesoru (BDM), često su jedino rješenje, što otvara etička pitanja i pitanja zaštite potrošača.

Šire implikacije za potrošače i osiguravatelje

Ovi problemi nisu samo frustrirajući za vlasnike vozila, već i opterećuju osiguravatelje. Zamjene baterija izazvane softverskim kvarovima dovode do povećanih zahtjeva za naknadom štete, što bi moglo rezultirati višim premijama osiguranja. Mediji često prikazuju ove izazove kao specifične za EV, zasjenjujući sustavne dizajnerske nedostatke koji utječu i na tradicionalna i na električna vozila.

Preporuke za potrošače

S obzirom na prevalenciju ovih izazova na različitim markama i modelima, važno je da potrošači detaljno istraže prije kupnje. Posebno:

  • Mercedes-Benz EV modeli: Nedavni slučajevi istaknuli su ponavljajuće probleme kod EQC, EQB, EQA i hibridnih serija.
  • Troškovi nezavisnih popravaka: Popravci za određena EV vozila mogu uključivati značajan rad i tehničku stručnost, što rezultira višim troškovima za potrošače.

U EV Clinic-u kontinuirano razvijamo rješenja za ove izazove, ali moramo prilagoditi naše cjenovne modele kako bismo odražavali složenost uključenu u ove popravke. Za određene EV modele, cijene popravaka su prilagođene kako bi odražavale povećane tehničke zahtjeve i obeshrabrile oslanjanje na problematične platforme.


Napredak u automobilskoj industriji donio je mnoge prednosti, ali je također uveo složenosti koje ponekad djeluju protiv interesa potrošača. Ključno je da proizvođači, zakonodavci i nezavisni serviseri surađuju u rješavanju ovih izazova, osiguravajući transparentnost i pravedan tretman za vlasnike vozila. Podizanjem svijesti nastojimo potaknuti uravnoteženu raspravu o budućnosti automobilske tehnologije i pravima potrošača.

Part number: A4473402301, A4479020210, A4479043200, A4479015406
Battery: 100kWh CATL 285Ah
Processor: TC275 Infineon locked
Error: P0CA700 The discharge current of the high-voltage battery…
OEM repair: approx. €75,000
EVC: €10,000
Credits: Askold