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Maximizing Tesla S/X Battery Life: The Critical Role of Resealing

🇺🇸Why is Tesla the king of the road? Because it is the only vehicle that enters our garage doors with an average of over 300,000 km and the only vehicle on which we have documented that the ORIGINAL batteries from the first installation exceed 600,000 km. All other vehicles struggle significantly to achieve even half of that, while some EU manufacturers enter garage doors with just 10,000 km (Mercedes, Stellantis, Renault). Thus, Tesla is the absolute record holder where even today some legacy manufacturers fail to “copy” Tesla’s system designed in 2009. But there is a BIG BUT…

For a battery, specifically the Model S and X, to exceed 600,000 km, it must not suffer from long-term minor moisture intrusion, significant water ingress, or overheating due to a faulty climate control system. In dozens of samples, we have observed that damaged cells, degraded modules, and faulty battery systems are directly linked to these factors. For example, one battery system in block 1 had a damaged umbrella valve, where over 5-6 years, a small amount of moisture damaged the module, causing it to degrade 5% more than others and additionally damaged the wiring system in the module. All samples show repetitive patterns leading to the conclusion: moisture is enemy #1 for cylindrical cells, and these battery systems must undergo preventive maintenance every 6-8 years or the so-called “RESEALING” process. The pictures show the demonstration of 3 critical points, and in practice, there are about 10, the rest being a business secret, as there is a defect that is undetectable even in the pressure test process. Therefore, we recommend to the Tesla management team to introduce “reseal” into their offerings and explain how important it is, and for all other owners who want their battery to exceed 500,000 km before replacement, mandatory battery housing service should be done every 6-8 years.

An example is the battery from the picture where the first series of batteries from 2012 to 2015 have a Fuse Cover on the top side, where oxidation damages the cover. This one has already let in moisture and water, and the next rain would likely disable the battery. We have also noticed in several samples that owners who are unaware their battery is leaking moisture through vents have avoided system damage by frequently charging at a supercharger or fast charger, where the heating of the battery and wires pushed the moisture out, indirectly extending the battery life but increasing the overall degradation by 3-8%.

In the “Resealing” process, we use only original parts and do not open the battery cover. It is very important to use original parts and perform the job professionally because if the owner decides to go to Tesla to buy a new battery, they will refuse the replacement if they find that the old battery’s Fuse cover is not original or if other non-original parts have been used. The same applies to changing the BMS serial number, as such a request is also denied. So colleagues, do not change the BMS and use original parts from the Tesla EPC catalog.

🇭🇷Zašto je Tesla kralj asfalta? Zato sto je to jedino vozilo koje ulazi na garažna vrata sa vise od 300,000km u prosjeku i jedino vozilo na kojima smo dokumentirali da ORIGINAL baterije iz prve ugradnje prelaze preko 600,000km. Sva ostala vozila se jako jako trude da bar pola toga uspiju, dok neki EU proizvodjači ulaze na garažna vrata i sa prijedjenih 10,000km (Mercedes,Stellantis,Renault), tako da je Tesla apsolutni rekorder gdje ni dan danas neki Legacy ne uspjevaju “kopirati” Teslin sustav dizajniran 2009 godine. Ali postoji i jedno VELIKO ALI… ALI da bi baterija , iskljucivo Model S i X, prešla 600,000km ona ne smije trpiti dugoročni manji prodor vlage, veliki prodor vode i ne smije biti pregrijana zbog neispravnog klimatizacijalog sustava. Na desetinama uzoraka smo primjetili da su oštecene celije, degradirani moduli i neispravni baterijski sustavi direktno povezani baš sa time. Primjer: jedan baterijski sustav na bloku 1 imao je ostecen ventil, gdje je kroz period od 5-6 godina mala kolicina vlage ostetila modul da je degradirao 5% vise od ostalih i dodatno ostatio wiring sustav na modulu. I tako svi uzorci su ponavljajujuci da je krajnji zakljucak: vlaga je enemy #1 cilindricnim celijama, i da ti baterijski sustavi moraju proci preventivni servis svakih 6-8 godina ili takozvani “RESEALING” proces. Na slikama je demonstracija 3 kriticne tocke a u praksi je oko 10i ostatak je poslovna tajna, jer postoji nedostatak koji je neprimjetan cak i na pressure test procesu. Tako da preporučujemo i Tesla management ekipi da uvede “reseal” u svoju ponudu a svi ostali vlasnici koji žele da im baterija prelazi preko 500,000km prije izmjene obavezno svakih 6-8 godina naprave servis kućišta baterije. Primjer i baterija sa slike gdje prve serije baterije od 2012 do 2015 imaju Fuse Cover sa gornje strane i gdje zbog oksidacije dolazi do ostecenja poklopca. Ovaj je vec pustio vlagu i vodu, i sledeća kiša bi vjerovatno onesposobila bateriju. Takodjer smo primjetili na više uzoraka, da vlasnici koji niti ne znaju da im baterija propusta vlagu na odušcima, su izbjegli oštećenja sustava jako cestim punjenjem na superchargeru ili brzom punjacu, gdje je zagrijavanje baterije i vodova izguravalo vlago vani, gdje je brzo punjenje indirektno pomoglo da produzi vijek baterije ali je povecalo ukupnu degradaciju za 3-8%. U procesu “Resealing” koristimo iskljucivo original dijelove i ne otvaramo poklopac baterije. Jako bitni je koristiti original dijelove i napraviti posao profesionalno jer ako nekad vlasnik odluci otici u Teslu kupiti novu bateriju, oni bateriju staru kad skinu i vide da Fuse cover nije original ili da su koristeni neki drugi ne-originalni dijelovi onda klijentu odbijaju izmjenu. Isto vazi i za izmjenu BMS serijskog broja, tada je zahtjev isto odbijen. Tako da kolegam, ne mjenjajte BMS i koristite original dijelove iz Tesla EPC kataloga.